The Youth's Instructor for 1933

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The Youth's Instructor for 1933 L1ETS TALK ET CVER ELL — maybe — but —" Dan excited about hearing Gabriel's trum- the entrance, I thought, "Yes, it's just stood up abruptly, thrust his pet blow—today, anyway !" like the picture !" hands into his pockets, walked across "Remember Jesus Himself says that The Michigan Central time-table the room, and gazed out of my office when He comes the second time, it which the porter brought me as we window for a moment at the scarlet will be as 'a thief in the night' to rode toward Detroit, told of the won- and gold autumn landscape, and then those who are not expecting Him." ders of that great industrial center. turned and finished his sentence—"but "Oh, I expect Him, of course— I found the description more than why get all excited about it? My dad sometime." And Dan looked at his true. Indeed, the half had not been, thought the second coming of Christ watch and picked up his hat. could not be, told. would surely take place in his lifetime "'Lest coming suddenly He find —but it didn't. His father before him you sleeping.' " The words somehow watched and waited in vain for the said themselves as my caller held out 'THAT night, as we whizzed along same event. And there was William his hand. the shining rails which marked Miller, and Joseph Bates, and all the "I'll take a chance on it," he the path to home—I chanced—or was old pioneers—they were disappointed laughed, and was gone. it chance?—to open my Bible to the too ! In fact, I believe I've been very last pages of Revelation. And taught that down through the ages these are the words that caught my since Jesus' first advent, some one, FEW weeks ago I bought a eye: somewhere, has been looking for Him A ticket to Chicago. When it came "I John saw the holy city, New to come again—soon—yes, very soon. to me, there was attached a notation Jerusalem, coming down from God But He hasn't come ! Now I say, which read: "Train leaves 8:4o Sat- out of heaven, . having the glory What's the sense in me getting all urday night. Berth, Lower 6; Car of God : . and had a wall great stirred up over something that more'n 102." And at the appointed time I and high, and had twelve gates. likely won't happen in my day at all?" was in my appointed place. On the And the building of the wall of it was "But surely you can see prophecies exact minute we pulled out of Wash- of jasper: and the city was pure gold. fulfilling on every side, and surely you ington's Union Station. An hour . And the city had no need of the can see events pointed out in the Book later we puffed to a stop in Baltimore, sun, neither of the moon : . and as signs of His second appearing, oc- just as the schedule indicated. When the Lamb is the light thereof. curring fast and faster as day follows morning came, I resumed the check. And he showed me a pure river of day. How can you doubt, Dan, that There was not one slip. Station by water of life, clear as crystal, pro- we—yes, you—are living in the very station we arrived just where and ceeding out of the throne of God and last hours of earth's history?" when we were expected. At last came of the Lamb. In the midst of the "Well, my dad thought that too. Gary, South Chicago—and then we street of it, and on either side of the He used to talk a lot about strikes, were there—exactly as the Baltimore river, was there the tree of life, which and war between capital and labor, and Ohio time-table said we would bare twelve manner of fruits." and increase of crime, and pestilence, be ! No question at all but that it "Another Guidebook," I said to my- and famine, and earthquakes, and all had told the truth. self, "and I know I'll find things just those things. He really expected to My first visit to the Fairgrounds as described, if I'm one of those who live to see the Lord come—but he get into heaven, because—yes—here didn't. Sometimes I wonder about proved the veracity of the descrip- tions I had read. The 12th Street almost the next verse says: 'These those prophecies and signs mentioned sayings are faithful and true.' " in the Bible—how much they really entrance? Yes, here it was, just as indicated on the map in my hand. And a bit awed by the wonder of mean." the thought, I read these startling "They mean exactly what the Bible Armed with an Official Guidebook, words: "Behold, I come quickly." says they mean, friend o' mine. They you simply followed directions, and you found yourself where you wished And again: "Behold, I come quickly; are the divine guideposts pointing and My reward is with Me, to give the way to the end of time and the to be. But I met plenty of people wandering hither and yon, looking for every man according as his work shall beginning of eternity." be." And still again : "SURELY I come "Maybe. But look at the years and this and that in a vague, indefinite quickly." years that have passed since William sort of way. Most of them hadn't Miller thought the end of time was at even provided themselves with a hand—and nothing has happened guidebook; the others who carried yet !" one hadn't troubled to read it. Fool- EWARE, Dan-of-the-doubting- "'Nothing?' You're mistaken, Dan. ish folks ! And what a host of inter- B heart and you other friends o' God's prophetic clock has ticked away esting, worth-while, wonderful Cen- mine to whom the time seems long withdut a stop, and every event fore- tury of Progress sights their foolish- and the waiting weary, for you are ness caused them to miss 1 Oh, yes, told has struck exactly on time. And "Nearer your Father's house, another thing He has told us, that if the guidebook was reliable. Where many mansions be, His people had followed His guidance On my homeward journey I stopped Nearer the great white throne— instead of their own way, His coming off at Battle Creek, Michigan. I had Nearer now than you think." would not have been delayed all these read many descriptions of the Battle Today may be your last day of life. 'years and years' you mention. But Creek Sanitarium, so closely identi- Are you ready to meet face to face surely you cannot doubt that it is fied with Seventh-day Adventists and the Man who died for you? nearer now than ever before?" their denominational growth in years "Perhaps," and Dan turned to the gone by. There it stood, in exactly window again, "but I'm not getting all the right spot, and as I walked up to VOL. 81, NO. 49 THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR, DECEMBER 5, 1933 ONE YEAR, $1.75 Published by the Seventh-day Adventists. Printed every Tuesday by the Review and Herald Publishing Assn., at Takoma Park, Washington, D. C., U. S. A. Entered as second-class matter, August 14, 1903, at the post office at Washington, D. C., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. "WE PLEDGE TO LIVE TRUE TILL JESUS COMES" In Africa, native believers in the third angel's message come to camp meeting thousands strong. T T was Thursday morning at merable hills, 160 miles from Usum- Usumbura, the north port of Lake by. bura and above 6,000 feet in eleva- Tanganyika. The native hotel tion. boys were busily tying our heavy Henry T. Elliott Here, on the day appointed among luggage onto the carrier at the back the young people of North America of the Chevrolet. Across the street for prayer for this field, were gath- from the Hotel du Lac, where we As fast as possible, the bargaining ered in camp meeting more than 5,000 stayed, was the native market square. began. An African native dealing adults and no less than i,000 children. This morning it was as busy as an with a European is a submissive sort What a contrast these meetings pre- ant hill. I walked around the square, of being and out of his element. But sented to the seething market scene watching the long lines of natives, natives dealing with natives are as at Usumbura I Drums sounded the with their heads loaded with all sorts shrewd as Arab or Indian traders signal to come to meeting, and from of native commodities, streaming and much more vociferous in their every direction they came, by schools down onto the square from all the talk. So the chatter became a deep and by families, winding over the steep hills around. hum, almost a din, punctuated here hills, singing gospel songs as they Chattering like blackbirds, they ar- and there with sharp cries or loud marched to the place of meeting. ranged their wares in groups on the expostulations. On Sabbath we had separate meet- square. Those who sold mealies and But in the midst of my observa- ings for the adults and children, and cassava flour gathered in one place, tions the call to start reached me, and they all sat and listened attentively those who sold wood in another, those we climbed into the car, and were to what was said.
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