19 November 2009 to 8 April 2010

Prepared in the Journal Office of the House of Commons INTRODUCTION

1. This diary records the business on which the House spent its time in Session 2009–10, analysed into categories, and similar information for sittings in Westminster Hall. It is intended mainly to provide information in response to statistical inquiries, and in using it the following points should be borne in mind:

(a) The diary does not include business which took little or no time, such as presentations of bills, unopposed private business, and motions agreed to without debate or division.

(b) Divisions are normally included with the business to which they relate.

(c) Timings are taken from the Official Report, using the printed times where available, and otherwise taking a column of debate to last three minutes. Daily prayers are assumed to last a standard five minutes (and are not itemised in the analysis), and the time at which the House rose is taken from the Votes and Proceedings.

(d) Periods of suspension are included in the total sitting time, and are listed in section 14h of the analysis (Miscellaneous). However, the 2½-hour suspension from 11.30 to 14.00 in Westminster Hall on most Tuesdays and Wednesdays (introduced on 1 January 2003) is shown in brackets in the “Duration” column and is left out of the totals. Other suspensions in Westminster Hall are included in the totals and in the analysis under section 5.

(e) The times in the column headed “After appointed time” refer to business taken after the time appointed as the “moment of interruption”. In Session 2008–09, these times were as follows:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2200 2200 *1900 1800 1430 * 2200 on the day of the State Opening of Parliament and immediately following a periodic adjournment.

(f) All times are in hours and minutes, using the 24-hour clock.

2. A Sessional Diary has been kept in the Journal Office for most sessions since 1906, although in the early years times were kept only to the nearest quarter hour. An analysis substantially in the current form begins in the 1960s. The totals from the analysis have been reproduced in the Sessional Information Digest since 1984–85 and in the House’s Sessional Returns since 1987–88.


Part Contents Duration After Page appoin-ted time I Diary for House 1

II Analysis for House 540.12 47.19 1. Addresses other than Prayers 37.57 0.46 49 2. Government bills 156.00 9.50 a Second readings: committed to standing 29.52 0.42 49 committee b Second readings: committal to Committee of 26.39 1.54 49 whole House (wholly or partly) c Second readings: no committal (Consolidation — — bills) d Committee of the whole House 38.08 3.57 50 e Consideration 42.04 — 50 f Third reading 9.10 0.54 51 g Lords amendments 5.49 1.22 51 h Allocation of time motions 4.18 1.01 51 i Committal and carry-over motions — — 3. Private Members’ bills 24.24 0.07 a Second readings (and all stages) 18.28 0.07 52 b Later stages 5.56 — 52 4. Private bills at time for opposed private business 7.32 — 53 5. Government motions 56.11 1.58 a European Union documents 2.56 0.13 53 b Business motions 3.55 — 53 c General 19.10 1.44 53 d General debates 24.13 0.01 54 e Topical debates 5.57 — 54 6. Opposition business 36.17 2.11 a Opposition days 36.17 2.11 54 b Opposition motions in Government time — — 7. Private Members’ motions 4.29 0.25 a Substantive motions 0.46 0.25 55 b Ten-minute rule motions 3.43 — 55 8. Adjournment motions 40.30 24.42 a Government — — b Recess 5.37 — 55 c S.O. No. 24 debates — —

iii Part Contents Duration After Page appoin-ted time d Daily 34.53 24.42 55 9. Estimates 11.10 0.06 57 10. Money Resolutions 1.53 0.15 57 11. Ways and Means 25.22 1.39 58 12. Affirmative Statutory Instruments 16.31 2.04 58 13. Negative Statutory Instruments — — 14. Business when no Question before House 116.18 3.16 a Questions 46.52 — 59 b Topical Questions 12.19 — 60 c Urgent Questions 5.03 — 61 d Statements 24.52 — 62 e Business Statements 11.57 — 63 f S.O. No. 24 Applications — — g Points of order 5.22 0.41 64 h Public petitions 3.04 2.35 73 i Miscellaneous 6.49 — 76 15. Daily prayers 5.38 — 76

III Diary for Westminster Hall 77

IV Analysis for Westminster Hall 166.39 — 1. Private Members’ Adjournment Debates 136.37 — 78 2. Government Adjournment Debates 9.01 — 81 3. Liaison Committee Adjournment Debates 17.10 — 81 4. Questions — — 5. Miscellaneous 3.51 — 81

iv PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 1 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE Time Subject Duration After appointed time 1. Wednesday 18 November 2009 11.25 Prayers 0.06 11.31 Suspension 2.59 14.30 Address: [1st Day] 7.28 21.58 Adjournment: Siobhain McDonagh: Training of nurses 0.29 0.27 22.27 House rose [Totals for session: 11.02; 0.27] 11.02 0.27 2. Thursday 19 November 2009 10.30 Prayers 0.03 10.33 Business Statement: 0.51 11.24 Address: [2nd Day] 0.30 11.54 Point of Order: Peter Bottomley: Asking whether it would be possible to remove 0.01 extra electrons from the Secretary of State, rendering him less negative. 11.55 Address: [2nd Day] [resumed] 5.38 17.33 Petition: Mike Penning: Equitable Life (Hemel Hempstead) 0.01 17.34 Adjournment: Chloe Smith: Norwich Northern Distributor Road 0.22 17.56 House rose [Totals for session: 18.28; 0.27] 7.26 0.00 3. Monday 23 November 2009 14.30 Prayers 0.03 14.33 Statement: The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.32 (): Flooding (Cumbria) 15.05 Point of Order: Mr Frank Field: asking whether votes on the Queen’s Speech 0.01 could allow the opportunity to vote on Afghanistan. 15.06 Address: [3rd Day] 6.54 22.00 Adjournment: Dr Vincent Cable: Cowboy Builders 0.28 0.28 22.28 House rose [Totals for session: 26.26; 0.55] 7.58 0.28 2 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 4. Tuesday 24 November 2009 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Health 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Health 0.19 15.34 Points of Order: Mr Bernard Jenkin: asking whether the Speaker would ensure 0.04 there was an opportunity to debate the report from the Committee on the Reform of the House of Commons. Ann Clwyd: asking whether the Speaker could arrange for the Chilcot Inquiry to be shown on the annunciators. Dr Evan Harris: asking whether the Speaker had heard from the Leader that she was planning to revise the provisional business to allow more time for debate on the report stage of the Equality Bill. 15.38 Address: [4th Day] 6.22 22.00 Public Petition: Gregory Barker: Equitable Life (Bexhill and Battle) 0.01 0.01 22.01 Adjournment: Mike Gapes: Future of King George Hospital, Ilford 0.28 0.28 22.29 House rose [Totals for session: 34.25; 1.24] 7.59 0.29 5. Wednesday 25 November 2009 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Scotland (29); Prime Minister (30) 0.57 12.32 Statement: Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mr Alistair Darling): Indemnity to 0.46 Bank of England 13.18 Statement: Secretary of State for Scotland (Mr Jim Murphy): Scotland’s future in 0.42 the UK 14.00 Point of Order: Mr Mark Harper: asking whether the Deputy Speaker could act 0.01 to ensure sufficient time was made available to debate the Equality Bill. 14.01 Address: [5th Day] 0.01 14.02 Point of Order: Mr Frank Field: asking whether the Deputy Speaker would relay 0.01 to the Speaker the view that the House should debate an amendable motion on Afghanistan. 14.03 Address: [5th Day] [resumed] [Division] 5.14 0.17 19.17 Public Petitions: Andrew Selous: Future of Small Shops 0.01 0.01 19.18 Public Petition: Mr Mike Hancock: Equitable Life (Portsmouth South) 0.02 0.02 19.20 Adjournment: Mr Tim Yeo: Adoption and custody of children in Suffolk 0.25 0.25 19.45 House rose [Totals for session: 42.40; 2.09] 8.15 0.45 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 3 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 6. Thursday 26 November 2009 10.30 Prayers 0.05 10.35 Questions: Church Commissioners (8); Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral 0.56 Commission (3); Church Commissioners (2); Public Accounts Commission (2); Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission (3); Solicitor-General (20); Leader of the House (12); House of Commons Commission (2); Leader of the House (5); House of Commons Commission (3) 11.31 Business Statement 0.56 12.27 Points of Order: Mrs Caroline Spelman: asking whether there would be an oral 0.12 statement on the local government finance settlement (Leader of House replied on the invitation of the Speaker). Mr Andrew Mackay: asking whether it was in order for Mr MacShane to have referred to a Member of the Lords as “corrupt”, during debate. Mr Edward Leigh: asking whether he could write to the Speaker relating to the issue of an indemnity about which he had not been informed (Chancellor of the Exchequer replied on the invitation of the Speaker). John McFall: offering an opinion on the matter raised by Mr Leigh. Dr Evan Harris: asking whether the Leader of the House could be invited to withdraw an assertion which in his view was misleading. Mr Andrew Pelling: asking how the usual channels could be made use of to allow proper time for debate, rather than to prevent it. 12.39 Address: [6th Day] [Divisions] 5.50 0.29 18.29 Public Petitions: Philip Davies: Equitable Life (Shipley) 0.06 0.06 Mr Crispin Blunt: Equitable Life (Reigate) Mr Robert Syms: Equitable Life (Poole) Sir Patrick Cormack: Equitable Life (South Staffordshire) 18.35 Adjournment: Mr Graham Allen: Election of hon. Members to membership of 0.29 0.29 Select Committees 19.04 House rose [Totals for session: 51.14; 3.13] 8.34 1.04 4 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 7. Monday 30 November 2009 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Children, Schools and Families 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Children, Schools and Families 0.17 15.32 Statement: The Prime Minister (Mr ): Afghanistan and Pakistan 1.19 16.51 Statement: The Secretary of State for Health (): Patient Safety in 0.57 the NHS 17.48 Points of Order: David Taylor: asking whether the Chair had had any indication 0.01 from the Chancellor of the Exchequer about a statement on non-dom status. Mr Andrew Pelling: asking how to raise concerns about the Commons Christmas tree blowing down. 17.49 Second Reading: Financial Services Bill 4.10 Committed to Public Bill Committee 21.59 Allocation of Time: Financial Services Bill (Programme) [Division] 0.17 0.16 22.16 Public Petitions: Peter Luff: Equitable Life (Mid-Worcestershire) 0.04 0.04 Bob Spink: Planning and Development (Essex) 22.20 Adjournment: Lynda Waltho: Funding for British Waterways 0.30 0.30 22.50 House rose [Totals for session: 59.34; 4.03] 8.20 0.50 8. Tuesday 1 December 2009 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.19 15.34 Urgent Question: Mr David Burrowes (asking), Secretary of State for Home 0.48 Department (Alan Johnson) (answering): Gary McKinnon (Extradition) 16.22 EU Documents: European Financial Services Proposals [Division] 2.42 19.04 Statutory Instruments: Draft Census (England and Wales) Order 2009 0.24 [Divisions] 19.28 Affirmative Statutory Instruments: Draft Criminal Defence Service 0.12 (Representation Orders) (Amendment) Regulations 2009 [Division] 19.40 General Debate: Fisheries 2.20 22.00 Public Petitions: Bob Spink: Use of Premises (Essex) 0.06 0.06 Mr Dominic Grieve: Sri Lanka John Hemming: Badman Report (Birmingham, Yardley) 22.06 Adjournment: Mr : Effect on Aylesbury Vale of job reductions 0.28 0.28 at Lloyds Group 22.34 House rose [Totals for session: 67.38; 4.37] 8.04 0.34 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 5 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 9. Wednesday 2 December 2009 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: International Development (31); the Prime Minister (29) 0.58 12.33 Points of Order: Daniel Kawczynski: asking whether a Minister could be made 0.03 to clarify the Government position on Proportional Representation. Greg Mulholland: asking whether the Secretary of State could be made to make a statement on healthcare in Eccleshill. Dr Evan Harris: asking whether there was anything Members could do to secure more time to debate the Equality Bill. 12.36 Consideration: Equality Bill 3.40 16.16 Point of Order: Miss Ann Widdecombe: asking whether it was within the spirit 0.01 of proceedings for a Minister to make a long speech when time was short. 16.17 Consideration: Equality Bill [resumed] [Divisions] 2.25 18.42 Points of Order: John McDonnell: asking to place on the record his 0.03 disappointment about not being able to vote on an amendment on wages. Miss Ann Widdecombe: asking whether the Speaker could talk to Ministers about timetabling. Dr Evan Harris: asking whether anything could be done to get more time on the Bill. Mr Douglas Hogg: asking whether a certificate could be sent to the Lords identifying those parts of the Bill that had not been debated. 18.45 Third Reading: Equality Bill [Division] 0.27 0.12 19.12 General Government Motion: Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority 0.11 0.11 19.23 Points of Order: Mr Andrew Turner: asking why it was possible to have a debate 0.04 0.04 on the motion if it could not be voted on. Mr David Heath: explaining his concerns about the amendment and begging to move that the question be not now put. Peter Bottomley: asking for clarification of what Mr Heath had just said. 19.27 General Government Motion: Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority 0.07 0.07 [resumed] 19.34 Point of Order: David Howarth: offering advice on the effort by Mr Heath to 0.01 0.01 move that the question be not now put. 19.35 General Government Motion: Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority 0.01 0.01 [resumed] 19.36 Points of Order: Peter Bottomley: offering advice on the effort by Mr Heath to 0.09 0.09 move that the question be not now put. Miss Ann Widdecombe: asking for clarification on the effect of the motion that the question be not now put. Jeremy Corbyn: asking for clarification on the effect of the motion that the question be not now put. Sir Patrick Cormack: asking for clarification on the effect of the motion that the question be not now put. Mr David Heath: asking for clarification on the status of his motion that the question be not now put. 19.45 Private Member’s Motion: Mr David Heath: Motion that the question be not 0.01 0.01 now put 19.46 Point of Order: Peter Bottomley: offering advice on the motion that the question 0.01 0.01 be not now put. 6 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 19.47 Private Member’s Motion: Mr David Heath: Motion that the question be not 0.24 0.24 now put [resumed] [Division] 20.11 Points of Order: Sir Nicholas Winterton: asking whether use of the motion that 0.04 0.04 the question be not now put could be discontinued. Mr Patrick McLoughlin: asking for clarification on the effect of the motion that the question be not now put. 20.15 Public Petition: Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger: Badman Report (Bridgwater) 0.01 0.01 20.16 Adjournment: Jeremy Corbyn: Future of the Whittington Hospital 0.29 0.29 20.45 House rose [Totals for session: 76.53; 6.22] 9.15 1.45 10. Thursday 3 December 2009 10.30 Prayers 0.05 10.35 Questions: Transport 0.40 11.15 Topical Questions: Transport 0.12 11.27 Questions: Women and Equality 0.05 11.32 Business Statement: 0.46 12.18 General Debate: European Affairs 5.43 0.01 18.01 Public Petition: Mr Simon Burns: Badman Report (West Chelmsford) 0.01 0.01 18.02 Adjournment: Mr Philip Hollobone: NHS Blood and Transplant’s Give and Let 0.27 0.27 Live donor education programme 18.29 House rose [Totals for session: 84.52; 6.51] 7.59 0.29 11. Monday 7 December 2009 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Work and Pensions 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Work and Pensions 0.15 15.30 Urgent Question: Mr Andrew Lansley (asking), Secretary of State for Health 0.23 (Andy Burnham) (answering): Future of NHS IT Programme 15.53 Statement: Chief Secretary to the Treasury (Mr Liam Byrne): Smarter 0.36 Government 16.29 Point of Order: Mr Phillip Hammond: asking whether the Minister would like to 0.01 put on record a clarification of earlier comments relating to advisers to the Opposition. 16.30 Second Reading: Energy Bill 5.31 0.01 Committed to Public Bill Committee 22.01 Adjournment: Clare Short: Asylum system and destitution and homelessness 0.30 0.30 22.31 House rose [Totals for session: 92.53; 7.22] 8.01 0.31 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 7 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 12. Tuesday 8 December 2009 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Communities and Local Government 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Communities and Local Government 0.16 15.31 Points of Order: Mrs Theresa May: asking whether the Speaker would 0.02 investigate the accuracy of recording of a comment by a Minister. Colin Challen: asking for assurances about demands for payback of Members’ allowances and the process involved. 15.33 Opposition Day [1st Allotted Day]: Disability Benefits for the Elderly [Division]; 6.14 Local Government Finance Settlement and Council Tax 21.47 Point of Order: David Taylor: asking whether it was in order for spokespeople to 0.01 take only friendly interventions. 21.48 Opposition Day [1st Allotted Day]: Local Government Finance Settlement and 0.37 0.25 Council Tax [resumed] [Divisions] 22.25 Public Petitions: Mr Graham Stuart (and many others): Badman Report (See 0.19 0.19 Votes and Proceedings for a full list of petitions and Members) 22.44 Adjournment: Mr Jamie Reed: Flooding in West Cumbria 0.30 0.30 23.14 House rose [Totals for session: 101.37; 8.36] 8.44 1.14 13. Wednesday 9 December 2009 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Cabinet Office (27); the Prime Minister (30) 0.57 12.32 Statement: Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mr Alistair Darling): Pre-Budget 1.37 Report 14.09 Points of Order: Mr Peter Bone: asking whether the Speaker would investigate 0.03 whether there had been a leak of the pre-Budget Statement. Greg Mulholland: asking whether the Speaker was aware of efforts by a pub company to hinder the work of the Business and Enterprise Committee. 14.12 Consideration: Child Poverty Bill [Divisions] 4.02 18.14 Third Reading: Child Poverty Bill 0.47 0.01 19.01 Public Petitions: Annette Brooke: Badman Report (Mid Dorset and North Poole) 0.13 0.13 Annette Brooke: Park Home Sales Mr Edward Garnier: Badman Report (Harborough) Angela Browning: Climate Change (Copenhagen talks) Mr Stewart Jackson: Post Office (New England) Mr Paul Burstow: Deepcut Army Barracks; Freedom Pass Mr John Leech: Immigration (Adela Mahoro Mugabo) Stephen Williams: Badman Report (Bristol West) Mark Hunter: Badman Report (Cheadle) Mr Roger Williams: Badman Report (Brecon and Radnorshire) 19.14 Adjournment: Angela Browning: Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery 0.27 0.27 19.41 House rose [Totals for session: 109.48; 9.17] 8.11 0.41 8 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 14. Thursday 10 December 2009 10.30 Prayers 0.05 10.35 Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.40 11.15 Topical Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.18 11.33 Business Statement: 0.40 12.13 Statement: The Minister for Pensions and the Ageing Society (Angela Eagle): 0.33 Benefits Uprating 12.46 Points of Order: Mr David Heath: asking about whether it was appropriate for a 0.04 Minister to be responsible for laying a report criticising his own actions. Sir Alan Beith: asking for clarification about the possible laying of a report. Miss Anne McIntosh: asking whether there would be a meeting to scrutinise an instrument which came into force that day, and about the legal position. Mr Nigel Dodds: asking whether more time could be found for Private Members’ Bills. 12.50 Estimates: [1st Allotted Day: 1st Part]: Department for Business, Innovation and 2.56 Skills: Students and Universities 15.46 Estimates: [1st Allotted Day: 2nd Part]: Department for Communities and Local 2.17 0.03 Government: Central and Local Government 18.03 Public Petitions: Mr Robert Syms: Badman Report (Poole) 0.01 0.01 Mr John Randall: Badman Report (Uxbridge) Mr Andrew Robathan: Badman Report (Blaby) 18.04 Adjournment: Siobhain McDonagh: British Nuclear Test Veterans 0.28 0.28 18.32 House rose [Totals for session: 117.50; 9.49] 8.02 0.32 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 9 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 15. Monday 14 December 2009 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Home Department 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Home Department 0.17 15.32 Statement: Prime Minister (Mr Gordon Brown): EU Council/Afghanistan 1.16 16.48 Second Reading: Personal Care at Home Bill 5.11 Committed to Committee of the whole House 21.59 Allocation of time: Personal Care at Home Bill (Programme) [Division] 0.19 0.18 22.18 General Government Motion: Regional Select Committee (London) 0.02 0.02 22.20 Point of Order: Mr Andrew Dismore: offering advice about the motion. 0.01 0.01 22.21 General Government Motion: Regional Select Committee (London) [resumed] 0.04 0.04 22.25 Point of Order: Tom Levitt: asking whether the Member speaking should focus 0.01 0.01 her remarks on the subject of the motion. 22.26 General Government Motion: Regional Select Committee (London) [resumed] 0.06 0.06 22.32 Point of Order: Mr Patrick McLoughlin: asking whether a manuscript 0.01 0.01 amendment would be in order. 22.33 General Government Motion: Regional Select Committee (London) [resumed] 0.18 0.18 22.51 Points of Order: Jim Sheridan: accusing the Opposition of filibustering 0.01 0.01 Mr Patrick McLoughlin: asking whether Mr Sheridan, in order to be consistent, should have voted against another motion. 22.52 General Government Motion: Regional Select Committee (London) [resumed] 0.09 0.09 23.01 Point of Order: Mr Jim Sheridan: pointing out the location of his constituency. 0.01 0.01 23.02 General Government Motion: Regional Select Committee (London) [resumed] 0.06 0.06 23.08 Point of Order: Mr Nicholas Brown: claiming to move the closure. 0.02 0.02 23.10 General Government Motion: Regional Select Committee (London) [resumed] 0.37 0.37 [Divisions] 23.47 Public Petitions: Mr Patrick Mercer: Badman Report (Newark) 0.03 0.03 Andrew Rosindell: Badman Report (Romford) Mr : Equitable Life (West Dorset) Badman Report (Castle Pont) 23.50 Adjournment: Mr Gordon Prentice: Processing of Freedom of Information 0.29 0.29 Requests 00.19 House rose [Totals for session: 127.39; 12.08] 9.49 2.19 10 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 16. Tuesday 15 December 2009 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Treasury 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Treasury 0.15 15.30 Statement: Secretary of State for Defence (Mr Bob Ainsworth): Future Defence 1.03 Programme 16.33 Statement: Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (Yvette Cooper): Benefit 0.53 Reform 17.26 Point of Order: Mr Peter Bone: asking for advice for Members presenting 0.01 Private Members’ Bills, given that no dates had yet been set to consider them. 17.27 Second Reading: Flood and Water Management Bill 4.33 Committed to Public Bill Committee 22.00 Affirmative Statutory Instrument: Draft National Assembly for Wales 1.30 1.30 (Legislative Competence) (Welsh Language) Order 2009 23.30 Public Petitions: Mr David Heath: Badman Report (Somerton and Frome) 0.11 0.11 Simon Hughes: Badman Report (North Suothwark and Bermondsey) Miss Anne McIntosh: Badman Report (Vale of York) Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods: Climate Change Mr Joe Benton: Malta Cross/Africa Star Bob Russell: Badman Report (Colchester) Mark Williams: Badman Report (Ceredigion) Mr David Anderson: Badman Report (Blaydon) Mr Robert Goodwill: Badman Report (Scarborough and Whitby) Mr John Leech: Health Care Centre (Burnage) Bob Spink: Dr Ghassemlou 23.41 Adjournment: James Brokenshire: London City Airport 0.30 0.30 00.11 House rose [Totals for session: 137.20; 14.19] 9.41 2.11 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 11 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 17. Wednesday 16 December 2009 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Northern Ireland (29); Prime Minister (28) 0.57 12.32 Statement: Secretary of State for Defence (Mr Bob Ainsworth): Nimrod Review 0.41 13.13 Point of Order: Mr Andrew Rosindell: asking whether the Speaker could give an 0.07 update on arrangements for flying the flag on the Parliamentary Estate. 13.20 Points of Order: Mr Peter Bone: asking whether it was in order to specify dates 0.03 for second reading of Private Members’ Bills when no dates had yet been set for their consideration. Mr David Heath: asking for an early debate on the Wright report. 13.23 Recess Adjournment: [Christmas Adjournment] 5.37 19.00 Public petitions: Angela Browning: Badman Report (Tiverton and Honiton) 0.07 0.07 Mr Rob Wilson: Equitable Life (Reading East) Mr Paul Burstow: Badman Report (Sutton and Cheam) Stephen Williams: Bristol Refugee Rights Mr Mike Hancock: Badman Report (Portsmouth South) 19.07 Adjournment: Richard Burden: Transparency in financial reporting and 0.29 0.29 Birmingham City Council 19.36 House rose [Totals for session: 145.26; 14.55] 8.06 0.36 18. Tuesday 5 January 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Miscellaneous: Communication by the Speaker of the death of a Member (David 0.02 Taylor) 14.37 Questions: Justice 0.38 15.15 Topical Questions: Justice 0.19 15.34 Urgent Question: Keith Vaz (asking), Secretary of State for Foreign and 0.21 Commonwealth Affairs (Mr ) (replying): Yemen 15.55 Statement: Secretary of State for the Home Department (Alan Johnson): Aviation 0.49 and Border Security 16.44 Statement: Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change (Edward 0.48 Miliband): Copenhagen Climate Change Conference 17.32 Statement: Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and 0.21 Skills (Ian Lucas): Her Majesty the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 17.53 Point of Order: Mr John Gummer: asking whether statements could be printed in 0.01 smaller type and on both sides, in order to save paper. 17.54 Second Reading: Fiscal Responsibility Bill [Divisions] 4.36 0.30 Committed to Committee of the whole House 22.30 Allocation of Time: Fiscal Responsibility Bill (Programme) [Division] 0.15 0.15 22.45 Affirmative Statutory Instruments: Draft Immigration (Biometric Registration) 0.11 0.11 (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2009 [Division] 22.56 Public Petition: Bob Spink: Car Scheme (Castle Point) 0.02 0.02 22.58 Adjournment: Mr David Amess: Regeneration of Southend-on-Sea 0.30 0.30 23.28 House rose [Totals for session: 154.24; 16.23] 8.58 1.28 12 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 19. Wednesday 6 January 2010 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Wales (27); Prime Minister (31) 1.01 12.36 Point of Order: Michael Fabricant: asking whether the reported calls for a 0.01 leadership ballot in the Labour Party would affect the day’s business. 12.37 Allocation of Time: Video Recordings Bill (Allocation of Time) 0.14 12.51 Second Reading: Video Recordings Bill 1.54 Committed to Committee of the whole House 14.45 Committee of the whole House: Video Recordings Bill 0.04 14.49 Third Reading: Video Recordings Bill 0.03 14.52 Business Motion: Sittings of the House [Division] 1.33 16.25 General Government Motion: Election of the Deputy Speakers 0.15 16.40 Public Petition: Mr : Badman Report (Maldon and East 0.01 Chelmsford) 16.41 Adjournment: Ms Sally Keeble: Faith Buildings 0.32 17.13 House rose [Totals for session: 160.07; 16.23] 5.43 0.00 20. Thursday 7 January 2010 10.30 Prayers 0.05 10.35 Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.40 11.15 Topical Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.17 11.32 Urgent Question: Mrs Caroline Spelman (asking), Minister of State, Department 0.35 for Transport (Mr Sadiq Khan) (replying): Salt Reserves 12.07 Business Statement: 0.46 12.53 Point of Order: Philip Davies: asking whether the Leader of the House would 0.02 correct the record relating to numbers of people released early from prisons. 12.55 General Debate: Pre-Budget Report 5.04 17.59 Adjournment: Mr David Burrowes: Umbilical cord blood 0.30 0.29 18.29 House rose [Totals for session: 168.06; 16.52] 7.59 0.29 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 13 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 21. Monday 11 January 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Defence 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Defence 0.19 15.34 Statement: Minister of State, Department for Transport (Mr Sadiq Khan): Severe 0.44 weather (transport and services) 16.18 Second Reading: Children, Schools and Families Bill [Divisions] 6.08 0.26 Committed to Public Bill Committee 22.26 Allocation of Time: Children, Schools and Families Bill (Programme) [Division] 0.12 0.12 22.38 Point of Order: Dr Andrew Murrison: asking for advice following comments 0.02 0.02 made during Questions by Mr Quentin Davies that Dr Murrison’s supplementary question was “libellous”. 22.40 Adjournment: Jo Swinson: Effect of media images on the body image of women 0.30 0.30 and girls 23.10 House rose [Totals for session: 176.46; 18.02] 8.40 1.10 22. Tuesday 12 January 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Health 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Health 0.21 15.36 Point of Order: Mr Stephen O’Brien: asking whether it was in order for the 0.02 House to consider the Personal Care at Home Bill, given that he believed the Minister had admitted the impact assessment contained wrong details. 15.38 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Mr Andrew Dismore: Video Recordings (Exemption 0.09 from Classification) 15.47 Committee of the whole House: Personal Care at Home Bill [Divisions] 5.24 21.11 Third Reading: Personal Care at Home Bill 0.39 21.50 Public Petition: Ben Chapman: New Ferry Butterfly Park 0.01 21.51 Adjournment: Mrs Janet Dean: Financial Support for students with serious 0.30 0.21 medical conditions 22.21 House rose [Totals for session: 184.37; 18.23] 7.51 0.21 14 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 23. Wednesday 13 January 2010 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Scotland (30); Prime Minister (30) 1.00 12.35 Privilege: Speaker’s announcement that John Hemming would have precedence 0.01 to move a motion on privilege at the next day’s sitting 12.36 Urgent Question: Ms Diane Abbot (asking), Secretary of State for International 0.22 Development (Mr Douglas Alexander) (replying): Haiti 12.58 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Mr Michael Moore: Veteran’s Welfare 0.09 13.07 Opposition Day [2nd Allotted Day]: Education, Training and Skills for Young 4.28 People in the Recession [Division]; Energy Security 17.35 Point of Order: Mr John Gummer: asking whether it was in order to say that a 0.01 Member had produced false statistics. 17.36 Opposition Day [2nd Allotted Day]: Energy Security [resumed] [Divisions] 1.55 0.31 19.31 Public Petitions: Mr Rob Wilson: Badman Report (Reading East) 0.04 0.04 Mr Parmjit Dhanda: Incinerator (Gloucester) 19.35 Adjournment: Mr William Cash: Sovereignty of Parliament 0.30 0.30 20.05 House rose [Totals for session: 193.12; 19.28] 8.35 1.05 24. Thursday 14 January 2010 10.30 Prayers 0.05 10.35 Questions: Business, Innovation and Skills 0.40 11.15 Topical Questions: Business, Innovation and Skills 0.22 11.37 Business Statement: 0.47 12.24 Statement: Minister of State, Department of Health (Mr Mike O’Brien): Support 0.39 for Thalidomide Survivors 13.03 Privilege: John Hemming: Motion to refer complaint to the Committee on 0.11 Standards and Privileges 13.14 Topical Debate: Afghanistan 1.28 14.42 Private Business at 4pm: Third Reading: Canterbury City Council Bill 1.00 15.42 Point of Order: Mr Peter Bone: asking whether it was in order to continue with 0.01 the debate given that he feared not all pedlars had been notified of the Bill. 15.43 Private Business at 4pm: Third Reading: Canterbury City Council Bill 1.47 [resumed] [Division]; 17.30 Private Business at 4pm: Third Reading: Nottingham City Council Bill 0.10 [Division] 17.40 Public Petition: Mr Paul Goodman: Sri Lanka 0.03 17.43 Adjournment: Joan Ryan: Detention of Andrew Symeou in Korydallos Prison, 0.27 0.10 Greece 18.10 House rose [Totals for session: 200.52; 19.38] 7.40 0.10 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 15 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 25. Monday 18 January 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Culture, Media and Sport 0.35 15.10 Topical Questions: Culture, Media and Sport 0.10 15.20 Questions: Minister for the Olympics 0.11 15.31 Point of Order: Dr Julian Lewis: asking whether the Speaker would express a 0.03 view on whether general election ballots should be counted on election night. 15.34 Second Reading: Crime and Security Bill [Division] 6.41 0.15 Committed to Public Bill Committee 22.15 Adjournment: Tom Levitt: Role of charity trustees 0.30 0.30 22.45 House rose [Totals for session: 209.07; 20.23] 8.15 0.45 16 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 26. Tuesday 19 January 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.26 15.41 Points of Order: Mrs Caroline Spelman: complaining that a statement about 0.08 gardens had been released to the media before being made in the House. Mr Tom Harris: asking about registration of interests by the shadow Health Secretary. Mr Peter Bone: pursuing the same point as Mr Tom Harris, above. Dr Tony Wright: asking for a statement on the sale of Cadbury. Norman Baker: asking about Ministers in the Lords answering questions. Bob Spink: asking for a statement relating to property rights in Cyprus. 15.49 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Mr Frank Doran: Health and Safety (Company 0.10 Director Liability) 15.59 Allocation of Time: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill (Programme) 0.42 (No. 3) 16.41 Point of Order: Mr William Cash: asking whether it was in order for the Minister 0.01 to refer to other scrutiny processes undergone by the Bill being discussed. 16.42 Allocation of Time: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill (Programme) 0.18 (No. 3) [resumed] [Division] 17.00 Committee of the whole House: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [3rd 3.35 allocated day] [Division] 20.35 Point of Order: Michael Fabricant: offering advice about Latin grammar. 0.01 20.36 Committee of the whole House: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [3rd 0.47 allocated day] [resumed] 21.23 Point of Order: Mr Geoffrey Cox: asking whether the Minister’s remarks about a 0.01 conflict of interest were in order. 21.24 Committee of the whole House: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [3rd 0.33 allocated day] [resumed] [Division] 21.57 Point of Order: Mr Dominic Grieve: asking for more time to debate the Bill. 0.01 21.58 Committee of the whole House: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [3rd 0.28 0.26 allocated day] [resumed] [Divisions] 22.26 Adjournment: Dr Liam Fox: Electricity Transmission in North Somerset 0.27 0.27 22.53 House rose [Totals for session: 217.30; 21.16] 8.23 0.53 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 17 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 27. Wednesday 20 January 2010 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: International Development (29); Prime Minister (30) 0.59 12.34 Statement: Prime Minister (Mr Gordon Brown): Security and Counter-Terrorism 0.50 13.24 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Mr Tom Watson: Digital Heritage 0.11 13.35 Committee of the whole House: Fiscal Responsibility Bill [Divisions] 4.56 18.31 Third Reading: Fiscal Responsibility Bill [Division] 0.42 0.13 19.13 Public Petition: Paddy Tipping: Badman Report (Sherwood) 0.01 0.01 19.14 Adjournment: Mr Peter Kilfoyle: Ex parte applications in the family courts 0.26 0.26 19.40 House rose [Totals for session: 225.40; 21.56] 8.10 0.40 28. Thursday 21 January 2010 10.30 Prayers 0.05 10.35 Questions: Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission (4); Church 0.55 Commissioners (3); Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission (8); Church Commissioners (3); Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission (2); Solicitor-General (19); Leader of the House (5); House of Commons Commission (2); Leader of the House (3); House of Commons Commission (1); Leader of the House (5) 11.30 Urgent Question: Mr David Lidington (asking), The Minister for Europe (Chris 0.27 Bryant) (answering): Exchange Rate Movements (FCO) 11.57 Business Statement: 0.47 12.44 Point of Order: Mr Philip Hollobone: asking why there would be a suspension in 0.02 the afternoon before the consideration of Private Bills. 12.46 Topical Debate: Food Industry Competitiveness 0.10 12.56 Point of Order: Mr Philip Hollobone: offering the Minister advice about giving 0.01 way. 12.57 Topical Debate: Food Industry Competitiveness [resumed] 1.19 14.16 Suspension 0.44 15.00 Private Business at 4pm: Consideration: Bournemouth Borough Council Bill 0.54 [Lords] 15.54 Point of Order: Mr Edward Leigh: asking whether wrecking amendments were 0.01 in order. 15.55 Private Business at 4pm: Consideration: Bournemouth Borough Council Bill 2.05 [Lords] [resumed] [Divisions] 18.00 Point of Order: Sir John Butterfill: asking for it to be recorded that he had 0.02 0.02 wanted to vote in the division on the closure motion, after the Tellers had left. 18.02 Adjournment: Daniel Kawczynski: Prostate Cancer (Abiraterone) 0.28 0.28 18.30 House rose [Totals for session: 233.40; 22.26] 8.00 0.30 18 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 29. Monday 25 January 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Children, Schools and Families 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Children, Schools and Families 0.21 15.36 Points of Order: Michael Gove: asking whether the Speaker would take steps to 0.03 ensure correspondence from Ministers relating to questions was sent in good time, in relation to the Edlington case [NB The Secretary of State, , was present and replied at Speaker’s invitation]. Mr Robert Flello: asking whether a statement would be made about extremism. 15.39 Consideration: Financial Services Bill [Divisions] 5.49 21.28 Third Reading: Financial Services Bill 0.33 0.01 22.01 Adjournment: Dr John Pugh: Industrial relations at Royal Mail 0.26 0.26 22.27 House rose [Totals for session: 241.37; 22.53] 7.57 0.27 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 19 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 30. Tuesday 26 January 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Communities and Local Government 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Communities and Local Government 0.19 15.34 Points of Order: David Davis: asking whether comments made by Mr Prescott 0.04 on a Member of the House of Lords were a “reflection” on that Member. Bob Spink: asking whether the failure of Mrs Spelman and other Conservative Members to inform him of visits to his constituency was a sign of panic [NB Mrs Spelman was present and offered an apology which was accepted.]. 15.38 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Mr Edward Timpson: Ambulance Response Times 0.10 (Local Reporting) 15.48 Points of Order: Mr Dominic Grieve: asking about a change to the Order Paper 0.03 which now showed that the Programme Motion was not debatable. Mr John Gummer: offering comments on the wider operation of programming. 15.51 Allocation of Time: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill (Programme) 0.13 (No. 4) [Division] 16.04 Committee of the whole House: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [4th 4.04 allocated day] [Divisions] 20.08 Point of Order: Mr Douglas Hogg: offering to accede to the grouping of certain 0.01 clauses in the Bill together for more convenient consideration. 20.09 Committee of the whole House: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [4th 0.03 allocated day] [resumed] 20.12 Point of Order: Mr David Heath: asking about exactly how consideration had 0.01 been reorganised following an earlier point of order. 20.13 Committee of the whole House: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [4th 1.48 0.01 allocated day] [resumed] [Divisions] 22.01 Public petitions: Mr Oliver Letwin: Badman Report (West Dorset) 0.04 0.04 Jeff Ennis: Bank Branch Closure (Thurnscoe) Stephen Williams: Homosexuals (Right to Marriage); Gaza 22.05 Adjournment: Lynne Jones: Future of Cadbury 0.05 0.05 22.10 Point of Order: Bill Wiggin: saying his views had been misrepresented by 0.02 0.02 another Member in the debate. 22.12 Adjournment: Lynne Jones: Future of Cadbury [resumed] 0.21 0.21 22.33 House rose [Totals for session: 249.40; 23.26] 8.03 0.33 20 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 31. Wednesday 27 January 2010 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Cabinet Office (29); Prime Minister (31) 0.58 12.33 Point of Order: Mr Greg Hands: asking for guidance on how to correct the 0.01 record following comments made by Mr Clive Betts. 12.34 Ten minute rule motion: Helen Southworth: Young People Leaving Care 0.11 (Accommodation) 12.45 Opposition Day [3rd Allotted Day]: Dementia Services and Care of the Elderly 0.31 13.16 Point of Order: Angela Browning: asking whether it was in order for a Minister 0.01 to make comments from a sedentary position. 13.17 Opposition Day [3rd Allotted Day]: Dementia Services and Care of the Elderly 0.03 [resumed] 13.20 Point of Order: John Mann: asking about declaration of interests (NB Mr 0.01 O’Brien was present and responded at the Speaker’s invitation). 13.21 Opposition Day [3rd Allotted Day]: Dementia Services and Care of the Elderly 2.44 [resumed] 16.05 Point of order: Mr Vara: asking advice about references by a Minister to 0.01 declaration of interests, despite the Speaker’s earlier comments. 16.06 Opposition Day [3rd Allotted Day]: Dementia Services and Care of the Elderly 3.10 0.16 [resumed] [Division]; Out-of-hours NHS Services and urgent care [Division] 19.16 Point of order: Barry Gardiner: asking what steps the House could take following 0.02 0.02 events relating to the Brent Youth Parliament. 19.18 Adjournment: Richard Younger-Ross: Primary and Secondary Education 0.25 0.25 19.43 House rose [Totals for session: 257.53; 24.09] 8.13 0.43 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 21 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 32. Thursday 28 January 2010 10.30 Prayers 0.05 10.35 Questions: Transport 0.40 11.15 Topical Questions: Transport 0.11 11.26 Questions: Minister for Women and Equality 0.08 11.34 Business Statement: 0.52 12.26 Point of Order: Bob Russell: asking about access to documents – “An Anatomy 0.01 of Economic Inequality in the UK” – not available in Vote Office. 12.27 Topical Debate: Holocaust Memorial Day 1.31 13.58 Suspension 1.02 15.00 Private Business at 4pm: Third Reading: Leeds City Council Bill 0.45 15.45 Private Business at 4pm: Consideration: Bournemouth Borough Council Bill 0.26 [Lords] 16.11 Private Business at 4pm: Third Reading: Bournemouth Borough Council Bill 0.12 [Lords] 16.23 Private Business at 4pm: Third Reading: Manchester City Council Bill [Lords] 0.13 16.36 Point of Order: Andrew Miller: asking whether a Speaker’s Conference could 0.03 examine a better way to deal with Private Business. 16.39 Adjournment: Mr David Winnick: Arrest warrants in the UK in respect of 0.57 alleged war crimes by individuals resident abroad 17.36 House rose [Totals for session: 264.59; 24.09] 7.06 0.00 33. Friday 29 January 2010 09.30 Prayers 0.02 09.32 Private Member’s Motion: Julie Morgan: Motion to sit in private [Division] 0.12 09.44 Second Reading: Mortgage Repossessions (Protection of Tenants Etc.) Bill 1.16 [PMB] 11.00 Personal Statement: Harry Cohen 0.01 11.01 Second Reading: Mortgage Repossessions (Protection of Tenants Etc.) Bill 0.33 [PMB] [resumed] Committed to Public Bill Committee 11.34 Second Reading: Sunbeds (Regulation) Bill [PMB] 2.13 Committed to Public Bill Committee 13.47 Second Reading: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Amendment) Bill 0.44 0.01 [PMB] Debate to be resumed on Friday 26 February 14.31 Point of Order: Bob Spink: asking whether it could be placed on the record that 0.01 0.01 an objection to the second reading of a Bill had come from the Conservative benches. Jeremy Wright: saying that in fact the objection had come from the Government benches. 14.32 Adjournment: John Mann: Antisocial behaviour orders 0.29 0.29 15.01 House rose [Totals for session: 270.30; 24.40] 5.31 0.31 22 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 34. Monday 1 February 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Work and Pensions 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Work and Pensions 0.18 15.33 Statement: Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (David 0.46 Miliband): Afghanistan Conference and Yemen meeting 16.19 General Government Motion: Standards and Privileges 0.14 16.33 Allocation of Time: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill (Programme) 0.19 (No. 5) [Division] 16.52 Committee of the whole House: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [5th 3.50 allocated day] 20.42 Suspension: Informal Suspension 0.05 20.47 Points of Order: Mr Andrew Robathan: asking how Hansard would record the 0.05 informal suspension. Mr David Drew: asking why there had been no opportunity to vote on a particular clause in Committee. Mr David Heath: asking whether the timetable motion could be revisited to allow extra time to debate the Bill. John McDonnell: asking whether the Speaker could be asked to rule. Bob Spink: asking whether time to deal with the business could be extended. Mr Patrick McLoughlin: offering advice on the order of business. 20.52 General Government Motion: Regional Grand Committee 0.13 [Division] 21.05 Point of Order: Philip Davies: asking whether something could be done to ensure 0.01 Government motions were moved when there was time to debate them. 21.06 Public Petition: Bob Spink: Swimming Pool (Canvey Island) 0.02 21.08 Adjournment: Ann Coffey: Planning applications for children’s homes 0.28 21.36 House rose [Totals for session: 277.36; 24.40] 7.06 0.00 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 23 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 35. Tuesday 2 February 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Treasury 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Treasury 0.19 15.34 Points of Order: Mr Greg Hands: asking whether the Minister for Europe would 0.04 come to the House to explain the effect of exchange rate movements on the FCO budget, and why a letter had not been placed in the Library. Mr David Drew: asking whether the Speaker would look into the circumstances of the previous day’s informal suspension and whether time to debate the Bill had been lost. 15.38 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Jeremy Wright: Compensation Act 2006 0.11 (Amendment) 15.49 Consideration: Flood and Water Management Bill [Division] 5.25 21.14 Third Reading: Flood and Water Management Bill 0.47 0.01 22.01 Public Petition: Bob Spink: Planning and Development (Essex) 0.01 0.01 22.02 Adjournment: Mr Philip Dunne: Aluminium Industry 0.30 0.30 22.32 House rose [Totals for session: 285.38; 25.12] 8.02 0.32 36. Wednesday 3 February 2010 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Northern Ireland (27); Prime Minister (30) 0.57 12.32 Statement: Secretary of State for Defence (Mr Bob Ainsworth): Strategic 0.56 Defence Review Green Paper 13.28 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Mr David Burrowes: Desecration of War Memorials 0.11 13.39 Affirmative Statutory Instruments: Police Grant Report 2.54 16.33 Affirmative Statutory Instruments: Local Government Finance Report 2.40 0.13 19.13 Public Petitions: Sandra Gidley: Malaya (Rosette) 0.05 0.05 Sandra Osborne: Equitable Life (Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock) Mr Fabian Hamilton: Destitution Among Asylum Seekers 19.18 Adjournment: Keith Vaz: Yemen 0.26 0.26 19.44 House rose [Totals for session: 293.52; 25.56] 8.14 0.44 24 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 37. Thursday 4 February 2010 10.30 Prayers 0.05 10.35 Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.40 11.15 Topical Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.21 11.36 Urgent Question: Michael Connarty (asking), The Exchequer Secretary to the 0.22 Treasury (Sarah McCarthy-Fry) (answering): Parliamentary Scrutiny of EU Business 11.58 Business Statement: 0.56 12.54 Point of Order: Mr Mark Harper: asking what could be done to ensure 0.02 information was released in answer to PQs, so that it was not necessary to resort to using Freedom of Information Requests. 12.56 Ways and Means: Crime and Security Bill (Ways and Means) 0.38 13.34 Third Reading: Corporation Tax Bill 0.37 14.11 Third Reading: Taxation (International and Other Provisions) Bill 0.13 14.24 Adjournment: Sir Alan Beith: 0.47 15.11 House rose [Totals for session: 298.33; 25.56] 4.41 0.00 38. Friday 5 February 2010 09.30 Prayers 0.04 09.34 Second Reading: Local Authorities (Overview and Scrutiny) Bill [PMB] 1.09 Committed to Public Bill Committee 10.43 Second Reading: Anti-Slavery Day Bill [PMB] 2.30 Committed to Committee of the whole House 13.13 Committee of the whole House: Anti-Slavery Day Bill [PMB] 0.03 13.16 Third Reading: Anti-Slavery Day Bill [PMB] 0.01 13.17 Second Reading: Damages (Asbestos-Related Conditions) (No. 2) [PMB] 0.03 Committed to Committee of the whole House 13.20 Third Reading: Damages (Asbestos-Related Conditions) (No. 2) [PMB] 1.06 14.26 Second Reading: Employers’ Liability Insurance Bureau Bill [PMB] 0.05 0.01 To be read a second time on Friday 26 February 14.31 Adjournment: Jim Dowd: Rail Services (Sydenham Corridor) 0.30 0.30 15.01 House rose [Totals for session: 304.04; 26.27] 5.31 0.31 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 25 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 39. Monday 8 February 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Home Department 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Home Department 0.15 15.30 Speaker’s Statement: Application of sub judice rule to charges against Members 0.01 15.31 Statement: Prime Minister: Devolution (Northern Ireland) 0.56 16.27 Point of Order: Bob Spink: saying that another Member (Mr Cameron) was 0.01 seeking to visit his constituency without informing him. 16.28 Allocation of Time: Terrorist Asset-Freezing (Temporary Provisions) Bill 0.41 (Allocation of Time) [Division] 17.09 Second Reading: Terrorist Asset-Freezing (Temporary Provisions) Bill 2.51 Committed to Committee of the whole House 20.00 Committee of the whole House: Terrorist Asset-Freezing (Temporary 1.31 Provisions) Bill [Divisions] 21.31 Third Reading: Terrorist Asset-Freezing (Temporary Provisions) Bill 0.05 21.36 Adjournment: Susan Kramer: Kingston Hospital 0.54 0.30 22.30 House rose [Totals for session: 312.04; 26.57] 8.00 0.30 40. Tuesday 9 February 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Justice 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Justice 0.20 15.35 Statement: Minister of State, Department of Health (Mr Mike O’Brien): Out-of- 0.47 Hours GP Services 16.22 Point of Order: Mr Mark Harper: asking what could be done to get speedier 0.02 answers to questions to the Department for Work and Pensions. 16.24 Ten minute rule motion: Joan Ryan: Environmental Protection (Fly-Tipping 0.11 Reporting) 16.35 Money Resolution: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill (Money) (No. 3) 0.57 [Division] 17.32 Committee of the whole House: Constitutional Reform and Governance (6th 4.12 allocated day) 21.44 Point of Order: Mr John Hayes: asking whether another Member’s remarks were 0.01 within the scope of debate. 21.45 Committee of the whole House: Constitutional Reform and Governance (6th 1.06 0.51 allocated day) [resumed] [Divisions] 22.51 Point of Order: Mr Dominic Grieve: complaining about the programme motion. 0.01 0.01 22.52 Money Resolution: Sunbeds (Regulation) (Money) 0.07 0.07 22.59 Public Petitions: Tim Farron: Gritting (South Lakes) 0.04 0.04 Bob Spink: Planning and Development (Essex) Ms Celia Barlow: Pedestrian Crossings 23.03 Adjournment: Colin Challen: Climate Change (Bangladesh) 0.24 0.24 23.27 House rose [Totals for session: 321.01; 28.24] 8.57 1.27 26 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 41. Wednesday 10 February 2010 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Wales (30); Prime Minister (30) 0.59 12.34 Statement: The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (David 0.42 Miliband): Binyam Mohamed 13.16 Statement: The Secretary of State for Defence (Mr Bob Ainsworth): Armed 0.43 Forces Compensation Scheme 13.59 Points of Order: Mrs Caroline Spelman: asking whether a recent written 0.04 ministerial statement on local government restructuring should have been made as an oral statement. Mr Hugo Swire: deprecating the decision announced in the statement. Mr Gary Streeter: asking whether a statement would be made on Exeter unitary authority. 14.03 Ten minute rule motion: Nick Harvey: Water Tariffs 0.11 14.14 General Government Motion: Section 5 of the European Communities 1.57 (Amendment) Act 1993 [Divisions] 16.11 General Government Motion: House of Commons Disqualification Act 1975 0.34 16.45 General Government Motion: Crime and Security Bill Committee 0.05 16.50 Point of Order: Mr Christopher Chope: asking for advice about scope. 0.01 16.51 General Government Motion: Crime and Security Bill Committee [resumed] 0.02 16.53 Point of Order: Keith Vaz: asking for advice about scope. 0.01 16.54 General Government Motion: Crime and Security Bill Committee [resumed] 0.01 16.55 Points of Order: Mr Burns: asking whether the Minister should be nominated to 0.02 the Bill Committee. Mr Greg Knight: asking whether a manuscript amendment would be in order. 16.57 General Government Motion: Crime and Security Bill Committee [resumed] 0.27 17.24 Point of Order: Sir George Young: asking whether “two-faced Tories” was 0.01 parliamentary language. 17.25 General Government Motion: Crime and Security Bill Committee [resumed] 0.27 17.52 Public Petition: Mr Peter Bone: Road Repairs (Northamptonshire) 0.02 17.54 Adjournment: Alistair Burt: Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre 1.34 0.28 19.28 House rose [Totals for session: 328.59; 28.52] 7.58 0.28 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 27 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 42. Monday 22 February 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Defence 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Defence 0.15 15.30 Privilege: Speaker’s announcement that Andrew Dismore would have precedence 0.01 to move a motion on privilege at the next day’s sitting 15.31 Urgent Question: Mr William Hague (asking), The Minister for Europe (Chris 0.14 Bryant) (answering): British Passports (Dubai) 15.45 Statement: Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor (Mr Jack Straw): 0.31 Prisons (Early Release) 16.16 Points of Order: Bob Spink: saying that Conservative Members had visited his 0.01 constituency without informing him. Natascha Engel: asking about time limits for speeches in the main debate. 16.17 General Government Motion: Report from the House of Commons Reform 0.02 Committee on Rebuilding the House 16.19 Point of Order: Mr William Cash: asking about his efforts to table a manuscript 0.01 amendment because he was concerned about Standing Order No 24B. 16.20 General Government Motion: Report from the House of Commons Reform 1.34 Committee on Rebuilding the House [resumed] 17.54 Point of Order: Mr Bernard Jenkin: asking whether the Speaker would confirm 0.01 that amendments would be treated as objections to motions tabled. 17.55 General Government Motion: Report from the House of Commons Reform 4.08 0.03 Committee on Rebuilding the House [resumed] 22.03 Public Petition: Bob Spink: Canvey War Memorial Fund 0.02 0.02 22.05 Adjournment: Tom Levitt: Total Place Programme (High Peak) 0.30 0.30 22.35 House rose [Totals for session: 337.04; 29.27] 8.05 0.35 28 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 43. Tuesday 23 February 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Health 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Health 0.20 15.35 Speaker’s Statement: Changes to arrangements for presentation of public 0.02 petitions 15.37 Points of Order: Mr Mark Harper: asking what could be done to get the 0.05 Department of Work and Pensions to answer overdue Parliamentary Questions. Jeremy Corbyn: asking about holding answers to Parliamentary Questions. Miss Anne McIntosh: asking about electronic petitions. 15.42 Ten minute rule motion: Tony Lloyd: Rental Accommodation (Thermal 0.10 Insulation Standards) 15.52 Privilege: Mr Andrew Dismore: Motion to refer complaint to the Committee on 0.12 Standards and Privileges 16.04 Point of Order: Mr Andrew Dismore: making a comment about remarks by 0.01 Fiona Mactaggart in the previous debate. 16.05 Consideration: Children, Schools and Families Bill [Divisions] 5.25 21.30 Third Reading: Children, Schools and Families Bill [Division] 0.45 0.15 22.15 Public Petitions: Mr Andrew Pelling: Islamic Burial Space 0.03 0.03 Mr Bob Laxton: Planning (Elvaston Castle Country Park) 22.18 Adjournment: Annette Brooke: Myalgic Encephalopathy 0.30 0.30 22.48 House rose [Totals for session: 345.22; 30.15] 8.18 0.48 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 29 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 44. Wednesday 24 February 2010 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Scotland (29); Prime Minister (29) 0.58 12.33 Statement: Prime Minister (Mr Gordon Brown): Child Migration 0.25 12.58 Statement: Secretary of State for Health (Andy Burnham): Mid Staffordshire 0.59 NHS Foundation Trust 13.57 Point of Order: Mr Stephen O’Brien: asking when a nutrition action plan would 0.01 be published (Andy Burnham gave an answer with the Speaker’s permission). 13.58 Ten minute rule motion: Mr David Drew: Public Bodies (Procurement of 0.09 Seafood) 14.07 Points of Order: Charles Hendry: asking whether Ministers could be made to 0.01 produce an important document relevant to the main debate. Simon Hughes: agreeing with the previous point of order from Mr Hendry. 14.08 Consideration: Energy Bill 3.25 17.33 Point of Order: Mr Simon Hughes: asking about an opportunity to vote. 0.01 17.34 Consideration: Energy Bill [resumed] [Division] 0.56 18.30 Third Reading: Energy Bill 0.29 18.59 EU Documents: Alternative Investment Fund Managers [Division] 0.14 0.13 19.13 Public Petitions: Mr Andrew Pelling: Spinal Cord Injuries (Physiotherapy) 0.03 0.03 Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger: Station Footbridge Repair Mark Williams: Gaza 19.16 Adjournment: Jon Cruddas: Beam Park West Prison Site 0.28 0.28 19.44 House rose [Totals for session: 353.36; 30.59] 8.14 0.44 45. Thursday 25 February 2010 10.30 Prayers 0.05 10.35 Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.40 11.15 Topical Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.19 11.34 Business Statement: 0.56 12.30 Speaker’s Statement: Error in recorded division numbers 0.01 12.31 Points of Order: Sir Patrick Cormack: asking whether the Speaker could ensure 0.06 there was adequate time to debate amendments relating to the Wright proposals (NB Leader of the House replied; Sir Patrick pursued the point further.). David Tredinnick: stating that the Clerks of the Science and Technology Committee had inadequately advised the Committee in relation to its inquiry into homeopathy. 12.37 General Debate: Welsh Affairs 0.08 12.45 Point of Order: Mr Mark Pritchard: stating that the Minister had made an 0.01 inaccurate remark. 12.46 General Debate: Welsh Affairs [resumed] 5.10 17.56 Adjournment: Mr Mark Francois: E.ON Call Centre (Raleigh) 0.32 0.28 18.28 House rose [Totals for session: 361.34; 31.27] 7.58 0.28 30 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 46. Friday 26 February 2010 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Second Reading: Debt Relief (Developing Countries) Bill [PMB] 1.56 Committed to Public Bill Committee 11.31 Second Reading: Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) Bill [PMB] 2.34 Committed to Public Bill Committee 14.05 Second Reading: Lisbon Treaty (Referendum) Bill [PMB] 0.27 0.02 Debate to be resumed on Friday 5 March 14.32 Adjournment: Dr Howard Stoate: Self-Care (Minor Ailments) 0.24 0.24 14.56 House rose [Totals for session: 367.00; 31.53] 5.26 0.26 47. Monday 1 March 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Culture, Media and Sport 0.45 15.20 Questions: Minister for the Olympics 0.12 15.32 Points of Order: Mr Peter Bone: asking how he could get an apology for 0.06 comments made about him by the Secretary of State during questions. Bob Spink: asking whether there could be a debate on Lord Ashcroft. Mr Christopher Chope: asking for confirmation that staff in Parliament were able to sign petitions. Robert Key: saying that the first recorded petition to the House of Commons had come from his constituency. 15.38 Opposition Day [4th Allotted Day]: Defence 0.42 16.20 Point of Order: Dr Liam Fox: saying he would have to miss the winding-up 0.01 speeches. 16.21 Opposition Day [4th Allotted Day]: Defence [resumed] [Division] 2.54 19.15 Affirmative Statutory Instrument: Draft Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 1.41 (Continuation in force of Sections 1 to 9) Order 2010 [Division] 20.56 Affirmative Statutory Instrument: Draft Social Security Benefits Up-rating 1.14 0.10 Order 2010 22.10 Money Resolution: Local Authorities (Overview and Scrutiny) Bill (Money) 0.08 0.08 22.18 Public Petitions: Mr Christopher Chope: Bellamy’s Bar Closure 0.05 0.05 Mr Andrew Pelling: Extra Gritting (NHS Savings) 22.23 Adjournment: Mr Richard Benyon: Warm Front (Mr D.R. Smith) 0.24 0.24 22.47 House rose [Totals for session: 375.17; 32.40] 8.17 0.47 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 31 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 48. Tuesday 2 March 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.21 15.36 Points of Order: Justine Greening: asking whether a Secretary of State could be 0.04 made to come to the House to correct misleading comments about figures. Mr Barry Sheerman: asking whether there could be a debate on Lord Ashcroft. Sir Nicholas Winterton: asking for a statement about a state visit. 15.40 Ten minute rule motion: John Mann: Major Capital Contracts (Skills Training 0.09 Requirements) 15.49 Money Resolution: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill (Money) (No. 4) 0.25 [Division] 16.14 Allocation of Time: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill (Programme) 0.48 (No. 6) [Division] 17.02 Consideration: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill 1.24 18.26 Point of Order: Mr David Heath: seeking to point out an error in a printed 0.01 amendment, which Mr Deputy Speaker then corrected verbally. 18.27 Consideration: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [resumed] 2.36 [Divisions] 21.03 Third Reading: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill 0.58 0.01 22.01 Public Petitions: Bob Spink: Carer Poverty; Anti-Social Behaviour 0.04 0.04 Mr Peter Bone: Traffic Calming (Irchester) 22.05 Adjournment: Robert Key: Porton Down 0.22 0.22 22.27 House rose [Totals for session: 383.14; 33.07] 7.57 0.27 49. Wednesday 3 March 2010 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: International Development (30); Prime Minister (30) 0.58 12.33 Second Reading: Bribery Bill [Lords] 0.51 13.24 Royal Assent: Speaker interrupted debate on Bill to notify Royal Assent to the 0.01 Corporation Tax Act 2010. 13.25 Second Reading: Bribery Bill [Lords] [resumed] 1.58 Committed to a Public Bill Committee 15.23 Adjournment: Mr Robert Syms: Proposed Poole Bridge 0.37 16.00 House rose [Totals for session: 387.44; 33.07] 4.30 0.00 32 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 50. Thursday 4 March 2010 10.30 Prayers 0.05 10.35 Questions: Business, Innovation and Skills 0.40 11.15 Topical Questions: Business, Innovation and Skills 0.21 11.36 Business Statement: 0.57 12.33 Points of Order: Dr Julian Lewis: asking how he could put on the record that 0.03 Conservative Party Policy was not as it had been described during Questions. Mr Edward Leigh: asking whether there would be a vote on whether to hold the re-election by secret ballot of the Speaker. Mr Christopher Chope: asking about the rules on comments on Members of the other place. 12.36 Affirmative Statutory Instrument: Draft Terrorism Act (Proscribed 1.05 Organisations) (Amendment) Order 2010 13.41 Business Motion: Business of the House 0.36 14.17 Point of Order: Mr Edward Leigh: Asking the Speaker to encourage the Leader 0.01 to allow a vote on a motion. 14.18 General Government Motion: Changes to Standing Orders: Chair 1.38 (Terminology) [Division] 15.56 General Government Motion: Changes to Standing Order: Election of 0.17 Committee Chairs [Division] 16.13 General Government Motion: Changes to Standing Order: Backbench Business 0.13 Committee [Division] 16.26 Adjournment: Frank Dobson: Crown Estate (Proposed Sale of Homes) 0.31 16.57 House rose [Totals for session: 394.11; 33.07] 6.27 0.00 51. Friday 5 March 2010 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Second Reading: Grocery Market Ombudsman Bill [PMB] [Division] 3.39 Committed to Public Bill Committee 13.14 Second Reading: Care Homes and Sheltered Accommodation (Domestic Pets) 0.51 Bill [PMB] Committed to Public Bill Committee 14.05 Second Reading: Marine Accidents Investigation Branch (Reports) Bill [PMB] 0.28 0.03 Debate stood adjourned 14.33 Adjournment: Norman Baker: Dr David Kelly (Inquest) 0.27 0.27 15.00 House rose [Totals for session: 399.41; 33.37] 5.30 0.30 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 33 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 52. Monday 8 March 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Children, Schools and Families 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Children, Schools and Families 0.21 15.36 Urgent Question: Mr Dominic Grieve (asking); Secretary of State for Justice and 0.20 Lord Chancellor (Mr Jack Straw) (answering): Jon Venables 15.56 Point of Order: Mr Michael Gove: asking whether the Secretary of State could 0.04 correct comments made about statistics (and pursuing the point of order further). 16.00 Consideration: Crime and Security Bill [Divisions] 5.01 21.01 Third Reading: Crime and Security Bill 0.28 21.29 Affirmative Statutory Instrument: Draft Occupational and Personal Pension 0.14 Schemes (Automatic Enrolment) Regulations 2010 [Division] 21.43 Adjournment: Rosie Cooper: Road Gritting 0.28 0.11 22.11 House rose [Totals for session: 407.22; 33.48] 7.41 0.11 53. Tuesday 9 March 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Communities and Local Government 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Communities and Local Government 0.19 15.34 Point of Order: Andrew Selous: asking what could be done about Parliamentary 0.01 Questions left unanswered by the Department of Work and Pensions. 15.35 Ten minute rule motion: Clive Efford: Hydrofluorocarbons Limitation 0.14 15.49 Opposition Day [5th Allotted Day]: Health Care in London 2.53 18.42 Point of Order: Clive Efford: saying that the Evening Standard seemed to be 0.01 reporting the debate before it had taken place. 18.43 Opposition Day [5th Allotted Day]: Health Care in London [resumed] [Division]; 3.44 0.27 Local Government (Devon, Norfolk and Suffolk) [Divisions] 22.27 Public Petition: Mr Peter Bone: Second Entrance to Higham Ferrers College 0.02 0.02 22.29 Adjournment: Mr Philip Dunne: Petrol Filling Stations 0.30 0.30 22.59 House rose [Totals for session: 415.51; 34.47] 8.29 0.59 34 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 54. Wednesday 10 March 2010 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Cabinet Office (27); Prime Minister (30) 0.57 12.32 Points of Order: Mr Denis MacShane: commenting on the political views of the 0.25 late Michael Foot. Michael Fabricant: asking whether an apology from a Secretary of State could be recorded in Hansard. Graham Stuart: asking for help in getting a response to his letter to the Prime Minister relating to Lord Paul’s position as a privy councillor. Norman Baker: asking for help in getting a response to his letter to the Prime Minister relating to Tony Blair and the ministerial code. Michael Fabricant: again asking whether an apology could be recorded. Dr Stephen Ladyman: asking how Members could pay their respects to distinguished people who had died. Miss Ann Widdecombe: asking how Members could get answers to PQs. Michael Gove: asking whether it was appropriate to accuse cross bench peers of political partiality. Mr Christopher Chope: complaining about the lack of opportunity for debate on Supply motions (and pursuing the point). Dr Evan Harris: asking about changes to allow a Back-Bench Business Committee and how they could be brought about (Leader of the House replied). Paul Flynn: suggesting that the House should have a “zero hour” to allow debate. Mr Graham Stuart: commenting on debate about Lord Ashcroft. Michael Fabricant: asking how errors in debate could be corrected in Hansard. Mr Graham Stuart: asking what could be done about comments about Lord Ashcroft. Harriet Harman: making comments about Lord Ashcroft. 12.57 Ten minute rule motion: Sir Patrick Cormack: Remembrance Sunday (Closure 0.09 of Shops) 13.06 Estimates: [2nd Allotted Day: 1st Part]: Department of Health: Alcohol 3.46 16.52 Estimates: [2nd Allotted Day: 2nd Part]: Department for Transport and HMRC: 2.11 0.03 Road Users (Taxes and Charges) 19.03 Public Petitions: Danny Alexander: Energy Costs (Highlands and Islands) 0.03 0.03 Mr Charles Kennedy: Energy Costs (Highlands and Islands) 19.06 Adjournment: Ms Patricia Hewitt: Law on Assisted Suicide 0.28 0.28 19.34 House rose [Totals for session: 423.55; 35.21] 8.04 0.34 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 35 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 55. Thursday 11 March 2010 10.30 Prayers 0.05 10.35 Questions: Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission (5); Public 0.55 Accounts Commission (4); Church Commissioners (3); Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission (3); Church Commissioners (3); Solicitor- General (18); House of Commons Commission (3); Leader of the House (12); House of Commons Commission (4) 11.30 Business Statement: 0.47 12.17 Statement: Minister of State, Department of Transport (Mr Sadiq Khan): High 1.03 Speed Rail 13.20 Points of Order: Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown: pursuing the point about the 0.05 planned closure of Bellamy’s Bar and its replacement with a day nursery. Mr Christopher Chope: asking about S.O. No 144 and the role of the Finance and Services Committee in relation to the planned day nursery. Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown: asking about the role of the Finance and Services Committee in relation to the planned day nursery. 13.25 Topical Debate: International Women’s Day 1.29 14.54 Second Reading: Northern Ireland Assembly Members Bill [Lords] 1.10 Committed to Committee of the whole House 16.04 Adjournment: Adam Afriyie: Sustainable Communities 0.40 16.44 House rose [Totals for session: 430.09; 35.21] 6.14 0.00 56. Friday 12 March 2010 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Private Member’s Motion: Julie Morgan: Motion to sit in private [Division] 0.09 09.44 Third Reading: Marriage (Wales) Bill [Lords] [PMB] 0.17 10.01 Consideration: Sunbeds (Regulation) Bill [PMB] [Divisions] 3.00 13.01 Third Reading: Sunbeds (Regulation) Bill [PMB] 0.14 13.15 Third Reading: Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies and Credit 0.24 Unions Bill [Lords] [PMB] 13.39 Consideration: Local Authorities (Overview and Scrutiny) Bill [PMB] 0.51 14.30 Point of Order: Ms Sally Keeble: asking whether it would be out of order for a 0.05 0.05 Member who had chaired a Committee on a Bill, and reported it to the House, to object to its being given a third reading. 14.35 Adjournment: Lynda Waltho: Dangerous Dogs Act 0.24 0.24 14.59 House rose [Totals for session: 435.38; 35.50] 5.29 0.29 36 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 57. Monday 15 March 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Miscellaneous: Communication by the Speaker of the death of a Member (Dr 0.01 Ashok Kumar) 14.36 Questions: Work and Pensions 0.39 15.15 Topical Questions: Work and Pensions 0.15 15.30 Points of Order: Ms Sally Keeble: Asking whether, in view of a convention that 0.11 members of the Panel of Chairs did not object to third readings of Bills, it had been wrong for an objection to a Bill from Mr Chope to be taken on Friday. Mr Graham Allen: seeking to add to the point of order above. Sir Gerald Kaufman: seeking to add to the point of order above. Ms Sally Keeble: asking for debate on her PMB to continue on Thursday 18 March. Sir Gerald Kaufman: agreeing that Mr Chope ought not to have objected. Mr Graham Allen: asking for reform of Private Members’ Bills Fridays, and an inquiry by the Procedure Committee. Dr Phyllis Starkey: asking whether anyone would own up to having objected. Mr Nick Raynsford: saying that other measures had also failed to progress on Friday despite having cross-party support. David T.C. Davies: saying that he was keen to get on to the main debate. Mrs Claire Curtis-Thomas: asking how another Member could correct a statement in the House which, she said, had been misleading. Mr Peter Bone: saying that there would have been time for more debate on the Bill in question if the full number of Private Members’ Bill Fridays had been scheduled. 15.41 General Debate: Defence in the world 5.48 21.29 Public Petition: Mr Peter Bone: Regional Spatial Strategy (Irchester) 0.02 21.31 Adjournment: Mr Phil Willis: Stroke Services (North Yorkshire) 0.36 0.07 22.07 House rose [Totals for session: 443.15; 35.57] 7.37 0.07 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 37 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 58. Tuesday 16 March 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Treasury 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Treasury 0.15 15.30 Urgent Question: Mrs Theresa Villiers (asking); Mr Sadiq Khan (Minister of 0.23 State, Department for Transport) (answering): British Airways Strike 15.53 Points of Order: Mr Andrew Robathan: asking whether “verbal diarrhoea” was 0.07 parliamentary language. Mr Philip Hammond: asking whether Members who belonged to the UNITE union should declare their interest. Chloe Smith: saying that the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families had visited her constituency without informing her, and seeking guidance. Mr Eric Martlew: asking whether it was appropriate that a statement made in the other place had not been immediately available in the House of Commons. Mark Pritchard: saying that the Speaker had been prompted to rule his question out of Order by the Secretary of State. Andrew Selous: asking about an overdue response to a Parliamentary Question (NB Deputy Leader of the House replied at Speaker’s invitation). Ms Sally Keeble: asking whether her Private Members’ Bill, which had been objected to and had then appeared as Government Business the previous day, would be tabled again tomorrow. 16.00 Ten minute rule motion: Gregory Barker: Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition 0.10 of Retail, Wholesale and Distribution) 16.10 Opposition Day [6th Allotted Day]: Equitable Life [Division]; Higher Education 6.22 0.32 [Divisions] 22.32 Public Petitions: Kelvin Hopkins: Dementia Research 0.07 0.07 Mr Robert Flello: Free School Meals (Stoke-on-Trent) Sir Peter Viggers: Badman Report (Gosport) Bob Spink: Footpath Closure (Hadleigh, Castle Point); Disrepair (Felstead Road, Castle Point) 22.39 Adjournment: Anne Main: Potholes and Road Maintenance 0.30 0.30 23.09 House rose [Totals for session: 451.54; 37.06] 8.39 1.09 38 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 59. Wednesday 17 March 2010 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Wales (30); the Prime Minister (30) 0.57 12.32 Speaker’s Statement: availability of texts of statements made by Secretaries of 0.03 State who are members of the House of Lords 12.35 Points of Order: Mr Gordon Prentice: asking about the fact that Mr Hague had 0.02 not responded to an invitation to appear at a PASC meeting about Lord Ashcroft. Mr Eric Martlew: asking what could be done to allow Secretaries of State in the House of Lords to answer questions in the Commons. 12.37 Ten minute rule motion: Mr David S. Borrow: Organ and Tissue Donation 0.09 (Mandated Choice) 12.46 Second Reading: Cluster Munitions (Prohibitions) Bill [Lords] 2.46 Committed to Committee of the whole House 15.32 Public Petition: Lynda Waltho: Mobile Telephone Mast (West Midlands) 0.02 15.34 Adjournment: Nick Ainger: Personal Oxygen (Public Transport) 0.34 16.08 House rose [Totals for session: 456.32; 37.06] 4.38 0.00 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 39 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 60. Thursday 18 March 2010 10.30 Prayers 0.05 10.35 Questions: Transport 0.30 11.05 Topical Questions: Transport 0.12 11.17 Questions: Minister for Women and Equality 0.16 11.33 Business Statement: 0.48 12.21 Points of Order: Mr David Lidington: saying that a report from the FCO on 0.05 human rights had been published, but not laid before the House (Minister apologised). Mr Rob Wilson: saying that the Prime Minister and Home Secretary had visited his constituency without telling him, and that the answer to a PQ on the subject had not been helpful. Andrew Mackinlay: saying that the Leader of the Opposition had failed to inform him in advance of a visit to his constituency. 12.26 General Government Motion: Annual Report of the Intelligence and Security 0.43 Committee for 2008-09 13.09 Points of Order: Andrew Mackinlay: saying that the Annual Report for 2008-09 0.03 was being conflated with the Annual Report for 2009-10, which could not be properly scrutinised because it had only just been published (and then pursuing the point of order further). Mr William Cash: asking about the Government Response to the Report. 13.12 General Government Motion: Annual Report of the Intelligence and Security 3.26 Committee for 2008-09 [resumed] 16.38 Point of Order: Mr George Howarth: commenting on the meaning of remarks 0.01 made by Dr Kim Howells relating to matters sub judice. 16.39 General Government Motion: Annual Report of the Intelligence and Security 1.13 Committee for 2008-09 [resumed] 17.52 Adjournment: Sir Paul Beresford: Variant Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease 0.25 0.17 18.17 House rose [Totals for session: 464.19; 37.23] 7.47 0.17 40 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 61. Monday 22 March 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Home Department 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Home Department 0.18 15.33 Statement: Leader of the House (Ms Harriet Harman): Paid advocacy and 0.47 lobbying 16.20 Points of Order: Mr Simon Burns: asking for the Speaker to ensure notification 0.04 is given when grouping of questions is proposed. Mr Stewart Jackson: saying that an answer he had received to a Parliamentary Question was erroneous. 16.24 Affirmative Statutory Instrument: Draft Northern Ireland Court Service 2.59 (Abolition and Transfer of Functions) Order 2010 (debated with the Draft Northern Ireland Act 1998 (Devolution of Policing and Justice Functions) Order 2010 and the Draft Northern Ireland Act 1998 (Amendment of Schedule 3) Order 2010) 19.23 Lords Amendments: Child Poverty Bill 0.56 20.19 Adjournment: Anne Snelgrove: Wi-fi (Swindon) 0.47 21.06 House rose [Totals for session: 470.55; 37.23] 6.36 0.00 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 41 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 62. Tuesday 23 March 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Justice 0.25 15.00 Point of Order: Mr Harry Cohen: saying he would make an application to raise 0.01 the matter of phone tapping on the adjournment. 15.01 Questions: Justice [resumed] 0.14 15.15 Topical Questions: Justice 0.21 15.36 Statement: Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (David 0.33 Miliband): UK Passports (Use in Dubai Murder) 16.09 Points of Order: Mr Douglas Hogg: saying that Mr Martlew had tabled an EDM 0.10 relating to his constituency, and that notice ought to be given in such cases. Mr Eric Martlew: saying he had not known to which constituency the matter related. Mr Angus MacNeil: saying that the Foreign Secretary had not disclosed to the House important information relating to the statement on UK Passports. Dr Julian Lewis: agreeing that information had probably been leaked to the press before it had been disclosed to the House. Robert Neill: asking for clarification of plans relating to the orders on local government structural change in Exeter and Norwich, following a vote against one in Delegated Legislation Committee and Government comments. Mr Peter Bone: asking to put on the record comments made by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments relating to the local government orders. 16.19 Ten minute rule motion: Mr Jim Cunningham: Fire Safety (Schools) 0.09 16.28 Committee of the whole House: Cluster Munitions (Prohibitions) Bill [Lords] 1.29 17.57 Point of Order: Mr William Cash: relating to giving way and interventions. 0.01 17.58 Committee of the whole House: Cluster Munitions (Prohibitions) Bill [Lords] 1.15 [resumed] [Division] 19.13 Third Reading: Cluster Munitions (Prohibitions) Bill [Lords] 0.18 19.31 Third Reading: Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Bill [Lords] 0.12 19.43 Affirmative Statutory Instrument: Draft Exeter and Devon (Structural 0.14 Changes) Order 2010 [Division] 19.57 Affirmative Statutory Instrument: Draft Norwich and Norfolk (Structural 0.12 Changes) Order 2010 [Division] 20.09 Money Resolution: Grocery Market Ombudsman Bill (Money) 0.16 20.25 Ways and Means: Grocery Market Ombudsman Bill (Ways and Means) 0.28 20.53 Public Petitions: Christine Russell: Planning (Chester) 0.08 Lembit Öpik: Wind Farms (Mid Wales) Mr William Cash: Financial Assistance Scheme; Power Station (Blythe Park) 21.01 Adjournment: Bob Russell: Personal Hearing Systems 0.33 21.34 House rose [Totals for session: 477.59; 37.23] 7.04 0.00 42 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 63. Wednesday 24 March 2010 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Northern Ireland (28); Prime Minister (29) 0.57 12.32 Ways and Means: Financial Statement 1.00 13.32 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [1st Allotted 5.27 Day] 18.59 Public Petitions: Mr William Cash: Soundproof Fencing (A50 Staffordshire) 0.07 0.06 Mr Stewart Jackson: Newborough Pharmacy (Peterborough) Mr Andrew Pelling: Kurds (Human Rights); Freedom Pass (Croydon); Shirley Hills Viewpoint (Croydon); ; Rail Capacity (Croydon); EU Referendum; Human Trafficking; Traffic Accidents (Addiscombe, Croydon); Traffic Accidents (Coombe Lane, Croydon); Anti-Social Behaviour (Croydon) 19.06 Adjournment: Miss Ann Widdecombe: British High Commission in South 0.30 0.30 Africa 19.36 House rose [Totals for session: 486.05; 37.59] 8.06 0.36 64. Thursday 25 March 2010 10.30 Prayers 0.05 10.35 Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.40 11.15 Topical Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.20 11.35 Business Statement: 0.47 12.22 Points of Order: Sir George Young: Saying that, contrary to an impression given 0.07 by the Leader of the House, the Official Opposition had supported two Private Members’ Bills. Mr David Heath: asking for confirmation that, in any case, the Bills could not make progress without Government time being allocated. Ms Sally Keeble: saying that there was a mistake in the Order Paper with regard to her Bill, as an amendment shown had been withdrawn. Mr Tobias Ellwood: saying that information about funding for coastal towns was available to the BBC before it had been announced in the House. Mr John Randall: saying that several Private Members’ Bills Fridays remained in the year, according to the motion agreed by the House. 12.29 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [2nd Allotted 5.31 Day] 18.00 Public Petition: Mr Peter Bone: Sovereign Fields (East Northamptonshire) 0.02 0.02 18.02 Adjournment: Mr Chris Mullin: Government and the Legislature 0.20 0.20 18.22 House rose [Totals for session: 493.57; 38.21] 7.52 0.22 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 43 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 65. Monday 29 March 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Defence 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Defence 0.18 15.33 Statement: The Prime Minister: European Council 0.38 16.11 Points of Order: Angus Robertson: asking whether the Prime Minister could be 0.03 encouraged to respond to calls to investigate an issue. Bob Spink: complaining that PICT had failed to take steps to address a telephony problem. 16.14 Ten minute rule motion: Dan Rogerson: Second Home Ownership (Regulation) 0.11 16.25 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [3rd Allotted 5.03 Day] 21.28 Public Petitions: Mr Andrew Pelling: Policing (Croydon); Traffic 9 The Glad, 0.06 Croydon); Traffic (Orchard Avenue, Croydon); Potholes (New Addington, Croydon); Tram Overcrowding (Croydon); Central Parade (New Addington, Croydon); Pear Tree Farm (Croydon); Featherbed Lane Pinch Point (Croydon); Mayday Hospital A&E (Croydon); Night Buses (New Addington, Croydon) 21.34 Adjournment: Miss Anne McIntosh: Planning 0.41 0.15 22.15 House rose [Totals for session: 501.42; 38.36] 7.45 0.15 44 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 66. Tuesday 30 March 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Health 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Health 0.21 15.36 Urgent Question: Dr Evan Harris (asking); Minister for Policing, Crime and 0.24 Counter-Terrorism (Mr David Hanson) (answering): Drug Classification 16.00 Points of Order: Mr David Drew: asking whether the Speaker could urge the 0.06 Leader of the House to give an opportunity for Private Members’ Bills to progress, and to make a statement. Mr Andrew Robathan: asking how he could get a more satisfactory response to a question he had asked following a statement by the Leader of the House. Andrew Gwynne: asking whether the Debt Relief Bill would remain on the Order Paper now that an amendment had been withdrawn. Dr Evan Harris: asking how a Minister could correct the record, after stating in response to the Urgent Question that Prof. David Nutt had resigned. 16.06 Ten minute rule motion: Martin Linton: Control of Dogs 0.10 16.16 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [4th Allotted 0.34 Day] 16.50 Point of Order: Miss Anne McIntosh: stating that she was an honorary graduate 0.01 of Anglia Ruskin University, as was Lord Ashcroft. 16.51 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [4th Allotted 0.07 Day] [resumed] 16.58 Point of Order: Mr Patrick McLoughlin: saying that the Chief Secretary, who 0.01 would normally wind up the debate, was absent from the Chamber. 16.59 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [4th Allotted 0.16 Day] [resumed] 17.15 Point of Order: Peter Bottomley: asking whether the House could hear Mr Balls’ 0.02 six pages of quotations all at once. 17.17 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [4th Allotted 0.48 Day] [resumed] 18.05 Points of Order: Mr Liam Byrne: apologising for being late for the debate. 0.03 Mr Philip Hammond: saying that Mr Byrne ought to have been present. Mr Kenneth Clarke: agreeing that Mr Byrne ought not to be allowed to speak. 18.08 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [4th Allotted 3.37 Day] [resumed] 21.45 Point of Order: Miss Anne McIntosh: saying that, given Mr Byrne’s earlier 0.01 absence, she wondered on what basis he would respond to the debate. 21.46 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [4th Allotted 1.53 1.39 Day] [resumed] [Divisions] 23.39 Lords Amendments: Personal Care at Home Bill 0.21 0.21 00.00 Public Petitions: Bob Spink: Planning and Development (Hadleigh, Essex); 0.15 0.15 Planning and Development (Benfleet, Essex); Bus Service (Essex) Mr Robert Flello: High School Provision (Stoke-on-Trent South) Michael Jabez Foster: Hunting with Dogs Julie Morgan: Gypsies and Travellers (Security of Tenure); Proposed Eviction (Dale Farm and Hovefields, Essex) Mr David Anderson: Hunting with Dogs PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 45 Time Subject Duration After appointed time Mr Andrew Pelling: 10 petitions: Tamil People (Sri Lanka); Asylum Screening (Croydon); Crystal Palace FC; Bus Routes (Croydon); Public Sector Employment (Croydon); Incinerator (Croydon); GPs (Croydon); Diabetes Services (Croydon); Housing (Croydon); Parliamentary Reform 00.15 Adjournment: John Mann: Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund 0.18 0.18 00.33 House rose [Totals for session: 511.45; 41.09] 10.03 2.33 67. Tuesday 6 April 2010 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.18 15.33 Urgent Question: Jeremy Corbyn (asking), the Minister for Europe (Chris 0.24 Bryant) (answering): Chagos Islands 15.57 Business Statement: 0.21 16.18 Ten minute rule motion: Nadine Dorries: Waste Recovery and Disposal 0.09 Facilities (Public Consultation) 16.27 Second Reading: Digital Economy Bill [Lords] 5.33 Committed to Committee of the whole House 22.00 Lords Amendments: Equality Bill 1.01 1.01 23.01 Public Petitions: Lynne Featherstone: Equitable Life (Hornsey and Wood Green) 0.04 0.04 Mr Andrew Pelling: Cosmetics Testing on Animals; Size Zero Models 23.05 Adjournment: Miss Ann Widdecombe: Gladys Taulo 0.24 0.24 23.29 House rose [Totals for session: 520.44; 42.38] 8.59 1.29 46 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 68. Wednesday 7 April 2010 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Scotland (29); Prime Minister (29) 0.58 12.33 Ten minute rule motion: Jamie Reed: Nuclear Fuel Cycle (Non-Proliferation and 0.10 Public Liability) 12.43 Business Motion: Business of the House 1.00 13.43 Point of Order: Mr William Cash: asking for guidance on the constitutional role 0.01 of the Leader of the House. 13.44 Business Motion: Business of the House [resumed] 0.16 14.00 Point of Order: David Howarth: asking whether he could move a manuscript 0.01 amendment. 14.01 Business Motion: Business of the House [resumed] [Divisions] 0.30 14.31 Consideration: Bribery Bill 0.17 14.48 Third Reading: Bribery Bill 0.19 15.07 Committee of the whole House: Northern Ireland Assembly Members Bill 0.24 [Lords] 15.31 Third Reading: Northern Ireland Assembly Members Bill [Lords] 0.21 15.52 Affirmative Statutory Instrument: Draft Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 1.01 (Amendment) Order 2010 16.53 Consideration: Debt Relief (Developing Countries) Bill 0.32 17.25 Third Reading: Debt Relief (Developing Countries) Bill 0.17 17.42 Point of Order: David Howarth: seeking to ask about the motion that leave be 0.04 given to bring in an Appropriation Bill (Speaker did not allow the point of order to be finished, as the question needed to be put forthwith, but later explained). 17.46 Second Reading: Finance Bill 2.38 1.24 Committed to Committee of the whole House 20.24 Committee of the whole House: Finance Bill 0.27 0.27 20.51 Committee of the whole House: Digital Economy Bill [Lords] [Division] 2.12 2.12 23.03 Third Reading: Digital Economy Bill [Lords] [Division] 0.10 0.10 23.13 Public Petition: Sir Alan Beith: Christian Values 0.02 0.02 23.15 Adjournment: Mr Mark Todd: Members of Parliament (Theory and Practice of 0.26 0.26 Role) 23.41 House rose [Totals for session: 532.55; 47.19] 12.11 4.41 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 47 Time Subject Duration After appointed time 69. Thursday 8 April 2010 10.30 Prayers 0.05 10.35 Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.40 11.15 Topical Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.19 11.34 Points of Order: Andrew Mackinlay: asking whether, when Lords Messages 0.10 were considered, Ministers would have an opportunity to explain why expected amendments were not made in the Lords. Michael Fabricant: asking whether the Prime Minister had given an indication that he intended to correct assertions made relating to Charlie Whelan’s parliamentary pass. Peter Bottomley: agreeing that the issue of lobbying needed to be considered; and then suggesting that Ministers might use Points of Order to clarify matters of the type referred to by Mr Mackinlay. Dr Evan Harris: asking what could be done about the fact the Government had not brought forward changes to Standing Orders as expected; and then stating that it was the Government, not others, which had made objections to the new Orders. Sir Patrick Cormack: asking whether notice of prorogation would be given on the annunciators. Peter Bottomley: asking, with regard to Charlie Whelan, whether it was in order for a lobbyist to have a Parliamentary pass. 11.44 Consideration: Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) Bill 0.03 11.47 Point of Order: Peter Bottomley: asking whether it was for the Serjeant to look 0.01 into the issue of Charlie Whelan’s Parliamentary pass. 11.48 Consideration: Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) Bill [resumed] 0.51 12.39 Point of Order: Mr Chope: asking whether he had a right to reply to the debate. 0.01 12.40 Consideration: Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) Bill [resumed] 0.13 [Division] 12.53 Lords Amendments: Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [Divisions] 1.22 14.15 Point of Order: Mr Graham Allen: asking whether it was in order to ask the 0.01 Deputy Speaker what had happened to certain provisions in the Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill. 14.16 Lords Amendments: Children, Schools and Families Bill 0.50 15.06 Lords Amendments: Energy Bill 0.22 15.28 Lords Amendments: Financial Services Bill 0.42 16.10 Lords Amendments: Flood and Water Management Bill 0.15 16.25 Sitting Suspended 0.57 17.22 Message to attend the Lords Commissioners; Suspension 0.25 17.47 House rose [Totals for session: 540.12; 47.19] 7.17 0.00



Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 1: Addresses other than Prayers 18 Nov 09 [1st Day] 7.28 19 Nov 09 [2nd Day] 0.30 19 Nov 09 [2nd Day] [resumed] 5.38 23 Nov 09 [3rd Day] 6.54 24 Nov 09 [4th Day] 6.22 25 Nov 09 [5th Day] 0.01 25 Nov 09 [5th Day] [resumed] [Division] 5.14 0.17 26 Nov 09 [6th Day] [Divisions] 5.50 0.29 Totals: 37.57 0.46 2a: Government Bills: Read a second time and committed to Public Bill Committee 30 Nov 09 Financial Services Bill 4.10 Committed to Public Bill Committee 7 Dec 09 Energy Bill 5.31 0.01 Committed to Public Bill Committee 15 Dec 09 Flood and Water Management Bill 4.33 Committed to Public Bill Committee 11 Jan 10 Children, Schools and Families Bill [Divisions] 6.08 0.26 Committed to Public Bill Committee 18 Jan 10 Crime and Security Bill [Division] 6.41 0.15 Committed to Public Bill Committee 3 Mar 10 Bribery Bill [Lords] 0.51 3 Mar 10 Bribery Bill [Lords] [resumed] 1.58 Committed to a Public Bill Committee Totals: 29.52 0.42 2b: Government Bills: Read a second time and committed to Committee of the whole House (in whole or part) 14 Dec 09 Personal Care at Home Bill 5.11 Committed to Committee of the whole House 5 Jan 10 Fiscal Responsibility Bill [Divisions] 4.36 0.30 Committed to Committee of the whole House 6 Jan 10 Video Recordings Bill 1.54 Committed to Committee of the whole House 8 Feb 10 Terrorist Asset-Freezing (Temporary Provisions) Bill 2.51 Committed to Committee of the whole House 11 Mar 10 Northern Ireland Assembly Members Bill [Lords] 1.10 Committed to Committee of the whole House 17 Mar 10 Cluster Munitions (Prohibitions) Bill [Lords] 2.46 Committed to Committee of the whole House 6 Apr 10 Digital Economy Bill [Lords] 5.33 Committed to Committee of the whole House 8 Apr 10 Finance Bill 2.38 1.24 Committed to Committee of the whole House Totals: 26.39 1.54 50 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 2d: Government Bills: Committee of the whole House 6 Jan 10 Video Recordings Bill 0.04 12 Jan 10 Personal Care at Home Bill [Divisions] 5.24 19 Jan 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [3rd allocated day] [Division] 3.35 19 Jan 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [3rd allocated day] [resumed] 0.47 19 Jan 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [3rd allocated day] [resumed] 0.33 [Division] 19 Jan 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [3rd allocated day] [resumed] 0.28 0.26 [Divisions] 20 Jan 10 Fiscal Responsibility Bill [Divisions] 4.56 26 Jan 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [4th allocated day] 4.04 [Divisions] 26 Jan 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [4th allocated day] [resumed] 0.03 26 Jan 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [4th allocated day] [resumed] 1.48 0.01 [Divisions] 1 Feb 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [5th allocated day] 3.50 8 Feb 10 Terrorist Asset-Freezing (Temporary Provisions) Bill [Divisions] 1.31 9 Feb 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance (6th allocated day) 4.12 9 Feb 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance (6th allocated day) [resumed] 1.06 0.51 [Divisions] 23 Mar 10 Cluster Munitions (Prohibitions) Bill [Lords] 1.29 23 Mar 10 Cluster Munitions (Prohibitions) Bill [Lords] [resumed] [Division] 1.15 8 Apr 10 Northern Ireland Assembly Members Bill [Lords] 0.24 8 Apr 10 Finance Bill 0.27 0.27 8 Apr 10 Digital Economy Bill [Lords] [Division] 2.12 2.12 Totals: 38.08 3.57 2e: Government Bills: Consideration 2 Dec 09 Equality Bill 3.40 2 Dec 09 Equality Bill [resumed] [Divisions] 2.25 9 Dec 09 Child Poverty Bill [Divisions] 4.02 25 Jan 10 Financial Services Bill [Divisions] 5.49 2 Feb 10 Flood and Water Management Bill [Division] 5.25 23 Feb 10 Children, Schools and Families Bill [Divisions] 5.25 24 Feb 10 Energy Bill 3.25 24 Feb 10 Energy Bill [resumed] [Division] 0.56 2 Mar 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill 1.24 2 Mar 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [resumed] [Divisions] 2.36 8 Mar 10 Crime and Security Bill [Divisions] 5.01 8 Apr 10 Bribery Bill 0.17 8 Apr 10 Debt Relief (Developing Countries) Bill 0.32 8 Apr 10 Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) Bill 0.03 8 Apr 10 Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) Bill [resumed] 0.51 8 Apr 10 Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) Bill [resumed] 0.13 [Division] Totals: 42.04 0.00 PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 51 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 2f: Government Bills: Third Reading 2 Dec 09 Equality Bill [Division] 0.27 0.12 9 Dec 09 Child Poverty Bill 0.47 0.01 6 Jan 10 Video Recordings Bill 0.03 12 Jan 10 Personal Care at Home Bill 0.39 20 Jan 10 Fiscal Responsibility Bill [Division] 0.42 0.13 25 Jan 10 Financial Services Bill 0.33 0.01 2 Feb 10 Flood and Water Management Bill 0.47 0.01 4 Feb 10 Corporation Tax Bill 0.37 4 Feb 10 Taxation (International and Other Provisions) Bill 0.13 8 Feb 10 Terrorist Asset-Freezing (Temporary Provisions) Bill 0.05 23 Feb 10 Children, Schools and Families Bill [Division] 0.45 0.15 24 Feb 10 Energy Bill 0.29 2 Mar 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill 0.58 0.01 8 Mar 10 Crime and Security Bill 0.28 23 Mar 10 Cluster Munitions (Prohibitions) Bill [Lords] 0.18 23 Mar 10 Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Bill [Lords] 0.12 8 Apr 10 Bribery Bill 0.19 8 Apr 10 Northern Ireland Assembly Members Bill [Lords] 0.21 8 Apr 10 Debt Relief (Developing Countries) Bill 0.17 8 Apr 10 Digital Economy Bill [Lords] [Division] 0.10 0.10 Totals: 9.10 0.54 2g: Government Bills: Lords Amendments 22 Mar 10 Child Poverty Bill 0.56 30 Mar 10 Personal Care at Home Bill 0.21 0.21 6 Apr 10 Equality Bill 1.01 1.01 8 Apr 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill [Divisions] 1.22 8 Apr 10 Children, Schools and Families Bill 0.50 8 Apr 10 Energy Bill 0.22 8 Apr 10 Financial Services Bill 0.42 8 Apr 10 Flood and Water Management Bill 0.15 Totals: 5.49 1.22 2h: Government Bills: Allocation of Time 30 Nov 09 Financial Services Bill (Programme) [Division] 0.17 0.16 14 Dec 09 Personal Care at Home Bill (Programme) [Division] 0.19 0.18 5 Jan 10 Fiscal Responsibility Bill (Programme) [Division] 0.15 0.15 6 Jan 10 Video Recordings Bill (Allocation of Time) 0.14 11 Jan 10 Children, Schools and Families Bill (Programme) [Division] 0.12 0.12 19 Jan 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill (Programme) (No. 3) 0.42 19 Jan 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill (Programme) (No. 3) 0.18 [resumed] [Division] 26 Jan 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill (Programme) (No. 4) 0.13 [Division] 1 Feb 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill (Programme) (No. 5) 0.19 [Division] 52 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 8 Feb 10 Terrorist Asset-Freezing (Temporary Provisions) Bill (Allocation of 0.41 Time) [Division] 2 Mar 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill (Programme) (No. 6) 0.48 [Division] Totals: 4.18 1.01 3a: Private Members’ Bills: Second Reading 29 Jan 10 Mortgage Repossessions (Protection of Tenants Etc.) Bill [PMB] 1.16 29 Jan 10 Mortgage Repossessions (Protection of Tenants Etc.) Bill [PMB] 0.33 [resumed] Committed to Public Bill Committee 29 Jan 10 Sunbeds (Regulation) Bill [PMB] 2.13 Committed to Public Bill Committee 29 Jan 10 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Amendment) Bill [PMB] 0.44 0.01 Debate to be resumed on Friday 26 February 5 Feb 10 Local Authorities (Overview and Scrutiny) Bill [PMB] 1.09 Committed to Public Bill Committee 5 Feb 10 Anti-Slavery Day Bill [PMB] 2.30 Committed to Committee of the whole House 5 Feb 10 Damages (Asbestos-Related Conditions) (No. 2) [PMB] 0.03 Committed to Committee of the whole House 5 Feb 10 Employers’ Liability Insurance Bureau Bill [PMB] 0.05 0.01 To be read a second time on Friday 26 February 26 Feb 10 Debt Relief (Developing Countries) Bill [PMB] 1.56 Committed to Public Bill Committee 26 Feb 10 Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) Bill [PMB] 2.34 Committed to Public Bill Committee 26 Feb 10 Lisbon Treaty (Referendum) Bill [PMB] 0.27 0.02 Debate to be resumed on Friday 5 March 5 Mar 10 Grocery Market Ombudsman Bill [PMB] [Division] 3.39 Committed to Public Bill Committee 5 Mar 10 Care Homes and Sheltered Accommodation (Domestic Pets) Bill [PMB] 0.51 Committed to Public Bill Committee 5 Mar 10 Marine Accidents Investigation Branch (Reports) Bill [PMB] 0.28 0.03 Debate stood adjourned Totals: 18.28 0.07 3b: Private Members’ Bills: Other stages 5 Feb 10 Committee of the whole House: Anti-Slavery Day Bill [PMB] 0.03 5 Feb 10 Third Reading: Anti-Slavery Day Bill [PMB] 0.01 5 Feb 10 Third Reading: Damages (Asbestos-Related Conditions) (No. 2) [PMB] 1.06 12 Mar 10 Third Reading: Marriage (Wales) Bill [Lords] [PMB] 0.17 12 Mar 10 Consideration: Sunbeds (Regulation) Bill [PMB] [Divisions] 3.00 12 Mar 10 Third Reading: Sunbeds (Regulation) Bill [PMB] 0.14 12 Mar 10 Third Reading: Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies and 0.24 Credit Unions Bill [Lords] [PMB] 12 Mar 10 Consideration: Local Authorities (Overview and Scrutiny) Bill [PMB] 0.51 Totals: 5.56 0.00 PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 53 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 4: Private Business at Seven/Four o’clock 14 Jan 10 Third Reading: Canterbury City Council Bill 1.00 14 Jan 10 Third Reading: Canterbury City Council Bill [resumed] [Division]; 1.47 14 Jan 10 Third Reading: Nottingham City Council Bill [Division] 0.10 21 Jan 10 Consideration: Bournemouth Borough Council Bill [Lords] 0.54 21 Jan 10 Consideration: Bournemouth Borough Council Bill [Lords] [resumed] 2.05 [Divisions] 28 Jan 10 Third Reading: Leeds City Council Bill 0.45 28 Jan 10 Consideration: Bournemouth Borough Council Bill [Lords] 0.26 28 Jan 10 Third Reading: Bournemouth Borough Council Bill [Lords] 0.12 28 Jan 10 Third Reading: Manchester City Council Bill [Lords] 0.13 Totals: 7.32 0.00 5a: Government Motions: European Union Documents 1 Dec 09 European Financial Services Proposals [Division] 2.42 24 Feb 10 Alternative Investment Fund Managers [Division] 0.14 0.13 Totals: 2.56 0.13 5b: Government Motions: Business Motions 6 Jan 10 Sittings of the House [Division] 1.33 4 Mar 10 Business of the House 0.36 8 Apr 10 Business of the House 1.00 8 Apr 10 Business of the House [resumed] 0.16 8 Apr 10 Business of the House [resumed] [Divisions] 0.30 Totals: 3.55 0.00 5c: Government Motions: General 2 Dec 09 Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority 0.11 0.11 2 Dec 09 Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority [resumed] 0.07 0.07 2 Dec 09 Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority [resumed] 0.01 0.01 14 Dec 09 Regional Select Committee (London) 0.02 0.02 14 Dec 09 Regional Select Committee (London) [resumed] 0.04 0.04 14 Dec 09 Regional Select Committee (London) [resumed] 0.06 0.06 14 Dec 09 Regional Select Committee (London) [resumed] 0.18 0.18 14 Dec 09 Regional Select Committee (London) [resumed] 0.09 0.09 14 Dec 09 Regional Select Committee (London) [resumed] 0.06 0.06 14 Dec 09 Regional Select Committee (London) [resumed] [Divisions] 0.37 0.37 6 Jan 10 Election of the Deputy Speakers 0.15 1 Feb 10 Standards and Privileges 0.14 1 Feb 10 East of England Regional Grand Committee [Division] 0.13 10 Feb 10 Section 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993 1.57 [Divisions] 10 Feb 10 House of Commons Disqualification Act 1975 0.34 10 Feb 10 Crime and Security Bill Committee 0.05 10 Feb 10 Crime and Security Bill Committee [resumed] 0.02 10 Feb 10 Crime and Security Bill Committee [resumed] 0.01 10 Feb 10 Crime and Security Bill Committee [resumed] 0.27 10 Feb 10 Crime and Security Bill Committee [resumed] 0.27 54 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 22 Feb 10 Report from the House of Commons Reform Committee on Rebuilding 0.02 the House 22 Feb 10 Report from the House of Commons Reform Committee on Rebuilding 1.34 the House [resumed] 22 Feb 10 Report from the House of Commons Reform Committee on Rebuilding 4.08 0.03 the House [resumed] 4 Mar 10 Changes to Standing Orders: Chair (Terminology) [Division] 1.38 4 Mar 10 Changes to Standing Order: Election of Committee Chairs [Division] 0.17 4 Mar 10 Changes to Standing Order: Backbench Business Committee [Division] 0.13 18 Mar 10 Annual Report of the Intelligence and Security Committee for 2008-09 0.43 18 Mar 10 Annual Report of the Intelligence and Security Committee for 2008-09 3.26 [resumed] 18 Mar 10 Annual Report of the Intelligence and Security Committee for 2008-09 1.13 [resumed] Totals: 19.10 1.44 5d: Government Motions: General Debates 1 Dec 09 Fisheries 2.20 3 Dec 09 European Affairs 5.43 0.01 7 Jan 10 Pre-Budget Report 5.04 25 Feb 10 Welsh Affairs 0.08 25 Feb 10 Welsh Affairs [resumed] 5.10 15 Mar 10 Defence in the world 5.48 Totals: 24.13 0.01 5e: Government Motions: Topical Debates 14 Jan 10 Afghanistan 1.28 21 Jan 10 Food Industry Competitiveness 0.10 21 Jan 10 Food Industry Competitiveness [resumed] 1.19 28 Jan 10 Holocaust Memorial Day 1.31 11 Mar 10 International Women’s Day 1.29 Totals: 5.57 0.00 6a: Opposition Days 8 Dec 09 [1st Allotted Day]: Disability Benefits for the Elderly [Division]; Local 6.14 Government Finance Settlement and Council Tax 8 Dec 09 [1st Allotted Day]: Local Government Finance Settlement and Council 0.37 0.25 Tax [resumed] [Divisions] 13 Jan 10 [2nd Allotted Day]: Education, Training and Skills for Young People in 4.28 the Recession [Division]; Energy Security 13 Jan 10 [2nd Allotted Day]: Energy Security [resumed] [Divisions] 1.55 0.31 27 Jan 10 [3rd Allotted Day]: Dementia Services and Care of the Elderly 0.31 27 Jan 10 [3rd Allotted Day]: Dementia Services and Care of the Elderly [resumed] 0.03 27 Jan 10 [3rd Allotted Day]: Dementia Services and Care of the Elderly [resumed] 2.44 27 Jan 10 [3rd Allotted Day]: Dementia Services and Care of the Elderly [resumed] 3.10 0.16 [Division]; Out-of-hours NHS Services and urgent care [Division] 1 Mar 10 [4th Allotted Day]: Defence 0.42 1 Mar 10 [4th Allotted Day]: Defence [resumed] [Division] 2.54 9 Mar 10 [5th Allotted Day]: Health Care in London 2.53 PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 55 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 9 Mar 10 [5th Allotted Day]: Health Care in London [resumed] [Division]; Local 3.44 0.27 Government (Devon, Norfolk and Suffolk) [Divisions] 16 Mar 10 [6th Allotted Day]: Equitable Life [Division]; Higher Education 6.22 0.32 [Divisions] Totals: 36.17 2.11 7a: Private Members’ Motions: Substantive motions 2 Dec 09 Mr David Heath: Motion that the question be not now put 0.01 0.01 2 Dec 09 Mr David Heath: Motion that the question be not now put [resumed] 0.24 0.24 [Division] 29 Jan 10 Julie Morgan: Motion to sit in private [Division] 0.12 12 Mar 10 Julie Morgan: Motion to sit in private [Division] 0.09 Totals: 0.46 0.25 7b: Private Members’ Motions: Ten minute rule motions 12 Jan 10 Mr Andrew Dismore: Video Recordings (Exemption from Classification) 0.09 13 Jan 10 Mr Michael Moore: Veteran’s Welfare 0.09 19 Jan 10 Mr Frank Doran: Health and Safety (Company Director Liability) 0.10 20 Jan 10 Mr Tom Watson: Digital Heritage 0.11 26 Jan 10 Mr Edward Timpson: Ambulance Response Times (Local Reporting) 0.10 27 Jan 10 Helen Southworth: Young People Leaving Care (Accommodation) 0.11 2 Feb 10 Jeremy Wright: Compensation Act 2006 (Amendment) 0.11 3 Feb 10 Mr David Burrowes: Desecration of War Memorials 0.11 9 Feb 10 Joan Ryan: Environmental Protection (Fly-Tipping Reporting) 0.11 10 Feb 10 Nick Harvey: Water Tariffs 0.11 23 Feb 10 Tony Lloyd: Rental Accommodation (Thermal Insulation Standards) 0.10 24 Feb 10 Mr David Drew: Public Bodies (Procurement of Seafood) 0.09 2 Mar 10 John Mann: Major Capital Contracts (Skills Training Requirements) 0.09 9 Mar 10 Clive Efford: Hydrofluorocarbons Limitation 0.14 10 Mar 10 Sir Patrick Cormack: Remembrance Sunday (Closure of Shops) 0.09 16 Mar 10 Gregory Barker: Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition of Retail, 0.10 Wholesale and Distribution) 17 Mar 10 Mr David S. Borrow: Organ and Tissue Donation (Mandated Choice) 0.09 23 Mar 10 Mr Jim Cunningham: Fire Safety (Schools) 0.09 29 Mar 10 Dan Rogerson: Second Home Ownership (Regulation) 0.11 30 Mar 10 Martin Linton: Control of Dogs 0.10 6 Apr 10 Nadine Dorries: Waste Recovery and Disposal Facilities (Public 0.09 Consultation) 8 Apr 10 Jamie Reed: Nuclear Fuel Cycle (Non-Proliferation and Public Liability) 0.10 Totals: 3.43 0.00 8b: Adjournment debates: Before recesses 16 Dec 09 [Christmas Adjournment] 5.37 Totals: 5.37 0.00 8d: Adjournment debates: Daily 18 Nov 09 Siobhain McDonagh: Training of nurses 0.29 0.27 19 Nov 09 Chloe Smith: Norwich Northern Distributor Road 0.22 23 Nov 09 Dr Vincent Cable: Cowboy Builders 0.28 0.28 24 Nov 09 Mike Gapes: Future of King George Hospital, Ilford 0.28 0.28 56 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 25 Nov 09 Mr Tim Yeo: Adoption and custody of children in Suffolk 0.25 0.25 26 Nov 09 Mr Graham Allen: Election of hon. Members to membership of Select 0.29 0.29 Committees 30 Nov 09 Lynda Waltho: Funding for British Waterways 0.30 0.30 1 Dec 09 Mr David Lidington: Effect on Aylesbury Vale of job reductions at 0.28 0.28 Lloyds Group 2 Dec 09 Jeremy Corbyn: Future of the Whittington Hospital 0.29 0.29 3 Dec 09 Mr Philip Hollobone: NHS Blood and Transplant’s Give and Let Live 0.27 0.27 donor education programme 7 Dec 09 Clare Short: Asylum system and destitution and homelessness 0.30 0.30 8 Dec 09 Mr Jamie Reed: Flooding in West Cumbria 0.30 0.30 9 Dec 09 Angela Browning: Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery 0.27 0.27 10 Dec 09 Siobhain McDonagh: British Nuclear Test Veterans 0.28 0.28 14 Dec 09 Mr Gordon Prentice: Processing of Freedom of Information Requests 0.29 0.29 15 Dec 09 James Brokenshire: London City Airport 0.30 0.30 16 Dec 09 Richard Burden: Transparency in financial reporting and Birmingham 0.29 0.29 City Council 5 Jan 10 Mr David Amess: Regeneration of Southend-on-Sea 0.30 0.30 6 Jan 10 Ms Sally Keeble: Faith Buildings 0.32 7 Jan 10 Mr David Burrowes: Umbilical cord blood 0.30 0.29 11 Jan 10 Jo Swinson: Effect of media images on the body image of women and 0.30 0.30 girls 12 Jan 10 Mrs Janet Dean: Financial Support for students with serious medical 0.30 0.21 conditions 13 Jan 10 Mr William Cash: Sovereignty of Parliament 0.30 0.30 14 Jan 10 Joan Ryan: Detention of Andrew Symeou in Korydallos Prison, Greece 0.27 0.10 18 Jan 10 Tom Levitt: Role of charity trustees 0.30 0.30 19 Jan 10 Dr Liam Fox: Electricity Transmission in North Somerset 0.27 0.27 20 Jan 10 Mr Peter Kilfoyle: Ex parte applications in the family courts 0.26 0.26 21 Jan 10 Daniel Kawczynski: Prostate Cancer (Abiraterone) 0.28 0.28 25 Jan 10 Dr John Pugh: Industrial relations at Royal Mail 0.26 0.26 26 Jan 10 Lynne Jones: Future of Cadbury 0.05 0.05 26 Jan 10 Lynne Jones: Future of Cadbury [resumed] 0.21 0.21 27 Jan 10 Richard Younger-Ross: Primary and Secondary Education 0.25 0.25 28 Jan 10 Mr David Winnick: Arrest warrants in the UK in respect of alleged war 0.57 crimes by individuals resident abroad 29 Jan 10 John Mann: Antisocial behaviour orders 0.29 0.29 1 Feb 10 Ann Coffey: Planning applications for children’s homes 0.28 2 Feb 10 Mr Philip Dunne: Aluminium Industry 0.30 0.30 3 Feb 10 Keith Vaz: Yemen 0.26 0.26 4 Feb 10 Sir Alan Beith: East Coast Main Line 0.47 5 Feb 10 Jim Dowd: Rail Services (Sydenham Corridor) 0.30 0.30 8 Feb 10 Susan Kramer: Kingston Hospital 0.54 0.30 9 Feb 10 Colin Challen: Climate Change (Bangladesh) 0.24 0.24 10 Feb 10 Alistair Burt: Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre 1.34 0.28 22 Feb 10 Tom Levitt: Total Place Programme (High Peak) 0.30 0.30 23 Feb 10 Annette Brooke: Myalgic Encephalopathy 0.30 0.30 PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 57 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 24 Feb 10 Jon Cruddas: Beam Park West Prison Site 0.28 0.28 25 Feb 10 Mr Mark Francois: E.ON Call Centre (Raleigh) 0.32 0.28 26 Feb 10 Dr Howard Stoate: Self-Care (Minor Ailments) 0.24 0.24 1 Mar 10 Mr Richard Benyon: Warm Front (Mr D.R. Smith) 0.24 0.24 2 Mar 10 Robert Key: Porton Down 0.22 0.22 3 Mar 10 Mr Robert Syms: Proposed Poole Bridge 0.37 4 Mar 10 Frank Dobson: Crown Estate (Proposed Sale of Homes) 0.31 5 Mar 10 Norman Baker: Dr David Kelly (Inquest) 0.27 0.27 8 Mar 10 Rosie Cooper: Road Gritting 0.28 0.11 9 Mar 10 Mr Philip Dunne: Petrol Filling Stations 0.30 0.30 10 Mar 10 Ms Patricia Hewitt: Law on Assisted Suicide 0.28 0.28 11 Mar 10 Adam Afriyie: Sustainable Communities 0.40 12 Mar 10 Lynda Waltho: Dangerous Dogs Act 0.24 0.24 15 Mar 10 Mr Phil Willis: Stroke Services (North Yorkshire) 0.36 0.07 16 Mar 10 Anne Main: Potholes and Road Maintenance 0.30 0.30 17 Mar 10 Nick Ainger: Personal Oxygen (Public Transport) 0.34 18 Mar 10 Sir Paul Beresford: Variant Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease 0.25 0.17 22 Mar 10 Anne Snelgrove: Wi-fi (Swindon) 0.47 23 Mar 10 Bob Russell: Personal Hearing Systems 0.33 24 Mar 10 Miss Ann Widdecombe: British High Commission in South Africa 0.30 0.30 25 Mar 10 Mr Chris Mullin: Government and the Legislature 0.20 0.20 29 Mar 10 Miss Anne McIntosh: Planning 0.41 0.15 30 Mar 10 John Mann: Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund 0.18 0.18 6 Apr 10 Miss Ann Widdecombe: Gladys Taulo 0.24 0.24 8 Apr 10 Mr Mark Todd: Members of Parliament (Theory and Practice of Role) 0.26 0.26 Totals: 34.53 24.42 9: Estimates 10 Dec 09 [1st Allotted Day: 1st Part]: Department for Business, Innovation and 2.56 Skills: Students and Universities 10 Dec 09 [1st Allotted Day: 2nd Part]: Department for Communities and Local 2.17 0.03 Government: Central and Local Government 10 Mar 10 [2nd Allotted Day: 1st Part]: Department of Health: Alcohol 3.46 10 Mar 10 [2nd Allotted Day: 2nd Part]: Department for Transport and HMRC: 2.11 0.03 Road Users (Taxes and Charges) Totals: 11.10 0.06 10: Money Resolutions 9 Feb 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill (Money) (No. 3) [Division] 0.57 9 Feb 10 Sunbeds (Regulation) (Money) 0.07 0.07 1 Mar 10 Local Authorities (Overview and Scrutiny) Bill (Money) 0.08 0.08 2 Mar 10 Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill (Money) (No. 4) [Division] 0.25 23 Mar 10 Grocery Market Ombudsman Bill (Money) 0.16 Totals: 1.53 0.15 58 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 11: Ways and Means 4 Feb 10 Crime and Security Bill (Ways and Means) 0.38 23 Mar 10 Grocery Market Ombudsman Bill (Ways and Means) 0.28 24 Mar 10 Financial Statement 1.00 24 Mar 10 Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [1st Allotted Day] 5.27 25 Mar 10 Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [2nd Allotted Day] 5.31 29 Mar 10 Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [3rd Allotted Day] 5.03 30 Mar 10 Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [4th Allotted Day] 0.34 30 Mar 10 Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [4th Allotted Day] [resumed] 0.07 30 Mar 10 Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [4th Allotted Day] [resumed] 0.16 30 Mar 10 Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [4th Allotted Day] [resumed] 0.48 30 Mar 10 Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [4th Allotted Day] [resumed] 3.37 30 Mar 10 Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [4th Allotted Day] [resumed] 1.53 1.39 [Divisions] Totals: 25.22 1.39 12: Affirmative Statutory Instruments 1 Dec 09 Draft Census (England and Wales) Order 2009 [Divisions] 0.24 1 Dec 09 Draft Criminal Defence Service (Representation Orders) (Amendment) 0.12 Regulations 2009 [Division] 15 Dec 09 Draft National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Welsh 1.30 1.30 Language) Order 2009 5 Jan 10 Draft Immigration (Biometric Registration) (Amendment No. 2) 0.11 0.11 Regulations 2009 [Division] 3 Feb 10 Police Grant Report 2.54 3 Feb 10 Local Government Finance Report 2.40 0.13 1 Mar 10 Draft Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 (Continuation in force of 1.41 Sections 1 to 9) Order 2010 [Division] 1 Mar 10 Draft Social Security Benefits Up-rating Order 2010 1.14 0.10 4 Mar 10 Draft Terrorism Act (Proscribed Organisations) (Amendment) Order 1.05 2010 8 Mar 10 Draft Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Automatic 0.14 Enrolment) Regulations 2010 [Division] 22 Mar 10 Draft Northern Ireland Court Service (Abolition and Transfer of 2.59 Functions) Order 2010 (debated with the Draft Northern Ireland Act 1998 (Devolution of Policing and Justice Functions) Order 2010 and the Draft Northern Ireland Act 1998 (Amendment of Schedule 3) Order 2010) 23 Mar 10 Draft Exeter and Devon (Structural Changes) Order 2010 [Division] 0.14 23 Mar 10 Draft Norwich and Norfolk (Structural Changes) Order 2010 [Division] 0.12 8 Apr 10 Draft Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (Amendment) Order 2010 1.01 Totals: 16.31 2.04 PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 59 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 14a: Questions 24 Nov 09 Health 0.40 25 Nov 09 Scotland (29); Prime Minister (30) 0.57 26 Nov 09 Church Commissioners (8); Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral 0.56 Commission (3); Church Commissioners (2); Public Accounts Commission (2); Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission (3); Solicitor-General (20); Leader of the House (12); House of Commons Commission (2); Leader of the House (5); House of Commons Commission (3) 30 Nov 09 Children, Schools and Families 0.40 1 Dec 09 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.40 2 Dec 09 International Development (31); the Prime Minister (29) 0.58 3 Dec 09 Transport 0.40 3 Dec 09 Women and Equality 0.05 7 Dec 09 Work and Pensions 0.40 8 Dec 09 Communities and Local Government 0.40 9 Dec 09 Cabinet Office (27); the Prime Minister (30) 0.57 10 Dec 09 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.40 14 Dec 09 Home Department 0.40 15 Dec 09 Treasury 0.40 16 Dec 09 Northern Ireland (29); Prime Minister (28) 0.57 5 Jan 10 Justice 0.38 6 Jan 10 Wales (27); Prime Minister (31) 1.01 7 Jan 10 Energy and Climate Change 0.40 11 Jan 10 Defence 0.40 12 Jan 10 Health 0.40 13 Jan 10 Scotland (30); Prime Minister (30) 1.00 14 Jan 10 Business, Innovation and Skills 0.40 18 Jan 10 Culture, Media and Sport 0.35 18 Jan 10 Minister for the Olympics 0.11 19 Jan 10 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.40 20 Jan 10 International Development (29); Prime Minister (30) 0.59 21 Jan 10 Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission (4); Church 0.55 Commissioners (3); Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission (8); Church Commissioners (3); Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission (2); Solicitor-General (19); Leader of the House (5); House of Commons Commission (2); Leader of the House (3); House of Commons Commission (1); Leader of the House (5) 25 Jan 10 Children, Schools and Families 0.40 26 Jan 10 Communities and Local Government 0.40 27 Jan 10 Cabinet Office (29); Prime Minister (31) 0.58 28 Jan 10 Transport 0.40 28 Jan 10 Minister for Women and Equality 0.08 1 Feb 10 Work and Pensions 0.40 2 Feb 10 Treasury 0.40 3 Feb 10 Northern Ireland (27); Prime Minister (30) 0.57 4 Feb 10 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.40 60 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 8 Feb 10 Home Department 0.40 9 Feb 10 Justice 0.40 10 Feb 10 Wales (30); Prime Minister (30) 0.59 22 Feb 10 Defence 0.40 23 Feb 10 Health 0.40 24 Feb 10 Scotland (29); Prime Minister (29) 0.58 25 Feb 10 Energy and Climate Change 0.40 1 Mar 10 Culture, Media and Sport 0.45 1 Mar 10 Minister for the Olympics 0.12 2 Mar 10 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.40 3 Mar 10 International Development (30); Prime Minister (30) 0.58 4 Mar 10 Business, Innovation and Skills 0.40 8 Mar 10 Children, Schools and Families 0.40 9 Mar 10 Communities and Local Government 0.40 10 Mar 10 Cabinet Office (27); Prime Minister (30) 0.57 11 Mar 10 Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission (5); Public Accounts 0.55 Commission (4); Church Commissioners (3); Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission (3); Church Commissioners (3); Solicitor- General (18); House of Commons Commission (3); Leader of the House (12); House of Commons Commission (4) 15 Mar 10 Work and Pensions 0.39 16 Mar 10 Treasury 0.40 17 Mar 10 Wales (30); the Prime Minister (30) 0.57 18 Mar 10 Transport 0.30 18 Mar 10 Minister for Women and Equality 0.16 22 Mar 10 Home Department 0.40 23 Mar 10 Justice 0.25 23 Mar 10 Justice [resumed] 0.14 24 Mar 10 Northern Ireland (28); Prime Minister (29) 0.57 25 Mar 10 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.40 29 Mar 10 Defence 0.40 30 Mar 10 Health 0.40 6 Apr 10 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.40 8 Apr 10 Scotland (29); Prime Minister (29) 0.58 8 Apr 10 Energy and Climate Change 0.40 Totals: 46.52 0.00 14b: Topical Questions 24 Nov 09 Health 0.19 30 Nov 09 Children, Schools and Families 0.17 1 Dec 09 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.19 3 Dec 09 Transport 0.12 7 Dec 09 Work and Pensions 0.15 8 Dec 09 Communities and Local Government 0.16 10 Dec 09 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.18 14 Dec 09 Home Department 0.17 15 Dec 09 Treasury 0.15 PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 61 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 5 Jan 10 Justice 0.19 7 Jan 10 Energy and Climate Change 0.17 11 Jan 10 Defence 0.19 12 Jan 10 Health 0.21 14 Jan 10 Business, Innovation and Skills 0.22 18 Jan 10 Culture, Media and Sport 0.10 19 Jan 10 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.26 25 Jan 10 Children, Schools and Families 0.21 26 Jan 10 Communities and Local Government 0.19 28 Jan 10 Transport 0.11 1 Feb 10 Work and Pensions 0.18 2 Feb 10 Treasury 0.19 4 Feb 10 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.21 8 Feb 10 Home Department 0.15 9 Feb 10 Justice 0.20 22 Feb 10 Defence 0.15 23 Feb 10 Health 0.20 25 Feb 10 Energy and Climate Change 0.19 2 Mar 10 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.21 4 Mar 10 Business, Innovation and Skills 0.21 8 Mar 10 Children, Schools and Families 0.21 9 Mar 10 Communities and Local Government 0.19 15 Mar 10 Work and Pensions 0.15 16 Mar 10 Treasury 0.15 18 Mar 10 Transport 0.12 22 Mar 10 Home Department 0.18 23 Mar 10 Justice 0.21 25 Mar 10 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.20 29 Mar 10 Defence 0.18 30 Mar 10 Health 0.21 6 Apr 10 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.18 8 Apr 10 Energy and Climate Change 0.19 Totals: 12.19 0.00 14c: Urgent Questions 1 Dec 09 Mr David Burrowes (asking), Secretary of State for Home Department 0.48 (Alan Johnson) (answering): Gary McKinnon (Extradition) 7 Dec 09 Mr Andrew Lansley (asking), Secretary of State for Health (Andy 0.23 Burnham) (answering): Future of NHS IT Programme 5 Jan 10 Keith Vaz (asking), Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth 0.21 Affairs (Mr David Miliband) (replying): Yemen 7 Jan 10 Mrs Caroline Spelman (asking), Minister of State, Department for 0.35 Transport (Mr Sadiq Khan) (replying): Salt Reserves 13 Jan 10 Ms Diane Abbot (asking), Secretary of State for International 0.22 Development (Mr Douglas Alexander) (replying): Haiti 21 Jan 10 Mr David Lidington (asking), The Minister for Europe (Chris Bryant) 0.27 (answering): Exchange Rate Movements (FCO) 62 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 4 Feb 10 Michael Connarty (asking), The Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury 0.22 (Sarah McCarthy-Fry) (answering): Parliamentary Scrutiny of EU Business 22 Feb 10 Mr William Hague (asking), The Minister for Europe (Chris Bryant) 0.14 (answering): British Passports (Dubai) 8 Mar 10 Mr Dominic Grieve (asking); Secretary of State for Justice and Lord 0.20 Chancellor (Mr Jack Straw) (answering): Jon Venables 16 Mar 10 Mrs Theresa Villiers (asking); Mr Sadiq Khan (Minister of State, 0.23 Department for Transport) (answering): British Airways Strike 30 Mar 10 Dr Evan Harris (asking); Minister for Policing, Crime and Counter- 0.24 Terrorism (Mr David Hanson) (answering): Drug Classification 6 Apr 10 Jeremy Corbyn (asking), the Minister for Europe (Chris Bryant) 0.24 (answering): Chagos Islands Totals: 5.03 0.00 14d: Statements 23 Nov 09 The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Hilary 0.32 Benn): Flooding (Cumbria) 25 Nov 09 Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mr Alistair Darling): Indemnity to Bank of 0.46 England 25 Nov 09 Secretary of State for Scotland (Mr Jim Murphy): Scotland’s future in the 0.42 UK 30 Nov 09 The Prime Minister (Mr Gordon Brown): Afghanistan and Pakistan 1.19 30 Nov 09 The Secretary of State for Health (Andy Burnham): Patient Safety in the 0.57 NHS 7 Dec 09 Chief Secretary to the Treasury (Mr Liam Byrne): Smarter Government 0.36 9 Dec 09 Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mr Alistair Darling): Pre-Budget Report 1.37 10 Dec 09 The Minister for Pensions and the Ageing Society (Angela Eagle): 0.33 Benefits Uprating 14 Dec 09 Prime Minister (Mr Gordon Brown): EU Council/Afghanistan 1.16 15 Dec 09 Secretary of State for Defence (Mr Bob Ainsworth): Future Defence 1.03 Programme 15 Dec 09 Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (Yvette Cooper): Benefit 0.53 Reform 16 Dec 09 Secretary of State for Defence (Mr Bob Ainsworth): Nimrod Review 0.41 5 Jan 10 Secretary of State for the Home Department (Alan Johnson): Aviation 0.49 and Border Security 5 Jan 10 Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change (Edward Miliband): 0.48 Copenhagen Climate Change Conference 5 Jan 10 Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and 0.21 Skills (Ian Lucas): Her Majesty the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 11 Jan 10 Minister of State, Department for Transport (Mr Sadiq Khan): Severe 0.44 weather (transport and services) 14 Jan 10 Minister of State, Department of Health (Mr Mike O’Brien): Support for 0.39 Thalidomide Survivors 20 Jan 10 Prime Minister (Mr Gordon Brown): Security and Counter-Terrorism 0.50 1 Feb 10 Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (David 0.46 Miliband): Afghanistan Conference and Yemen meeting 3 Feb 10 Secretary of State for Defence (Mr Bob Ainsworth): Strategic Defence 0.56 Review Green Paper 8 Feb 10 Prime Minister: Devolution (Northern Ireland) 0.56 PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 63 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 9 Feb 10 Minister of State, Department of Health (Mr Mike O’Brien): Out-of- 0.47 Hours GP Services 10 Feb 10 The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (David 0.42 Miliband): Binyam Mohamed 10 Feb 10 The Secretary of State for Defence (Mr Bob Ainsworth): Armed Forces 0.43 Compensation Scheme 22 Feb 10 Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor (Mr Jack Straw): 0.31 Prisons (Early Release) 24 Feb 10 Prime Minister (Mr Gordon Brown): Child Migration 0.25 24 Feb 10 Secretary of State for Health (Andy Burnham): Mid Staffordshire NHS 0.59 Foundation Trust 11 Mar 10 Minister of State, Department of Transport (Mr Sadiq Khan): .03 Rail 22 Mar 10 Leader of the House (Ms Harriet Harman): Paid advocacy and lobbying 0.47 23 Mar 10 Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (David 0.33 Miliband): UK Passports (Use in Dubai Murder) 29 Mar 10 The Prime Minister: European Council 0.38 Totals: 24.52 0.00 14e: Business Statements 19 Nov 09 Business Statement: 0.51 26 Nov 09 Business Statement 0.56 3 Dec 09 Business Statement: 0.46 10 Dec 09 Business Statement: 0.40 7 Jan 10 Business Statement: 0.46 14 Jan 10 Business Statement: 0.47 21 Jan 10 Business Statement: 0.47 28 Jan 10 Business Statement: 0.52 4 Feb 10 Business Statement: 0.56 25 Feb 10 Business Statement: 0.56 4 Mar 10 Business Statement: 0.57 11 Mar 10 Business Statement: 0.47 18 Mar 10 Business Statement: 0.48 25 Mar 10 Business Statement: 0.47 6 Apr 10 Business Statement: 0.21 Totals: 11.57 0.00 64 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 14g: Points of Order 19 Nov 09 Peter Bottomley: Asking whether it would be possible to remove extra 0.01 electrons from the Secretary of State, rendering him less negative. 23 Nov 09 Mr Frank Field: asking whether votes on the Queen’s Speech could allow 0.01 the opportunity to vote on Afghanistan. 24 Nov 09 Mr Bernard Jenkin: asking whether the Speaker would ensure there was 0.04 an opportunity to debate the report from the Committee on the Reform of the House of Commons. Ann Clwyd: asking whether the Speaker could arrange for the Chilcot Inquiry to be shown on the annunciators. Dr Evan Harris: asking whether the Speaker had heard from the Leader that she was planning to revise the provisional business to allow more time for debate on the report stage of the Equality Bill. 25 Nov 09 Mr Mark Harper: asking whether the Deputy Speaker could act to ensure 0.01 sufficient time was made available to debate the Equality Bill. 25 Nov 09 Mr Frank Field: asking whether the Deputy Speaker would relay to the 0.01 Speaker the view that the House should debate an amendable motion on Afghanistan. 26 Nov 09 Mrs Caroline Spelman: asking whether there would be an oral statement 0.12 on the local government finance settlement (Leader of House replied on the invitation of the Speaker). Mr Andrew Mackay: asking whether it was in order for Mr MacShane to have referred to a Member of the Lords as “corrupt”, during debate. Mr Edward Leigh: asking whether he could write to the Speaker relating to the issue of an indemnity about which he had not been informed (Chancellor of the Exchequer replied on the invitation of the Speaker). John McFall: offering an opinion on the matter raised by Mr Leigh. Dr Evan Harris: asking whether the Leader of the House could be invited to withdraw an assertion which in his view was misleading. Mr Andrew Pelling: asking how the usual channels could be made use of to allow proper time for debate, rather than to prevent it. 30 Nov 09 David Taylor: asking whether the Chair had had any indication from the 0.01 Chancellor of the Exchequer about a statement on non-dom status. Mr Andrew Pelling: asking how to raise concerns about the Commons Christmas tree blowing down. 2 Dec 09 Daniel Kawczynski: asking whether a Minister could be made to clarify 0.03 the Government position on Proportional Representation. Greg Mulholland: asking whether the Secretary of State could be made to make a statement on healthcare in Eccleshill. Dr Evan Harris: asking whether there was anything Members could do to secure more time to debate the Equality Bill. 2 Dec 09 Miss Ann Widdecombe: asking whether it was within the spirit of 0.01 proceedings for a Minister to make a long speech when time was short. 2 Dec 09 John McDonnell: asking to place on the record his disappointment about 0.03 not being able to vote on an amendment on wages. Miss Ann Widdecombe: asking whether the Speaker could talk to Ministers about timetabling. Dr Evan Harris: asking whether anything could be done to get more time on the Bill. Mr Douglas Hogg: asking whether a certificate could be sent to the Lords identifying those parts of the Bill that had not been debated. PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 65 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 2 Dec 09 Mr Andrew Turner: asking why it was possible to have a debate on the 0.04 0.04 motion if it could not be voted on. Mr David Heath: explaining his concerns about the amendment and begging to move that the question be not now put. Peter Bottomley: asking for clarification of what Mr Heath had just said. 2 Dec 09 David Howarth: offering advice on the effort by Mr Heath to move that 0.01 0.01 the question be not now put. 2 Dec 09 Peter Bottomley: offering advice on the effort by Mr Heath to move that 0.09 0.09 the question be not now put. Miss Ann Widdecombe: asking for clarification on the effect of the motion that the question be not now put. Jeremy Corbyn: asking for clarification on the effect of the motion that the question be not now put. Sir Patrick Cormack: asking for clarification on the effect of the motion that the question be not now put. Mr David Heath: asking for clarification on the status of his motion that the question be not now put. 2 Dec 09 Peter Bottomley: offering advice on the motion that the question be not 0.01 0.01 now put. 2 Dec 09 Sir Nicholas Winterton: asking whether use of the motion that the 0.04 0.04 question be not now put could be discontinued. Mr Patrick McLoughlin: asking for clarification on the effect of the motion that the question be not now put. 7 Dec 09 Mr Phillip Hammond: asking whether the Minister would like to put on 0.01 record a clarification of earlier comments relating to advisers to the Opposition. 8 Dec 09 Mrs Theresa May: asking whether the Speaker would investigate the 0.02 accuracy of recording of a comment by a Minister. Colin Challen: asking for assurances about demands for payback of Members’ allowances and the process involved. 8 Dec 09 David Taylor: asking whether it was in order for spokespeople to take 0.01 only friendly interventions. 9 Dec 09 Mr Peter Bone: asking whether the Speaker would investigate whether 0.03 there had been a leak of the pre-Budget Statement. Greg Mulholland: asking whether the Speaker was aware of efforts by a pub company to hinder the work of the Business and Enterprise Committee. 10 Dec 09 Mr David Heath: asking about whether it was appropriate for a Minister 0.04 to be responsible for laying a report criticising his own actions. Sir Alan Beith: asking for clarification about the possible laying of a report. Miss Anne McIntosh: asking whether there would be a meeting to scrutinise an instrument which came into force that day, and about the legal position. Mr Nigel Dodds: asking whether more time could be found for Private Members’ Bills. 14 Dec 09 Mr Andrew Dismore: offering advice about the motion. 0.01 0.01 14 Dec 09 Tom Levitt: asking whether the Member speaking should focus her 0.01 0.01 remarks on the subject of the motion. 14 Dec 09 Mr Patrick McLoughlin: asking whether a manuscript amendment would 0.01 0.01 be in order. 66 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 14 Dec 09 Jim Sheridan: accusing the Opposition of filibustering 0.01 0.01 Mr Patrick McLoughlin: asking whether Mr Sheridan, in order to be consistent, should have voted against another motion. 14 Dec 09 Mr Jim Sheridan: pointing out the location of his constituency. 0.01 0.01 14 Dec 09 Mr Nicholas Brown: claiming to move the closure. 0.02 0.02 15 Dec 09 Mr Peter Bone: asking for advice for Members presenting Private 0.01 Members’ Bills, given that no dates had yet been set to consider them. 16 Dec 09 Mr Andrew Rosindell: asking whether the Speaker could give an update 0.07 on arrangements for flying the flag on the Parliamentary Estate. 16 Dec 09 Mr Peter Bone: asking whether it was in order to specify dates for second 0.03 reading of Private Members’ Bills when no dates had yet been set for their consideration. Mr David Heath: asking for an early debate on the Wright report. 5 Jan 10 Mr John Gummer: asking whether statements could be printed in smaller 0.01 type and on both sides, in order to save paper. 6 Jan 10 Michael Fabricant: asking whether the reported calls for a leadership 0.01 ballot in the Labour Party would affect the day’s business. 7 Jan 10 Philip Davies: asking whether the Leader of the House would correct the 0.02 record relating to numbers of people released early from prisons. 11 Jan 10 Dr Andrew Murrison: asking for advice following comments made 0.02 0.02 during Questions by Mr Quentin Davies that Dr Murrison’s supplementary question was “libellous”. 12 Jan 10 Mr Stephen O’Brien: asking whether it was in order for the House to 0.02 consider the Personal Care at Home Bill, given that he believed the Minister had admitted the impact assessment contained wrong details. 13 Jan 10 Mr John Gummer: asking whether it was in order to say that a Member 0.01 had produced false statistics. 14 Jan 10 Mr Peter Bone: asking whether it was in order to continue with the debate 0.01 given that he feared not all pedlars had been notified of the Bill. 18 Jan 10 Dr Julian Lewis: asking whether the Speaker would express a view on 0.03 whether general election ballots should be counted on election night. 19 Jan 10 Mrs Caroline Spelman: complaining that a statement about gardens had 0.08 been released to the media before being made in the House. Mr Tom Harris: asking about registration of interests by the shadow Health Secretary. Mr Peter Bone: pursuing the same point as Mr Tom Harris, above. Dr Tony Wright: asking for a statement on the sale of Cadbury. Norman Baker: asking about Ministers in the Lords answering questions. Bob Spink: asking for a statement relating to property rights in Cyprus. 19 Jan 10 Mr William Cash: asking whether it was in order for the Minister to refer 0.01 to other scrutiny processes undergone by the Bill being discussed. 19 Jan 10 Michael Fabricant: offering advice about Latin grammar. 0.01 19 Jan 10 Mr Geoffrey Cox: asking whether the Minister’s remarks about a conflict 0.01 of interest were in order. 19 Jan 10 Mr Dominic Grieve: asking for more time to debate the Bill. 0.01 21 Jan 10 Mr Philip Hollobone: asking why there would be a suspension in the 0.02 afternoon before the consideration of Private Bills. 21 Jan 10 Mr Philip Hollobone: offering the Minister advice about giving way. 0.01 21 Jan 10 Mr Edward Leigh: asking whether wrecking amendments were in order. 0.01 21 Jan 10 Sir John Butterfill: asking for it to be recorded that he had wanted to vote 0.02 0.02 in the division on the closure motion, after the Tellers had left. PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 67 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 25 Jan 10 Michael Gove: asking whether the Speaker would take steps to ensure 0.03 correspondence from Ministers relating to questions was sent in good time, in relation to the Edlington case [NB The Secretary of State, Ed Balls, was present and replied at Speaker’s invitation]. Mr Robert Flello: asking whether a statement would be made about extremism. 26 Jan 10 David Davis: asking whether comments made by Mr Prescott on a 0.04 Member of the House of Lords were a “reflection” on that Member. Bob Spink: asking whether the failure of Mrs Spelman and other Conservative Members to inform him of visits to his constituency was a sign of panic [NB Mrs Spelman was present and offered an apology which was accepted.]. 26 Jan 10 Mr Dominic Grieve: asking about a change to the Order Paper which now 0.03 showed that the Programme Motion was not debatable. Mr John Gummer: offering comments on the wider operation of programming. 26 Jan 10 Mr Douglas Hogg: offering to accede to the grouping of certain clauses in 0.01 the Bill together for more convenient consideration. 26 Jan 10 Mr David Heath: asking about exactly how consideration had been 0.01 reorganised following an earlier point of order. 26 Jan 10 Bill Wiggin: saying his views had been misrepresented by another 0.02 0.02 Member in the debate. 27 Jan 10 Mr Greg Hands: asking for guidance on how to correct the record 0.01 following comments made by Mr Clive Betts. 27 Jan 10 Angela Browning: asking whether it was in order for a Minister to make 0.01 comments from a sedentary position. 27 Jan 10 John Mann: asking about declaration of interests (NB Mr O’Brien was 0.01 present and responded at the Speaker’s invitation). 27 Jan 10 Mr Vara: asking advice about references by a Minister to declaration of 0.01 interests, despite the Speaker’s earlier comments. 27 Jan 10 Barry Gardiner: asking what steps the House could take following events 0.02 0.02 relating to the Brent Youth Parliament. 28 Jan 10 Bob Russell: asking about access to documents – “An Anatomy of 0.01 Economic Inequality in the UK” – not available in Vote Office. 28 Jan 10 Andrew Miller: asking whether a Speaker’s Conference could examine a 0.03 better way to deal with Private Business. 29 Jan 10 Bob Spink: asking whether it could be placed on the record that an 0.01 0.01 objection to the second reading of a Bill had come from the Conservative benches. Jeremy Wright: saying that in fact the objection had come from the Government benches. 1 Feb 10 Mr Andrew Robathan: asking how Hansard would record the informal 0.05 suspension. Mr David Drew: asking why there had been no opportunity to vote on a particular clause in Committee. Mr David Heath: asking whether the timetable motion could be revisited to allow extra time to debate the Bill. John McDonnell: asking whether the Speaker could be asked to rule. Bob Spink: asking whether time to deal with the business could be extended. Mr Patrick McLoughlin: offering advice on the order of business. 1 Feb 10 Philip Davies: asking whether something could be done to ensure 0.01 Government motions were moved when there was time to debate them. 68 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 2 Feb 10 Mr Greg Hands: asking whether the Minister for Europe would come to 0.04 the House to explain the effect of exchange rate movements on the FCO budget, and why a letter had not been placed in the Library. Mr David Drew: asking whether the Speaker would look into the circumstances of the previous day’s informal suspension and whether time to debate the Bill had been lost. 4 Feb 10 Mr Mark Harper: asking what could be done to ensure information was 0.02 released in answer to PQs, so that it was not necessary to resort to using Freedom of Information Requests. 8 Feb 10 Bob Spink: saying that another Member (Mr Cameron) was seeking to 0.01 visit his constituency without informing him. 9 Feb 10 Mr Mark Harper: asking what could be done to get speedier answers to 0.02 questions to the Department for Work and Pensions. 9 Feb 10 Mr John Hayes: asking whether another Member’s remarks were within 0.01 the scope of debate. 9 Feb 10 Mr Dominic Grieve: complaining about the programme motion. 0.01 0.01 10 Feb 10 Mrs Caroline Spelman: asking whether a recent written ministerial 0.04 statement on local government restructuring should have been made as an oral statement. Mr Hugo Swire: deprecating the decision announced in the statement. Mr Gary Streeter: asking whether a statement would be made on Exeter unitary authority. 10 Feb 10 Mr Christopher Chope: asking for advice about scope. 0.01 10 Feb 10 Keith Vaz: asking for advice about scope. 0.01 10 Feb 10 Mr Burns: asking whether the Minister should be nominated to the Bill 0.02 Committee. Mr Greg Knight: asking whether a manuscript amendment would be in order. 10 Feb 10 Sir George Young: asking whether “two-faced Tories” was parliamentary 0.01 language. 22 Feb 10 Bob Spink: saying that Conservative Members had visited his 0.01 constituency without informing him. Natascha Engel: asking about time limits for speeches in the main debate. 22 Feb 10 Mr William Cash: asking about his efforts to table a manuscript 0.01 amendment because he was concerned about Standing Order No 24B. 22 Feb 10 Mr Bernard Jenkin: asking whether the Speaker would confirm that 0.01 amendments would be treated as objections to motions tabled. 23 Feb 10 Mr Mark Harper: asking what could be done to get the Department of 0.05 Work and Pensions to answer overdue Parliamentary Questions. Jeremy Corbyn: asking about holding answers to Parliamentary Questions. Miss Anne McIntosh: asking about electronic petitions. 23 Feb 10 Mr Andrew Dismore: making a comment about remarks by Fiona 0.01 Mactaggart in the previous debate. 24 Feb 10 Mr Stephen O’Brien: asking when a nutrition action plan would be 0.01 published (Andy Burnham gave an answer with the Speaker’s permission). 24 Feb 10 Charles Hendry: asking whether Ministers could be made to produce an 0.01 important document relevant to the main debate. Simon Hughes: agreeing with the previous point of order from Mr Hendry. 24 Feb 10 Mr Simon Hughes: asking about an opportunity to vote. 0.01 PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 69 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 25 Feb 10 Sir Patrick Cormack: asking whether the Speaker could ensure there was 0.06 adequate time to debate amendments relating to the Wright proposals (NB Leader of the House replied; Sir Patrick pursued the point further.). David Tredinnick: stating that the Clerks of the Science and Technology Committee had inadequately advised the Committee in relation to its inquiry into homeopathy. 25 Feb 10 Mr Mark Pritchard: stating that the Minister had made an inaccurate 0.01 remark. 1 Mar 10 Mr Peter Bone: asking how he could get an apology for comments made 0.06 about him by the Secretary of State during questions. Bob Spink: asking whether there could be a debate on Lord Ashcroft. Mr Christopher Chope: asking for confirmation that staff in Parliament were able to sign petitions. Robert Key: saying that the first recorded petition to the House of Commons had come from his constituency. 1 Mar 10 Dr Liam Fox: saying he would have to miss the winding-up speeches. 0.01 2 Mar 10 Justine Greening: asking whether a Secretary of State could be made to 0.04 come to the House to correct misleading comments about figures. Mr Barry Sheerman: asking whether there could be a debate on Lord Ashcroft. Sir Nicholas Winterton: asking for a statement about a state visit. 2 Mar 10 Mr David Heath: seeking to point out an error in a printed amendment, 0.01 which Mr Deputy Speaker then corrected verbally. 4 Mar 10 Dr Julian Lewis: asking how he could put on the record that Conservative 0.03 Party Policy was not as it had been described during Questions. Mr Edward Leigh: asking whether there would be a vote on whether to hold the re-election by secret ballot of the Speaker. Mr Christopher Chope: asking about the rules on comments on Members of the other place. 4 Mar 10 Mr Edward Leigh: Asking the Speaker to encourage the Leader to allow a 0.01 vote on a motion. 8 Mar 10 Mr Michael Gove: asking whether the Secretary of State could correct 0.04 comments made about statistics (and pursuing the point of order further). 9 Mar 10 Andrew Selous: asking what could be done about Parliamentary 0.01 Questions left unanswered by the Department of Work and Pensions. 9 Mar 10 Clive Efford: saying that the Evening Standard seemed to be reporting the 0.01 debate before it had taken place. 70 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 10 Mar 10 Mr Denis MacShane: commenting on the political views of the late 0.25 Michael Foot. Michael Fabricant: asking whether an apology from a Secretary of State could be recorded in Hansard. Graham Stuart: asking for help in getting a response to his letter to the Prime Minister relating to Lord Paul’s position as a privy councillor. Norman Baker: asking for help in getting a response to his letter to the Prime Minister relating to Tony Blair and the ministerial code. Michael Fabricant: again asking whether an apology could be recorded. Dr Stephen Ladyman: asking how Members could pay their respects to distinguished people who had died. Miss Ann Widdecombe: asking how Members could get answers to PQs. Michael Gove: asking whether it was appropriate to accuse cross bench peers of political partiality. Mr Christopher Chope: complaining about the lack of opportunity for debate on Supply motions (and pursuing the point). Dr Evan Harris: asking about changes to allow a Back-Bench Business Committee and how they could be brought about (Leader of the House replied). Paul Flynn: suggesting that the House should have a “zero hour” to allow debate. Mr Graham Stuart: commenting on debate about Lord Ashcroft. Michael Fabricant: asking how errors in debate could be corrected in Hansard. Mr Graham Stuart: asking what could be done about comments about Lord Ashcroft. Harriet Harman: making comments about Lord Ashcroft. 11 Mar 10 Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown: pursuing the point about the planned closure 0.05 of Bellamy’s Bar and its replacement with a day nursery. Mr Christopher Chope: asking about S.O. No 144 and the role of the Finance and Services Committee in relation to the planned day nursery. Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown: asking about the role of the Finance and Services Committee in relation to the planned day nursery. 12 Mar 10 Ms Sally Keeble: asking whether it would be out of order for a Member 0.05 0.05 who had chaired a Committee on a Bill, and reported it to the House, to object to its being given a third reading. 15 Mar 10 Ms Sally Keeble: Asking whether, in view of a convention that members 0.11 of the Panel of Chairs did not object to third readings of Bills, it had been wrong for an objection to a Bill from Mr Chope to be taken on Friday. Mr Graham Allen: seeking to add to the point of order above. Sir Gerald Kaufman: seeking to add to the point of order above. Ms Sally Keeble: asking for debate on her PMB to continue on Thursday 18 March. Sir Gerald Kaufman: agreeing that Mr Chope ought not to have objected. Mr Graham Allen: asking for reform of Private Members’ Bills Fridays, and an inquiry by the Procedure Committee. Dr Phyllis Starkey: asking whether anyone would own up to having objected. Mr Nick Raynsford: saying that other measures had also failed to progress on Friday despite having cross-party support. David T.C. Davies: saying that he was keen to get on to the main debate. Mrs Claire Curtis-Thomas: asking how another Member could correct a statement in the House which, she said, had been misleading. Mr Peter Bone: saying that there would have been time for more debate on the Bill in question if the full number of Private Members’ Bill Fridays had been scheduled. PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 71 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 16 Mar 10 Mr Andrew Robathan: asking whether “verbal diarrhoea” was 0.07 parliamentary language. Mr Philip Hammond: asking whether Members who belonged to the UNITE union should declare their interest. Chloe Smith: saying that the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families had visited her constituency without informing her, and seeking guidance. Mr Eric Martlew: asking whether it was appropriate that a statement made in the other place had not been immediately available in the House of Commons. Mark Pritchard: saying that the Speaker had been prompted to rule his question out of Order by the Secretary of State. Andrew Selous: asking about an overdue response to a Parliamentary Question (NB Deputy Leader of the House replied at Speaker’s invitation). Ms Sally Keeble: asking whether her Private Members’ Bill, which had been objected to and had then appeared as Government Business the previous day, would be tabled again tomorrow. 17 Mar 10 Mr Gordon Prentice: asking about the fact that Mr Hague had not 0.02 responded to an invitation to appear at a PASC meeting about Lord Ashcroft. Mr Eric Martlew: asking what could be done to allow Secretaries of State in the House of Lords to answer questions in the Commons. 18 Mar 10 Mr David Lidington: saying that a report from the FCO on human rights 0.05 had been published, but not laid before the House (Minister apologised). Mr Rob Wilson: saying that the Prime Minister and Home Secretary had visited his constituency without telling him, and that the answer to a PQ on the subject had not been helpful. Andrew Mackinlay: saying that the Leader of the Opposition had failed to inform him in advance of a visit to his constituency. 18 Mar 10 Andrew Mackinlay: saying that the Annual Report for 2008-09 was being 0.03 conflated with the Annual Report for 2009-10, which could not be properly scrutinised because it had only just been published (and then pursuing the point of order further). Mr William Cash: asking about the Government Response to the Report. 18 Mar 10 Mr George Howarth: commenting on the meaning of remarks made by Dr 0.01 Kim Howells relating to matters sub judice. 22 Mar 10 Mr Simon Burns: asking for the Speaker to ensure notification is given 0.04 when grouping of questions is proposed. Mr Stewart Jackson: saying that an answer he had received to a Parliamentary Question was erroneous. 23 Mar 10 Mr Harry Cohen: saying he would make an application to raise the matter 0.01 of phone tapping on the adjournment. 72 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 23 Mar 10 Mr Douglas Hogg: saying that Mr Martlew had tabled an EDM relating to 0.10 his constituency, and that notice ought to be given in such cases. Mr Eric Martlew: saying he had not known to which constituency the matter related. Mr Angus MacNeil: saying that the Foreign Secretary had not disclosed to the House important information relating to the statement on UK Passports. Dr Julian Lewis: agreeing that information had probably been leaked to the press before it had been disclosed to the House. Robert Neill: asking for clarification of plans relating to the orders on local government structural change in Exeter and Norwich, following a vote against one in Delegated Legislation Committee and Government comments. Mr Peter Bone: asking to put on the record comments made by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments relating to the local government orders. 23 Mar 10 Mr William Cash: relating to giving way and interventions. 0.01 25 Mar 10 Sir George Young: Saying that, contrary to an impression given by the 0.07 Leader of the House, the Official Opposition had supported two Private Members’ Bills. Mr David Heath: asking for confirmation that, in any case, the Bills could not make progress without Government time being allocated. Ms Sally Keeble: saying that there was a mistake in the Order Paper with regard to her Bill, as an amendment shown had been withdrawn. Mr Tobias Ellwood: saying that information about funding for coastal towns was available to the BBC before it had been announced in the House. Mr John Randall: saying that several Private Members’ Bills Fridays remained in the year, according to the motion agreed by the House. 29 Mar 10 Angus Robertson: asking whether the Prime Minister could be 0.03 encouraged to respond to calls to investigate an issue. Bob Spink: complaining that PICT had failed to take steps to address a telephony problem. 30 Mar 10 Mr David Drew: asking whether the Speaker could urge the Leader of the 0.06 House to give an opportunity for Private Members’ Bills to progress, and to make a statement. Mr Andrew Robathan: asking how he could get a more satisfactory response to a question he had asked following a statement by the Leader of the House. Andrew Gwynne: asking whether the Debt Relief Bill would remain on the Order Paper now that an amendment had been withdrawn. Dr Evan Harris: asking how a Minister could correct the record, after stating in response to the Urgent Question that Prof. David Nutt had resigned. 30 Mar 10 Miss Anne McIntosh: stating that she was an honorary graduate of Anglia 0.01 Ruskin University, as was Lord Ashcroft. 30 Mar 10 Mr Patrick McLoughlin: saying that the Chief Secretary, who would 0.01 normally wind up the debate, was absent from the Chamber. 30 Mar 10 Peter Bottomley: asking whether the House could hear Mr Balls’ six 0.02 pages of quotations all at once. 30 Mar 10 Mr Liam Byrne: apologising for being late for the debate. 0.03 Mr Philip Hammond: saying that Mr Byrne ought to have been present. Mr Kenneth Clarke: agreeing that Mr Byrne ought not to be allowed to speak. PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 73 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 30 Mar 10 Miss Anne McIntosh: saying that, given Mr Byrne’s earlier absence, she 0.01 wondered on what basis he would respond to the debate. 8 Apr 10 Mr William Cash: asking for guidance on the constitutional role of the 0.01 Leader of the House. 8 Apr 10 David Howarth: asking whether he could move a manuscript amendment. 0.01 8 Apr 10 David Howarth: seeking to ask about the motion that leave be given to 0.04 bring in an Appropriation Bill (Speaker did not allow the point of order to be finished, as the question needed to be put forthwith, but later explained). 8 Apr 10 Andrew Mackinlay: asking whether, when Lords Messages were 0.10 considered, Ministers would have an opportunity to explain why expected amendments were not made in the Lords. Michael Fabricant: asking whether the Prime Minister had given an indication that he intended to correct assertions made relating to Charlie Whelan’s parliamentary pass. Peter Bottomley: agreeing that the issue of lobbying needed to be considered; and then suggesting that Ministers might use Points of Order to clarify matters of the type referred to by Mr Mackinlay. Dr Evan Harris: asking what could be done about the fact the Government had not brought forward changes to Standing Orders as expected; and then stating that it was the Government, not others, which had made objections to the new Orders. Sir Patrick Cormack: asking whether notice of prorogation would be given on the annunciators. Peter Bottomley: asking, with regard to Charlie Whelan, whether it was in order for a lobbyist to have a Parliamentary pass. 8 Apr 10 Peter Bottomley: asking whether it was for the Serjeant to look into the 0.01 issue of Charlie Whelan’s Parliamentary pass. 8 Apr 10 Mr Chope: asking whether he had a right to reply to the debate. 0.01 8 Apr 10 Mr Graham Allen: asking whether it was in order to ask the Deputy 0.01 Speaker what had happened to certain provisions in the Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill. Totals: 5.22 0.41 14h: Public Petitions 19 Nov 09 Mike Penning: Equitable Life (Hemel Hempstead) 0.01 24 Nov 09 Gregory Barker: Equitable Life (Bexhill and Battle) 0.01 0.01 25 Nov 09 Andrew Selous: Future of Small Shops 0.01 0.01 25 Nov 09 Mr Mike Hancock: Equitable Life (Portsmouth South) 0.02 0.02 26 Nov 09 Philip Davies: Equitable Life (Shipley) 0.06 0.06 Mr Crispin Blunt: Equitable Life (Reigate) Mr Robert Syms: Equitable Life (Poole) Sir Patrick Cormack: Equitable Life (South Staffordshire) 30 Nov 09 Peter Luff: Equitable Life (Mid-Worcestershire) 0.04 0.04 Bob Spink: Planning and Development (Essex) 1 Dec 09 Bob Spink: Use of Premises (Essex) 0.06 0.06 Mr Dominic Grieve: Sri Lanka John Hemming: Badman Report (Birmingham, Yardley) 2 Dec 09 Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger: Badman Report (Bridgwater) 0.01 0.01 3 Dec 09 Mr Simon Burns: Badman Report (West Chelmsford) 0.01 0.01 8 Dec 09 Mr Graham Stuart (and many others): Badman Report (See Votes and 0.19 0.19 Proceedings for a full list of petitions and Members) 74 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 9 Dec 09 Annette Brooke: Badman Report (Mid Dorset and North Poole) 0.13 0.13 Annette Brooke: Park Home Sales Mr Edward Garnier: Badman Report (Harborough) Angela Browning: Climate Change (Copenhagen talks) Mr Stewart Jackson: Post Office (New England) Mr Paul Burstow: Deepcut Army Barracks; Freedom Pass Mr John Leech: Immigration (Adela Mahoro Mugabo) Stephen Williams: Badman Report (Bristol West) Mark Hunter: Badman Report (Cheadle) Mr Roger Williams: Badman Report (Brecon and Radnorshire) 10 Dec 09 Mr Robert Syms: Badman Report (Poole) 0.01 0.01 Mr John Randall: Badman Report (Uxbridge) Mr Andrew Robathan: Badman Report (Blaby) 14 Dec 09 Mr Patrick Mercer: Badman Report (Newark) 0.03 0.03 Andrew Rosindell: Badman Report (Romford) Mr Oliver Letwin: Equitable Life (West Dorset) Badman Report (Castle Pont) 15 Dec 09 Mr David Heath: Badman Report (Somerton and Frome) 0.11 0.11 Simon Hughes: Badman Report (North Suothwark and Bermondsey) Miss Anne McIntosh: Badman Report (Vale of York) Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods: Climate Change Mr Joe Benton: Malta Cross/Africa Star Bob Russell: Badman Report (Colchester) Mark Williams: Badman Report (Ceredigion) Mr David Anderson: Badman Report (Blaydon) Mr Robert Goodwill: Badman Report (Scarborough and Whitby) Mr John Leech: Health Care Centre (Burnage) Bob Spink: Dr Ghassemlou 16 Dec 09 Angela Browning: Badman Report (Tiverton and Honiton) 0.07 0.07 Mr Rob Wilson: Equitable Life (Reading East) Mr Paul Burstow: Badman Report (Sutton and Cheam) Stephen Williams: Bristol Refugee Rights Mr Mike Hancock: Badman Report (Portsmouth South) 5 Jan 10 Bob Spink: Car Scheme (Castle Point) 0.02 0.02 6 Jan 10 Mr John Whittingdale: Badman Report (Maldon and East Chelmsford) 0.01 12 Jan 10 Ben Chapman: New Ferry Butterfly Park 0.01 13 Jan 10 Mr Rob Wilson: Badman Report (Reading East) 0.04 0.04 Mr Parmjit Dhanda: Incinerator (Gloucester) 14 Jan 10 Mr Paul Goodman: Sri Lanka 0.03 20 Jan 10 Paddy Tipping: Badman Report (Sherwood) 0.01 0.01 26 Jan 10 Mr Oliver Letwin: Badman Report (West Dorset) 0.04 0.04 Jeff Ennis: Bank Branch Closure (Thurnscoe) Stephen Williams: Homosexuals (Right to Marriage); Gaza 1 Feb 10 Bob Spink: Swimming Pool (Canvey Island) 0.02 2 Feb 10 Bob Spink: Planning and Development (Essex) 0.01 0.01 3 Feb 10 Sandra Gidley: Malaya (Rosette) 0.05 0.05 Sandra Osborne: Equitable Life (Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock) Mr Fabian Hamilton: Destitution Among Asylum Seekers 9 Feb 10 Tim Farron: Gritting (South Lakes) 0.04 0.04 Bob Spink: Planning and Development (Essex) Ms Celia Barlow: Pedestrian Crossings 10 Feb 10 Mr Peter Bone: Road Repairs (Northamptonshire) 0.02 PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 75 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 22 Feb 10 Bob Spink: Canvey War Memorial Fund 0.02 0.02 23 Feb 10 Mr Andrew Pelling: Islamic Burial Space 0.03 0.03 Mr Bob Laxton: Planning (Elvaston Castle Country Park) 24 Feb 10 Mr Andrew Pelling: Spinal Cord Injuries (Physiotherapy) 0.03 0.03 Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger: Station Footbridge Repair Mark Williams: Gaza 1 Mar 10 Mr Christopher Chope: Bellamy’s Bar Closure 0.05 0.05 Mr Andrew Pelling: Extra Gritting (NHS Savings) 2 Mar 10 Bob Spink: Carer Poverty; Anti-Social Behaviour 0.04 0.04 Mr Peter Bone: Traffic Calming (Irchester) 9 Mar 10 Mr Peter Bone: Second Entrance to Higham Ferrers College 0.02 0.02 10 Mar 10 Danny Alexander: Energy Costs (Highlands and Islands) 0.03 0.03 Mr Charles Kennedy: Energy Costs (Highlands and Islands) 15 Mar 10 Mr Peter Bone: Regional Spatial Strategy (Irchester) 0.02 16 Mar 10 Kelvin Hopkins: Dementia Research 0.07 0.07 Mr Robert Flello: Free School Meals (Stoke-on-Trent) Sir Peter Viggers: Badman Report (Gosport) Bob Spink: Footpath Closure (Hadleigh, Castle Point); Disrepair (Felstead Road, Castle Point) 17 Mar 10 Lynda Waltho: Mobile Telephone Mast (West Midlands) 0.02 23 Mar 10 Christine Russell: Planning (Chester) 0.08 Lembit Öpik: Wind Farms (Mid Wales) Mr William Cash: Financial Assistance Scheme; Power Station (Blythe Park) 24 Mar 10 Mr William Cash: Soundproof Fencing (A50 Staffordshire) 0.07 0.06 Mr Stewart Jackson: Newborough Pharmacy (Peterborough) Mr Andrew Pelling: Kurds (Human Rights); Freedom Pass (Croydon); Shirley Hills Viewpoint (Croydon); East Croydon Station; Rail Capacity (Croydon); EU Referendum; Human Trafficking; Traffic Accidents (Addiscombe, Croydon); Traffic Accidents (Coombe Lane, Croydon); Anti-Social Behaviour (Croydon) 25 Mar 10 Mr Peter Bone: Sovereign Fields (East Northamptonshire) 0.02 0.02 29 Mar 10 Mr Andrew Pelling: Policing (Croydon); Traffic 9 The Glad, Croydon); 0.06 Traffic (Orchard Avenue, Croydon); Potholes (New Addington, Croydon); Tram Overcrowding (Croydon); Central Parade (New Addington, Croydon); Pear Tree Farm (Croydon); Featherbed Lane Pinch Point (Croydon); Mayday Hospital A&E (Croydon); Night Buses (New Addington, Croydon) 30 Mar 10 Bob Spink: Planning and Development (Hadleigh, Essex); Planning and 0.15 0.15 Development (Benfleet, Essex); Bus Service (Essex) Mr Robert Flello: High School Provision (Stoke-on-Trent South) Michael Jabez Foster: Hunting with Dogs Julie Morgan: Gypsies and Travellers (Security of Tenure); Proposed Eviction (Dale Farm and Hovefields, Essex) Mr David Anderson: Hunting with Dogs Mr Andrew Pelling: 10 petitions: Tamil People (Sri Lanka); Asylum Screening (Croydon); Crystal Palace FC; Bus Routes (Croydon); Public Sector Employment (Croydon); Incinerator (Croydon); GPs (Croydon); Diabetes Services (Croydon); Housing (Croydon); Parliamentary Reform 6 Apr 10 Lynne Featherstone: Equitable Life (Hornsey and Wood Green) 0.04 0.04 Mr Andrew Pelling: Cosmetics Testing on Animals; Size Zero Models 8 Apr 10 Sir Alan Beith: Christian Values 0.02 0.02 76 SESSIONAL DIARY, 2009–10 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time Totals: 3.04 2.35 14i: Miscellaneous 18 Nov 09 Suspension 2.59 5 Jan 10 Miscellaneous: Communication by the Speaker of the death of a Member 0.02 (David Taylor) 13 Jan 10 Privilege: Speaker’s announcement that John Hemming would have 0.01 precedence to move a motion on privilege at the next day’s sitting 14 Jan 10 Privilege: John Hemming: Motion to refer complaint to the Committee on 0.11 Standards and Privileges 21 Jan 10 Suspension 0.44 28 Jan 10 Suspension 1.02 29 Jan 10 Personal Statement: Harry Cohen 0.01 1 Feb 10 Suspension: Informal Suspension 0.05 8 Feb 10 Speaker’s Statement: Application of sub judice rule to charges against 0.01 Members 22 Feb 10 Privilege: Speaker’s announcement that Andrew Dismore would have 0.01 precedence to move a motion on privilege at the next day’s sitting 23 Feb 10 Speaker’s Statement: Changes to arrangements for presentation of public 0.02 petitions 23 Feb 10 Privilege: Mr Andrew Dismore: Motion to refer complaint to the 0.12 Committee on Standards and Privileges 25 Feb 10 Speaker’s Statement: Error in recorded division numbers 0.01 3 Mar 10 Royal Assent: Speaker interrupted debate on Bill to notify Royal Assent 0.01 to the Corporation Tax Act 2010. 15 Mar 10 Miscellaneous: Communication by the Speaker of the death of a Member 0.01 (Dr Ashok Kumar) 17 Mar 10 Speaker’s Statement: availability of texts of statements made by 0.03 Secretaries of State who are members of the House of Lords 8 Apr 10 Sitting Suspended 0.57 8 Apr 10 Message to attend the Lords Commissioners; Suspension 0.25 Totals: 6.49 0.00 15: Daily Prayers Totals: 5.38 0.00 Grand Totals: 540.12 47.19

77 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL PART III: DIARY FOR WESTMINSTER HALL Durations in brackets represent the lunch-time suspension and are not included in the totals. Time Subject Duration 1. [8] Tuesday 1 December 2009 09.30 Adjournment: Mr Rob Wilson: Future of higher education [1½ hrs] 4.30 Mr Austin Mitchell: Proportional Representation [1½ hrs] Mr Hugo Swire: Seaside Town Regeneration Martin Linton: Effects on health of super-strength lager Mr Graham Stuart: Effect on coastal erosion of offshore dredging 14.00 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 4.30] 4.30 2. [9] Wednesday 2 December 2009 09.30 Adjournment: Charlotte Atkins: Government support for citizens’ advice bureaux [1½ hrs] 1.53 Dr Phyllis Starkey: Labelling of Israeli goods 11.23 Suspension [3.07] 14.30 Adjournment: Dr John Pugh: British manufacturing industry in the recession [1½ hrs] 2.28 Tony Baldry: Budget of HM Prison Bullingdon Alison Seabeck: Asbestos-related illness in Plymouth 16.58 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 8.51] 4.21 3. [10] Thursday 3 December 2009 14.30 Adjournment (Committee): Nick Harvey (on behalf of the House of Commons 1.08 Commission): Management and Services (House of Commons) 15.38 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 9.59] 1.08 4. [12] Tuesday 8 December 2009 09.30 Adjournment: Paul Flynn: Afghanistan Strategy [1½ hrs] 4.26 Greg Mulholland: High Speed Rail [1½ hrs] Mr Alan Milburn: Seatbelts in heavy goods vehicles Mr Robert Syms: Immigration Policy and Language Schools Mr David Drew: Future of the Purton Hulks 13.56 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 14.25] 4.26 5. [13] Wednesday 9 December 2009 09.30 Adjournment: Mr Nigel Evans: Political situation in Burma [1½ hrs] 1.59 David Simpson: 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Adjournment: Ms Diane Abbott: National DNA Database [1½ hrs] 2.04 Mr Neil Turner: Review of listed sporting events and the Rugby League Challenge Cup Final Sandra Gidley: British Forces Post Office service 16.34 Suspension [Division in the House] 0.32 17.06 Adjournment: Sandra Gidley: British Forces Post Office service [resumed] 0.21 17.27 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 19.21] 4.56 6. [14] Thursday 10 December 2009 14.30 Adjournment (Committee): Mr Terry Rooney (on behalf of the Work and Pensions Select 2.23 Committee): Tackling Pensioner Poverty 16.53 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 21.44] 2.23 78 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL

7. [16] Tuesday 15 December 2009 09.30 Adjournment: Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Healthcare services in Buckinghamshire [1½ hrs] 4.29 Mark Fisher: Reform of the House of Commons [1½ hrs] Dr Vincent Cable: Government science priorities Chris Ruane: Bone marrow register Mr Adrian Sanders: Fire safety in rented accommodation 13.59 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 26.13] 4.29 8. [17] Wednesday 16 December 2009 09.30 Adjournment: Mr Brian H. Donohoe: Child Support Agency [1½ hrs] 1.59 David Taylor: General practitioner practice boundaries 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Adjournment: Mr Paul Burstow: Age discrimination in healthcare [1½ hrs] 1.21 15.51 Suspension 0.09 16.00 Adjournment: Dr Ashok Kumar: Future of the steel industry on Teeside 0.58 Mr Peter Bone: Neuroblastoma and monoclonal antibody therapy 16.58 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 30.40] 4.27 9. [18] Tuesday 5 January 2010 09.30 Miscellaneous: Minute’s Silence for the death of a Member (David Taylor) 0.01 09.31 Adjournment: Kelvin Hopkins: Independent Safeguarding Authority [1½ hrs] 3.57 Andrew George: Island Transport Services [1½ hrs] Barry Gardiner: Treasury Accounting in relation to natural capital Norman Baker: Government policy on non-domicile tax status Jeff Ennis: Mobility scooters and road safety 13.28 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 34.38] 3.58 10. [19] Wednesday 6 January 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Mr James Gray: RAF Lyneham and the future of air transport [1½ hrs] 2.00 Sir John Stanley: Rail Services on Maidstone East Line 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Adjournment: Mr Philip Hollobone: Immigration Control [1½ hrs] 1.42 Mr Paul Truswell: Funding for West Yorkshire Police 16.12 Suspension [Division in the House] 0.09 16.21 Adjournment: Mr Paul Truswell: Funding for West Yorkshire Police [resumed] 0.46 Bob Russell: Additional pressures on families with twins and other multiple births 17.07 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 39.15] 4.37 11. [20] Thursday 7 January 2010 14.30 Adjournment (Committee): Dr Tony Wright (on behalf of the Public Administration Select 1.42 Committee): Lobbying (Whitehall) 16.12 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 40.57] 1.42 79 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 12. [22] Tuesday 12 January 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Mr Roger Gale: Exportable benefits 1.04 10.34 Suspension 0.26 11.00 Adjournment: Martin Linton: Goldstone Report [1½ hrs] 3.00 Mr John Grogan: Davies Review of free-to-air listed events Mr Andrew Pelling: Kurdistan Mr Alistair Carmichael: Local Radio 14.00 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 45.27] 4.30 13. [23] Wednesday 13 January 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Tony Baldry: China [1½ hrs] 1.52 Mr Tom Harris: Insurance Industry 11.22 Suspension [3.08] 14.30 Adjournment: Mr Paul Burstow: Local Newspapers [1½ hrs] 1.30 16.00 Suspension [Division in the House] 0.18 16.18 Adjournment: Chris Ruane: Back to work initiative (Wales) 1.01 Sandra Gidley: IBM pension scheme 17.19 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 50.08] 4.41 14. [24] Thursday 14 January 2010 14.30 Adjournment (Government): The Minister for Employment and Welfare Reform (Jim 1.38 Knight): Supporting young people in the recession 16.08 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 51.46] 1.38 15. [26] Tuesday 19 January 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Paul Rowen: Musculoskeletal conditions [1½ hrs] 4.28 Mr Austin Mitchell: Manufacturing industry [1½ hrs] Tom Brake: Schools (Sutton) Mr Barry Sheerman: Universities (Urban Regeneration) Mr Richard Spring: Hatchfield Farm Development 13.58 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 56.14] 4.28 16. [27] Wednesday 20 January 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Mr Mike Hancock: Leeds (UK Economy) [1½ hrs] 2.00 Caroline Flint: Rossington Inland Port 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Adjournment: Mr Anthony Steen: UK Human Trafficking Centre [1½ hrs] 1.12 15.42 Suspension [Division in the House] 0.12 15.54 Adjournment: Mr Anthony Steen: UK Human Trafficking Centre [1½ hrs] [resumed] 0.17 16.11 Point of order: Mr Anthony Steen: asking about time available for the Minister 0.01 16.12 Adjournment: Mr Edward Vaizey: Criminal Records Bureau 1.00 Mr Jim Cunningham: Coventry and the West Midlands Economy 17.12 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 60.56] 4.42 80 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL

17. [28] Thursday 21 January 2010 14.30 Adjournment (Government): The Solicitor-General (Vera Baird): Violence against women 2.05 16.35 Suspension [Division in the House] 0.21 16.56 Adjournment (Government): The Solicitor-General (Vera Baird): Violence against women 0.54 [resumed] 17.50 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 64.16] 3.20 18. [30] Tuesday 26 January 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Mr Mark Field: Microfinance [1½ hrs] 3.23 Mark Pritchard: Horn of Africa [1½ hrs] Mr Roger Godsiff: Air Passenger Duty (Caribbean) 12.53 Suspension 0.07 13.00 Adjournment: Mr Adam Holloway: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.59 Mr Richard Caborn: 2012 Olympic Legacy 13.59 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 68.45] 4.29 19. [31] Wednesday 27 January 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Mr Stephen Crabb: Dairy Farming [1½ hrs] 1.58 Mr Gregory Campbell: Kenya (Drought and Famine) 11.28 Suspension [3.02] 14.30 Adjournment: Jim Sheridan: Colombia (Human Rights) [1½ hrs] 1.42 Dr Phyllis Starkey: EU-Israel Trade Agreement 16.12 Suspension [Division in the House] 0.10 16.22 Adjournment: Dr Phyllis Starkey: EU-Israel Trade Agreement [resumed] 0.48 Mr Adrian Sanders: Water and Sewerage (South-west) 17.10 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 73.23] 4.38 20. [32] Thursday 28 January 2010 14.30 Adjournment (Committee): Mr Tim Yeo (on behalf of the Environmental Audit Committee): 0.00 Carbon Capture and Storage 14.30 Point of Order: Mr Simon Hughes: asking whether it would be a better use of time for the 0.01 Minister to speak to the Government response directly after the Committee Chairman’s speech 14.31 Adjournment (Committee): Mr Tim Yeo (on behalf of the Environmental Audit Committee): 2.31 Carbon Capture and Storage [resumed] 17.02 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 75.55] 2.32 21. [35] Tuesday 2 February 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Mr Nicholas Soames: Population and Immigration [1½ hrs] 4.30 Patrick Hall: [1½ hrs] Mr James Gray: Multiple Sclerosis John Robertson: Education Maintenance Allowance Matthew Taylor: Schools Funding (Cornwall) 14.00 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 80.25] 4.30 81 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 22. [36] Wednesday 3 February 2010 09.30 Adjournment: David Cairns: Returning Officers (Accountability) [1½ hrs] 2.00 Mr David S. Borrow: HIV/AIDS 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Adjournment: Anne Main: [1½ hrs] 2.30 Mr Phil Willis: University Places (England) John McDonnell: Punjabi Community in Britain 17.00 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 84.55] 4.30 23. [37] Thursday 4 February 2010 14.30 Adjournment (Committee): Mr Andrew Dismore (on behalf of the Joint Committee on 2.26 Human Rights): Policing and Protest 16.56 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 87.21] 2.26 24. [40] Tuesday 9 February 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Ms Diane Abbott: Child Poverty (London) [1½ hrs] 4.20 Simon Hughes: Conflict Prevention [1½ hrs] Mr Parmjit Dhanda: Seagulls (Gloucester) Paul Rowen: Alcohol Fraud Paddy Tipping: Native Woodlands 13.50 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 91.41] 4.20 25. [41] Wednesday 10 February 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Mr Alistair Carmichael: Fuel Duty (Rural Areas) [1½ hrs] 2.00 Mr Andrew Pelling: Revitalising Parliament 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Adjournment: Tony Lloyd: Professional Football (Regulation) [1½ hrs] 1.15 15.45 Suspension [Divisions in the House] 0.27 16.12 Adjournment: Tony Lloyd: Professional Football (Regulation) [1½ hrs] [resumed] 1.05 Janet Anderson: Non-resident Parents Mr George Howarth: Terrorism and Islamist Militancy 17.17 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 96.28] 4.47 26. [43] Tuesday 23 February 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Jo Swinson: Pensioner Poverty [1½ hrs] 4.30 Mr Nigel Evans: British Pubs [1½ hrs] Mr Michael Moore: Manufacturing Industries Mr Austin Mitchell: Foreign-Registered Lorries Mr Rob Wilson: Road Traffic Accidents (Compensation and Sentencing) 14.00 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 100.58] 4.30 27. [44] Wednesday 24 February 2010 09.30 Adjournment: John McDonnell: Workplace Temperatures [1½ hrs] 2.00 Clive Efford: South-East London Transport 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Adjournment: Andrew George: Property Taxation [1½ hrs] 2.26 Gregory Barker: Hastings Rail Service Mr John Grogan: Mongolia (UK Relations) 16.56 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 105.24] 4.26 82 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL

28. [45] Thursday 25 February 2010 14.30 Adjournment (Committee): Mrs Louise Ellman (on behalf of the Transport Committee): Rail 2.25 Fares and Franchises 16.55 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 107.49] 2.25 29. [48] Tuesday 2 March 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Mr Andy Slaughter: Housing (London) [1½ hrs] 4.27 Mr Keith Simpson: Norfolk, Suffolk and Devon (Local Government) [1½ hrs] Mr Michael Clapham: No-Fault Liability Scheme (Miner’s Knee) Dr Richard Taylor: NHS Expenditure (Reduction) Dr Brian Iddon: Peripheral Arterial Disease 13.57 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 112.16] 4.27 30. [49] Wednesday 3 March 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Malcolm Bruce: Home Energy Efficiency [1½ hrs] 1.56 Mr Andrew Turner: Isle of Wight NHS Primary Care Trust 11.26 Suspension [3.04] 14.30 Adjournment: Keith Hill: Communications Allowance [1½ hrs] 0.05 14.35 Points of Order: David T.C. Davies: asking whether Lord Ashcroft had been warned of 0.02 points to be made by Keith Hill, and making comments about the Labour party Mr Graham Stuart: complaining about criticisms of members of the Lords 14.37 Adjournment: Keith Hill: Communications Allowance [1½ hrs] [resumed] 0.22 14.59 Point of Order: Mr Andrew Tyrie: asking whether he was correct in his understanding that 0.02 Members did not have to submit written notice that they wished to speak in debate (and then pursuing the point after the Chair had responded) 15.01 Adjournment: Keith Hill: Communications Allowance [1½ hrs] [resumed] 0.09 15.10 Point of Order: Mr Brian Binley: asking whether visual aids were allowed in debate 0.01 15.11 Adjournment: Keith Hill: Communications Allowance [1½ hrs] [resumed] 1.49 Jeremy Corbyn: Private Tenants and Leaseholders (London) Mr Stewart Jackson: Land Registry Office (Peterborough) 17.00 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 116.42] 4.26 31. [50] Thursday 4 March 2010 14.30 Adjournment (Committee): Mike Gapes (on behalf of the Foreign Affairs Committee): 1.11 Global Security (Non-Proliferation) 15.41 Suspension [Division in the House] 0.14 15.55 Adjournment (Committee): Mike Gapes (on behalf of the Foreign Affairs Committee): 0.01 Global Security (Non-Proliferation) [resumed] 15.56 Suspension [Divisions in the House] 0.35 16.31 Adjournment (Committee): Mike Gapes (on behalf of the Foreign Affairs Committee): 0.51 Global Security (Non-Proliferation) [resumed] 17.22 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 119.34] 2.52 83 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 32. [53] Tuesday 9 March 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Mr Nigel Evans: Motoring [1½ hrs] 4.30 Harry Cohen: Raising of the Pension Age [1½ hrs] Mr Oliver Letwin: Tankers (Lyme Bay) Ms Diane Abbott: 2012 Olympics (Employment) Mr Iain Duncan Smith: Passenger Safety (Railway Platforms) 14.00 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 124.04] 4.30 33. [54] Wednesday 10 March 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Mr George Howarth: British Indian Ocean Territory [1½ hrs] 2.00 Mr Jim Hood: RBS (Small Business Lending) 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Adjournment: Mr Roger Gale: Kent Coast Railway Line [1½ hrs] 2.30 Mr Angus MacNeil: Repatriation of Historical Objects Mr Graham Allen: International Financial Transactions (Tax) 17.00 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 128.34] 4.30 34. [55] Thursday 11 March 2010 14.30 Adjournment (Government): The Minister of State, Cabinet Office (Angela E Smith): 2.59 Assistance to Communities 17.29 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 131.33] 2.59 35. [56] Tuesday 16 March 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Mr Paul Burstow: Dementia Strategy [1½ hrs] 4.28 Mr David S Borrow: Defence Industry (Lancashire) [1½ hrs] Mr Peter Bone: NHS (Wellingborough) John Robertson: Online Child and Adult Protection Mr Mark Field: Educational Standards (City of Westminster) 13.58 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 136.01] 4.28 36. [59] Wednesday 17 March 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Martin Salter: Migrant Domestic Workers (Visas) [1½ hrs] 1.57 Mr Ian Cawsey: Port Business Rates

11.27 Suspension [3.03] 14.30 Adjournment: Lynne Featherstone: London Hospitals [1½ hrs] 2.25 Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger: Rural Payments Agency Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods: Private Rented Sector (Durham) 16.55 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 140.23] 4.22 37. [60] Thursday 18 March 2010 14.30 Adjournment (Committee): Mr Kevin Barron (on behalf of the Health Committee): Patient 2.32 Safety 17.02 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 142.55] 2.32 38. [62] Tuesday 23 March 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Mr Tom Clarke: Disability Policy (Economic Downturn) [1½ hrs] 4.23 Dr Evan Harris: Physics Research [1½ hrs] Mr David Clelland: Turks and Caicos Islands Mr David Lidington: High Speed 2 (Buckinghamshire) Kelvin Hopkins: Railway Station 13.53 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 147.18] 4.23 84 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL

39. [63] Wednesday 24 March 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Dr William McCrea: Presbyterian Mutual Society [1½ hrs] 1.59 : Rail Services (West Kent) 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Adjournment: Hugh Bayley: Zimbabwe [1½ hrs] 2.30 Graham Stringer: Manchester Bus Travel Mr Andrew Pelling: Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 17.00 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 151.47] 4.29 40. [64] Thursday 25 March 2010 14.30 Adjournment (Government): The Minister for Policing, Crime and Counter-Terrorism (Mr 1.25 David Hanson): Police Community Support Officers 15.55 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 153.12] 1.25 41. [66] Tuesday 30 March 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Miss Anne Begg: Speaker’s Conference on Parliamentary Representation [1½ 4.30 hrs] Mr Eric Martlew: High Speed Rail (Government Policy) [1½ hrs] Mr Graham Allen: Early Intervention Dr Brian Iddon: UK Chemical Industry Mike Penning: Motorways and Trunk Roads 14.00 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 157.42] 4.30 42. [67] Tuesday 6 April 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Ms Diane Abbott: Gang Crime (London) [1½ hrs] 4.28 Lynne Jones: Poverty and Inequality [1½ hrs] Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown: Swindon to Kemble Rail Line Linda Gilroy: Tackling Crime (Plymouth) Dr Richard Taylor: Kidderminster Railway Station 13.58 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 162.10] 4.28 43. [68] Wednesday 7 April 2010 09.30 Adjournment: Martin Salter: House of Commons (Effectiveness) [1½ hrs] 2.00 Mr Oliver Letwin: Planning Applications 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Adjournment: Mr Lindsay Hoyle: Transport (North West) [1½ hrs] 1.55 Keith Hill: Iraq (Humanitarian Aid) 16.25 Suspension 0.03 16.28 Adjournment: Simon Hughes: Housing (Southwark) 0.31 16.59 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 166.39] 4.29


PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL Date Subject Duration 1: Adjournment (Private Members’) 1 Dec 09 Mr Rob Wilson: Future of higher education [1½ hrs] 4.30 Mr Austin Mitchell: Proportional Representation [1½ hrs] Mr Hugo Swire: Seaside Town Regeneration Martin Linton: Effects on health of super-strength lager Mr Graham Stuart: Effect on coastal erosion of offshore dredging 2 Dec 09 Charlotte Atkins: Government support for citizens’ advice bureaux [1½ hrs] 1.53 Dr Phyllis Starkey: Labelling of Israeli goods 2 Dec 09 Dr John Pugh: British manufacturing industry in the recession [1½ hrs] 2.28 Tony Baldry: Budget of HM Prison Bullingdon Alison Seabeck: Asbestos-related illness in Plymouth 8 Dec 09 Paul Flynn: Afghanistan Strategy [1½ hrs] 4.26 Greg Mulholland: High Speed Rail [1½ hrs] Mr Alan Milburn: Seatbelts in heavy goods vehicles Mr Robert Syms: Immigration Policy and Language Schools Mr David Drew: Future of the Purton Hulks 9 Dec 09 Mr Nigel Evans: Political situation in Burma [1½ hrs] 1.59 David Simpson: 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible 9 Dec 09 Ms Diane Abbott: National DNA Database [1½ hrs] 2.04 Mr Neil Turner: Review of listed sporting events and the Rugby League Challenge Cup Final Sandra Gidley: British Forces Post Office service 9 Dec 09 Sandra Gidley: British Forces Post Office service [resumed] 0.21 15 Dec 09 Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Healthcare services in Buckinghamshire [1½ hrs] 4.29 Mark Fisher: Reform of the House of Commons [1½ hrs] Dr Vincent Cable: Government science priorities Chris Ruane: Bone marrow register Mr Adrian Sanders: Fire safety in rented accommodation 16 Dec 09 Mr Brian H. Donohoe: Child Support Agency [1½ hrs] 1.59 David Taylor: General practitioner practice boundaries 16 Dec 09 Mr Paul Burstow: Age discrimination in healthcare [1½ hrs] 1.21 16 Dec 09 Dr Ashok Kumar: Future of the steel industry on Teeside 0.58 Mr Peter Bone: Neuroblastoma and monoclonal antibody therapy 5 Jan 10 Kelvin Hopkins: Independent Safeguarding Authority [1½ hrs] 3.57 Andrew George: Island Transport Services [1½ hrs] Barry Gardiner: Treasury Accounting in relation to natural capital Norman Baker: Government policy on non-domicile tax status Jeff Ennis: Mobility scooters and road safety 6 Jan 10 Mr James Gray: RAF Lyneham and the future of air transport [1½ hrs] 2.00 Sir John Stanley: Rail Services on Maidstone East Line 6 Jan 10 Mr Philip Hollobone: Immigration Control [1½ hrs] 1.42 Mr Paul Truswell: Funding for West Yorkshire Police 6 Jan 10 Mr Paul Truswell: Funding for West Yorkshire Police [resumed] 0.46 Bob Russell: Additional pressures on families with twins and other multiple births 12 Jan 10 Mr Roger Gale: Exportable benefits 1.04 12 Jan 10 Martin Linton: Goldstone Report [1½ hrs] 3.00 Mr John Grogan: Davies Review of free-to-air listed events Mr Andrew Pelling: Kurdistan Mr Alistair Carmichael: Local Radio 13 Jan 10 Tony Baldry: China [1½ hrs] 1.52 Mr Tom Harris: Insurance Industry 79 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL Date Subject Duration 13 Jan 10 Mr Paul Burstow: Local Newspapers [1½ hrs] 1.30 13 Jan 10 Chris Ruane: Back to work initiative (Wales) 1.01 Sandra Gidley: IBM pension scheme 19 Jan 10 Paul Rowen: Musculoskeletal conditions [1½ hrs] 4.28 Mr Austin Mitchell: Manufacturing industry [1½ hrs] Tom Brake: Schools (Sutton) Mr Barry Sheerman: Universities (Urban Regeneration) Mr Richard Spring: Hatchfield Farm Development 20 Jan 10 Mr Mike Hancock: Leeds (UK Economy) [1½ hrs] 2.00 Caroline Flint: Rossington Inland Port 20 Jan 10 Mr Anthony Steen: UK Human Trafficking Centre [1½ hrs] 1.29 20 Jan 10 Mr Edward Vaizey: Criminal Records Bureau 1.00 Mr Jim Cunningham: Coventry and the West Midlands Economy 26 Jan 10 Mr Mark Field: Microfinance [1½ hrs] 3.23 Mark Pritchard: Horn of Africa [1½ hrs] Mr Roger Godsiff: Air Passenger Duty (Caribbean) 26 Jan 10 Mr Adam Holloway: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.59 Mr Richard Caborn: 2012 Olympic Legacy 27 Jan 10 Mr Stephen Crabb: Dairy Farming [1½ hrs] 1.58 Mr Gregory Campbell: Kenya (Drought and Famine) 27 Jan 10 Jim Sheridan: Colombia (Human Rights) [1½ hrs] 1.42 Dr Phyllis Starkey: EU-Israel Trade Agreement 27 Jan 10 Dr Phyllis Starkey: EU-Israel Trade Agreement [resumed] 0.48 Mr Adrian Sanders: Water and Sewerage (South-west) 2 Feb 10 Mr Nicholas Soames: Population and Immigration [1½ hrs] 4.30 Patrick Hall: Thameslink [1½ hrs] Mr James Gray: Multiple Sclerosis John Robertson: Education Maintenance Allowance Matthew Taylor: Schools Funding (Cornwall) 3 Feb 10 David Cairns: Returning Officers (Accountability) [1½ hrs] 2.00 Mr David S. Borrow: HIV/AIDS 3 Feb 10 Anne Main: First Capital Connect [1½ hrs] 2.30 Mr Phil Willis: University Places (England) John McDonnell: Punjabi Community in Britain 9 Feb 10 Ms Diane Abbott: Child Poverty (London) [1½ hrs] 4.20 Simon Hughes: Conflict Prevention [1½ hrs] Mr Parmjit Dhanda: Seagulls (Gloucester) Paul Rowen: Alcohol Fraud Paddy Tipping: Native Woodlands 10 Feb 10 Mr Alistair Carmichael: Fuel Duty (Rural Areas) [1½ hrs] 2.00 Mr Andrew Pelling: Revitalising Parliament 10 Feb 10 Tony Lloyd: Professional Football (Regulation) [1½ hrs] 1.15 10 Feb 10 Tony Lloyd: Professional Football (Regulation) [1½ hrs] [resumed] 1.05 Janet Anderson: Non-resident Parents Mr George Howarth: Terrorism and Islamist Militancy 23 Feb 10 Jo Swinson: Pensioner Poverty [1½ hrs] 4.30 Mr Nigel Evans: British Pubs [1½ hrs] Mr Michael Moore: Manufacturing Industries Mr Austin Mitchell: Foreign-Registered Lorries Mr Rob Wilson: Road Traffic Accidents (Compensation and Sentencing) 24 Feb 10 John McDonnell: Workplace Temperatures [1½ hrs] 2.00 Clive Efford: South-East London Transport 80 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL

Date Subject Duration 24 Feb 10 Andrew George: Property Taxation [1½ hrs] 2.26 Gregory Barker: Hastings Rail Service Mr John Grogan: Mongolia (UK Relations) 2 Mar 10 Mr Andy Slaughter: Housing (London) [1½ hrs] 4.27 Mr Keith Simpson: Norfolk, Suffolk and Devon (Local Government) [1½ hrs] Mr Michael Clapham: No-Fault Liability Scheme (Miner’s Knee) Dr Richard Taylor: NHS Expenditure (Reduction) Dr Brian Iddon: Peripheral Arterial Disease 3 Mar 10 Malcolm Bruce: Home Energy Efficiency [1½ hrs] 1.56 Mr Andrew Turner: Isle of Wight NHS Primary Care Trust 3 Mar 10 Keith Hill: Communications Allowance [1½ hrs] 0.36 3 Mar 10 Keith Hill: Communications Allowance [1½ hrs] [resumed] 1.49 Jeremy Corbyn: Private Tenants and Leaseholders (London) Mr Stewart Jackson: Land Registry Office (Peterborough) 9 Mar 10 Mr Nigel Evans: Motoring [1½ hrs] 4.30 Harry Cohen: Raising of the Pension Age [1½ hrs] Mr Oliver Letwin: Tankers (Lyme Bay) Ms Diane Abbott: 2012 Olympics (Employment) Mr Iain Duncan Smith: Passenger Safety (Railway Platforms) 10 Mar 10 Mr George Howarth: British Indian Ocean Territory [1½ hrs] 2.00 Mr Jim Hood: RBS (Small Business Lending) 10 Mar 10 Mr Roger Gale: Kent Coast Railway Line [1½ hrs] 2.30 Mr Angus MacNeil: Repatriation of Historical Objects Mr Graham Allen: International Financial Transactions (Tax) 16 Mar 10 Mr Paul Burstow: Dementia Strategy [1½ hrs] 4.28 Mr David S Borrow: Defence Industry (Lancashire) [1½ hrs] Mr Peter Bone: NHS (Wellingborough) John Robertson: Online Child and Adult Protection Mr Mark Field: Educational Standards (City of Westminster) 17 Mar 10 Martin Salter: Migrant Domestic Workers (Visas) [1½ hrs] 1.57 Mr Ian Cawsey: Port Business Rates

17 Mar 10 Lynne Featherstone: London Hospitals [1½ hrs] 2.25 Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger: Rural Payments Agency Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods: Private Rented Sector (Durham) 23 Mar 10 Mr Tom Clarke: Disability Policy (Economic Downturn) [1½ hrs] 4.23 Dr Evan Harris: Physics Research [1½ hrs] Mr David Clelland: Turks and Caicos Islands Mr David Lidington: High Speed 2 (Buckinghamshire) Kelvin Hopkins: Luton Railway Station 24 Mar 10 Dr William McCrea: Presbyterian Mutual Society [1½ hrs] 1.59 Greg Clark: Rail Services (West Kent) 24 Mar 10 Hugh Bayley: Zimbabwe [1½ hrs] 2.30 Graham Stringer: Manchester Bus Travel Mr Andrew Pelling: Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 30 Mar 10 Miss Anne Begg: Speaker’s Conference on Parliamentary Representation [1½ hrs] 4.30 Mr Eric Martlew: High Speed Rail (Government Policy) [1½ hrs] Mr Graham Allen: Early Intervention Dr Brian Iddon: UK Chemical Industry Mike Penning: Motorways and Trunk Roads 81 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL Date Subject Duration 6 Apr 10 Ms Diane Abbott: Gang Crime (London) [1½ hrs] 4.28 Lynne Jones: Poverty and Inequality [1½ hrs] Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown: Swindon to Kemble Rail Line Linda Gilroy: Tackling Crime (Plymouth) Dr Richard Taylor: Kidderminster Railway Station 7 Apr 10 Martin Salter: House of Commons (Effectiveness) [1½ hrs] 2.00 Mr Oliver Letwin: Planning Applications 7 Apr 10 Mr Lindsay Hoyle: Transport (North West) [1½ hrs] 1.55 Keith Hill: Iraq (Humanitarian Aid) 7 Apr 10 Simon Hughes: Housing (Southwark) 0.31 Total: 136.37 2: Adjournment (Government) 14 Jan 10 The Minister for Employment and Welfare Reform (Jim Knight): Supporting young 1.38 people in the recession 21 Jan 10 The Solicitor-General (Vera Baird): Violence against women 2.59 11 Mar 10 The Minister of State, Cabinet Office (Angela E Smith): Assistance to Communities 2.59 25 Mar 10 The Minister for Policing, Crime and Counter-Terrorism (Mr David Hanson): Police 1.25 Community Support Officers Total: 9.01 3: Adjournment (Committee) 3 Dec 09 Nick Harvey (on behalf of the House of Commons Commission): Management and 1.08 Services (House of Commons) 10 Dec 09 Mr Terry Rooney (on behalf of the Work and Pensions Select Committee): Tackling 2.23 Pensioner Poverty 7 Jan 10 Dr Tony Wright (on behalf of the Public Administration Select Committee): 1.42 Lobbying (Whitehall) 28 Jan 10 Mr Tim Yeo (on behalf of the Environmental Audit Committee): Carbon Capture 2.31 and Storage 4 Feb 10 Mr Andrew Dismore (on behalf of the Joint Committee on Human Rights): Policing 2.26 and Protest 25 Feb 10 Mrs Louise Ellman (on behalf of the Transport Committee): Rail Fares and 2.25 Franchises 4 Mar 10 Mike Gapes (on behalf of the Foreign Affairs Committee): Global Security (Non- 2.03 Proliferation) 18 Mar 10 Mr Kevin Barron (on behalf of the Health Committee): Patient Safety 2.32 Total: 17.10 5: Miscellaneous 9 Dec 09 Suspension [Division in the House] 0.32 16 Dec 09 Suspension 0.09 5 Jan 10 Miscellaneous: Minute’s Silence for the death of a Member (David Taylor) 0.01 6 Jan 10 Suspension [Division in the House] 0.09 12 Jan 10 Suspension 0.26 13 Jan 10 Suspension [Division in the House] 0.18 20 Jan 10 Suspension [Division in the House] 0.12 20 Jan 10 Point of order: Mr Anthony Steen: asking about time available for the Minister 0.01 21 Jan 10 Suspension [Division in the House] 0.21 26 Jan 10 Suspension 0.07 27 Jan 10 Suspension [Division in the House] 0.10 82 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL

Date Subject Duration 28 Jan 10 Point of Order: Mr Simon Hughes: asking whether it would be a better use of time 0.01 for the Minister to speak to the Government response directly after the Committee Chairman’s speech 10 Feb 10 Suspension [Divisions in the House] 0.27 3 Mar 10 Points of Order: David T.C. Davies: asking whether Lord Ashcroft had been warned 0.02 of points to be made by Keith Hill, and making comments about the Labour party Mr Graham Stuart: complaining about criticisms of members of the Lords 3 Mar 10 Point of Order: Mr Andrew Tyrie: asking whether he was correct in his 0.02 understanding that Members did not have to submit written notice that they wished to speak in debate (and then pursuing the point after the Chair had responded) 3 Mar 10 Point of Order: Mr Brian Binley: asking whether visual aids were allowed in debate 0.01 4 Mar 10 Suspension [Division in the House] 0.14 4 Mar 10 Suspension [Divisions in the House] 0.35 7 Apr 10 Suspension 0.03 Total: 3.51 Grand Total: 166.39