Plenary Lecture & Symposium
PLENARY LECTURE & SYMPOSIUM SYMPOSIuM From genomics to flagellar and ciliary struc - MONDAY 29 JulY tures and cytoskeleton dynamics (by FEPS) PlENARY lECTuRE (ISoP Honorary Member lECTuRE) Chairs (by ISoP) Cristina Miceli , University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy Helena Soares , University of Lisbon and Gulbenkian Foun - Introduction - John Dolan , CNRS-Sorbonne University, Ville - dation, Lisbon, Portugal franche-sur-Mer, France. Jack Sunter - Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK- Genome Tom Fenchel University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Den - wide tagging in trypanosomes uncovers flagellum asymmetries mark Dorota Wloga - Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, War - ISoP Honorary Member saw, Poland - Deciphering the molecular mechanisms that coor - dinate ciliary outer doublet complexes – search for “missing Size, Shape and Function among Protozoa links” Helena Soares - University of Lisbon and Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal - From centrosomal microtubule an - SYMPOSIuM on ciliate biology and taxonomy in memory choring and organization to basal body positioning: TBCCD1 an of Denis lynn (by FEPS/ISoP) elusive protein Chairs Pierangelo luporini , University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy Roberto Docampo , University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia TuESDAY 30 JulY Alan Warren - Natural History Museum, London, UK. The bio - logy and systematics of peritrich ciliates: old concepts and new PlENARY lECTuRE (PAST-PRESIDENT LECTURE, by ISoP) findings Rebecca Zufall - University of Houston, Houston, USA. Amitosis Introduction - Avelina Espinosa , Roger Williams University, and the Evolution of Asexuality in Tetrahymena Ciliates Bristol, USA Sabine Agatha - University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria. The biology and systematics of oligotrichean ciliates: new findings David Bass and old concepts Natural History Museum London, London & Cefas, Weymouth, laura utz - School of Sciences, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
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