November, 1962 Volume 34, Number 2 the American Air Mail Society a Non-Profit Corporation Incorporated 1944 Organized 1923 Under the Laws of Ohio
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November, 1962 Volume 34, Number 2 The American Air Mail Society A Non-Profit Corporation Incorporated 1944 Organized 1923 Under the Laws of Ohio PRESIDENT Official Publication of the Dr. James J . Matejka, Jr. AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, Illinois SECRETARY VOL. 34, No. 2 Whole Number 390 Ruth T. Smith 102 Arbor Road Riverton, N. J. TREASURER Contents ........ for November, 1962 John J. Smith 102 Arbor Road Riverton, N. J. Canadian Flight Listings to VICE-PRESIDENTS Jan. 1, 1962 33 Joseph L . Eisendrath Samuel S. Goldsticker, Jr. The Saga of Herman Kleinert Pan American Grace Airways 38 Lester S. Manning EDITORS - Other Publications Society Reprinting American L . B. Gat chell Air Mail Catalogue 42 Geo. D. Kingdom Official Section 43 ATTORNEY George D . Kingdom Philatelic and Aeronautic 46 DIRECTOR OF What Shall I Collect Now? 47 FOREIGN RELATIONS Helicopter Flights at Fraga 49 Dr. Max Kronstein AUCTION MANAGER C.A.M. Cover Notes 50 Samuel S. Goldsticker, Jr. Annual Report of Sales Manager 52 ADVANCE BULLETIN SERVICE P aul Bugg South African Airmails 53 3724 Old York Rd. A. P . J. Ads Inside back cover Baltimore 18, Md. TRANSLATION SERVICE Roland Kohl Augusta-Victoria Str. 4 EDITOR Wiesbaden, West Germany Joseph L. Eisendraih AUDITOR 350 No. Deere Park Drive, Highland Park, m. Stuart J. Malkin ASSISTANT EDITORS DIRECTORS Robert W. Murch Alton J. Blank, Herbert Brand Ernest A. Kehr L . B . Gatchell ner, Paul Bugg, Robert E. Har ing, Dr. Max Kronstein, George DEPARTMENT AND ASSOCIATE EDITORS L. Lee, Narcisse Pelletier, Horace R. Lee Black, N. Pelletier, Florence L. Kleinert, D. Westbrooks. Dr. Max Kronstein, Richard L . Singley, William MEMBERSHIP DUES - $4.00 R . Ware, James Wotherspoon, John Watson, William T. Wynn, Frank Blumenthal, Samuel per year S . Goldsticker, J r., J. S. Langabeer. Include subscription to The Published monthly at Albion, Erle Co., Pa., U.S.A . AIRPOST JOURNAL. Appli cants must furnish two refer Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office ences, philatelic preferred. At at Albion, P a., Februar y 10, 1932, under least one must reside in Appli the Act of March 3, 1879. cant's home town. Applicants The AIRPOST JOURNAL is not conducted for under 21 years must be guar profit. The Editor and all others serve without teed by Parent or Guardian. compensation. Receipts from advertising, sub Membership may be terminated scriptions and contributions are applied to the by the Society in accordance betterment of the magazine and the promotion with its B y -Laws. of aero-philately. Correspondence concerning sub scriptions, back numbers and The Editor and Officers of The American Air bound volumes, address changes Mail Society assume no responsibility for the and other matters and all re accuracy of statements made by contributors. mittances should be sent to the Every effort is made to insure correctness of Treasurer. All general com all articles. munications and advertising Subscription Rates: $4.00 per year, 35c per copy. should be sent to the Editor. Advertising Rate Card available from the Editor. Canadia'n Flight Listings to January 1, 1962 By Don Amos Editor's Note - for many years, collectors• of Canadian flight covers have needed a comprehensive listing of flights made since the publication of the 1950 edition of the Canadian section in the American Air Mail Catalogue. This, on the face of it, might not seem to be a difficult task, but no one up to now has been able to com plete it, mainly because of the policy of the Canadian Post Office Department not to preannounce pending first flights, or to otherwise recognize the special occasion. Don Amos, himself long connected with the post office in Winnipeg, has for a number of years, slowly been gathering statistics. All flights listed here he has meticulously checked with post office files at Ottawa, and with Royal Canadian Air Force files. Finally he has completed his list, chronologically to the end of 1961. His work consists of two sections. The first is fill-ins for flights that took place during the period covered in the Catalogue, which for one reason or another, were not listed. The second section lists all known flights since the publication of the Canadian section. No attempt has been made to value covers, nor to price them. In no sense is this to be considered a continuation of the catalogue, primarily because so little is known about some flights, and because on many, no mail has been seen by him. Listings preceded by an asterisk .:. indicate that covers are known to exist. The numbers he has assigned for convenience in continuous numerical order. The numbers in the first section as 290/I indicate that the proper order is after 290 in the.catalogue. Similarly 339/1, 518/l, 529/1, and 622/I are so indicated. Please note that both sections contain Pioneer and Government flights. He has not completed his investigations of semi-officials as yet, and they will probably be listed later on. Jet flights, as such are not listed, unless they were actually the first flight between tl:te points mentioned. If members wish to contact Don Amos, his address is: 98 Greendell Ave., Winnipeg 8, Manitoba, Canada. CANADA - PIONEER FLIGHTS ADDITIONS TO AMERICAN AIR MAIL CATALOGUE. VOL. 2, 1950 AI - 1913 - Hamilton, Ont. A Demonstration flight was made at Hamilton by Charles F. Walsh in 1913 but the exact date is not known. Although mail is reported to have been flown, none has come to light. No other details are known. OTHER COMPANY MARKINGS (Courtesy Flights). Ginger Coote Airways - Boxed Cachet "COURTESY - "GINGER" COOTE AIRWAYS LTD. - 515 HOWE STREET-TELEPHONE: SEYMOUR 9418-NIGHT CALL - BAYVIEW 6611Y. Lamb Airways - "COURTESY OF LAMB AIRWAYS.'' OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT FLIGHTS AIR MAIL SERVICES 290/ 1938 March 1 - Vancouver-Lethbridge-Regina-Winnipeg, and Return. Trans Canada Airlines familiarization flights began this date and experimental mail was carried. Some first class letters, prepaid at ordinary rates, were selected at each point from the P.O. sacks for delivery at the other three points. These covers had no special markings and were not backstamped, therefore were impossible to distinguish from the other mail which went by surface. The flight from Vancouver was delayed until the 3rd by poor weather. Pilots were R. M. Smith (West) and B. Middleton (East). March 1-2 - Winnipeg-Regina-Lethbridge-Vancouver a. March 3-4 - Vancouver-Lethbridge-Regina-Winnipeg CANADA - OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT FLIGHTS 296 1938 Dec. 1 - Winnipeg-North Bay-Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal and Return. Ex tension from Winnipeg of Trans-Canada Airlines Route. North Bay was the THE AffiPOST JOURNAL, NOVEMBER, 1962 33 new point to receive mail service. No covers known. Winnipeg-North Bay-Toronto a. Toronto-North Bay-Wi;nnipeg • 322 1942 April 15 - Montreal-Trois Rivieres-Quebec and Return. Flown by Canadian Pacific Airlines .. 5 cents rate. Bilingual cachets showing Lockheed mail plane and Maple Leaf. A few covers are known from each leg. April 15 - Montreal Trois Rivieres. Backstamped 7 PM April 16. a. April 15 - Montreal-Quebec b. April 16 - · Trois Rivieres-Quebec. Pmkd. 2 PM c. April 16 - Quebec-Trois Rivieres. Backstamped 7 PM d. April 16 - Quebec-Montreal. Backstamped 10 PM e. April 16 - Trois Rivieres-Montreal. Pmkd. 2 PM 331 1944 July 1 - Fredericton, N.B. and St. John, N.B. added between Montreal and Halifax. Flown by Trans-Canad·a Airlines. No covers known. Montreal-Fredericton-St. John-Halifax a. Halifax-St. John-Fredericton-Montreal 339/1 1946 Nov. 26 - Tulsequah, B.C. - Juneau, Alaska and Return. Service performed by Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. No covers known. ' Tulsequah-Juneau, Alaska. ·353 1947 Sept. 8 - Vancouver-Penticton and Return. Flown by Canadian Pacific Airlines. Pilots Capt. J.J. Faires and F/O A.T. Moore. No covers known. Vancouver-Penticton a. Penticton-Vancouver 354 1947 Dec. 15 - Vancouver-Penticton route extended to Castlegar-Cranbrook Calgary. Flown by Canadian Pacific Airlines. No covers known. Penticton-Castlegar-Cranbrook-Calgary a. Calgary-Cranbrook-Castlegar-Penticton • 357 1948 June 1 - Yorkton, Sask added to Trans-Canada route between Regina and Winnipeg. No cachets from either point into Yorkton and no covers known. A few covers are known out of Yorkton to either point, postmarked 6-June 1- 1948. A cachet was provided by the City of Yorkton showing wheat in a circle with the wording around it "CITY OF YORKTON-SASKATCHEWAN." A plane is at the left of the design. Above the design is the wording "FIRST OFFICIAL FLIGHT - TRANS-CANADA AIRMAIL" and below "REGINA - YORKTON - WINNIPEG." The design beneath the circle containing the names of the three cities in the form of a ribbon. The cachet is in black. Regina-Yorkton .................... (None Known) a. Yorkton-Winnipeg ............ (A few known) b. Winnipeg-Yorkton .......... (A few known) c. Yorkton-Regina ................ (A few known) 362 1949 Sept. 19 - Montreal-Val d'Or-Noranda and Return. Flown by Canadian Pacific Airlines. No covers known. Montreal-Val d'Or-Noranda a. Noranda-Val d'Or-Montreal AIR STAGE SERVICES 518/l 1929 June 1 - Norway House-God's Lake-Island Lake-Oxford House and Return. As Norway House was the only Post Office at this time covers would bear no evidence of having been given airmail service, and none is known. This was a Government service. In May, from Norway House a flight was also made to these points by an R.C.A.F. plane but no covers have survived. Norway House-God's Lake-Island Lake-Oxford House a. Oxford House-Island Lake-God's Lake-Norway House • 529/1 1931 Aug. 12 - Aklavik - Herschel Island. Special flight made by Western Canada Airways.