1 the COMPONENTIAL ANALYSIS of MEANING in the TEXT of BUSH SPEECH on IRAQ WAR a Thesis Submitted to Letters and Humanities Facu
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THE COMPONENTIAL ANALYSIS OF MEANING IN THE TEXT OF BUSH SPEECH ON IRAQ WAR A Thesis Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Degree of Strata One (SI) AHMAD SUHAILI NIM. 206026004266 ENGLISH LETTER DEPARTEMENT THE FACULTY OF ADAB AND HUMANITIES STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 2010 1 Thesis Review Ahmad Suhaili, The Componential Analysis Of Meaning In The Text Of Bush Speech, Thesis, October, 2010, Department of English Literature, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University. The study in this paper concerns with the way the author explores the costruction meaning in the set of component and sign in semiotic signification. The writer focuses on speech text and wants to know about the component meaning and sign system meaning in connotation and denotation level. The method used in this paper was descriptive qualitative analysis with textual where the writer describes and interprets the text of Bush speech and Rove on Iraq War. From the analysis, the writer concludes that each of the component construction and sign of two texts has a system and formed by textual, contextual idea. These elements contribute a meaning in denotation and connotation meaning and a cracked text. Finally, the writer concludes that two texts are established of supporting idea of cultural meaning of legalization war. People is the social human that needs interaction with others, they need a language to keep their interactions. Language used to express their opinion and idea as the process of interaction. Language is the arbitrary system of sound, which used by the social member to corporate, interact 2 and identify their identity. Language is the system of communication, which used by sounds, symbols, and words in expressing the meaning of idea and thought. Language is a system of signs, which express ideas.1 It cannot be counted that how many languages are existed in the population of human, with the result that every community in smallest unit or biggest unit like country has an interaction tool (language), so the language itself has variety in every community. In this global area, English language is one of language that used in every country in the world as the official or foreign language. In Indonesia, English language is the first foreign language that used by Indonesian people as the following of the development information and mass media. English language spreads rapidly in every aspects, it brings the information around the world to every people. It required to all people who does not recognize English language as the priority to communicate which other around the world because English language becomes an official language in the world as international language, the world’s agreement to use it. Therefore, if someone did not recognize it as well as possible, they will lose interactions in information and technology, which is spreading rapidly. There are many information and technology in every major written in form of English language, until every nation in the world knows what happened in that time. A communication as the process interaction, which is conducted people to interact with each other, is language activity and 1 Ferdinand de Saussure, Course in General Linguistic, (New York City: McGraw-Hill Paperback, 1966), p. 16. 3 English language is the tool of interaction around the world. Using English language in every part of the world will be found in technological information that conducted electronic media such as television, radio, internet etc and printed media such as magazine, newspaper, journal and books. One of media that is transferred information to the written form is journal, magazine and book. Because of the modernity of technology, the written form such as journal and others are accommodated to the media that known as an internet. Based on this theme, the written form that has recorded to the internet is Bush speech in ultimatum of Iraq war. Speech is an utterance, which has a good structure to demonstrate for many people. For example: speech of presidential (national state), special day, encouragement or motivation, welcoming speech and etc.2 Commonly, speech holds in the formal events such as conference, council, wedding party, seminar, campaign. Because speech performs in the formal area, it is better to write it firstly. The kind of written speech is the coherence sentence, which consists in whole words, so it can be read and analyzed. The kind of text speech includes as the argumentative texts, which means the writing of text attempts to convince reader and hearer to follow it. Hence, the goal of 2 Anonymous, Pengertian-pidato-tujuan-sifat-metode-susunan-dan-persiapan-pidato- sambutan. Accessed on june 23, 2010. http//www.organisasi.org/ 4 speech performed is pursuing a reader and hearer to follow what the orator expected or in other hand attempting to convince hearer. The composition of speech commonly gives the evidences or proofs and the concrete facts. The expected reaction from hearer is appearing an appropriate opinion or conviction and trust or the problem that will be leaded.3 One of the examples of speech that has a goal to convince hearer is a Bush’s speech in Iraq war 1991: Just two hours ago, Allied air forces began an attack on military targets in Iraq and Kuwait. These attacks continue as I speak. Ground forces are not engaged. This conflict started Aug. 2, when the dictator of Iraq invaded a small and helpless neighbor. Kuwait, a member of the Arab League and a member of the United Nations, was crushed, its people brutalized. Five months ago, Saddam Hussein started this cruel war against Kuwait; tonight, the battle has been joined.4 In his speech, Bush gave the concrete facts when the attack had begun and would be continued. His political expression seems to convince people that his aggression war is necessary right and legal. In this case, the speech that is transferred in written form has the logic and coherence meaning until become a text. Because of an accommodation of internet, Bush’s speech has recorded and can be analyzed as the text. Every text, especially English text will operate in the corridor of semantic that related to the meaning. The wisdom word said 3 Dra. Hj. Siti sahara, et al., Keterampilan Berbahasa Indonesia, (Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu tarbiyah dan Keguruan (FITK) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2008), p. 51-52 4 Anonymous, Essay investigating the language used in speeches to motivate and persuade people including speeches of Tony Blair, George Bush, John Major and Winston Churchill, for exemple. Accessed on june 23, 2010. http//www.ukessay.com/essays/English/language 5 that “langue without meaning is meaningless”, semantic is the study of the linguistic meaning of morphemes, words, phrases, and sentences.5 Something that is conveyed or signified; sense or significance is the meaning. There are many aspects to analyze of meaning; we can analyze meaning in the form of denotation or connotation, meaning in context, the change of meaning and the relation of meaning. One of studies concerning on semantic as the relation of meaning is componential analysis. Componential analysis or lexical decomposition is a basic study of lexical fields in determining semantic relation of different lexical items in one lexical field.6 Meaning also related with the code of sign, its basic idea in definition and analysis of sign. Signs produce a meaning as denotation and connotation. In the study of Componential, lexicon is the main of study. Lexicon is analyzed based on componential meaning to get a description about lexical system and semantic field structure. Besides that, writer will try to illustrate the semantic field of Bush’s speech on Iraq war with the most completely relation of meaning call as thesaurus with the reference of Roget’s international thesaurus. According to Harimurti Kridalaksana one of lexicography’s activities is thesaurus. Thesaurus is book of reference that contains information about the relation of meanings of word, such as 5 Victoria Fromkin, An Introduction to Language, (United States: Thomson Heinle, 2003), p. 173. 6 Wedhawati, “Lexical Fields Componential Analysis and Definition Of Lexical Sense” Rintisan dalam Kajian Leksikologi dan leksikografi, No1, (Desember 2003), p. 122 6 semantic field, synonym, or antonym and arranged by relation of meaning (semantically) or alphabetically or the combination of both of them.7 The writer is interested in doing research because there are still not many researches about Componential analysis in this university. Based on the background study above, the writer is interested in studying and researching meaning components, denotation and conotation within the text of Bush’s speech on Iraq war and the message of meaning as expressed in the texts. 1. Definition of Meaning One thing that’s remained in our concept to define meaning is not easy as the writer determined; it has a long wide debated problem since Plato was defined that meaning is a copy of ultra-reality. The writer may know that one single word has different sense, as Husserl said in the book of Wittgenstein’s work Tractacus Logico-Philosopicus that most proposition and question that have been written about philosophical matters are not false but senseless.8 Meaning is a word the writer use in our daily life in different sense. For example: the term color of red may occur in several context in which it gives a quite several different of meaning. The term of “meaning” is a confused term because the limitation 7 Harimurti Kridalaksana, rintisan dalam kajian leksikologi dan leksikografi, (Jakarta: Fakultas ilmu pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia), p. xi 8 Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractacus Logico-Philosophicus, (London:Routledge, 2001), p. xi 7 is very wide variety; theoretically meaning is considered in linguistic, philosophy, logic, semiotic and etc.