Albert Halper's “Prelude”
p rism • an interdisciplinaryan journal interdisciplinary for holocaust educators journal for holocaust educators • a rothman foundation publication an interdisciplinary journal for holocaust educators editors: Dr. karen shawn, Yeshiva University, nY, nY Dr. jeffreY Glanz, Yeshiva University, nY, nY editorial Board: Dr. Aden Bar-tUra, Bar-Ilan University, Israel yeshiva university • azrieli graduate school of jewish education and administration DarrYle Clott, Viterbo University, la Crosse, wI Dr. keren GolDfraD, Bar-Ilan University, Israel Brana GUrewItsCh, Museum of jewish heritage– a living Memorial to the holocaust, nY, nY Dr. DennIs kleIn, kean University, Union, NJ Dr. Marcia saChs Littell, school of Graduate studies, spring 2010 the richard stockton College of new jersey, Pomona volume 1, issue 2 Carson PhIllips, York University, toronto, Ca i s s n 1 9 4 9 - 2 7 0 7 Dr. roBert rozett, Yad Vashem, jerusalem, Israel Dr. David Schnall, Yeshiva University, nY, nY Dr. WillIaM shUlMan, Director, association of holocaust organizations Dr. samuel totten, University of arkansas, fayetteville Dr. WillIaM YoUnGloVe, California state University, long Beach art editor: Dr. PnIna rosenBerG, technion, Israel Institute of technology, haifa poetry editor: Dr. Charles AdÈs FishMan, emeritus Distinguished Professor, state University of new York advisory Board: stePhen feInBerG, United states holocaust Memorial Museum, washington, D.C. Dr. leo GoldberGer, Professor emiritus, new York University, nY Dr. YaaCoV lozowick, historian YItzChak MaIs, historian, Museum Consultant GerrY Melnick, kean University, NJ rabbi Dr. BernharD rosenBerG, Congregation Beth-el, edison; NJ Mark sarna, second Generation, real estate Developer, attorney Dr. David SilBerklanG, Yad Vashem, jerusalem, Israel spring 2010 • volume 1, issue 2 Simcha steIn, historian Dr.
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