RJOAS, 3(75), March 2018 DOI https://doi.org/10.18551/rjoas.2018-03.03 TOURIST DECISION IN MOUNT MERBABU NATIONAL PARK, INDONESIA Putri Indah Riadi*, Faida Lies Rahayu Wijayanti, Fandeli Chafid, Purwanto Ris Hadi Faculty of Forestry, University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia *E-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT This study aims to determine decision-making regarding tourist visit, preferences and average time of visit. The study was conducted using quantitative approach. The results exhibit travelers' characteristics are dominated by males within 15-30 age range. The average income is generally less than IDR 2,000,000 with monthly travel budget up to IDR 500,000 due to visiting motivation, that is, quiet and natural environment. Most tourists were originally from Central Java region, so transportation used in general is a private motorcycle and travel cars. Tourists’ visitation is for recreation purposes with friends which generally last for two days with about 2 to 5 times annualy. Lastly, travel activity most favored by tourists is camping. KEY WORDS Visitation decision, tourist, national park, mount Merbabu, ecotourism. Forest in national park area possesses natural resources capable to provide various benefits for human life in the surrounding and areas beyond. These populations are affected directly and indirectly. National park tourism is one of such benefits. Along with the increase in population and economic needs, it increases the need for forest resources. There is another supporting aspect in the form of customs, culture, cool weather, and the beauty of natural panorama. The increasing population rises density, routine work and activities which create a sense of saturation.