27 Goswell Road

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27 Goswell Road 27 Goswell Road DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT 28.09.2018 BuckleyGrayYeoman THE DESIGN TEAM client DORRINGTON PLC architect BUCKLEY GRAY YEOMAN project manager BLACKBURN AND CO. structural engineers HEYNE TILLET STEEL building services engineers HOARE LEA planning consultant JLL sunlight / daylight consultant POINT 2 SURVEYORS townscape consultant MONTAGUE EVANS YHULÀHGYLHZV MILLER HARE archaeology MOLA 2 27 GOSWELL ROAD 3 FOREWORD This Design and Access Statement is submitted as part of a planning application for the proposed alterations to no. 27 Goswell Road. 7KHDSSOLFDWLRQVHHNVWKHUHIXUELVKPHQWRIDQGH[WHQVLRQWRWKHH[LVWLQJRIÀFHEXLOGLQJDW*RVZHOO5RDGDQGIROORZV a previously withdrawn application (ref: 2017/4991). The previous application was submitted in December 2017 and was withdrawn on 14th March 2018 following concerns raised by the Council over height and massing. Following further pre-application engagement with LB Islington in 2018, the proposal has been amended to address WKH&RXQFLO·VFRQFHUQV0RVWQRWDEO\WKLVUHYLVHGSURSRVDOKDVEHHQFDUHIXOO\GHVLJQHGWRHQVXUHWKDWWKHKHLJKWRIWKH building is no taller than the existing at any point and the set-back frontages and design treatment have been reconsidered to reduce the scale and massing. As with the previous submission, the front of the building will be re-clad to enhance the street-scape of Goswell Road, DVZLOOWKHUHDUIRUFRQVLVWHQF\7KHRIÀFHHQWUDQFHZLOOEHPRYHGWRWKHVRXWKDQGUHWDLOXVH 8VH&ODVV$ ZLOOEH LQWURGXFHGDWJURXQGÁRRUOHYHOZLWKDQHZXQLWFUHDWLQJDQDFWLYHIURQWDJH7KHJURXQGÁRRUIURQWHOHYDWLRQZLOOEHPRYHG forward in line with the building frontage above, for the proposed retail element, so that it is no longer recessed. $QHZVHWEDFNWKÁRRULVSURSRVHGSURYLGLQJDGGLWLRQDORIÀFHVSDFHZKLFKUHSODFHVWKHH[LVWLQJURRISODQWWKDWLVWREH FRQVROLGDWHGDQGUHORFDWHGWRWKHEDVHPHQW([WHQVLRQVDUHSURSRVHGWRWKHUHDURIWKHEXLOGLQJIURPUGÁRRUXSZDUGVWR align the rear elevation with the levels below. Extensions are also proposed at the indent element of the “L” shape across DOOÁRRUV H[FHSWWKÁRRU WRPDNHPRUHHIÀFLHQWXVHRIDYDLODEOHVSDFH)XUWKHUVPDOOH[WHQVLRQVDUHSURSRVHGWRWKH IURQWRIÁRRUVDQGWRUHPRYHWKHH[LVWLQJVODQWDOWKRXJKWKHVHH[LVWLQJÁRRUVZLOOEHVWHSSHGEDFNIURPWKHEXLOGLQJ line of the lower levels and are stepped back further than for the previous submission. ,QWHUQDOO\WKHEXLOGLQJZLOOEHUHIXUELVKHGWRSURYLGH*UDGH$RIÀFHVSDFHZLWKF\FOHVWRUHVDQGVKRZHUIDFLOLWLHVEHLQJ LQFOXGHGDWORZHUJURXQGOHYHOIRUWKHÀUVWWLPH Please note the key alterations from the previous 2017 submission are as follows: • 5RRISODQWLVEHLQJFRQVROLGDWHGDQGUHORFDWHGWRWKHEDVHPHQWLQVWHDGRIRQWKHWKÁRRUURRI • 3URSRVHGWKÁRRUKDVEHHQUHGXFHGLQÁRRUDUHDDQGORFDWHGFHQWUDOO\ZLWKLQWKHEXLOGLQJIRRWSULQW • ([WHQVLRQVWR´/VKDSHµLQGHQWDWWKHUHDUQRZRFFXUDFURVVDOOOHYHOVH[FHSWIRUWKHQHZWKÁRRU • )URQWVHWEDFNVIRUWKDQGWKKDYHEHHQVHWEDFNIXUWKHUWKDQWKHSUHYLRXVVXEPLVVLRQ 4 27 GOSWELL ROAD 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 01 The Site and Context Section 02 The Existing Building Section 03 The Consultation Process Section 04 Design Approach Section 05 Agreed Viewpoints Section 06 Access Statement Section 07 Transport and Servicing Section 08 Energy and Sustainability Appendix A1 Area Schedule 6 27 GOSWELL ROAD 7 Section 01 The Site and Context 8 27 GOSWELL ROAD 9 THE LOCATION The building fronts directly onto Goswell Road, a Medieval street that runs from Angel in the north to the City of London to the south. The land was originally owned by the Charterhouse but was not developed until the late 19th Century where three warehouses, numbers 1-3 Charterhouse Buildings were FRQVWUXFWHG7KHVHEXLOGLQJVZHUHGHVWUR\HGLQLQDÀUHWKDWGHVWUR\HGPRVWRIWKHVXUURXQGLQJ EXLOGLQJVWKHUHEXLOWEXLOGLQJVZHUHVXEVHTXHQWO\GHVWUR\HGE\ERPELQJLQWKHPLGWK&HQWXU\7KHVLWH OD\YDFDQWXQWLOWKHODWHVZKHQLWZDVGHYHORSHGDQGEHFDPH/LWWRQ+RXVH7KLVZDVVXEVHTXHQWO\ demolished in the late 1980s and replaced by the current building on the site. The nearest London Underground Stations are Barbican and Old Street. The eastern ticket hall for Farringdon Crossrail station will be opening in late 2019, on Charterhouse Street. The height of the buildings in the immediate context vary from four to nine storeys with larger residential towers nearby. The site has the following boundaries: - A boundary to the south and to the rear is shared with the William Harvey Heart Centre - A boundary to the north is shared with no. 4 Charterhouse Buildings, Goswell Road - Nos. 14-15 Charterhouse Buildings borders at the rear Crescent House, a grade II listed building as part of the Golden Lane Estate, runs along Goswell Road directly opposite. The area has a mixture of uses with no one dominant type. Most of the east side of Goswell Road is residential in character, whereas most of the west is commercial. Both sides are populated with a range of restaurants, bars and shops. 10 27 GOSWELL ROAD 11 STATUTORY CONTEXT 6W/XNH·V Hat and Feathers Conservation Area Conservation Area 20&24 Dagmar The Hat Old Street and This site is within the London Borough of Islingtion and is immediately adjacent to the border with The City Feathers of London which runs down the centre of Goswell Road. 2&4 The following local planning policy documents are relevant to the development and have been used to inform the design process of the scheme: • /RQGRQ3ODQ 0DUFK • ,VOLQJWRQ·V&RUH6WUDWHJ\ )HEUXDU\ • Finsbury Local Plan DPD (June 2013) • ,VOLQJWRQ·V6LWH$OORFDWLRQV'HYHORSPHQW3ODQ'RFXPHQW -XQH +DWÀHOG+RXVH • ,VOLQJWRQ·V'HYHORSPHQW0DQDJHPHQW3ROLFLHV'HYHORSPHQW3ODQ'RFXPHQW -XQH • ,VOLQJWRQ·V3ROLFLHV0DS -XQH • ,VOLQJWRQ·V(QYLURQPHQWDO'HVLJQ63' 2FWREHU Stanley Cohen House %DVWHUÀHOG+RXVH • Inclusive design in Islington (August 2014) Crescent House Golden Lane Leisure Centre 7KHVLWHLVDGMDFHQWWRWKH+DWDQG)HDWKHUV&RQVHUYDWLRQ$UHDZLWK&KDUWHUKRXVH6TXDUHDQG Site 6W/XNH·V&RQVHUYDWLRQDUHDLQFORVHSUR[LPLW\ Crescent House CITY OF LONDON The building is not listed. ISLINGTON Bayer House Grade II listed buildings, (shaded in pink on the adjacent plan), in close proximity include: Rear wall - Hat and Feathers Public House of no.23 - 2&4 Old Street Golden Lane Community Great Arthur House - Crescent House Centre - Rear wall of no. 23 Goswell Road Cullum Welch House The site is not within a strategic viewing corridor of St Pauls. Bowater House The following designations also apply: Charterhouse • (PSOR\PHQW3ULRULW\$UHD 2IÀFHV • Archaeological Priority Area Charterhouse Square Cuthbert Harrowing House Conservation Area Hat and Feathers Listed building 12 27 GOSWELL ROAD 13 GOSWELL ROAD The west side of Goswell Road has a distinct horizontal emphasis manifested in the facades of the buildings. *RVZHOO5RDG·VGLVWLQFWYHUWLFDOHPSKDVLVLVDWRGGVZLWKWKHPRUHKRUL]RQWDODFFHQWRIWKHEXLOGLQJVHLWKHU side. 7KHVWUHHWGRHVQRWKDYHDFRQVLVWHQWDUFKLWHFWXUDOVW\OHDQGDPXOWLWXGHRIÀQLVKHVDQGPDWHULDOVDUHLQHYLGHQFH • Citidines - Red Brick 27 GOSWELL ROAD HAS • Italia Conti House - Black brick and concrete cladding DISTINCT HORIZONTAL EMPHASIS A VERTICAL EMPHASIS AT ODDS WITH THE REST OF THE • William Harvey Heart Centre - Copper cladding STREET • 27 Goswell Road - Pink granite • 4-7 Charterhouse Buildings - Stock brick and stone The height of the buildings increases gradually from the south along the frontage peaking at 27 Goswell Road, though the upper storeys of no.27 are set back from the main frontage. However, the town-scape datum line varies considerably either side of the site. Citidines Italia-Conti House William Harvey Heart Centre 27 Goswell Road 4-7 Charterhouse Buildings TOWNSCAPE DATUM G+7 G+7 G+8 G+7 G+4 AssumedAssumed - UnableUnable toto survey Aldersgate 1-3 Goswell Citidines Italia Conti House William Harvey Heart Centre 27 Goswell Road 4-7 Charterhouse Buildings 8-11 Charterhouse Buildings Street Road G+7 G+7 G+8 G+8 G+4 G+5 G+3/4 G+4 14 27 GOSWELL ROAD 15 CLERKENWELL ROAD Section 02 Charterhouse The Existing Building Buildings William Harvey Heart Centre Crescent House BALTIC STREET GOSWELL ROAD 16 27 GOSWELL ROAD 17 OVERVIEW Key Characteristics: • VWRUH\EXLOGLQJSOXVORZHUJURXQGÁRRUZLWKVXEVWDQWLDOSODQWDUHDDWURRI • Monolithic in appearance PLANT 3.6m • 7KHIURQWRIWKHEXLOGLQJFXWVEDFNDWth and 7thÁRRUVWKHUHDURIWKHEXLOGLQJUDNHVEDFNIURPrdÁRRU 7 • +LJKÁRRUWRFHLOLQJKHLJKWV 6 • 'DWHGIURQWIDFDGHDHVWKHWLFZLWKOLWWOHDFWLYHIURQWDJHDWJURXQGÁRRUZLWKVHOHPHQWVRIWKHEXLOGLQJQRZUHDFKLQJ 5 the end of their design life including plant, facade and glazing • 2OGIDVKLRQHGRIÀFHÀWRXWZLWKLQHIÀFLHQWSODQWIRUWRGD\·VUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGVWDQGDUGV 4 • Current tenants to vacate 3 2 1 GOSWELL ROAD G CHARTERHOUSE LG BUILDINGS 18 27 GOSWELL ROAD 19 THE FRONT FACADE Louvred metal plant-screen Glazed curtain walling Key Elements: Grey aluminium • 'DWHGIURQWIDFDGHDHVWKHWLFSLQNJUDQLWH¶ÁDW·DQGODUJHVSDQGUHOSDQHOV cladding Grey aluminium • :KLOHWKHUHLVQRFOHDUGRPLQDQWPDWHULDOSDOHWWHWRWKHVXUURXQGLQJWRZQVFDSHWKHIDFDGH·VPDWHULDOV clad raked structure do not contribute favourably to the area • Existing windows are tinted resulting in dull and oppressive appearance externally and internally • /DUJHVSDQGUHOSDQHOVFRQWULEXWHWREXLOGLQJ·VPRQROLWKLFDSSHDUDQFHDQGFRQVWUDLQWKHDPRXQWRI Pink granite clad- ding GD\OLJKWH[SHULHQFHGE\WKHRIÀFHÁRRUV • Dark set-back and underwhelming entrance is not an inviting street presence • :LGHVWUXFWXUDOJULGVWLOODOORZVÁH[LELOLW\LQIDFDGHWUHDWPHQWWRPHHWUHTXLUHPHQWVRIDPRGHUQGD\ RIÀFHEXLOGLQJ • There is an approximate parapet line relationship with the William Harvey Heart Centre to the south, though no clear relationship with no. 4 Charterhouse Buildings Capped curtain walling EXISTING FRONT ELEVATION 20 27 GOSWELL ROAD 21 THE REAR FACADE Louvred metal plant-screen Glazed curtain walling
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    Section 01 The Site and Context 8 27 GOSWELL ROAD 9 THE LOCATION The building fronts directly onto Goswell Road, a Medieval street that runs from Angel in the north to the City of London to the south. The land was originally owned by the Charterhouse but was not developed until the late 19th Century where three warehouses, numbers 1-3 Charterhouse Buildings were constructed. These buildings were destroyed in 1885 in a fire that destroyed most of the surrounding buildings; the rebuilt buildings were subsequently destroyed by bombing in the mid 20th Century. The site lay vacant until the late 1960s when it was developed and became Litton House. This was subsequently demolished in the late 1980s and replaced by the current building on the site. The nearest London Underground Stations are Barbican and Old Street. The eastern ticket hall for Farringdon Crossrail station will be opening in late 2019, on Charterhouse Street. The height of the buildings in the immediate context vary from four to nine storeys with larger residential towers nearby. The site has the following boundaries: - A boundary to the south and to the rear is shared with the William Harvey Heart Centre - A boundary to the north is shared with no. 4 Charterhouse Buildings, Goswell Road - Nos. 14-15 Charterhouse Buildings borders at the rear Crescent House, a grade II listed building as part of the Golden Lane Estate, runs along Goswell Road directly opposite. The area has a mixture of uses with no one dominant type. Most of the east side of Goswell Road is residential in character, whereas most of the west is commercial.
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