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Official Bank of the Military BE FREE “Delivering news and information. At home and around the world.” • “Transmettre des nouvelles et de l’information, d’ici et d’ailleurs.” Volume 52 • Issue 20 • May 19, 2017 HELP! Listings Needed for Inbound HHTs. Call Us Today! * DAVID WEIR BA, CD Call/Text: 613-392-7777 Top 1% of All Royal LePage ** S e r v i n g 8 W i n g / C F B T r e n t o n • 8 e E s c a d re / B F C T r e n t o n • h t t p : // t h e c o n t a c t n e w s p a p e r . c f b t r e n t o n . c o m Realtors® in Canada since 2005! INSIDE Cut for Cures *Broker of Record Canada 15 **Based on gross commission from sales RCAF'S 93RD ANNIVERSARY CANADA'S 150TH ANNIVERSARY 429 Transport Squadron prepares to unveil the artwork of a Globemaster III By Martin Durkin Representative for Boeing Canada Operations. hat started out as a Knowing that the bison is Wcompetition within the squadron symbol and Cuts For Cures is taking place and 429 Transport (T) Squad- that Canada is about to cel- your pledges will help! ron, the “Bisons”, back in ebrate its 150th birthday, Story on page 5 early December, is now Rodych says the merging of nearing completion. the two symbols on the tail “Well it’s the Squadrons 75th just seemed to be the per- Aboriginal Awareness Day anniversary, and it’s some- fect idea. Because the jet was thing of a big milestone for down for maintenance, the a squadron,” said creator of timing also happened to be the artwork Steve Rodych, fortuitous. Field Services Technical Once the idea on paper won, Cpl. Leblanc,Cpl Jacob Abusow and MCpl. Chara stand beside their almost nished work excited to show off the nal product it was then in the hands of three back and look up, knowing it was members to physically bring the their hands that created a work of artwork to life. Master Corporal art which will stay on the jet until Students from the local school district (MCpl.) Chara and Corporal (Cpl.) June of next year. visit 8 Wing Trenton to learn Jacob Abusow of 429 Transport (T) The trio acknowledge two impor- about Aboriginal life in the military Squadron who worked with Cpl. tant factors that has helped them Leblanc from 8 Air Maintenance get through the project. First and Story on page 8/9 Squadron (AMS) from April 19 foremost, it was their signi cant until just a few days ago; working others, at home, who knew they Annual Invisible Ribbon Gala 14 hour days. were not going to be coming “It felt like two months crammed through the front door for supper, into one,” said MCpl. Chara. “It or enjoy some weekends, and the became a love hate relationship al- second factor was their working most, you hated having to work so chemistry. many hours, but you have some- “My wife understands,” quipped thing you can truly be proud of in Cpl. Abusow, “but I had to buy the end.” her a Dyson for Mother’s Day.” By the end of the project, 700 “When you’re working this close- hours; equivalent to 22 days of ly for this long, and its 1 a.m., you work, will be put into the creation have to get along, and we did, we and only four days off will have could bounce ideas off one anoth- been taken during the project. 155 er, and we could work as a team, hours alone went into sanding, that was a major factor in this 20 gallons of paint was sprayed project, just working together as a Keynote speaker Kerry Vance says over 1100 square feet of surface. team, “said Cpl. Chara. MFRC is the heartbeat of the military Pics By Martin Durkin From stenciling, to machine cut- This will be the rst full tail art to community Cpl. Leblanc from 8 AMS(front) works with Cpl Jacob ting, sanding and painting, the be applied to any Canadian CC- Story on page 13/14 Abusow (429 ) as MCpl. Chara supervises three men will be able to stand 177 Globemaster III. NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Family, Implant & Cosmetic Dentistry Conscious Sedation | Prompt Emergency Service 613-392-2563 Personalized Payment Terms (0% financing) 499 Dundas St. W, Trenton Senior’s Discount on Hygiene Treatment Orthodontist & Denturist on Staff Electronic Claims Submissions EVENINGS & SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE There is always a reason to smile! 2 - The Contact Advertising May 19, 2017 May 19, 2017 News 3 - The Contact Housekeepers of CFS Alert Story by Lieutenant and again before new staff tion staff in order to stay James Heard, CFS arrive at Alert. The house- on top of these changes. keepers start each day by As with all of the other Alert Projects Officer cleaning the accommoda- sections and workshops tions areas and bathrooms at Alert, the housekeepers e would like to intro- and then work on the com- must also carefully fore- Wduce the Canadian mon areas throughout the cast their cleaning supply Forces Station (CFS) Alert day. The regular cleaning requirements, as they can- Housekeeping staff Anne is extremely important in not resupply between the Wilson, Markosie Peter, maintaining the health of weekly sustainment flights Nick Downhill, and the all the station staff, as all the to the station. Housekeeping and Food common areas and wash- When asked about what Services Supervisor Anne rooms are shared spaces. she enjoys most about Marcoux. Working at CFS Alert re- working at CFS Alert, The three housekeeping quires the station staff Anne Marcoux says that staff work six days a week to be flexible with theirshe enjoys working with in order to maintain the schedules, as the timings the other staff at the station cleanliness of all the station for plane arrivals and de- and building close friend- common areas, walkways, partures are often impact- ships with them. Anne washrooms, and the two ed by weather and other Wilson has been working station gyms. The house- challenges. As such, the for the Canadian Armed keepers also clean personal housekeepers must coor- Forces as a cleaner for 20 rooms after staff clear out dinate with the other sta- years, including 6 years Picture by Private Sean Keating, SWO’s Assistant The housekeeping staff of CFS Alert: (from left to right) Anne Wilson, Markosie Peter, Nick Downhill, and the Housekeeping and Food Services and Housekeeping Supervi- sor Anne Marcoux. at CFS Alert, and consid- her favourite aspect of CFS care. All of the station staff ers herself the “Station Alert is the atmosphere deeply appreciate their Mom.” She also feels that of comradery and mutual dedicated work. New Health Promotion Course: “Fireplace“Fi lS Showroom”h” Your Smile is Your Best Accessory. pecializing Gardening and in your Home Comfort • Knowledgeable and experienced dentist and staff S Since 1995 Nutrition REDUCE YOUR ENERGY COSTS • 20+ years of experience WITWITHHAHNATURAL ANI-EF AMANAFN GASATUR ORHI-EFFAL Small Plot Intensive Nutrition WITPROPANEHAHNATURALOR PROPI-EFFN FURNACEAN GASATEFURUR ORAL GAS • Closest office to CFB Trenton Gardening Course PROPANEOR PROPBuilt better FURNACEANEF thanUR it NACE to beNOW!! withalifetime When: May 26 Built better than it has • Electronic insurance claims submission replacementtoand beNOW!! witreceivehawalifetimerrantya unit ® Time: M 0830 hrs – 1030 hrs replacementElectonic10and years receive parts Airwa &rr Cleaneanty alabour FREE plus • ZOO ! in-office 1 hour whitening Where: Health Promotion 177 Electonic10 years parts Air & Cleane labour. r Hercules plusplus • Prompt emergency care Who: Military members, spous- $250.00 es, NPF employees, DND em- Heating &Air Conditioning $250.00 • Family friendly relaxed environment Heating &Air Conditioning O.P.A. rebate ployees, 8 Wing Community O.P.A. rebate Join us for this first time ever LASTS & & LASTS LASTS & & LASTS LASTS course on starting a garden, for the health of it. The course will BeTHINKING sure to take CENTRAL advantage AIR provide you the how to’s, for a BEATof our THE Early HEAT& BirdTHE Spring RUSH small plot of vegetable garden- PromotionsCALL NOW! ing to enhance your health. Call or visit us todayfor your New Patient Exam Come with an idea in mind for FREE No Obligation quote and X-rays what you are looking for and “You’ll Be Glad You Did!” NOW ONLY $99! receive the tools and advice on 14 WHITES ROAD, TRENTON how to make this happen. 122 Parks Dr. Belleville 613-966-8848 Call Us Today! 613-392-4757 To register or for more information Locally owned and Operated to Serve You Better Since 1995 contact Amy at local 3768 Buying or Selling? Call Us Today Belleville: 613-966-9400 Trenton: 613-394-1800 EXIT REALTY GROUP Independently Owned & Operated 4 - The Contact News May 19, 2017 8 AMS Squadron Training Day, Honours Lieutenant Colonel Todd Murphy, CO 8 Lieutenant Colonel Todd Murphy, CO Lieutenant Colonel Todd Murphy, CO 8 AMS, and Squadron Chief Warrant Of- 8 AMS, and Squadron Chief Warrant AMS, and Squadron Chief Warrant Of- & Awards cer Dan Murphy present Master Cor- Of cer Dan Murphy present Sergeant cer Dan Murphy present Master Corpo- poral Marc Latrille with his Canadian Adam Delaney with his Canadian Forces ral Kimberly Ferrell with her Canadian Forces Decoration 2nd Clasp during the Decoration during the 8 AMS Squad- Forces Decoration during the 8 AMS Ceremony 8 AMS Squadron Ground Training Day ron Ground Training Day Honours and Squadron Ground Training Day Hon- Honours and Awards Ceremony held at Awards Ceremony held at the AMTC ours and Awards Ceremony held at the Photos by Cpl Ken Beliwicz, 8 Wing Imaging the AMTC Theatre.
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