AUGUST 5, 2010 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE Three young women honored for saving a life BY LAUREN TINER exemplary action. [email protected] Beland said this was the The three young life- second time this year he has guards initially responsible been able to present someone for saving Cathy Mohol- with this award for bravery land’s life at Ellacoya State during a medical emergency. Park in Gilford July 17 were “They recognized the in- honored for their heroic ef- cident at hand … It’s an ex- forts as the victim and her ample of how a multi-tier husband, Paul Moholland, emergency medical system looked on with gratitude. can be successful when all A life saving award cere- the pieces come together,” mony was held on Thursday said Beland. morning in the very place It was reported that on Ju- Moholland, of Barrington, ly 17, Moholland’s husband could have potentially lost his wedding ring in the drowned if the girls hadn’t water during their visit at spotted her in the shallow the beach. Moholland swam waters of Lake Win- away from her husband to nipesaukee and acted as search in the shallower wa- quickly as they did. ters. Already seizure prone, College student Catherine a wave splashed her in the Jennison of Belmont, an off- face, shocking her body and duty lifeguard at the time, triggering a seizure, which aided in Moholland’s rescue PHOTO BY LAUREN TINER caused her to fall into the wa- along with college student The three lifeguards Catherine Jennison, Mackenzie Hurst, and Jordan Drolet stand with Cathy Moholland, who almost nearly drowned in the shal- ter face first, almost unno- Mackenzie Hurst of Gilford low waters of Winnipesaukee in July, and her husband Peter Moholland. ticed. and high school senior Jor- Paul Moholland himself dan Drolet of Barnstead, Hampshire State Parks and dress the girls on their note- py to be here to represent the forts on Saturday,July 17. We only realized his wife had both on the clock. Recreation Department su- worthy actions. state, and to honor and thank have many great employees disappeared into the water Mike Houseman, New pervisor, was the first to ad- “I am very proud and hap- the lifeguards for their ef- and this incident exempli- when Hurst blew her whistle fies what we are all about,” three times and the girls ran said Houseman, who pre- into the water with a flota- Governor’s Island speed limit lowered to 25 mph sented a certificate of appre- tion device to drag Mohol- BY LAUREN TINER Markland and Department of and Morgan said several oth- shadowing effect during the ciation to each lifeguard. land out. [email protected] Public Works Director Shel- er issues have been taken in- summer months, and make Gilford Town Administra- Hurst and Drolet had no- The Board of Selectmen don Morgan presented a re- to account. it even more difficult to drive tor Scott Dunn then present- ticed that Moholland hadn’t OK’d a request to alter the port to the board last Wednes- “During our cruise, we at 30 mph as safely as possi- ed a certificate of recogni- surfaced from the water for a speed limit from 35 mph to 25 day night, outlining their went around the island at 30 ble, especially considering tion to the girls on behalf of while, and after one woman mph on Governor’s Island af- continuous study and recom- mph. I had to be on my A- an abundance of sharp turns the town. Gilford Fire Chief screamed and another went ter both the town and its res- mendation to change Gover- game, aware, and cautious to and hills on the roads. John Beland presented the idents expressed safety con- nor’s Island and all of its sur- get all the way around the is- “When we slowed down to recipients with an award of SEE HONORED PAGE A9 cerns about many of the is- rounding roads to 25 mph. land,” said Markland. 25 mph, it was a lot more land’s narrow, winding Although the current During their test drive, manageable, and only a 5 roads. speed, 35 mph, met all state they also noticed that many mph difference,” said Mark- Commercial areas Gilford Fire Chief John standards, both Markland of the large oak trees cause a land. “I didn’t even realize we may be target for new were driving 25 mph,” added Morgan. “I was a little ap- prehensive at 30 and would- wetland regulations n’t be surprised if home- BY LAUREN TINER area, and then the Gilford owners in the area agreed [email protected] Commons on Sawmill Road, with us.” A new sub-division of the a commercial zone, and ap- They also took into con- Planning Board, a Wetland plied the Conservation Com- sideration the low salt areas Buffer Committee, has re- mission’s proposal as is in a during the winter months to ported back to the board for test run. avoid an overload of sodium the first time on negotiating “We took the 50 foot buffer chloride from leaking into the terms of a 50 foot wetland and applied it to the wetlands the lake, even more reason to buffer setback proposed by (on Young Road) and we lost lower the speed limit. the Conservation three lots,” said Morgen- Walkers and joggers are Commission. stern. “The problem with 50 also a concern on Governor’s The Conservation Com- feet is that it’s not a linear Island roads, where many mission proposed the addi- change, and we wondered people prefer to be outdoors, tion of this 50 foot wetland what good a 50 foot setback walking their dogs or getting setback ordinance in March would do.” in their daily exercise. 2010 elections, although the The Gilford Commons COURTESY PHOTO Jack McDevitt of the Gov- article did not receive would have lost about half of Gilford Community Church youth members and volunteers Rick Nelson, Sarah Cook, Kelsey Buckley, Mary ernor’s Island Club said he enough votes to pass, and one of their buildings if the Snow, Catherine Buckley, Rebecca Cook, Emily Watson, Dan Dormody, Scott Hodsdon, Abby Ross, Jack Athanas, Jesse Ross, Richie Edson, Erich Berghahn, and Judy Cook stand for a group photo during their mis- shares similar concerns was not supported by the setback was applied. sion trip to South Carolina. with the Police Department Planning Board at the time. Although the board plans and DPW. Although the board said to tackle commercial zones “A lot of people on Gover- they find it important to stop and is in the process of dis- Church youth return from S.C. nor’s Island enjoy bicycling sediment, salt, and more cussing other options to mit- and jogging, and at times this from leaking into the water igate pollution effects in BY LAUREN TINER [email protected] Hodsdon explained that her to do so until the youth group is dangerous, especially the wetlands, they believed these areas, which may af- Twelve Gilford Communi- work and mission in life kept came in, ready to dive into la- around the corners,” said that the ordinance needed fect wetlands, they feel that ty Church youth members her away from her home a borious roofing and mini McDevitt. some work, and also may residential zones would not just returned from their an- majority of the time. She in- projects inside the house. He believes if 25 mph is pose problems for local busi- benefit from an additional nual summer mission trip, tended to sell her house, al- posted on the roads, drivers nesses which already exist setback. based out of South Carolina though it was in no condition SEE YOUTH PAGE A9 will perhaps drive 30 at a in the area. “Because of the extensive this year,and plan to take the maximum speed and not a With mixed feelings, the protective lands we already tools they have acquired and higher number such as 40 board decided to create the apply them to their own Old Home Day - a NH tradition mph if the speed limit re- Wetland Buffer Committee SEE WETLAND PAGE A9 hometown. BY DONNA RHODES improved. Coordinated by mained at 35. to focus in on this one ordi- [email protected] With the aid of a handful what was at the time called He said many residents on nance, communicate with RGERY• of adult GCC members and a LAKES REGION — Old the Board of Agriculture, the island are most con- the Conservation Commis- SU RE • ST S O representative from TEAM- Home Day is a wonderful tra- communities were urged to cerned with a four corners sion, and report back to the IC R T A E effort, an organization that dition celebrated across bring out their finest fea- intersection, which he said board on their findings and T H I V T ) ) E hosts mission camps, youth many states but has its proud tures and put them on dis- could lead to a tragedy if the conclusions. S E ( ) • A members spent an entire roots planted firmly in the play, from produce to prod- speed limit is not addressed. Vice Chair of the Plan- P R • E S V week in 90 degree weather state of New Hampshire, ucts manufactured, and mix Improvements have been ning Board John Morgen- T H E N N A T L building a new roof for a where the idea for bringing it all up with a little bit of fun. made after discussion with stern said the sub-commit- A P T I M I V E home owner in need.
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