Andrew (Andy) Cain Professor of Classics University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309
[email protected] Date and Place of Birth 1976 Marietta, OH Education 2003 Ph.D., Cornell University 1999 École Nationale des Chartes, Paris 1998 B.A. Greek & Latin, Italian, University of South Carolina (summa cum laude) Academic Employment 2017- Professor of Classics, University of Colorado at Boulder 2010-17 Associate Professor of Classics, University of Colorado at Boulder 2003-10 Assistant Professor of Classics, University of Colorado at Boulder Editorial Positions 2018- Editor, Journal of Late Antiquity 2019- Associate Editor, Vigiliae Christianae 2012- Editorial Board, Fathers of the Church 2014- Editorial Board, Writings from the Greco-Roman World 2013-17 Associate Editor, Journal of Late Antiquity Languages Modern: French (fluent written/spoken), Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese Medieval: Latin, Italian, Old French (dialects: Langue d’oc and Anglo-Norman) Ancient: Greek, Latin, Coptic (intermediate), Hebrew (elementary) Research Specialties • Greek and Latin literature of Late Antiquity • Medieval and Renaissance Latin literature • The Classical tradition • Subfield expertise: source criticism, paleography, prosopography • Literary genres: hagiography, epistolography, comedy, martyrology, biblical commentary 1 Books: Single Author • The Letters of Jerome: Asceticism, Biblical Exegesis, and the Construction of Christian Authority in Late Antiquity. Oxford Early Christian Studies Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. vii + 286 pp. Award: