Curriculum Vitae Lucia Ruggeri


University of (+) 39 3207985889 [email protected]

Nationality: Italian


Teaching, scientific and professionals tasks 1991 – 1995 Subject expert of Private Law, Faculty of Law University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy 1995 – 2000 Researcher of Private Law, Faculty of Economics , Parma, Italy 1996-2005 Member Board of Directors, Inter-department center of research on Civil law and constitutional legality University of Camerino, Italy 1999-2003 Drawer of abstract for “Rassegna di diritto civile” Naples, Italy 2000-present Professor, Specialization’s School of Civil law University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy 2002 Visiting Professor, Master “E-commerce”, LUMSA University University of LUMSA, Roma, Italy 1999-present Member Board of Directors, Specialization’s School of Civil law University of Camerino 2001-2004 Professor of Private Law, Faculty of Law University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy 2005-present Full Professor of Private Law, Faculty of Law University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy 1999-present Member Board of Directors, Doctorate “Civil law and constitutional legality” University of Camerino, Italy 1999-present Member Board of Directors, Doctorate “Civil law and constitutional legality” University of Camerino, Italy 2000-present Program Coordinator, Master Law, Economics and Information technology University of Camerino, Italy 2004-2005 Visiting Professor, Course post lauream “Jurist of firm”, Luiss Businness School Roma, Italy 2003-2006 Visiting Professor, Master “Mediator of the family” , Italy 2004-present Member scientific board of “Le corti marchigiane” Naples, Italy 2004-present University Delegate for student’s services, right of the study and relationships with the territorial agencies University of Camerino, Italy 2005-present Director of Summer School University of Camerino, Italy 2005-present Director of Specialization’s School of Civil law University of Camerino, Italy 2005-2007 Vice-director of Department of substantial and trial-like legal disciplines University of Camerino, Italy 2007-2010 Member of Ethics Committee - ASUR Zona Territoriale 10 University of Camerino 2009-present Coordinator of Mediation - School of Mediation University of Camerino 2013 Member scientific board of “Le Corti umbre” Naples, Italy 2015 Member of the scientific board of Cattedra Italo-Cubana di diritto civile La Habana University, Cuba 2016-present Cordinator of PHD Curriculum Civil Law and Costitutionality Legality-School of advanced Studies University of Camerino 2016-present Member of Scientific Board of ADP-Associazione Dottorati di Diritto privato Italy

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2011-present Vice president of the foundation “Fondazione Scuola di Alta formazione Giuridica” Camerino, Italy

Teaching experiences Property regimes in European Family Law, PSEFS Project Coordinator, University of Camerino, Italy Property relations of family, Specialitation’s School of Civil Law, University of Camerino, Italy Family Law, Master Mediator of the family, at Macerata, Italy Rights of Embryo, Master Bioethics, at Camerino, Italy Human Rights on the European Union Law, Master European Public Law, at Osimo, Italy Human Rights, School for the professions lawyers, University of Camerino and University of Macerata, at Macerata, Italy Banking Law, at University of Camerino Biotecnologies and Bioethics Law, at University of Camerino, Italy Consumer Law, Luiss Businness Schhol, at Roma, Italy E-commerce, Course “Robert Scumann – Actor Project “Professionals of the Law: actors key of the European Law”, at Camerino, Italy European Right on the computer science and new technologies, Course Jean Monnet, at Camerino, Italy Law of Computer Science, Specialitation’s School of Civil Law, University of Camerino, Italy


1990 Degree in Law with full marks “and honours” Faculty of Law, University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy 1996 Doctor’s degree in Civil law and constitutional legality University of Camerino, Italy 1997 Specialitation degree in Civil Law, Specialization School of Civil law University of Camerino, Italy


Mother tongue Italian


Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 FIRST CERTIFICATE (FCE), 2015

1990, Winner of scolarship, Specialization’s School of Civil law, University of Camerino 1991, Winner of scolarship, Doctor’s degree in Civil law and constitutional legality, University of Camerino 1992, Qualification as a Law and Economics teacher in a secondary school Awards 1993, Qualification as lawyer 1994, Qualification for Italy to Prix René Cassin, European Court of Human Rights, Strasburg, France 2005, Associate Member, Student’s Italian Society of Civil Law

Current International Projects ▪ 2018–2020: Personalized Solution in European Family and Succession Law – PSEFS (EU Justice No. 800821-JUST-AG-2017/JUST-JCOO-AG- 2017): Coordinator. ▪ 2018: Winner of the Programme Cassini Senior with a project of Energy Market. ▪ 2018-2020: Unicam-Toyo Collaborative Study Program “Interdisciplinary Approach toward Revitalization from 2016 Central Italy Earthquake”, Toyo University, Japan. Coordinator. ▪ 2019-2020: Erasmus Plus Programme Unicam/University of International Business of Almaty, Kazakhstan. Coordinator. ▪ 2020: FAR - Progetti di ricerca di Ateneo 2019 – “ECPE Enabling Consumer to become Prosumer in the Energy transition”.

Other Research Projects

▪ 1992: Research on “From the warranty “omnibus” to the mandate of credit: one hypothesis alternative", Research of University of Camerino (Program Coordinator: Guido Biscontini) ▪ 1992: The dead and the right: the problem of the organ transplants, Inter-department center of research on Civil law and constitutional legality, University of Camerino, Italy (Program Coordinator: Guido Biscontini) ▪ 1993: "Fundamental rights of the family and principles of European Union", , University of Camerino, Italy (Program Coordinator: Francesco Ruscello) ▪ 1996: "The deposit with function of guarantee. Contribution to the study of the shapes and the models of the guarantee”, University of Parma, Italy (Program Coordinator: Giuseppe Grisi) ▪ 1997: “Non-execution and responsibility”, University of Parma, Italy (Program Coordinator: Giuseppe Grisi) ▪ 1998: “The contract of deposit account”, University of Camerino, Italy (Program Coordinator: Guido Biscontini) ▪ 1999-2000: “The electronic document”, University of Camerino, PRIN 1999, (National Program Coordinator Pietro Perlingieri. Local Program Coordinator: Antonio Flamini) ▪ 2001-2001: “Artificial procreation and determination of the paternity and maternity”, University of Camerino, CNR Research (Program Coordinator: Guido Biscontini) ▪ 2001: Electronic commerci, Local Resaerch (Program Coordinator: Lucia Ruggeri) ▪ 2001-2002: “Certainty of the right and succession of the laws in the time”, University of Camerino, PRIN 2001 (National Program Coordinator Pietro Perlingieri.

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Local Program Coordinator: Guido Biscontini) ▪ 2002: The impact of the new technologies for distance communication for commercial transactions, Local Resaerch (Program Coordinator: Lucia Ruggeri) ▪ 2003-2004: “Rights protection and subsidiary principle”, University of Camerino, PRIN 2003 (National Program Coordinator Pietro Perlingieri. Local Program Coordinator: Lucia Ruggeri) ▪ 2003: Legislative techniques and the telematic market, Local Resaerch (Program Coordinator: Lucia Ruggeri) ▪ 2004: The Juridical regulation for electronic communications, Local Resaerch (Program Coordinator: Lucia Ruggeri) ▪ 2005: Research on “The mutual acknowledgment of the jurisdictional decisions in matter of patrimonial relationships in the family”, Framework programme for judicial cooperation in civil matters, European Commission, Department of substantial and trial-like legal disciplines, University of Camerino, Italy (Program Coordinator, Prof. Pietro Perlingieri, File-leader - ) ▪ 2005: ADR and ODR: contractual autonomy list and jurisdictional function in the society of information, Local Resaerch (Program Coordinator: Lucia Ruggeri) ▪ 2012-2015: “The judiciary, legal science and inclusive society::the influence of legal doctrine over the activity of the highest courts” PRIN 2012 (National Program Coordinator Gianmaria Ajani. Local Program Coordinator: Lucia Ruggeri) ▪ 2014-2015: University Research Projects – Year 2014-2015 - Alternative Disputes Resolution for an Effective Justice

Selected Recent Publications

2018-present ▪ J. Kramberger Škerl, L. Ruggeri, F.G. Viterbo (eds.), Case Studies and Best Practices Analysis to Enhance EU Family and Succession Law. Working Paper, Quaderni degli Annali della Facoltà giuridica, Università di Camerino, volume 3, 2019. ▪ L. Ruggeri, I. Kunda e S. Winkler (eds.), Family Property and Succession in EU Member States National Reports on the Collected Data, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Pravni fakultet/, Faculty of Law, Hahlic 6, Rijeka, ▪ Lucia Ruggeri & Sandra Winkler, Neka pitanja o imovinskim odnosima bračnih drugova u hrvatskom i talijanskom obiteljskom pravu [Some Issues Concerning the Matrimonial Property Regimes in the Croatian and Italian Family Law], in Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci, vol. 40, no. 1, 2019, pp. 167-197. ▪ Lucia Ruggeri, Brexit and New European Framework in Family Property Regimes, in 6th SWS International Scientific Conference on Arts and Humanities 2019 Conference Proceedings, volume 6, issue 1, STEF92 Technology Ltd, Sofia, pp. 59-64. ▪ Lucia Ruggeri, Le garanzie personali, in Perlingieri G., Lazzarelli F., Autonomia negoziale e situazioni giuridiche soggettive, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 2018, pp. 309-324. ▪ Lucia Ruggeri, Il mediatore familiare: problemi e prospettive di una regolamentazione futura, in Maria Pia Gasperini, Giustizia alternativa per una giustizia effettiva, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 2018, pp. 263 – 269. ▪ Lucia Ruggeri, Transazione e astrazione, in Perlingieri G., Tartaglia Polcini A., Autonomia negoziale e risoluzione dei conflitti, Edzioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 201, pp. 299-310. ▪ Lucia Ruggeri, The genetic privacy in the EU General Data Protection Regulation, in: Hakusan Hougaku, 62, 2, 2018, pp. 165-175. ▪ Lucia Ruggeri, Protection of data from a biological group: new challenges for privacy law, in 5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2018, STEF92 Technology Ltd, Sofia, 2018. ▪ Lucia Ruggeri, La tutela de los datos personales en los contratos de la sociedad de información, in Vv.Aa., Contratación electrónica y protección de los consumidores - una visión panorámica, Editorial Reus, Madrid, 2017, pp. 17-49. ▪ Lucia Ruggeri, ODR y el mercado digital: nuevas frontieras para la protección al consumidor y al usuario, in F. Javier Pérez-Serrabona Gonzalez, ADR, ODR y justicia del futuro, Thomson Reuters ARANZADI, Navarra, 2019, pp. 373- 383. ▪ Lucia Ruggeri, Turismo sostenible y derechos humanos, in L. Mezzasoma, M.J. Reyes López, Turismo y Sostenabilidad, Editorial Aranzai, Navarra, 2018.

Selected Recent Conference

Presentations 2018-present

▪ 30-01-2020 University of Artois, Régimenes matrimoniaux, droit européen et pratique notariale en Italie ▪ 08-11-2019 , Tecniche legislative e normative europee in materia di rapporti patrimoniali di famiglia ▪ 29-06-2020, ILA Regional Conference 2019 - Portoroz, The property regimes in European Family Law. The Italian perspective. ▪ 25-03-2019 Anglia Ruskin University, Cross-border families between new EU Regulationsand Brexit. ▪ 13-12-2018 PSEFS Project – Justice Programme kick off event, Brussels ▪ 08-03-2018 University Carlos III Madrid, Il mediatore familiare. Problemi e prospettive per una regolamentazione putura, (International Congress “Alternative disputes resolution for an effective justice”).

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