
Rector's Speech in The Opening Ceremony of VISIONING WORKSHOP of IMT-GT UNIVERSITY NETWORK STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN (2016-2018) Syiah Kuala University, , June 3-4, 2015

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, wassalatu wassalamu ’ala asyrafil ambiyai walmursalin, wa’ala alihi wasahbihi ajma’in. Honourable ... Honourable ... and also all of distinguished guests.

Ladies and Gentlemen, May I first take this occasion to pay tribute to all of participants of this visioning workshop of Indonesia Malaysia Thailand-Growth Triangle in Syiah Kuala University.

It is a great pleasure and an honor for me to deliver this welcome remark at the Opening Ceremony of “IMT-GT Uninet Workshop on Developing Strategic Action Plan”. May I first take this opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation as well as extend a cordial welcome to all of participants, in particular to those who have travelled from Malaysia and Thailand for attending this important workshop. I wish you a huge welcome and a pleasant stay in the city of Banda Aceh as well as in Syiah Kuala University. This University is known since long times ago as Jantong Hatee Rakyat Aceh or the Heart of Aceh Society. And the university also has a very strong connection to IMT-GT, since we have the similar acronym in its vision, namely IMT, which stands for Innovatif, Mandiri, dan Terkemuka, or in English would be Innovative, Independent, and Prominent. This oldest University in the Province of Aceh was established in 1961. And it currently owes two campuses, which is located in Banda Aceh and Gayo Luwes district. We have a strong commitment to improve the academic quality of Syiah Kuala University in order to produce highly competitive graduates. And we have about 100 thousands alumni currently leaving and working in many countries, including Indonesia Malaysia and Thailand. Some of them possess important positions, and therefore they could significantly contribute for the society. On the other hand, more than 30.000 students are currently still pursuing their study in Syiah Kuala University.

Ladies and Gentlemen, IMT-GT University Network (UNINET) was established in 1996. Initially, there were eight universities in the network: Syiah Kuala University, University of Sumatera Utara and from Indonesian side; Universiti Teknologi MARA, Universiti Utara Malaysia and Universiti Sains Malaysia from Malaysia; as well as Prince of Songkla University and Thaksin University from Thailand. And later, has joined the faction in 2003. IMT-GT Uninet covering 10 provinces in (Indonesia), 8 states in Malaysia Peninsular, and 14 provinces in Southern Thailand currently. This collaboration has given significantly impact for the community development in the three countries, especially among the university network. And this visioning workshop aims also to revitalize the role of this IMT-GT UNINET. The role of this faction is conveyed in the objectives of the establishment of the IMT-GT UNINET, that are to create a network of teaching and research collaboration; to develop and encourage collaborative research, joint seminars, workshops and other academic endeavors; to encourage contacts and exchange of ideas between students and academics of IMT-GT UNINET; to share experiences and expertise in the management of university core services; and to support and collaborate in research areas that are beneficial to the development of IMT-GT. We do believe that these objectives can be attained through the concerted efforts of the IMT-GT UNINET dedicated team of universities. And may this workshop also contribute further to the achievement of the IMT-GT UNINET mission and objectives. To conclude, I would like to extend my appreciation to the Organizing Committee from Syiah Kuala University, C-IMT-GT Secretariat and PIPPA USM Penang, for making this event a success. Finally, I wish you to enjoy the programs of the workshop, as well as the university and the city.

Wabillahitaufiq walhidayah, wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Darussalam, 03 June 2015 Rector of Syiah Kuala University,

Prof. Dr. Ir. Samsul Rizal, M. Eng. NIP. 19620808 1988031003