Airpost Journal O Fficial Publication of the American Air Mail Society

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Airpost Journal O Fficial Publication of the American Air Mail Society The AIRPOST JOURNAL O FFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY MARCH I 9 3 2 IN IOc THIS ISSUE THE BALLOON POSTS OF PARIS 1870-1871 AIRMAILS ~ MINT STAMPS LINDBERGH 'CLIPPER' FLIGHT Cyenaica, 3 values .. , . , ....... $ .111 Cristobal-Miami , ..........•... $ .75 Guatemala, "Barrios" 3 val. .'IU Miami-Cristobal .... .. .. • • .70 Guatemala, Interior, 4 val.... ..lil Colon-Barranquilla • . .75 Switzerland, new 3 values ·.... .35 Cristobal-King.,;ton . • • . .711 §:, ZEPPELINS ed. $l.OO FOREIGN FIRST FLIGHTS ':_§ _ Liechtenstein-Switzerland, Panama, Bocas del Torro-Colo:D = - Liechtenstein-Switzerland, cvr. 1.25 with new ·lie internal stamp • . .:u; Fr:iedrichsha.fe.n-"Mulyquln" No. c Bo d l 2 Pole flight, card $1..25, cvr.. 2.25 olon- cas e Torro · · · • • • • • 5 Fried.-Pernumbuco, 2d trip, ed. 1.00 China, Chungking-1Shanghai, 11 11 'J " ' C\"I\ 2.00 10... 2.1-81 ......... • •. • . • • ... • .......... ,. .90 Fried.-Fried, round trip, card 2.UO Greece, Atbem~-Jannia, 11-12-31 1.23' Frled.-Frled, round· trip, cvr. S.75 Jannla-Athene, 11-12-81 • • • . l.'15 Pernambuco-Fried. card 1.00 Surinam, Paramaribo-Nickerie Pernambuco-Fried. cvr. .....• 2.00 Fried.-Pernambuco, Srd trl.P evr. 2.00 7-17-30 • • •.•• · · .....•.•. •.· · · · .. 1.50 Pernambuco-Fried, 3rd trip cvr. 2.00 Niekerie-.Paramaribo, 7-23-30 . 1.50 Stamps on First DAY COVERS TRANSPARENT ENVELOPES Canal Zone, 6 .permanents ..•... $3.75 For your stamps and covers New Zealand, 0-3d provisional .so Cellophane Salvador, "Delgado" 4 values 2.75 Spain, 6 new values . • 1.!iO I I 6'%,xS* - 25-60c; 50-$1; 100-$1.85 DO-X COVERS GLASSD1E ENVELOPES 2 x3¥., • • • • . 100-300; 500-$1.35 Victoria-Rio de Janeiro ...... $2.7(> 2JAx3% . • . • . 100-35c; 500- 1.50 Rio de Janeiro-Bahia .......• 2.00 2:r,t,x4'4 . • • . • . 100-85e; 500- 1.50 Rio de Janeiro-Caravellas .... 2.00 3Y,x4% .•.•.•.••. 100-400; 500- 2.00 Fried.·Rlo de Janeiro ........ 1.85 4'8x!l'4 ............ 100-aac; 500· ~.2;; Fried.-New York ......•••••.•. 3.50 6%x3% . ... • • . 50-800; 100- .& Rio de Janeiro-Sao Luiz 1.uO All .postpaid, write for prices on Rio de J anelro·Camocim . 1..00 larger quantities. ~ NEW ISSUE SERVICE at prices that please. Our "cost-plus" basis e.nd world-wide connections for pleased customers. Write for details. I~ 1001~::m:;R::I:: =~:~:;~~.:w I Airposts of the World :_~_ Stamps, Covers Publications, Auctions . ~~~ Wooster, Ohio I ;'111u1111nnuuunuu1unnuu1111nnuuuuu1111uu1n1uu11111uuu1111111u~u1111111111uun111n1nun11111111u1uu1n1unuuuut1l11tU": THE AIRPOST JOURNAL Official Publication of The AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY \TOL. H. No. 11 ~B.RCH, 1932 ISSUE :J:l THE BALLOON POSTS OF PARIS 1870-1871 Written Especially for* The Airpost Journal by L. A. *Chaintrier Translated by John W. Prevost HE BALJ.iOON POSTS from * LE l<'ERUINAND FLOCON Paris during the Franco-Prus­ The "Ferdinand Flocon" was the T sian War, 1870-1871, wer2 twenty-first balloon. It was one of born of necessity. The city was en­ the standardized 2 0 0 0 meter balloons circled by the iron ring of the ene­ of Telegraph Service. my for months. Balloons and pige­ It was piloted by Mr. Georges cns afforded the only means of com­ Vidal-Loisset, by profession a rid­ munication from and to the beseig­ ing master. ed city and the outside world. Bal­ Its one passenger, Mr. Lemercier loons were released secretly at ir­ de Jauvelle was a highly trusted and regular intervals, depending upon valued officer of the Telegraph Ser­ the wind to bring them safely over vice. His mission was to reestablish the German lines. the telegraph lines about Fontain­ In all, 6 5 manned balloons were bleau in order to connect them with released, carrying 238 passengers, the subterranian wire connecting over 2,500,000 letters, 407 pigeons with Paris. nnd 5 dogs. Most of them landed ' In spite of unheard-of efforts and safely in friendly territory. Only ably assisted by Mr. De Brisson de three were captured by the enemy la Roche, Captain of Sharp"..Shooters, and two were lost at sea. The col­ they were unable to succeed. For lecting of letters and news journals about three months, or up to the carried on. these many balloons has 28th of January 1871, aided by Mr. iilterested collectors throughout the Charles P'orion, an employee of the world. A collection of P'aris Bal­ General Secretary of Postes and loon letters constitutes one of the Telegraphs, he passed in an:d out rarest and choicest collections in of the Prussian lines all around aerophilately. The stories of tile Paris, destroying and mixing up the flights of these various balloons ar.3 enemy telegraph lines. The fantad­ very thrilling and interesting. This tic adventures that befell them are article begins with the flight of the related in the official report of Mr. twentieth talloon to ascend and Jauvelle, addressed to his superior leave Paris. The prior flights have offi('ers, after the war. He was made previously been published in The a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor Airpost Journal and we shall con­ on Februiary 26th, 1871. tinue to present the subsequent The mail carried consisted of threc3 ftights.-Editor's Note. sacks weighing 1 E•O kilograms. 8 THE AIRPOST JOURNAL The departure took place from the It was piloted by Mr. Husson, a Northern Railway Statio"n on Friday, sailor of the Navy Department, and. November 4th, 1870, at 9 o'clock in on board was Mr. Antonin Etienne, a the morning. The weather was fog.. civil engineer charged with a special .gy and cold · and ~ a strong north-east _missiOn by'·the Government of Paris. :wind was blowing. In sp!,t_e 9f Jll.UCb, 'lt w:as laden w.it_h_seven sac.ks of .mail musketry' fi're directed at them at weighing 420 kilograms, also a bas­ the moment of the passage over the ket with six pigeons belonging to enemy lines, the voyage was made ·Mr. Garnie.r Pages. · • without unfoward accidents. It ascended from the Oleans Rail­ At 3: 45 P. M. a successful land­ way Station, on Friday, November ing was made ~t La Pierre Blanche 4th at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. in the vicinity of Nort, a small town The weather was very fine but there i\~tuated near Chateaubriant, (De­ was a strong wind from the nort.h­ partment of the Lower Loire) and east. at 3 9 2 kilometers from Paris. Here is a resume of the history While passing over the city of La of .this aerial voyage as told by Mr. Fleche, Mr. de Jauvelle threw over Etienne. a weighted despatch, announcing the "Passing over the enemy lines, the result of the election of November balloon was pierced by several bul­ 3rd. at 11 o'clock at night YES 275,- lets, whicll obliged us to throw over 224, No. 19383. This despatch was mucll ballast in order to rise to a immediately carried to the Deputy­ proper height. We passed over Chief of the city of La Fleche, by Versailles at an altitude of 1950 whom it was transmitted to Tours, meters at 3 : 15 P .M., then over Ram. by telegraph without the least delay. bou!llet at only 1200 meters." The "Galilee" "At about 5 o'clock, in a great The adventure of the "Galilee" plain near Chartres, we made a first contains considerable more romance descent, but an old woman whom we than many that ascended before. found there informed us that the It was the 22nd. balloon, with a Enemy was in the neighborhood, and cubical content of 2045 meters and that they passed and. repassed fre- belonged to the Postal Department. ( Continued on Page 27) ,; Dep~-tnre of · the ba.Uoon_ "ArmaDd BarhEls". from Piµois, October 7th, 1870. ' FIRST ~XP~RIMNTAL THROUGl-I TRANSCONTIN~NTAL AIRMAIL FLIGl-IT *' by KARL B. WEBER, A. A. M. S. Historian HE ALL METAL PLANE in­* No attempt was made to break vented by Mr. John M. Lar­ speed records on this flight. Par­ T sen had a number of success­ ticular attention was paid to the ful trial flights, the most noteworthy wind conditions of the airway be­ of which was a non-stop flight from tween Omaha and the coast, which Omaha, Nebraska to Lancaster, Pa., for aerial mail purposes had not yet on Juiy 26th, 1920. been charted. The flight was being The all metal plane as indicated conducted under the auspices of the by the name, had the wings, fuse­ Post Office Department, the United lage and body of sheet metal; and a States Air Service and Mr. Larsen. great economy in construction and Announcement already had been operation was claimed for this type made by Assistant Postmaster Gen­ of plane. It was also claimed that eral Otto Praeger that through this construction made it unneces­ coast-to-coast aerial mail service sary to erect hangars at each stop­ would be instituted in the first week ping point, it being necessary only to of September. Before that time put a canvass covering over the cock­ Omaha and San Francisco would be pit for the protection of the engine. linked under the Post Office Depart- Because of' this economy, the Post ment's plan. · Office Department showed interest The list of the personnel of this in this type of plane, and encour­ pioneer expedition was as follows: aged an experimental air mail trip Plane No. 1-Pilot H. T. Lewis, of over the regular transcontinental the Air Mail Service; Captain Har­ route from New York to San Fran­ old E. Hartney, head of the depart­ cisco and return.
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