Stamps and Air Posts of the \Vorld Prince Albert-Lac La Ronge
The AIRPOST JOURNAL ,. MAY 193J rlUllUtllllttllltllltlUllllUUllllllllllllllltllllltlltUUtlllllllllllllltllUlllllllUlltlltlllfllllllllllflltlUHUlll•UUHlitUUllllllltlUUUUlll: COZUMEL ISLAND, MEXICO On The Air Again! Cozumel has a ga in been made a sto p on FAM 5, and on very shor t notic~ too. As we all missed out on the first flig hts to this point in 1929, everyone will want co•·ers of this new fi rst flight . Here they are-- MIAMI to Cozumel, April 15, 1932 . • . • . • .25 ·CRISTOBAL to Cozumel, April 16, 1932, this will be sc:irce • . .75 RECENT FAM 5 & 6 ADDITIONS MIAMl-M<.rida FAM 5, error cover with FAM 6 cachet, fine item .... 1.00 BELIZE-Merida, •carce .90 NUEVITAS-Miami .40 BELIZE-P. Barrios ........... •90 PORT AU SPAIN-Nuevitas . .......9CJ MANAGUA-Merida ............ •90 SAN JUAN-S.P . de Macoris ...... .25 CRISTOBAL-P. Bar rios .60 SAN JUAN-Nuevitas .. .......•..25c CRISTOBAL-Merida ........... •60 ST. THOMAS-S.P. de Macorls..... 25 Macoris ....... .25 ST. THOMAS-Nuevitas . .25 Colon to Puerto Cabezas, F .A.M. 5 COLON-Puerto Cabezas, flown May t , 1930 hy Col. Lindberg h on the first flight of the Trans-Caribbean " express ser vice.. ; one of the very rare cover• of this route, and a very fine cover . • • . 7.50 Kingston to Barranquilla, F .A.M. 5 KING<;TUN-Barranquilla, May 2, 1931, another ra rity of this rou te which is almost never offered; this is the first direct flight between these points and was a sleeper on the r e-routing of the Trans-Caribbean service . • . • . 4.00 C. A. M. 1 C.
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