arts and entertainment weekly entertainment and arts Nation Animation The Animators Dominate in Film, on the Web and the Campus PENCIL MILEAGE CLUB Drawing It Up One Page At A Time hentai the dark side of japanese animation animation2007 animated film lineuppreview Demetrithe homemade animator Martin daily.titan 2 BUZZ 01.29.07 DRAWING FOR MILES pg.4 The Pencil Mileage Club illustrates it all as one of the campus’ biggest groups and offers it’s members industry insight and the rest of us some damn good art ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Jickie Torres ANIMES SLUTTY SISTER pg. 5 EXECUTIVE EDITOR When sex and cartoons clash, Japanese Hentai shows off Adam Levy the darker side of the world of animation DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING Emily Alford ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING BUZZ FILM PREVIEW pg.6 Beth Stirnaman From gluttenous Ratatoulle to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, take a look at 2007’s animated film lineup PRODUCTION Jickie Tores ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES DEMITRI MARTIN pg.8 Sarah Oak The Daily Shows resident trendspotter knows what’s cool and draws it up at home The Daily Titan 714.278.3373 The Buzz Editorial 714.278.5426
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[email protected] Advertising Fax 714.278.2702 The Buzz , a student publication, is a supplemental insert for the Cal State Fullerton Daily Titan. It is printed every Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the WHAT’S THE BUZZ p.7 CSU system. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception.