KATA GELLEN Duke University
[email protected] German Studies Department 919-660-3168 (office) 116 Old Chemistry / Box 90256 / Durham, NC 27708 USA EMPLOYMENT Duke University, Durham, NC Associate Professor of German, 2020–present (on leave fall 2020) Core Affiliated Faculty in Jewish Studies, 2014–present Assistant Professor of German, 2012–2019 Lecturer in German, 2011–2012 Post-doctoral Fellow in German, 2009–2011 EDUCATION 2010 PhD, German. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. Dissertation title: Earwitnesses: Noise in German Modernist Writing. Advisers: Michael Jennings (German) and Daniel Heller-Roazen (Comparative Literature) 2006–2007 DAAD Research Fellow. Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. 2000–2001 Fulbright Scholar. University of Vienna, Austria. 2000 B.A. magna cum laude. History and Literature. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. AWARDS AND FELLOWSHIPS DAAD Faculty Summer Seminar. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (June 17–July 27, 2018) – declined Andrew W. Mellon Assistant Professorship in the Humanities. Duke University (2017–2018) Mellon Grant ($25,000) awarded by the Franklin Humanities Institute and the Center for Philosophy, Arts, and Literature, with Dr. Saskia Ziolkowski. Project title: Whose Kafka? Multiplicity, Reception, and Interpretation. Duke University (2014–2015) Max Kade Prize for the Best Article in the Journal of Austrian Studies for 2011–2012 (awarded 2014) Volkswagen-Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities. Project title: Eastern Promises? Discovering Modernism in the Eastern European German Jewish Novel. Dahlem Humanities Center, Free University Berlin, Germany (2013–2014) IFK Research Fellowship. Vienna, Austria (spring 2014) – declined Departmental Course Development Mini-Grant for the projecy “Staging Austria,” with Dr. Corinna Kahnke. Duke University (spring 2013) Arts & Sciences Committee on Faculty Research Grant.