![College Announces Fellowship Winners](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Exam Schedule PaCJe 3 NAZAAETN COLLECE OF AOCNESTER NAZARETH COLLEGE, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Friday, April 29, 1966 PHILOSOPHY HISTO·RIAN Kafka Film , The Trial. Presented; WILL LECTURE AT NCR Possibility of Series For Next Year Frederick Copl.ston, an out· held in the Ubrary Reacling Room Tbe pres..ntatioD of Tbe Trial men seeking reality. Written, Bergman and Fellin!, for ex· at 8:00 p.m. will be entitled standing historian of philosophy. at 7:30 on the •••nlng of 'Iburs· p~uced , and directed by Orson ample, as well as foreign eom­ "'ill lecture at Nazareth College THE PI:DLOSOPHICAL RELE­ day, May 5 at Nazareth, b a Welles and acclaimed by many edits, will be included; titles VANCE OF REUCIOUS EXPE­ on the evening of Friday, May t>. " drY run", the possible fore­ critics, Tlie Trial stars Anthony now being considered include RJENCE. shadowinc of a eontinuing fttm Perkins, J eanne Moreau, and Tbe Mapi&etllt Sevea, Tbe Red Earlier in the day, Father Co­ festival. Romy Schneider. Duert, Tbe World of Apu, and pleston will be honorod at the Tho Rim itself, based on the If student response to this first Citizen Kane. Croup and individ­ University of Rochester by a novel of the some name by the film Is indicative of future suc· ual discussion will follow If the luncheon given for him by the Czechoslovakian Franz Kafka, Is cess of a continuing liJm festival, viewers so choose, perhaps with Philosophy Department. his commentary on the fact that such a program will hopefully be an oceasslonal guest speaker. It the modem world bas ceased to Instituted for the 1966·67 school Is the hope of the studcnt-facully There will be no admiuion understand the nature of the year. A group of Interested stu­ group that through this proaram eharge for thb lecture but all universe : human destiny goes far dents and faculty have promoted the campus will be excited about, tickets will be on a res..rved seat deeper than that whieh we can this first liJm, in the hope that rather than foreed into, cultural basb. Tickets will nat be given see on the aurface of our exist· a eontinuU., program of this sort response. fnr •pecitlc seats but no more ence. 1be P"'tagonbt, Joseph K, would provide cultural excite· The organizing group consists tickets will be issued than seats Is charged with an unnamed men\ and stimulation for the stu· of Chris Coleman, Judy Frank, available. Naureth College faeul crime by unnamed accusers. His denta. faculty, and guests of Marse Waters, Miss Well$, Mr. ty ud students will be given bureaucratic, 1t84-like world b Nazareth, as well as prestige tor Joyce, and Sister Marie Angela. rust opportunity to obtain tick­ upset and in his search for truth the eollege. Msuming student Marge Waters said that she feels ets. he becomes the symbol of all response, a selection of ten to this program is an excellent twlevc foreign and domestic art illusstration of student · faculty films will be chosen for airing cooperation whieh in the past bas lackfriars Present Shaw on Saturday nights. Films by not been fully realized. Play with Satirical Wit College Announces feelincs for them. Tbey are pre­ performances s..nted as ordinary people who Father CopleslOn. at present, "Caesar and Cleopatra,. in the enjoy life, In partloular the Fellowship Winners Dean of Heytbrop College, Eng­ auditorium. The play, wbieh was people who surround them. written by Bernard Shaw in Rosemarie Abendroth is Naz· Fellowship Foundation was es­ land, Is noted for Ills dialogue The main parts in the play areth's 1966 Woodrow Wilson fcl· tablished at Princeton University 893, with eontemporary Oxlord phllos· displays his usual satirical will be performed by Bea Petrlx, low. Mary Ellen Foody and El· In 1945. There were four Wood· opbers. He is espeeiaUy well it Shaw's treatment of these AI Hoscnhauer arid Sylvia Brun· leen Smyntek were awarded row Wilson fellows that year. two historical characters is They were, however, referred to known for his BBC debate with ner. Mrs. Petrix, Cleopatra, has Honorable Me.ntion by the Wood· colored by his great personal row Wilson National Fellowship as Kemp fellows. in honor of the Bertzand Russell on the existence ~n seen as the lead in "The of Cod. Foundation. Rrst contributor. Soon after, the Fant.asticks.. and in the Fire· name was changed. Orlcinatty His scholarly work• Include men's bt:nefit, "'Kiss Me Kate'". Barbara Olmstead and Mary the Foundation was supported by Summer Supplement Mr. H~nh1uer wbo works for studies of Nietzsche, Sebopenbau. Ellen Foody received Honorable private contributions. Now the er, a history nf philosophy which the Democrat aDd Ch:ronide, Mention from the National Sci· worked with the Pittsford SUm· Ford Foundation mates a eon· bas already reached seven vol­ With 1966 Sigillum ence foundation. mer Theater. Sylvia Brunner, siderable contribution. umes but is still incomplete, Con· This year, for the first time, Rosemarie, Mary Ellen and there will be a supplement to Flatateeta, was seen last year in Woodrow Wilson fellows among lemporarr Philosophy, Edslen­ the Blaokfriars production " Rai­ Eileen were honored at a tea on tialism In Modern ~Jon . He has the yearbook that will include Naureth alumnae inoludc: Sis· sin in the Sun". The play is di· March 27. The event was span· ter Bonaventure ('59), Monica numerous periodical articles, in• end-of·lbe-year events, such as sored by the Fellowship Commit· graduation and the senior ball. rectcd by Dick Mancini who has McAlpine ('6Z), Patricia Kreekel eluding titles such as the follow­ worked with this company on tee of Nazareth College and the ing: "The Crazy Gang: The Mad· It will be sent to seniors this ('65). Sister Joan ('59), Sister prcvlou& occasions. Two of his Woodrow Wilson National Fellow· Josana ('60), Sister Juana ( '61). ness of Metaphysics", " Value of summer and available to under­ ship Foundation. Ten outstanding Different Philosophical Systems." classmen next year. This supple­ more recent productions were Mary Anne Schipper ('65) and H'J'he Amtrlean Dream" and underdassmen, recom.mended by Carol Cleveland ( '65) received "No Honest Woman: Tbe Nature ment will be twelve pages long the Dean of the College were In· and will fit In the back of the "The Public Ear and Tbe Pri· honorable mention. of Philosophy", "Oxford Ana· vate Eye.u vited to attend. Invitations were lysta: The Revolution in Philos­ tlum. reeeived by Katherine Burhrd The National Science Found•· opby... The supplement will give next AU perfor mance. begin at 8:00 ('68), Ursula DeVonb ('68), Mary tion established its program of p.m. Tickets are $1.50 for adults Elizabeth Joel ('68), Patricia Craduale Fellowships in ltso. Copleston's IP.cture ear's SiCillum stair an op­ and $\.00 for students. ?>Jiller ('68), Julienne Empric They are designed to aid excep­ College which will rlunity to gain experience from working with the senior ( '68), Unda Nicknish ('68), tional students in the graduate iL-----------...,.,staff, besides providing the sen­ Lauren Radtke ('68) , Kathleen level study of matbemaUcs, phy· Iors with remembrances of their M. Butler ('68), · Carol Kuuk slcal, medical, biological, en­ Rnal school acllvitles. Summer Session ('69) nnd Jane Feldman ('68). gineering and other sciences. On occasion they are awarded to a According to Mary Ellen The Woodrow Wilson gnnt is student in an interdisolpllnary Foody, Slclllum editor, the sup­ Begins June 25 applicable at any graduate school field. Unlike Woodrow Wilson plement was first planned just in the United States or Canada. Fellowships whieh are awarded TODAY ·for seniors, but, 1ince finances Nazareth Collt&e has an­ The aim of the grant 1$ to draw for a single year, the N.S.F. permitted, it will be available nounced the tuniculum for the superior students to the profu· lflllt is for four yean and, in to the wbole school. 1966 Summtr Session. For the slon of eollege teaehing. To be individual cases, longer. first Ume an expanded evenina eligible for the grant one must program is beina offered, includ· be recommended by a faculty Miss Aben~th was awarded ing History of Art taught by Sli­ member. Recommended students a National Defense Fellowship CALENDAR ter Magdolen. Mr. Bond, Dr. submit a statement of purpose at St. Louis University, To be Bush, Mrs. Newman, Sr. Sophia and the recommendation of two eligible for sucb a gnnt the stu· April along with many other members faculty members to a regional dent must take certain aptitude 29 & 30 SJFC Spring Weekend of our faculty will be teaching. board. This board summons ccr· tests . with verbal and mathema­ The college Is also bringing in lain students to a personal Inter­ tical areas and the advanced test H, 30, 31 Blaek(rlar's "Caesar and Cleopatra" Auditorium other highly qualified persons to view. There are 1.5 regions in the of the Graduate Record Exam· round out the faculty. Metaphy­ nation; Nnareth belongs to the inations in the stuednt's major May on sics wiU be taught by Robert third region which includes New field. These tests were admin· lth S Play, uTbe Forced MarriaCt'', 3::3t, Auditorium Connelly (rom St. Louis Univer­ York State (outside of metropoll· lstered by the Educational Test· ed. Orehestra Redt.al, Auditorium sity, History by William Fink of t.an New York) and Ontario. lniJ Service at Princeton. ll'k the Institute Catholique in Paris. 1400 fellows were ehasen thb Movie, '-rile Trial'', 1:30, Auditorium Riehard Donavan and William year from 11,000 nominees. 2000 Mary Ellen Food.y has been tr• awarded a National Aeronautics It Lecture, Fr.
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