Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Ronny Sahputra Sihombing













Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Ronny Sahputra Sihombing


Approved by :

Victoria Usadya Palupi, MA-ELT Debora Tri Ragawati, S.S., MA-ELT

Supervisor Examiner



This thesis contains no such material as has been submitted for examination in any course or accepted for the fulfillment of any degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge and my belief, this contains no material previously published or written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text.

Copyright@ 2013. Ronny Sahputra Sihombing and Victoria Usadya Palupi, M.A.

All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means without the permission of at least one of the copyright owners or the English Department, Faculty of Language and Literature, Satya Wacana University, .

Ronny Sahputra Sihombing :



As a member of the (SWCU) Satya Wacana Christian University academic community, I verify that: Name : Ronny Sahputra Sihombing Student ID Number : 112007205 Study Program : English Department Faculty : Language and Literature Kind of Work : Undergraduate Thesis In developing my knowledge, I agree to provide SWCU with a non-exclusive royalty free right for my intellectual property and the contents therein entitled: IDENTIFICATION OF SIX ELEMENTS OF NARRATIVE USED BY THIRD GRADE OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS OF BETHANY SCHOOL IN REWRITING THE STORY OF RAWA PENING along with any pertinent equipment. With this non-exclusive royalty free right, SWCU maintains the right to copy, reproduce, print, publish, post, display, incorporate, store in or scan into a retrieval system or database, transmit, broadcast, barter or sell my intellectual property, in whole or in part without my express written permission, as long as my name is still included as the writer. This declaration is made according to the best of my knowledge.

Made in : Salatiga Date : June 21, 2013 Verified by signee,

Ronny Sahputra Sihombing Approved by : Thesis Supervisor Thesis Examiner

Victoria Usadya Palupi, MA-ELT Debora Tri Ragawati, S.S., MA-ELT







This study aims to investigate the use of six elements of narrative (setting, atmosphere, plot, conflict, characters, and theme) in rewriting the story of Rawa Pening. The participants consisted of 13 students of third grade of an elementary school students in Salatiga offered in first semester, 2011-2012 academic year. The result show that the use of six elements of narrative still the weakness for third grade students and need to be improved. Keywords : six elements of narrative, weakness


Nowadays, English becomes an international language, many countries use

English as their lesson. Brown (2000) explained in order to master the English

language, learners have to be adequately exposed to all of the four basic skills, namely

listening, speaking, reading and writing. One of the skill that learners have to master

is writing. Recently, writing has been taught since the early stages, for example in

elementary school.

McCrimmon (1984) defined writing as opportunity to convey something about

yourself, to communicate ideas to people beyond your immediate vicinity, to learn

something you didn‟t know (p.6). Meanwhile, Lorch (1984) asserted that the act of


writing can help us discover what we think and feel (p.4). In here, learners have to

create more opportunities and practice as much as possible in writing to improve their

writing skill. Through writing practice, learners can convey the ideas they have in

mind and also can reflect themselves how strength and be developed they are in

writing process. One part of writing that will be applied and discussed further is

narrative writing or narration.

Review Of Literature

I. Narrative

According to Levinson (2006) the word „narrative‟ has its roots in Sanskrit, gnarus (knowing or wisdom) and the Latin narro (relate or tell). Example of narrative are myth, legend, fables, tales, short stories and the writer‟s experience. Nurcahyo

(2010) added that a narrative is a construct created in a suitable medium (speech, writing, images) that describes a sequence of real or unreal events.

Kubli (2005) as cited in Levinson (2006) stated that narrative not only conveys what is known from narrator to interlocutor but is expressly dialogic and formative – for narratives to be effective narrators have to „speak‟ to their audience, to meet the needs of addressivity, constructing the narrative so that it has resonance for interlocutors. To be a good narrator, the teacher must deliver the story clearly to the students. Hence, the students will get the content of the story and easy to rewrite the story.

Nurcahyo (2010) emphasized that the social function of narrative is to amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vocarious experience in different ways. By telling

2 a narrative story, the students can express their imagination about the story they hear.

They will also feel amazed if they never heard about the story before.

II. Elements of narrative writing

To make a narrative, we have to pay attention to the elements of narrative writing.

Mootilal (2008) classified six basic elemets of narrative :

1. Setting

The settings refers to the background in which the story takes place. There are

several components necessary to create a setting :

 Place

This usually refers to the geographical location of the story. The story may

move from one place to another.

 Time

First, this refers to the period of history, if the story is set in the past. If the

story could happen now or at some recent unspecified time, we said that it

is “contemporary”. If it is a science fiction story, it may be set in the

future. Time also refers to the season, month, and even time of day.

 Climate/weather

This an aspect of setting which can be important to the novel or story. If

the story begins in the midst of hurricane, it is significant to the story.

2. Atmosphere

This is the mood or feeling of the story, the emotional quality that the story

gives to the reader. The setting of the story is usually responsible for creating the

mood or feeling of the story.


3. Plot

The plot is a synopsis of the storyline in chronological order. The plot usually

arises out of the conflict in the story, which eventually builds to a climatic

moment. The basic plot is comprised of the following :

 Introduction

Refers to the beginning of the story where the characters and setting are


 Problem/conflict

This is where the events in the story become complicated and the problem

in the story is revealed.

 Climax

This is the turning point in the story in which the reader wonders what

will happen next.

 Solution/conclusion

This is the point in the story in which the problem is solved.

4. Conflict

This is reffered to as the struggle between opossing forces in the story. The

main purpose of conflict is to provide interest and suspense. There are various

types of conflict, which can usually be categorized as one of the following :

 A character struggling against nature.

 A struggle between two or more characters.

 A struggle between the main character and some aspect of society.

 A struggle of opposing forces within one character.


5. Characters

Refers to people, animal, robots, etc., who play parts in action of the story.

 The protagonist is the main character throughout the novel or story. A

novel or story can have more than one protagonist.

 The force with which the protagonist is in conflict is called the antagonist.

 The force can be a person or persons, society or an internal struggle within

the main character.

6. Theme

Theme refers to the central idea in the story or novel. It can usually be

expressed in a short statement about human nature, life issues, or the universe.

III. Teaching Narrative

Nurcahyo (2010) stated that generally, there are four ways to teach narrative :

1. Ask students to make a text flow chart, it consists of :

a. Communicative purpose

b. Generic structure

c. Grammatical patterns

In this part, it needs enrichment (questions and exercises), so that students really

understand what does it for. They have to answer the questions that given by

teacher related to the story. From the questions, the students can stimulate their

writing text development, especially in narrative writing.

2. Ask students to develop the text element. It is sequence of events that leads to

conflict-climax. Students will be able to understand what does text element for by

explaining it through some examples and questions.


3. Ask students to develop the resolution. Resolution is a text element that desribe

problem solving of the text or when the crises is resolved for better or for worse.

4. Close the text by giving coda. It is a kind of moral lesson adapted from the story.

Teaching the sequence and components of narrative writing to elementary students can be a difficult task, especially in the second and third grades (Hatcher, 2010). Those components are character development, describing the setting, relating the action, defining the problem, and solving the problem. Based on this theory, this study aims addresses the following questions : How did the students use of six elements of narrative?


Research Participant

To support my research, I chose students of third grade of a private elementary

school in Salatiga academic year 2011/2012. There are 2 classes, 3 “Glowing” and 3

“Sparkling”. But, my research was in 3 “Glowing” class. I chose this class because

the students have already finished writing an narrative story. They have learned

writing before, but not as complex as in third stage. For the third grade students, the

writing materials which taught by the teacher are writing an invitation letter and

writing direct speech.

Narrative writing is one of writing materials which taught by the teacher

because it is included in the school‟s curriculum. In narrative, the students learn about

many kinds of story, for example fables, folktales and fairy tales.


Procedure of Data Collection

In collecting the data, I asked permission to the teacher to get the student‟s narrative writing (the story of Rawa Pening). The teacher asked the students to pay attention to the teacher who told them one of narrative story entitled Rawa Pening.

The students were asked to rewrite the story after they listened to the teacher.

Research Instruments

The research involved 13 students works. I chose Rawa Pening because it was the story that the teacher had just discussed in the previous meeting. The student‟s work have been given feedback and graded by the teacher. The criteria for the grading are based on content, punctuation, spelling, and grammar.

Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, first I read and studied the student‟s writing. Then, I identify whether the six elements of narrative were included in the story. After that, I group the student‟s work based on setting, atmosphere, plot, conflict, characters, and theme.



The aimed of this study is to identify what elements of narrative which appear and not appear in rewriting Rawa Pening story. Here, I group the 13 participants who involved in this study.

Table 1

The identification of six elements of narrative from students.

Participants S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 Setting √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Atmosphere √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Plot √ √ √ √ √ Conflict √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Characters √ √ √ √ √ √ Theme √ √ √ √

I. Setting

Setting is the time or place where the story is told (Fetzer 2006, p.27). The place is recognizable as a Pening village. Most of the students write the setting in the beginning of the story.

Table 2

The components of setting written by students.

Participants Place Time Climate Student 1 √ √ Student 2 √ √ Student 3 √ √


Student 4 √ √ Student 5 √ √ Student 6 √ √ Student 7 √ Student 8 √ √ Student 9 √ √ Student 10 √ √ Student 11 √ √ Student 12 √ √ Student 13 √ √

From the table, 12 students only write place and time. There were no description about the climate in the story. Mostly, the students mentioned the place (Pening village) and time (long time ago) as a setting. However, what they write only limited to mentioning the name of place and time.

Long time ago, there was a village name Pening village. Pening village is in the slope of Merbabu. One day their was a hunter, but they doesen get animal. (Student 2)

Hatcher (2010) stated that young writers do not introduce the reader to the setting early in the story and rarely contain enough description to accurately set the stage. But, most of the students write the setting in the beginning of the story and it would be easy for the reader to find.

Long time ago, there was a little boy the name is Naga Baru Klinting. And the villager chopped Naga Baru Klinting body. (Student 7)

From this part of story, the student did not write the place and the climate as the setting. He only mentioned the time of the story (long time ago).


II. Atmosphere

Atmosphere is the mood or feeling of the story. The feeling aroused in the reader by the setting, plot, characters and devices. In Rawa Pening story, the author use implicit meaning to describe the atmosphere.

The atmosphere of Rawa Pening story :

1. Disappointment

2. Anger

Table 3

Atmosphere written by the students.

Participants Atmosphere

Student 1 1

Student 2

Student 3 1

Student 4 1

Student 5

Student 6 1

Student 7 1

Student 8 1

Student 9 1,2

Student 10 1,2

Student 11 1,2

Student 12 1


Student 13 1

From the table, 3 students can show the atmosphere (disappointment and anger) from of the story. Then, 8 students only show the feeling of disappointment from the language and words used.

Long time ago in Pening Village, have an Naga. His name is Naga Baru Klinting. He go to Pening village. He so hungry but the villagers did not give the food. He so angry, after that he to be people. and the old woman give the food to him. (Student 9)

In the story written by one of the student, I can get the atmosphere of disappointment and anger. Naga Baru Klinting feels disappointed and angry because when he asked for food to the villagers, they did not want to give the food.

Then, the little boy found old widow and the little boy say to the woman, “may I food?” “Yes you can”. Say the little boy, “So I will asked a meal from the village”. And then women gave a food and make it a boat for the little boy. And the little boy became Naga Baru Klinting pulled the stick and water came from the ground. The village became lake. (Student 5)

From the story, there is no language which describe the atmosphere. In this part of story, It is hard to find the feeling of disappointment and anger that shows by Naga Baru Klinting to the villagers.

III. Plot

The plot is a synopsis of the storyline in chronological order. Fagerjord (2012) believed that in a narrative, things happen for a reason. Something happens that starts the chain of events, and because of that, somethings else happens, and because of that, something else, and so on, until everything is settled.


What happened in the story :

1. One day after a succesful harvest the villagers would celebrate it.

2. The villagers chopped the big root with sword and found meat.

3. That night the people of Pening were preparing a big dinner.

4. A boy came to the village. He looked poor. He begged food to some people. But they

refused to give him the food.

5. But then there was an old widow who took care of him.

6. Naga Baru Klinting asked the old widow to prepare a boat.

7. Then he held a small bamboo and attached it to the ground.

8. One by one they tried to pull but all of them could not make it.

9. Then Naga Baru Klinting pulled the bamboo, amazingly water poured from the

ground and the whole village sank under water.

10. There was only one survivor, the poor old widow.

11. Since then on the lake is called Rawa Pening.

Table 4

Events written by the students.

Participants Events in the story Student 1 4,5,9 Student 2 Student 3 2,3,4,5,8,9,11 Student 4 4,5,7,8,9 Student 5 5,9 Student 6 4,5,8,9,11 Student 7 4,5,7,9 Student 8 4,5,6,9 Student 9 5 Student 10 2,4,5,6


Student 11 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,11 Student 12 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,11 Student 13 2,4,5,7,8,9,11

As shown in the table, 5 students write the plot from the beginning to the end. But, they do not write in details what events that happen in the story. When I read the story written by the students, the storyline is still understandable eventhough there were also some missing events.

IV. Conflict

Bartos and Wehr as cited in Noll (2008) stated that conflict is a situation in which actors use conflict behavior against each other to attain incompatible goals and/or to express their hostility (p.44).

The conflicts in the story :

1. The villagers chopped Naga Baru Klinting body

2. The villagers did not give food to Naga Baru Klinting

Table 5

Conflict written by the students.

Participant Conflict Student 1 2 Student 2 Student 3 2 Student 4 1,2 Student 5 Student 6 1,2 Student 7 1,2


Student 8 1,2 Student 9 2 Student 10 1,2 Student 11 2 Student 12 1,2 Student 13 1,2

From the table, 7 students write the first and second conflicts that happen between

Naga Baru Klinting and the villagers. Then, 4 students only mentioned the second conflict.

After that the villagers chopped the root. But the villager don’t know if that was Naga Baru Klinting. Then Naga Baru Klinting was so angry to the villagers. After that the Naga Baru Klinting become a little boy. One afternoon day, the villagers had a party. Then the little boy asked food from the villagers but the villagers does not give the food to the little boy. (Student 10)

From this part of story, this student mentioned all the conflicts. She explained the conflicts between Naga Baru Klinting and the villagers to the reader.

Long time ago in Pening village, there was a Naga Baru Klinting and there was a little boy. Then, the little boy was so hungry. Then, the little boy found old widow and the little boy say to the woman, “may I food?” “Yes you can”. Say the little boy, “So I will asked a meal from the village” (Student 5)

In this story, the student did not write the conflicts. He did not explained when the villagers chopped Naga Baru Klinting body and the villagers did not give the food to Naga Baru

Klinting when he asked for it.


V. Characters

Fetzer (2006) explained character is a person, animal, or imaginary charter that drives the action of the story. There are three characters who involved in the Rawa Pening story,

Naga Baru Klinting as a main character (protagonist), villagers (antagonist), and an old widow (protagonist).

Table 6

Characters written by the students.

Participants Character Student 1 Naga Baru Klinting, villagers, old widow, the little boy Student 2 A hunter Student 3 A little boy, villagers, old widow Student 4 Naga Baru Klinting, villagers, old widow, the little boy Student 5 Naga Baru Klinting, old widow, the little boy Student 6 Naga Baru Klinting, villagers, old widow Student 7 Naga Baru Klinting, villagers, old widow Student 8 Naga Baru Klinting, villagers, old widow, the boy Student 9 Naga Baru Klinting, villagers, old woman, the boys Student 10 Naga Baru Klinting, villagers, old widow Student 11 Naga Baru Klinting, villagers, old widow Student 12 Naga Baru Klinting, villagers, old widow Student 13 Naga Baru Klinting, villagers, old widow

As shown in the table, 6 students mentioned all of the characters. Several students mentioned add characters that did not take a part in the story, such as a hunter, the boys and old woman. Naga Baru Klinting and a little boy is same person, but some students presented as a different characters.


Long time ago in Pening village, there is a villagers is so hungry. Then the villagers do know then, the villagers chopped Naga Baru Klinting body. Then Naga Baru Klinting become a little boy. Then ask for food then the villager dont want to give the meal. The old widow give food to the boy and said I will give you a boat because later will be a flood. The boy will play game with the friend and said, who can chopped this stick and all cannot and the boy pull it and became Rawa Pening. (Student 6)

In this story, the student mentioned all three characters. The character development is still the weakness for the students to write because they might be only pay attention to the name of each character.

Long time ago on Pening village there were a village people who at night chopped a meat for dinner party. Then, a little boy came to ask a meal. But they doesn’t give the meal. After that the little boy see a old widow and the little boy ask a meal. Then the old widow give the meal. After that, the little boy challange the villagers to pull the stick. But no one who can pull the stick. And after all try the little boy pull the stick. The water came from the ground and the village became a lake and called Rawa Pening. (Student 3)

From the story, the student only mentioned “a little boy”. A little boy should be changed with

Naga Baru Klinting. Eventhough a little boy is the same character with Naga Baru Klinting, the student did not explain that Naga Baru Klinting was changed into a little boy.

VI. Theme

Theme is the main point or central concept around which the story is focused. It can be the author‟s message or central insight that she/he is trying to communicate through the story. The theme in Rawa Pening story is taking revenge. The same case with the atmosphere, the author use implicit meaning to describe the theme. There are four students who have the theme in their story.

And the villagers take rest. And the villagers see a big root and the villagers chop the root. They dotnow if the root is Naga Baru Klinting. And Naga Baru Klinting was so angry.


So, Naga Baru Klinting is sad. The naga changed into a boy. And the boy want the food but the villagers can not and there was a old widow give a food and the Naga Baru Klinting say “there was a big flood”. So Naga Baru Klinting make a game to pull out the bamboo and all the villagers try to pull out but nobody can pull out of the bamboo. Then the Naga Baru Klinting pull the bamboo so from the ground. (Student 13)

In the story written by the student, the theme can be seen from the use of language and words.

When Naga Baru Klinting pulled the bamboo, that is an action from him to take revenge to make the villagers sank.

After that they chopped it deeper and deeper. In the night, they have a party and then the boy come to the party to ask meat. The villagers don’t want to give the meal and then the old widow come and give the boy meal. After that the boy tell to the old widow to make a boat. After that the boy said, “if you make a boat the floot will come and you will save” “OK” said the old widow. (Student 11)

From this part of story, there is no language and words from any sentences that describe the theme. Naga Baru Klinting want to take revenge to the villagers because they have eaten his body.



This study aimed to investigate how did the students use the six elements of narrative in rewriting the story of Rawa Pening. The finding shows the following data. For the setting,

12 students write name of the place and time. But, none of them write the climate. Next, there are 11 students showed the atmosphere and 2 students did not. Most of the students only write the feeling of disappointment in the story. For the plot, 5 students write the chronological order of the story. But, they did not write what events that happen in the story in details. For the conflict, 11 students mentioned the conflicts and 2 did not. All students show the first and second conflict. After that, 6 students write the characters in the story.

However, they limited to mentioning the name of characters. There was no description from each characters. For the last, 4 students showed the theme and 9 did not. Mostly, the language that is used by the students did not describe take revenge. From this study, the use of six elements of narrative still the weakness and need to be improved by giving more explanation about narrative writing to young learners, especially for third grade students. From the result of this study, the teacher should tell the specific information about the story that the students are going to rewrite. This study was limited only to identify the six elements of narrative in class writing. I did not observe the situation in the class and how the teacher deliver the story to the students. It was because of the limitation of the subject and time of observation. At last,

I suggested that whoever wants to come up with this study to use another subject, i.e junior high school and senior high school students.



I owe my deepest gratitude to :

1. God the almighty, for His steadfast love. 2. My supervisor, Victoria Usadya Palupi, M.A., and my examiner, Debora Tri Ragawati, S.S., MA-ELT whose encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final enabled me to develop an understanding of the subject. 3. My research participants, Bethany School Salatiga, without whom this study will never take place. 4. My family, Edward Sihombing and Lis Yunita Pohan, my brother Yogi Sihombing, whose love enabled me to live in the grace of God, whose support has enabled me to study and learn many things in the English Department, Satya Wacana Christian University. 5. My beloved Lulut Ayu and family who always supported me writing this thesis from the beginning until the end. 6. All of those who supported me in any respect during the completion of this thesis.



Brown, H.D. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching (4th Ed.). New york: Longman.

Fagerjord, N. (2012). Narrative Theory. Lecture notes for MEVIT 1110 Audiovisual


Fetzer, N. (2006). Narrative Text Organization. Retrieved September 7, 2012, from

Hatcher, CJ. (2010). Teaching Narrative Writing to Elementary Students. Retrieved

December 9, 2012, from


Levinson, R. (2006). The Use of Narrative in Supporting The Teaching of

Socio-Scientific Issues: A Study of Teachers‟Reflection (Electronic Version). Institute

of Education, University of London, United Kingdom.

Lorch, S. (1984). Basic Writing A Practical Aproach. Toronto : Little, Brown & Company


McCrimmon, J. M. (1984). Writing With a Purpose. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Mootilal, A. (2008). Elements of a Narrative. Retrieved April 5, 2011, from

Narrative Elements. (n.d.) Retrieved December 3, 2012 from

Noll, C. (2008). Narratives : The Front Line of Identity Conflicts. InterCulture, 43-52.


Nurcahyo, N. (2010). Teaching Narrative Based Writing. Retrieved April 19, 2011, from





1. Setting : Pening village

2. Atmosphere : Disappointment

3. Plot : Narrative

 Introduction Once upon a time in old there was a village. Pening was its name. Pening was prosperous village. People made their living by cultivating rice, vegetables and fruits. The harvest was always satisfying. So all of them lived a happy live. That‟s why once a year held a ceremony called „Bersih desa’. It was a kind of thanks giving day. It was a day when they express their thankfulness to God for a successful harvest. They would clean their village and then they would pray together. At night they would have a dinner together and held teater performances. One day after a succesful harvest they would celebrate it. That time they wanted something special. They wanted more meat for dinner. So they went hunting in a wood. Just outside of the village there was a wood where there were many animals like deer, buffalo, mouse deer, lamb and many other. But that day there was no animal at all. Animals were nowhere to be seen. They had search every inch of the wood but still their effort were in vain. When it was almost dark, they were very tired so they took a rest. They sat on something that look like a rock and a big root. Everybody was silent because they were exhausted and disappointed. Then suddenly someone chopped the big root with his sword to relief his disappointment. Amazingly there was blood coming out of the root. They were surprised. Someone tried to chop it deeper. He found meat! So they chopped more and more. After their bags were full of meat they were satisfied. Then they went home happily. That night the people of Pening were preparing a big dinner. They wanted a special dinner with the meat they got from the wood. Just as they were


preparing a dinner, a boy came to the village. He looked poor. He begged food to some people. But they refused. Someone said : „We are preparing dinner. You may come to our dinner. But not now‟. „But I am very hungry, please‟. „Just come here tonight‟. But then there was an old widow who took care of him. She was just a poor widow. She gave him a food and shelter. „You may take a rest here. Join us tonight for dinner‟. „Thank you very much. You are very kind to me. You are the only one who helped me. That‟s why I will save you. Tonight there will be a great event here‟. „Yes, there will be a great party‟. „No, I mean something special‟ „What do you mean?‟ „I cannot say now. But listen to me. Prepare a boat for you‟ „Why?What will happen?‟ „Just do as I say‟ „Please tell me what will happen?‟ „OK, you are very kind to me so I will tell you but please promise me you won‟t tell anyone‟. „OK, I promise‟  Climax „I am Naga Baru Klinting. I am a dragon. I was meditating in the slope of Mount Merbabu when your people hurt me. They hurt me by chopping my body. Now they are preparing dinner with meat from my body. So I will take my revenge tonight, but I will save you. Prepare a boat for you.‟ „Oh, please don‟t do that. Forgive my people‟ „Whatever will be, will be. Good bye‟. Then the boy left. Just before the dinner began at the village hall some boys were playing in the yard. Suddenly a boy came to them. „Hi guys I have a game for you‟ Then he held a small bamboo and attached it to the ground. „If you can pull it, I will give you a special present‟ „Oh, that‟s very easy‟, a boy said.


He tried to pull it but it was very strong so he could not pull it. Another boy tried but also failed. Everybody failed. Then this game drew adult‟s attention. One by one they tried to pull but all of them could not make it. When may people gathered then the boy said. „O people of Pening. I am Naga Baru Klinting. I am a dragon. I was meditating in the slope of Mount Merbabu when you chopped me. Now I will take my revenge. Enjoy your party.‟ Then he pulled the bamboo, amazingly water poured from the ground. The water immediately flooded the village. Finally the whole village sank under water. They were all drowned and died in the lake.  Solution/conclusion There was only one survivor. The poor old widow. She had prepared a simple boat so she could survive. Since then on the lake is called Rawa Pening. Rawa means lake in Javanese and Indonesian language. Today the lake is located in the province of , . 4. Conflict : I am Naga Baru Klinting. I am a dragon. I was meditating in the slope of Mount Merbabu when your people hurt me. They hurt me by chopping my body. Now they are preparing dinner with meat from my body. So I will take my revenge tonight. 5. Characters : Naga Baru Klinting, villagers, an old widow.

6. Theme : Take revenge


Student 1

Rawa Pening

Long time ago in Pening village, the villagers cut Naga Baru Klinting become a little boy and aksed food from all people, but no one gave food to the boy. But, the old window give meal to the little boy. The little boy make a boat and Naga Baru Klinting pulled the stick. Then water came from the ground. The village become a lake.

Student 2

Rawa Pening

Long time ago, there was a village name Pening village. Pening village is in the slope of Merbabu. One day their was a hunter, but they doesen get animal.

Student 3

Rawa Pening

Long time ago on Pening village there were a village people who at night chopped a meat for dinner party. Then, a little boy came to ask a meal. But they doesn‟t give the meal.

After that the little boy see a old widow and the little boy ask a meal. Then the old widow give the meal. After that, the little boy challange the villagers to pull the stick. But no one who can pull the stick. And after all try the little boy pull the stick. The water came from the ground and the village became a lake and called Rawa Pening.


Student 4

Rawa Pening

Long time ago in Pening village. There was villagers who chopped Naga Baru

Klinting body. Then Naga Baru Klinting became a little boy and the little boy asked food from villagers but the villagers don‟t want to give food. Then, the little boy see a house and he see old widow and Naga Baru Klinting asked for meal. Then, the old widow gave mwal to the little boy and after the little boy eat the food Naga Baru Klinting say thank you. After

Naga Baru Klinting eat, the little boy want to play but the friend don‟t want to play with

Naga Baru Klinting. And then Naga Baru Klinting pulled the stick and people of Pening village cannot of the stick. Just the Naga Baru Klinting can take the stick and the water came from the ground. The village became a lake.

Student 5

Rawa Pening

Long time ago in Pening village, there was a Naga Baru Klinting and there was a little boy. Then, the little boy was so hungry. Then, the little boy found old widow and the little boy say to the woman, “may I food?” “Yes you can”. Say the little boy, “So I will asked a meal from the village”. And then women gave a food and make it a boat for the little boy.

And the little boy became Naga Baru Klinting pulled the stick and water came from the ground. The village became lake.

Student 6


Rawa Pening

Long time ago in Pening village, there is a villagers is so hungry. Then the villagers do know then, the villagers chopped Naga Baru Klinting body. Then Naga Baru Klinting become a little boy. Then ask for food then the villager dont want to give the meal. The old widow give food to the boy and said I will give you a boat because later will be a flood. The boy will play game with the friend and said, who can chopped this stick and all cannot and the boy pull it and became Rawa Pening.

Student 7

Rawa Pening

Long time ago, there was a little boy the name is Naga Baru Klinting. And the villager chopped Naga Baru Klinting body.

Naga Baru Klinting came to the villagers to ask food but the villager don‟t to give the food.

The old widow give a food to Naga Baru Klinting, and the old widow ask the boy to live with the old widow.

One day later, the boy make a boat for the old widow. The boy said latter have a big flood. The boy went to the villager and all people saw. The boy said to the people “I have a game that have can pulled the stick” but the boy can and then a water came from the ground.

The water did not stop along day and came a big flood and be a big lake.


Student 8

Rawa Pening

Once upon a time, there was a village name pening. one day their was a villagers that nothings to have dinner. They see a rood and the villagers chopped the Naga Baru Klinting body. And they have big party. They, Naga Baru Klinting us for a meal and the villagers don‟t want to gave. That old widow gave a food and the Naga Baru Klinting us to make a boat. And Naga Baru Klinting play with the boy. Nobody can take it except Naga Baru

Klinting. Then Naga Baru Klinting pull it and become a flood and old widow and Naga Baru

Klinting save.

Student 9

Rawa Pening

Long time ago in Pening Village, have an Naga. His name is Naga Baru Klinting. He go to Pening village. He so hungry but the villagers did not give the food. He so angry, after that he to be people. and the old woman give the food to him. And the women said “you have to make a boat because the village want to banjir. The Naga was taking a boat but Naga need some help. There are boys want to help Naga but they cannot. But the wate I go up and the bout already in rawa that is Rawa Pening.

Student 10

Rawa Pening

Long time ago, in pening village there were villagers. One day the villagers were hungry then the villager saw a root. After that the villagers chopped the root. But the villager

28 don‟t know if that was Naga Baru Klinting. Then Naga Baru Klinting was so angry to the villagers. After that the Naga Baru Klinting become a little boy. One afternoon day, the villagers had a party. Then the little boy asked food from the villagers but the villagers does not give the food to the little boy. And there‟s one old widow who gave the little boy food.

Then the little boy ask the old widow to make a boat because there will be flood. Then the little boy challange the villagers to play with him. They played pull the wood. But the villagers cannot pull the wood but only Naga Baru. And there‟s a flood.

Student 11

Rawa Pening

Long time ago, in west java there were Pening village. Once upon a time the villagers was hungry. When the villagers sit in the rock, there were a big root and then the villagers found a meat. After that they chopped it deeper and deeper. In the night, they have a party and then the boy come to the party to ask meat. The villagers don‟t want to give the min and then the old widow come and give the boy mill. After that the boy tell to the old widow to make a boat. After that the boy said, “if you make a boat the floot will come and you will save” “OK” said the old widow. After that the boy go to the villagers. the boy stick the bamboo. After that, the villagers pulled the Bamboo but can not the boy said “I am the Naga

Baru Klinting that you chopped. I will pull this. When the boy pull the bamboo in the ground and there it was many flood until all closed with the water. Just the old widow save. The name is Rawa Pening.


Student 12

Rawa Pening

Long time ago, on Pening village were having a part on every special day. The next special day, the Pening village wanted to prepare for the party. So, the villagers want for food in the forest. But there was no animals. They were tired to find meat for the party. They were having rest on a root. But, they don‟t the root was not a root but it was Naga Baru Klinting.

Naga Baru Klinting was a dragon who was meditating in the feet of mount Merbabu. Finally, one of the Pening villagers put the sword in the soil. It came out blood they asked got some meats. They eat it for dinner. Naga Baru Klinting was very angry. So, Naga Baru Klinting became a little boy. He ask the villagers to give him some food but, nobody wanted to give him food. When he walked, he met an old widow who was very kind gave him food. He told her to prepare a boat. Then he came to the party and told the boys that he have a new game.

Then he put a bamboo stick on the soil. Then he said “who can pull this bamboo stick. One of the boy said, “what only like that it was so easy.” But the boy failed. Even the adult also interested in this game. So all of the adult tried butt all failed. At last, Naga Baru Klinting tried he can pull the Bamboo stick. From the hole, it came out some water until the pening village was all flooded. Now, it was located on the foot of mount Merbabu. It is a tourism resort. In the swamt, it was called Rawa Pening in Indonesia.

Student 13

Rawa Pening

Long time ago in Pening village. There was a villagers and they wanted to celebrate a party. But, they don‟t have a food. So, some of the villagers find a food. In the middle, the villagers tired.


And the villagers take rest. And the villagers see a big root and the villagers chop the root. They dotnow if the root is Naga Baru Klinting. And Naga Baru Klinting was so angry.

So, Naga Baru Klinting is sad. The naga changed into a boy. And the boy want the food but the villagers can not and there was a old widow give a food and the Naga Baru Klinting say

“there was a big flood”. So Naga Baru Klinting make a game to pull out the bamboo and all the villagers try to pull out but nobody can pull out of the bamboo. Then the Naga Baru

Klinting pull the bamboo so from the ground.

And from the ground, there was a water and the water is so big so all the villagers die.

And the Pening village called Rawa Pening.