
The Auk 124(2):ART–XXX, 2007 © The American Ornithologists’ Union, 2007. Printed in USA.

REVISION OF MOLT AND TERMINOLOGY IN PTARMIGAN (: SPP.) BASED ON EVOLUTIONARY CONSIDERATIONS Peter Pyle1 The Institute for Populations, P.O. Box 1346, Point Reyes Station, California 94956, USA

Abstract.—By examining specimens of ptarmigan (Phasianidae: Lagopus spp.), I quantifi ed three discrete periods of molt and three for each sex, confi rming the presence of a defi nitive presupplemental molt. A spring contour molt was signifi cantly later and more extensive in females than in males, a summer contour molt was signifi cantly earlier and more extensive in males than in females, and complete summer–fall and contour molts were statistically similar in timing between the sexes. Completeness of replacement, similarities between the sexes, and comparison of molts with those of related taxa indicate that the white winter plumage of ptarmigan should be considered the basic plumage, with shi s in hormonal and endocrinological cycles explaining diff erences in plumage coloration compared with those of other phasianids. Assignment of prealternate and pre- supplemental molts in ptarmigan necessitates the examination of molt in Galloanseres. Using comparisons with and , I considered a novel interpretation: that molts in ptarmigan have evolved separately within each sex, and that the presupplemental and prealternate molts show sex-specifi c sequences within the defi nitive molt cycle. Received 13 June 2005, accepted 7 April 2006.

Key words: evolution, Lagopus, molt, nomenclature, plumage, ptarmigan.

Revision of Molt and Plumage Terminology in Ptarmigan (Phasianidae: Lagopus spp.) Based on Evolutionary Considerations

Rese.—By examining specimens of ptarmigan (Phasianidae: Lagopus spp.), I quantifi ed three discrete periods of molt and three plumages for each sex, confi rming the presence of a defi nitive presupplemental molt. A spring contour molt was signifi cantly later and more extensive in females than in males, a summer contour molt was signifi cantly earlier and more extensive in males than in females, and complete summer–fall wing and contour molts were statistically similar in timing between the sexes. Completeness of feather replacement, similarities between the sexes, and comparison of molts with those of related taxa indicate that the white winter plumage of ptarmigan should be considered the basic plumage, with shi s in hormonal and endocrinological cycles explaining diff erences in plumage coloration compared with those of other phasianids. Assignment of prealternate and presupplemental molts in ptarmigan necessitates the examination of molt evolution in Galloanseres. Using comparisons with Anserinae and Anatinae, I considered a novel interpretation: that molts in ptarmigan have evolved separately within each sex, and that the presupplemental and prealternate molts show sex-specifi c sequences within the defi nitive molt cycle.

1E-mail: [email protected] 1 2 Peter Pyle [Auk, Vol. 124

Dete sleetal laes, defi ned Humphrey and Parkes (1959) devised their by Humphrey and Parkes (1959) as plumages molt and plumage terminology to refl ect evo- produced by a third feather replacement within lutionary homologies; however, few studies a single defi nitive molt cycle, have been reported considering H-P nomenclature have a empted in few of . It is o en diffi cult to dis- to trace the evolution of the molts in question. tinguish true presupplemental molts from sus- Most studies have focused on the end products pended or protracted prealternate or prebasic rather than the derivation of molts. Through molts, during which each feather follicle is acti- specimen examination, I quantifi ed the timing vated twice, at most, within a cycle (Stresemann and extents of defi nitive body molts in North 1948). When a protracted or suspended molt American ptarmigan. Here, I propose revisions overlaps with shi s in color-deposition cycles, to H-P terminology for molts and plumages that can alter their coloration or pa ern dur- consider the evolution of molt strategies in taxa ing the course of a single molt (Voitkevich 1966, ancestral to Lagopus. Pyle 2005), leading to a false interpretation that an extra (presupplemental) molt has occurred. Mets Such interactions between protracted preal- ternate or prebasic molts and color-deposition I examined 423 specimens of (L. cycles, along with individual and age-specifi c lagopus), Rock (L. muta), and White-tailed (L. variation in the timing of these events, appear to leucura) ptarmigan, 288 specimens of Dusky explain the putative defi nitive presupplemental ( obscurus) and Sooty (D. fuligino- molt of the Long-tailed (Clangula hyemalis; sus) , and 98 specimens of Greater Sage- Salomonsen 1941, Stresemann 1948, Pyle 2005) Grouse ( urophasianus) collected and provide an untested explanation for defi ni- in (see Acknowledgments for tive presupplemental molts proposed for shore- collections). The species of grouse were selected birds (e.g., Jukema and Piersma 1987, Piersma on the basis of suffi cient specimen samples and and Jukema 1993). varying molt strategies: Dusky and Ptarmigan (Lagopus spp.) have long been have only a single basic plumage per cycle, and assumed to have three body molts per year: Greater Sage-Grouse have both basic and alter- a “spring molt” into a plumage in nate plumages, at least in males (Dwight 1900, February–June, a “summer molt” into a cryptic Pa erson 1952, Bendell 1955, present study). fall plumage in July–September, and a “fall molt” For each specimen, I assigned (1) sex and age of into a white winter plumage in September– the bird when collected, based on information November (Dwight 1900, Salomonsen 1939). on the specimen label, characteristics of the two Replacement of the wing and tail feathers spans outer primaries, and coloration of nonwhite the period between the summer and fall molts. plumages (Dwight 1900, Salomonsen 1939, Although molts in ptarmigan have a racted Petrides 1945); (2) whether or not active molt of substantial a ention in relation to protective- body feathers and primaries had been occurring coloration theory and mechanisms of plumage when collected; and (3) the proportion of each deposition (Höst 1942, Watson 1973, Stokkan body-feather generation present, refl ecting the 1979, Höhn and Braun 1980), the extents of each extents of previous molts. I excluded specimens molt have not been quantifi ed, and the existence with incomplete data, as well as hatching-year of a third molt (as opposed to a protracted or individuals collected during the fi rst summer or suspended second molt) has not been fully fall, before completion of the fi rst-fall molt into documented. Furthermore, the application of the white fi rst-winter plumage. Humphrey and Parkes’s (1959; herea er “H-P”) On each specimen, the contour feathers were terminology to these molts and ensuing plum- li ed and examined for the presence of pin or ages has not been consistent. In recent summa- developing feathers, which indicate active molt ries of the three species in North American, for (Pyle 2005). Temporal ranges (95% confi dence example, the fall body molt into the white winter intervals [CI]) for body-feather and primary plumage has been variously termed the “pre- molts were calculated on the basis of Julian supplemental molt” (Braun et al. 1993), the “pre- dates from specimens collected in active body alternate molt” (Holder and Montgomerie 1993), and primary molts, respectively. For specimens and the “prebasic molt” (Hannon et al. 1998). not showing active feather replacement at the April 2007] Molts and Plumages of Ptarmigan 3 time of collection, as well as those that had in 11 females and 6.7 ± 4.6% in 47 males), for just begun active molt (having replaced <10% example, was signifi cantly less than the propor- of feathers), the proportion of the overall body tion of these feathers in summer plumage (90.1 ± plumage acquired during the previous molt 9.5% in 27 females and 18.6 ± 13.1% in 28 males; was estimated through the critical examination ANOVA: F = 4.67, df = 1, P = 0.001 in females of body feathers for contrasts in wear and color- and F = 5.89, P < 0.001 in males). This indicates ation. The assumption was not made, however, replacement of at least some feathers during that feather color equated to feather generation both the spring and summer molts, with the fall (cf. Jacobsen et al. 1983); rather, generations molts (including 100% of body feathers in each were assessed on the basis of a careful evalua- sex; Table 1) representing a third replacement tion of wear (Pyle 2005). within the molt cycle. The spring contour molt of females was sig- Results nifi cantly later and more extensive than that of males, and the summer contour molt was sig- No species-specifi c diff erences were found in nifi cantly earlier and more extensive in males the timing of contour-feather or primary molt than in females (Table 1). Although the fall con- when sexes were analyzed separately (analy- tour molt also averaged slightly later in females sis of variance [ANOVA], P > 0.33), and only than in males, both the timing and the extent one signifi cant species-specifi c diff erence was of this molt were statistically similar in both found in extent: the spring body molt in males sexes (Table 1). The sex-specifi c date ranges was more extensive in 21 for primary molt were also statistically similar (mean ± SE = 31.2 ± 13.0% of all body feath- among 80 females (13 June–29 September) and ers) than in 22 (9.6 ± 8.9%; 130 males (3 June–1 October; ANOVA, F = 2.60, ANOVA; F = 40.6, df = 1, P = 0.002). However, df = 1, P = 0.265). because these molts were similar in timing and Timing and extent of molts in Dusky and overlapped in extent, they are assumed to be Sooty grouse and Greater Sage-Grouse are homologous, and all data from the three spe- shown in Figure 1. Analysis based on 164 speci- cies have been pooled for the present study. mens of adult Dusky and Sooty grouse revealed Analysis of collection dates for actively molt- that molt of primaries occurred from 31 May to ing ptarmigan indicated three discrete periods 3 October (n = 56) and that only one complete of molt and three discrete plumages for each body-feather molt occurred, from 7 August sex, corresponding to the spring, summer, and to 22 October (n = 50). The timing of primary fall molts and summer, fall, and winter plum- molt was similar to that recorded for ptarmigan ages described in the literature (Table 1 and Fig. (ANOVA, F = 0.40, df = 1, P = 0.526) and, among 1). Furthermore, comparison of feather gen- the three molts in ptarmigan, the body molt was erations confi rmed that a proportion of feath- most similar in timing to that of the fall molt ers had been replaced three times during the (F = 0.03, df = 1, P = 0.864). defi nitive molt cycle. The proportion of spring Specimen examination revealed that Greater feathers remaining in fall plumage (74.5 ± 9.0% Sage-Grouse males had a limited molt (mean

Table 1. Timing and extent of molts in female and male ptarmigan.

Spring molt Summer molt Fall molt Date range a Extent (%)b Date range a Extent (%)b Date range a Extent (%)b Females 22 Apr–9 Jun 90 ± 10.1 3 Jul–1 Aug 13 ± 5.9 11 Aug–3 Nov 100 ± 0.0 n = 15 n = 46 n = 10 n = 20 n = 31 n = 75 Males 6 Apr–19 May 20 ± 15.4 24 May–15 Jul 77 ± 10.7 5 Aug–31 Oct 100 ± 0.0 n = 17 n = 44 n = 47 n = 66 n = 52 n = 81 Diff erence (P) c 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.624 1.000 a Date ranges represent 95% confi dence intervals based on Julian dates of birds actively molting when collected. b Extent represents proportion of body feathers replaced (±SD) on birds that had completed the molt in question. c Statistical diff erence (P value) between the sexes (ANOVA). 4 Peter Pyle [Auk, Vol. 124

F. 1. Timing and extent of molts in ptarmigan and related taxa. Wing molt (as defined by primary replacement) is indicated by thick solid lines, complete body-feather molts are indicated by thin solid lines, partial (>50%) body molts are indicated by dashed lines, and limited (<50%) body molts are indicated by dotted lines. For ptarmigan, traditional contour-molt terminology is indicated above the lines, and one proposed terminology (based on comparison with related taxa) is indicated below the lines. See text for alternative nomenclatures regarding the prealternate and presupplemental molts.

14%; n = 9) of head and throat feathers that 22). Again, the timing of primary molt was simi- occurred from 16 May to 1 July (n = 12), sepa- lar to that recorded for ptarmigan (ANOVA, F = rate from the more complete fall body molt. 0.19, df = 1, P = 0.661), and the complete body The limited molt was most similar in timing to molt was most similar in timing to that of the fall the summer molt of male ptarmigan (F = 2.02, molt of ptarmigan (F = 0.95, df = 1, P = 0.330). P = 0.160), but it was signifi cantly less extensive (F = 164.1, P < 0.001). The black throat and white Dscuss breast feathers of males were replaced by brown feathers, resulting in protective coloration dur- Quantifi cation of specimen data reported ing the period of fl ight-feather molt. No addi- here supports the detailed treatises on the tional body molts were detected in females, but sequences of molts presented by Dwight (1900) the small sample size of females collected in and Salomonsen (1939) and confi rms that a February–June (n = 3), when additional molts defi nitive presupplemental molt occurs in might be expected, may have precluded detec- ptarmigan. Abundance of nutritional resources tion. Molt of primaries in Greater Sage-Grouse during summer and fall in and alpine (sexes combined) occurred from 3 June to 3 regions has presumably enabled the evolution October (n = 33), and a complete molt of body of two inserted molts in ptarmigan, not aff orded feathers occurred from 6 July to 16 October (n = other species with energetic constraints related April 2007] Molts and Plumages of Ptarmigan 5 to migration or reduced resource allocation in defi ning these molts, and a presupplemental in temperate or tropical areas (Murphy and molt could either precede or follow a prealter- King 1991). The extra molts are presumably nate molt within a defi nitive molt cycle. adaptations to mate-selection strategies and It is extremely diffi cult to trace the evolution pressure (Salomonsen 1939, Braun of molts in birds (Jenni and Winkler 2004); how- et al. 1993), with the spring molt of females ever, broad pa erns of molting can be recognized and the summer molt of males providing across taxa, and the presumption of homology protective coloration for nesting (female) and is a useful starting point for investigating the wing molt (both sexes). I found no evidence evolution of molts (Howell et al. 2003, 2004). for a fourth molt per cycle in male ptarmigan, and have recently as reported by Johnsen (1929), and suspect that been considered sister taxa, grouped into a single it can be explained by the protracted summer (Galloanseres), which may represent a molt of males combined with shi s in pigment- basal group to all remaining birds (Cracra 2001); deposition cycles (Salomonsen 1939). thus, the molts of phasianids and ptarmigan have On the basis of plumage coloration, evolved from those of the ancestral taxa of this both Dwight (1900) and Salomonsen (1939) clade. In comparison with ancestral species of considered the fall molt of ptarmigan into white Anseriformes (Anserinae), Pyle (2005) proposed winter plumage to be an inserted molt compared that the molt terminology of (Anatinae) be to those of other species of Phasianidae; thus, revised such that the complete body molt in fall those authors considered the summer body molt is considered part of the prebasic molt and the combined with the wing molt to constitute the partial body molts in spring (females) and sum- “complete annual molt.” Results of the present mer (males) be considered prealternate molts. study, however, indicate that the summer Under this interpretation, the prealternate molts molt is variable and incomplete (especially in ducks have been added to the basic molt cycle in females) and, therefore, should not be of Anserinae to provide protective coloration for considered part of the complete prebasic molt females during nesting and for both sexes during as defi ned by Humphrey and Parkes (1959). synchronous wing molt. Rather, completeness of feather replacement, In ptarmigan, the spring molt of females and similarities between the sexes in timing and the summer molt of males are comparable, in extent, and comparison with molts of grouse terms of timing, extent, and function, to the (Fig. 1) indicate that the fall molt should prealternate molts of Greater Sage-Grouse and be aligned with the wing molt to constitute (Anas platyrhynchos) (Fig. 1). It is pos- the prebasic molt, as described for Willow sible that the inserted spring and summer molts Ptarmigan by Hannon et al. (1998). Thus, the have been derived in both sexes simultaneously white winter plumage should be considered in ancestral Galloanseres or ptarmigan and that the basic plumage in ptarmigan, with shi s in they have been subject to regression or accretion hormonal and endocrinological cycles explain- based on sex-specifi c pressures. In this case, it ing the diff erence in plumage color pa ern is not possible, given current information, to compared with other species of Phasianidae (cf. determine which molt evolved fi rst and, thus, Voitkevich 1966, Pyle 2005). which of the spring or summer molts of ptarmi- Humphrey and Parkes (1959) did not provide gan would be considered prealternate. Such an specifi c methods for defi ning presupplemental interpretation might also result in either male or versus prealternate molts in ptarmigan and female Anatinae currently having a presupple- other taxa supposed to undergo three molts per mental but not a prealternate molt, a possibility defi nitive cycle, but they stated that the des- if molts have been suppressed entirely within ignation of the supplemental plumage would each sex of ducks. “depend on the functional basis for the evolu- Alternatively, if molts in ptarmigan have tion of such an additional plumage.” Thus, the evolved directly from those of Anatinae (or a fi rst inserted molt to evolve along the ancestral common ancestor), and no other inserted molts lineage of ptarmigan should be considered the have been suppressed in Galloanseres, the spring prealternate molt, and the second inserted molt molt of females and the summer molt of males should be considered the presupplemental would be considered prealternate molts and the molt. Extent should not necessarily be a factor more limited spring molt of males and summer 6 Peter Pyle [Auk, Vol. 124 molt of females would be considered presupple- Brau, C. E., K. Mart, a L. A. Rbb. 1993. mental molts (Fig. 1), despite a sex-specifi c dif- White-tailed Ptarmigan (Lagopus leucurus). ference in sequence. Under this interpretation, In The Birds of North America, no. 68 (A. the presupplemental and prealternate molts Poole and F. Gill, Eds.). Academy of Natural would not be considered homologous across Sciences, Philadelphia, and American sexes, given their independent derivation. Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, D.C. It is conceivable that the limited spring Cracrat, J. 2001. Avian evolution, Gondwana (presupplemental) molt of males, which varies biogeography and the –Tertiary both among and within species (Salomonsen mass extinction event. 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