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Black Range, 1882-1897 (Socorro County) New Mexico Historical Newspapers

4-3-1896 The lB ack Range, 04-03-1896 Black Range Print Co.

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Recommended Citation Black Range Print Co.. "The lB ack Range, 04-03-1896." (1896).

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Black Range, 1882-1897 (Socorro County) by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. N. M., T7 CIILOR) IIP, SI&ffiA WW J Al'KIL 3, 180G- - t crtluuiivj The seen. a COPHT DA' THt UkUMBI. CHANGING, MIND Great Feat In th- - Be' it enact fd bv the lejrit Korthwvst. assf rally of tLe terntorj of recent I hard ' cr?mpai The completion of tb work . Mexico: cantAlever bride over the C ' ' THE changing the appearance of youi The terms of the district river at Rook Island, Wash., m Stove with eouitliereaiter to l iield In tlm coun-tir- 8 accomplishment of the great? tit Santa Fe, S:tn J nan, Rio Ar railroad engineering in the ' Columbia at Wanatchee, ' riba tnd raon, shall bt held said " in ig bridge in being built, Rio cow I ies l.egiiiiihig at the lie re VDenver and Grandf EVEN liuiei SOU and 1,000 yards in wid maft r rixe.l Hnd continuing until ail- - 12 to 200 feet deop at I joun! jed by the order of the court, to- - channel, according ' wit: k aid, is worn deep ) TOVE la ibe county of Sau Juan, oa the iurface of the val railway, annual ris i 3d Mondays iu April June and October. never overflows, In he county ALOSS of Bio Arriba, on th .'tftd measureme --If. flist Mondays in May and Nov em bur. dded to build a Uasts Seven times longer In the county of Taos, ou the tunu ' Ot to interfere Looks Seven times better Thn Mon lays in May and November, Mian a drawbri ;,nd support tb Stove In the county of SaDta Fe, on the About Seven times cleaner I At the point Qoloradp, wot d Mondays in June) and Decem- About Two times cheaper ber. ,,asaltic butt' valley. About Two times handier b.2. The sprinif 1893 term In th Thf of aball begiii- - L'ficolii be.held these shel'-th- ninjion the second Monday iu April in- bridge New Mtxcp If your grocer doesn't keep it, stead of. the secoud Monday in March, On the' send us his name with ioc and is now fixed. , lar butte lo the county of Chavez, beginning through get a large box and a valuable cut for on the fourth Monday in March instead family household book free. '. hundrt and,ytah of the tluid Monday iu February. bank in me county ui x.uuy, or & ueiiiiiini: hug Doaacllan Co., Agts., the second Mouday in March iustead ol the ri 619 MONTGOMERY ST.. S. F.. CAU he lirsl Monday in February. and ti In the county of Dona Ana, begin stream, Tbs nsw soenlo route to feet deep mug on the flist Monday In March lu-te- on nrv isss nons ssss onn .The wh of the liist Monday in February, r UTAH, MONTANA, ft Magnificent not count, iu Lite county of Sierra, lifinninjfoii f- - Collection of FLOWER SEEDS and is 120 , he fouitjh Monday ,of March instead and 70 feet t,,. j extreme i. And the coo rnrpi of the third Mond.iy in March. The first span reaches from ti vanetiss in Hie county ot (J nm I, beginning on on the west side, 250 feet, to a above the water line. The secouu v. T -- . aj .ii he thud Monday jn Anill instead ol PACIFIC GOAST- - main span reaches 41ltf feet above the 1 Would he second Monday in April. f i'aaiua yiutiutalanr.K main channel to the river. It weighs fn N tin ISect; 3. A iiig ISO-"- , ltu. !i ... ttufrUdUaadUiafuillclrd.. . .. ; tier the ejii terra. 856 '!r . Jti.. tons and in the center is 75 feet whicu Uacj work. wtlMic MdUwrk, kll'tjf laia of court fu. the toifin.ties oi from top to bottom of the structure. . Will b ins completion ol the bom dttoorittaa. houMkMpinM ity is a, fMfitoH, fcygkM, Jvvcall rMlla7, uinlvo, ;Chuvex, Eihiy, Dona .and The third span extends from the island tiqiMtU. fie. To tutroduot tru more likv Wflnf to the far Line early In the tpri; chumiDf pitiiar Into loo.MO irani.iili.t leui.iin as tixed by the law east bank. The entire bridge is haam wkrn it to ai 'Sk-a- Uku. w mow ilization of u BIKkt lfa (ollowlnl nlommt fHM Vim r built of steel and wrought iron. npt ffeaiy IS t'eeU ijt mlvwm amr,vt predecessors.! & inrf j ae wwria or 'kbree :i thecmlrfi"ef gradually forVsa 4 Mwathe. S lo iairMck wbKribor wo will tlm n4 pljax, the 4th A BRIDGE OF AGATE. f FraO) OM pawpoM, forffl m OMOWlflCtW ojwi. Monday in March ' 2U Monday its use confined to Si. Iiwtloa ef Ck.l. Flewer Deed, stMno mmao, ar' A Petrified Spans PomU. V orb. mo, CkryouiktmonA, Aoloro, rklog Tree a Chasm In Far which find such favoi feddlo Vino, Slocko, ,ii October. ' . t ) SoioW, Crvnm Dtttullo, DoukU ( I Away Arlaona. r tlHi,ilokl,ote.,Mo. HooMoabor, IwolnoostoBojrtforlkonoio-fjMth- households of crowded r. OAS CoUwttoa Ckoleo lit thecunty A mining Okoalka SkkODtlro taifnlfloikt of of Mielo'rl the expert sent to investigate be to Flowor Soodo. tr gotS Hooot ono wimoM entitled, however, No kdy ooa offon) to arkoj tkkl woodortul ecGnd Monday .n Hnd Jsovem some for Denver vook aaS Atini ' properties of man , MMrtoaity. Wononauo oiory ouootrtbor mtmj tlnm Iko nluo remembrance av.i ! capitalists recently tyid re- -' xTot ol aoon allow will rohaS yowr awraoy ono uoko yoa o prooiol ier.' k returned factor im the development f in, mi koik ooodo uo Holnorao U fo an aot MIUSoS. Out It ta ports the finding of a most remarka- M aaS MIoUo ankiloliia koata, oadoiaoa ky aU tko Uadla( aowo. zation and progress daring the of WOUmeattlt plttloS fapon. Wo kan roootvoi kaaaradf troa -- ble natural bridge formed by a tree of aotml oortoo Um aaa) soa ooani aow MWM aowtro Iron J hundred years. Ho otoit ooworal ao two ooan apt. oaa rroa otmoaoo awowuooiooi t agatized wood spanning a canyon on oaaolb at aloHaoa;u-M- n. C. Boyaax, Daaa, Wla. forty-fiv-e feet Mmlf lU Mm Im arM aJwrtuoity in width, saya. the Jew- DR. NANSEN'S POLAR SHIP' m. .u ' a at foanrtiv oaturoatrt Bt. 0. eler's Circular. iMTto, Brooklra, N. T. Mia. Hoary Wat B.kot malar Has) XCeat BLxaet JFFICIAL A Marvel of Solidity Being Constructed; . abasnaorr, aaa wroco moawooa, on REGISTER The' tree had at some remote time rdoioo oar toodt bat ataooa. Do aot ooa-- for the TJse of the Explorer. IteaaSUkoIaonttaoeakDjNBoyKoomaaK ' fallen when it became imbedded in ' wt rVnlo uyiaf Dr. Nansen's polar- ship, haa pro- oaacrapaloaa panooa, tt the silt of some great SoatpaJ H oil Ma aaaatrlptiooa aaa az inland sea or gressed so far in const.rviction ona usioouoao am tor au mighty water overflow. that onrniit nrrcoi Taaot udr mi- - u. - can now form some idea of its general Opening to the ranchman orer a million Skua County Officers. The silt became in time sandstone, tot abort efftr, nd ania at mow , aUot I outline, says the Folkeblalet, of Chris-tiani-a. aorei of lertU land, to the stookurower io taw ajo adotftutatat. wo wui aaa root, n flktf'M. .n&j. ' and the wood gradually passed - The slanting sulcs strike; vast ranges yet uuolat aed, and a aadlUaa lo all Iko abort, ouaooatlof Ilia oolo- ( if Nleb'Ji), (Ju'.es, (Jounullinan for the coun- - through the stages the the Italoi Karees feat, tmbrtouii of mineralization eglons Eeamra jtw'. iiien ol riteiVa Atf Socorro. mine i rich In the until it is iow a wonderful tree of 4 V fe - ' that the vessel will be "screwed" by , precious iliivt and Jose Aimiio y Yiull re- ' ' ' th" metal. solid. aate. ice, d, IDA )W.,K. s for tlio eouutles ot Socorro ' tare has been taken that no rfro ttu tokford VwittM wbioh A In after years water washed and ate jeetmg points or flat surfaces xist-Th- e .fhTl away the sandstone a .. ItoirU l (m4, n. prodiMt lor thrt aoatluuott pra U( it. liuuciiK, until canvon peculiar design to based on an- THE toiToa of frurront blooma nl Iht moot krlUUDt aolortni rhuln 'an. i L forty-fiv-e Jne August Ufcinnardt. .. feet in width has been e OFFER ! TMrty ...... Co. Comin'ers. ticipation that all ice, whentneeting-th- ANOTHER GREAT Sfp Tlar n Jootj M. Apoduoa ) formed, the flinty like substance of Kbocrlplkn prloa) wo will ooaS Tke U arid far vessel, will be forced down under Tear, lotoUia t aar mfurnlSooat Collottloa ar Iwooot Flowor raiirixco Apoduca Probiit Judge the aganized wood having resisted the Boodo ont o Htm it, allowing it to be raised so much out abovo ntoitlbtd, llktwlu itt miW I' 0. Halt... .Probate Clerk. erosion n the waterflow. of the water. For the same reason the Miut L. Kaliltr filieriff. ' Denver and Rio Grande FAMOUS OLD WOMEN. bottom of the vessel is covered with, Aloy Prelsser . Assessor. SOME. hard smooth wood greenheart,. Will M. Robins.. Tieusurer. The Cofintess of Desmond Lived to Be and three to six inches thick. Inside, the: H"ni7 Cbandler Supt. ol School - 145 and Then Died by an Accident. X tivoj TavtrqisLte fox vessel is provided with horizontal, ver- la Stout) Bias Chavez am acknowledged - ....?oroner. It is fact that ft 44nn1 A i n r9sw rt 1 Atmen Lhama A i. 1 great age is attained by women ftener f. 7 by hnndredaof wooden joints- PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT men. Tiesot, with what tha iroaand "' (r - than "L givingr. the impress of great, solidity.. Louis Post-Dispat- calls doubtful St The frame ia mostly old oak.. FEDERAL. gallantry, accounts for this by declar Besides the outermost covering of greenheart, T. B. ing that the large amount of talking most Important cities and Catron tyleaate to Co gress there are two oak skins. The vessel is Hetweenallthe W. T. for which women are famous Is a very-health- oaraps Is ISO Thornton Governor provided with a steam engine of 18a and mining Colorado. Over exercise and promotes the cir mile ol standard and narrow (range, Lotion Miller Secretary horsepower. It la. rigged as a threes aisndldly equipped and oarefnlly Tlioa. 8mtth , culation of the blood without overex- chlel Justce schooner and' will , managed. Wm.Je, erting the organs. The true reason, master mainly rely I on its sails when the ice. dimen- A. A. Freeman. probably, lies in the quieter and more in Its - SIMPLE IU E. P. "Seeds, f .Associates sions are: Keel, St meters; greatest, G. D. regular life usually led by women, ...VKT. CONSTRUCTION Bantz. J length of deck, 89 meters;, greatest. v ft ?.- - vir, p whose nervous system and brains are viV'i Charles r Eastey Surveyor General width deck,. 11 meters;- - height from LIGHT RUNNING consequently not worn out so quickly, of li 0. M, Shannon TJ. 8 Collector keel to deck, 6.25 meters; when loaded, a rule, as those bf men. One of the fc and durable; J. B. Hemingway. ...U. 8. District Attorney as 4. 75 meters;, displacement, 800 tons. Vet E- - L- - most of female centenarians IIn U S. Marshal famous The hull will be extremely heavy on Loomla countess of Desmond, who W.H. Deputy U. 8. Marshal was the account of the heavy material used in lived hundred and forty-fiv- e The Denver & Rio Grade Eiprses V. S. Coal Wine Inspe tor to be one its construction, yet it is estimated that James H. Wnlker, Santa . and .died in the reign of James I. from Fe, Reff Land Office he will be able-t- carry 400 tons of coal Pedro rel(tado. This won- Sama Fn....Kee. Land Office the effects of an accident. and provisions, etc. Besides the. small- J D. Bryan, l.dsCtucea. Land Office derful woman found herself at the age ...Re. er boats necessary for recoenoifcering, . operated in eonneotlon with the railway GIVES J. P. Ascarate. Laa Crocos. strong-a- s Pee. Land Offlee of one hundred so lively and etc., two large boats are being, built and guarantees prompt and efficient KIchHrd Younir, Kbswel... ..Reg. Land Office to be able to take part in a dance, and PERFECT W. H. rosgrove!Boswell....Rec. able to hold the whole cfew of twelve-me- service at reasonablerates. LandOffloe when she was one hundred and forty and provisions for w- - W. Boyle, three months. . . DODGE, F. O.KIMS, SATISFACTION Folsom... Reg. Land Office she traveled all the way from Bristol to H. O. If the polar currents are running as Pass Ptchlcs, Folsom Keo. Land Office no trifling in those ' Cen'l Manager. Gen'l At. London jounney Nan'sen supposes, it becomes reason-- Dearer, Colorado. days in order to, attend personally to able to expect that his expedition will AMERICA. some B.R.0.4SRGrJia!i!CO TERRITORIAL. business affairs. meet with success. II is vessel is. cer- Lady Desmond is, however, quite ' PRIKCPAL OFFICE FACTCSY - - tainly a marvel of solidity. thrown into the shade by a French 11 i S.W. C0RJ20ST, & WASr.!r.Cn?I4 A'L E. L. Bartlett,....,, Solicitor G"nprn) woman, Marie Prion, who died in St. ChurVh Building in Germany. J B. Orlst Di6t. said, PHIUDELWIA, PA." Attorney Colombo in June, 1333, it is at the One of the most notable features of. B. Newcomb, fifty-eigh- WORK FOR US f. I asCruces " wonderful age of one hundred and t. the reign of Emperor William, is the WHOLESALE BRANCH H0USC3 L. C. Fort, Las Vegas .' Toward the end of her life she extraordinary impulse which has been a few days, and you vtll be startled at the CHICAGO. Ill "in CINCiNNATj . H. B. Baker, Roswell..... " J1 aie.We lived exclusively on goat's milk and given during the last few yeara to- - peeted sucoesi that reward your efforts. j.fcfi 1 F. Pino. the th best business to offer an ajrent ' .....Librarian cheese. Although her body was so positively have H..C:anriJy...... Clerk Siipiuicnie Court building of churches in various parts that can be found on the face of this earth. shrunk that she weighed only forty-si- x: of the empire. In Berlin alone no less wS.OO profit on STS.00 wort h of business M . H. B n.'U J.unn, ...... Supt. Penitentiary being caatly and honorably made by and paid to pounds, she retained all her mental; than twenty-si- x new churches have In Geo. W.KiiuWj. Adjutatvt Genera hundreds of men, women, bow, and girls our T .faculties to the lost. - make aster work for tf It, I'alfij...... Xveasurer either been erected or commenced mploy. You oan nionef at - fBw- -f by H J. incon- Is so !- 1iido ta all pint, It is an extraordinary but of Einperot- - Wil- ua than tod bete any idea of. The business II uladaa- oar wiarhlno. I Dtinttilo Perez..'. Auditor since the accesijoj easy to learn, and Instructions so simple and plain, . ' I nii .' . can u.. testable fact that some women at the liam, which, to the U1 aanu Aintulo t'ha ez .. .Supt. Public Iastrnetion that all succeed from the start. Those who take total, wo free la out age when most people did undergo a a(l hold of the business reap the advantage that ptroja aa aa wcaint.tna rrir M. 8 Uart .. : Coal OU Inspector evanf;i?nA churches with betl raado la rejuvenation arLsss from the sound reputation of one of the world, wlik all tb? atuc'lunema sort of natural process of which the Pruwiintt. aapital was pre- oldest, most successful, and largest publishing i willakwoendrreea crmi)t'tl the-hai- r and teeth grow again, the repder houses In America. Secure for youraelf the progts Unaaf awr eeotlv and vtlutblt til viously provided, will Berlin as the builnesa so readily and handsomely yields. mploa, la ratara wt ark taut yo Court of Private Claims. wrinkles disappear from the skin, and entitled to style "The City that A1: what wt oonrt, to Ihott who land fully itself AU beg liners sueoeed grandly, and more than s ioy can at your aurjio.and after V sight and hearing reacquire ''their of Churches" as Brooklyn. These new-churche- greatest expectations. Those who own : rsallie their mo&rao aH oo J loomo jour Joseph B. Rcpd, ol Iowa.Clilel Justice. former sharpness. A marquise de Mir-abe- trr It Hnd sxsetly as we tall them. There Is plenty frrOMrty. 'ia Jt'and maclilno ta represent a money value of' ot room for a few more Workers, and ws nge roodo attar Uo Siasor polon", Associate Juxtictsa.: Wllbtir . fctone, o is an example of this rare and re- aiswawliletiaaTanir.oat: hefonrt.iita twenty million marks, three millions, them to begin at once. t yon are already em- .Zi rooull(taldlorlU!l.iilltlia Colorado. markable phenomenon; she died at the ployed, bat a few spire moments, and now fat of which have been provided by' thai hare wh l.lrtrhat.'ao. and O. of x, then at ones Tliomas 0 Fuller, North Carolina. age of eighty-si- a few years be- to at them to advents, welts us ltt,atiwnfttl,iott ' but emperor and- - the government, while all! is grand opportunity), reoejis maWM BarhHo la Um world. 411 n VlllimM. Jlurraji, ol Tennessee. (for this your and roqnirrd. Fla.0, fore her death she became in appear- full particulars by return iiail. Address, a iL. Larat. M amUal the remainder has been raised by voir IrMbutmasToaas T' TliaWasaioScaoanoo. ury 0. Kansas. ance quite young again. The same '. 4) Ho V Sat ia tbo worli aad las untary aonttf buttons. , TJjUf Aw sua (Va ilia . Matthew G. JUytjtdds, pt Missouri, (7. i wa lawttattia oaionaw. 8. change happened to nun of the name AStore j. a iI sin t.... 'Jail. Iiir I wirfl w" Meiw ping make iy Again, t - 3 ( Ufuul'B- Mia I Hit iUMu can eapltal i 'axill. 6h W iaeumim wj ... (lull It ) T sererelY, v J r ankles and f at producu v Q badly swollen, and while ft ha. a huilj able toftt op and dot! , .Tf'uW fcome.. Oaoe erct. d tl Uln. wltbomt jnPt ofh'cljtep labor plj.lan tropor-l- a help. Many other lta roducU and the (nralirn 1 1 'fry remeei 1 a d, iPhavln to be bouub'.r at (1.83 f ,0 S- I W eKTrv Amerksn dollar the 85 centa eote . - r . illjt attmnloa t home producUun, belnf i an a hoi. a low 1 unt s.tnj barrier of custom .ra j . 11 carsd m .-- cheap f vor Miiwr wnniri .THitr- " " jueiioo with a oi Hexicaa ronnui aciuren " " aotur The aeme eonditlona exist In arH "f Ireo trade. Tnere can be not.6uit iatior will soon be manuf ryera goods on American wrUken Take aa an example Vie raUinoi' j.t, tbat If the to ting bar the 1 adojn are already doii filth th ism Tha better gradee of Mexlc a silver basis to morrow British trade Cbina and Japan - would year was qut. a the manufacturers of I 'complaint, aBoct- from IS to SS cents. If thli la the gold price be ruined before the little while Every protected, will be forced by a eoi Ins idt limbs and the allver price la from 48 to 61 eenta per American would be not ed States every hlpa, m I Jnit trle the mn medicine pound, therefore tliej marpln of profit la only at home, but at otber market.'.1 Bo long as the conditions .exist of putting coma to a atarvatlga basis. with the mum Mj wit and chfl-- rained on poodi for expert, tbe SS per cent, molt. apremluu of nearly 100 ler cent on cstpltal & H. LllDUAW take Eood'i BeraaparilU wheoere again making that much of a premium on Hdrsn tbe Mexican investment. to find foreign Investments In countries feel the Deed of a medicine end it lm where labpr Is cheaper, so long will the mediately make then feel better. It haa been anKgeatcd to me tbat Mexico la contemplating changing from a alfVer to a capital go away. The rexult cannot help but Sarsaparilla gold baala. I have before me an editorial be two fold to borne industries. It not only ws published In the Mexican Herali of Feb. COPPKB floetor's bills. I arfl an enginerr, S8tb, wblcb eaya: eon ntry so fortunate In securing it, but fos I loeaUy." Q. W. manufacturing on Down in thit eV'Ilereln Mexico, our. manufacturers end ters a rival In that 'ac CO. nJte Ioa mil, inaian ier. bankers nlnoerely hope tbat tbe United count of the conditions wUl soon dictate pur HARDINGE& aytob?.aiytotatt, States will Btlck to gold, end the firmer the Buyers of all Classes IrlllSDllle easy lueiWct sao, affection that Vncle Sain displays towards 't the yellow metal the better we all In Mexico Tax Equalization. COPPER ORES and MAT1 pleased. We eye will be are on the Tbe board of equalization here In Mextoo of great advantages la territorial Write for Trices. ,the way, Mr, Elkins is a manutactn ring, cheaper bower is soon to ar at its annual meeting! established 52 Curtis $t., : Denipr.Colc, VNapoleon JfcKinley who rive, and when we have tbat. alms with tbe assessed valuation of property for cheap labor and silver money, we sVall be 1896, as follows: ; Jirect training of Jlero K M0TICELLO gin to be a big manufacturing country Each quarter section or fractional Frankly we uy It Mosico wants to part witft permanent robust, nnlunolung advocate and partisante.iof thereof of land gold in the White ilonoe, for another tour water thereon, suitable forjgrajiing pur: ; FLOUR servants of the years; yea, lor another forty l Let Uncle poses only, shall be assessed at $1.25 MILLS! an gold combine, 8am hug bia yellow gold; with silver we per acre. ' shall be able to compete with htm In the , All lands suitable for grttzing pur- Brand, Barley, Wheat Flour, Graham Iloaf republican coven markets ol the world." poses only, and without permanent Chopped corn constantlv on hand . .ps to the gulden The Financial News of London recently nublihed the following: water thereon, shall be assessed at 26 TAFOVA & ing the teop!a "There is a plain moral in tbe remark tbat cents per acre. VALLEJOG, icy awakened by If the United States would venture to cut All other lauds and property, not herself adrift from Europe and take out- be assessed at Proprietors, e as an excuse right to silver she would have all America herein specified, shall and disloyalty, and Asia at ber back, and would com- their actual cash value, which value MONTICELLO, mand the markets of both continents. shall be construed to mean the price know It (the con- - The barrier of gold would be more latal such land or property would bring at oaded." There Is no forced sale. 4 Solentiflo American a Ajjenoy some men will not LEGAL NOTICES. is ordered and decreed 1al .crednerx.iar It further that f besltate to betray. It is reported thelollowing personul property shall to, ljUssessed purpose that a certain delegate, with "peon. FORFEITURE NOTICE. and valued lor the Ced in of.taxatlon ak fcjows: ATT stocs liar" ideas on the silver question, To John A. Kennedy, Charles A. Robinson, ered. Ap- - Henry A. ttohlnson. Thomas 0. liall and bors"eV$5 per bear; cow ponies 610 per republl (Jscm O. SHtt, tbelrexecutors, administra - who attended the territorial tors, guardians, head) Americans horses at $30 per 1 AVaflTB. jA uouniy ite- iieirsana ' "7O0 and each of you aie hCTfby noMfled r Trade ms it a a. can convention, claims to have rt bead; American mules $40 per head; ii .League, Hillsboro, 1 that the underciiinf has, expended DESIOM fATtMTS. On Hundred Dollars In lubor ama improve- - Mekican mules $10 per bead; burros - WW.I made a "roar", after the convention lie-ua- m .OPVRIOHTI.- ments upon the ii mining claim Inform Hand.-wb- vrtte to Mining 3 per bead ; stock cattle, south For arloe and free had adjourned, because there was no situated In tee fulouiaa Distiiek, 1 $fnhe MUNN ft COl 861 Brohdwat. Ksw fciorra Oonntv, Territory of New Mexico in Oldest human for eecurtnit twunt In mining 35th parallel, $7 per head ; stock cattle immt!. silver plank, in the "policy" resold order to hqljiaal'IJ claim under the TT7 patent uicen out d j us i Dronnt ueiora fjV people of Jjong lsianu or sei won Kevisea north of said parallel, $8 per head ; all the pulillo by a notloe given tree of ohisrge la (tie of thj Vnitedwotuestates, being the .rTa. . . ol rv tions adopted by convention Miami n 1RPAimi1 li that f labor or improvements requirta Improved sheep at $1 per head ; all un dt, to nold said clHtm for the year 75 The time for any well regulated SIHt, improved sheep at cents per head; uiaicu Detweeu rveiutui uuu lnul December jk5: ana II within Larmst clrenlation cf any sclentlflo paper In Oe delegate to make bis 'inetv Anvs atter of ibis no all Angora goats, that produce a fleece world. Bnlendidly illustrated. No Intelligent was near-- silver "roar" fi'di refuse to your pro- man should be eds. wherein the latter tice yoj or contribute ; wlthoij! Weekly, gS.OOa is clipped for market, $2 per bead He was before the convnntion adjourn- portionate snare of such exiwnditura as tbat year; 1.50 six monthi.UudreM, MUNN C0 killed. If Missionary Cleveland your IntereHt in slid mining claim all common goats that produce no clip PuBi.iaHtis, 861 Broadway, New York City, ed, not after it had disbanded. Any will become the property ot the undersigned isn't busy flshinK he bad best a provided in said Section 2324 of or fleece 60 cents per head ; all improv- delegate with "peculiar" silver ideas saia statutes. waLe a mission trip to L. I. and ANDREW J. MAXFIELD. ed cattle, that are suitable for dairy 1 as to be willing to betray the peo- Hcrmosa, New Mexico, January 17, 1896. purposes, shall be assessed at $25 per tell the dear people what be knows First publication Jan. 17. 18. ple by submitting to a set of em- head. about the sins of the "lawless in- phatic coinage silver resolu habitants" of the western territories free cf FORFEITURE NOTICE. tions adopted by county DALGLISH. an J where prize lighting is not al- the that To E. D. Davisson and Jag. Dulgllsh, their JAMES executors, administrators, guardians, ' elected such delegate to the terrl -- lowed. Five thousand people wit- heirs and assign's t . tonal convention, and at the same and each of yu arePBt-Mh-y notified nessed the fight. YOU tho indeHigned lfpntled MEAT - MARKET, cold-bu- g One Hundred Do labor al JimuVkye- statehood vrfnI time advocate inunto n r.nn .1... t V 'k .KM ll. it n ilo!. "uTomae instead of advocating the free coin situated in the iMInSip District, (J "ma, The republicans of Massachusetts Sierra County, Ter ritory )f NV M.rti.o. in tl pld roitofflce Building. Btij'l .Vilnlnu Ui(TeiiVf! ' order to bold clan V . and New York have, in their state age of silver which when obtained i ' THIff'is the machine that means happiness and prosperity to Ktatutcs' ot tne unitea being tne conventions, declared in favor of amount of labor and improvements requir- is used in the Office, the people of New Mexico, ' would ed to be marie, to hold said claim for the Choice Beef, i single gold standard and against year ending December 31st, 1896; and II with- Court-roo- w in ninety days after the publication of this and for reporting; The republicans in every appear very inconsistent in raising Mutton, .silver.. notice you fail or refuse to eontiihute your lectures and sermons. a a gold-bu- g proportionate snare ot such expenditure as state in the union, where state con such "roar" at such your mining interest in said Tork, , been eith- packed convention as was ,the Al ciaim win Decome tne property ot tne un- While its speed is greater that any ventions have held, have dersigned er as provided in said sec- 2324 of statut s. Butter, otber known tuethod, is so simple er declared for the single gold stan- buquerque convention, even at the tion said it Q. W. WOLFOED. that any intelligent person can gain a dodged proper time. Consistency, thou art Bisbee, Arizona, March 20th, 1898. and Sausage, dard, or straddled, evaded or First publication, March 27th, 1896. speed of ioo or more words per min- the silver issue, and in New Mexico a jewel! There are no virtues that fish 8nd Vegetables in Season. ute, in five or six weeks, without the they were too cowardly to declare the gold-bu- g pirates hesitate to pros Notloe for jaid of an instructor. Circulars and Publication. testimonials sent for the free coinage of silver, so titute. to all who mention Land Office at Las Cruces, N. M., j HILLSBORO, N. M this paper. they ignored the silver issue to the December 28th, 1895. ( Notice is hereby piventbat the following-name- d extent of strangling to death the The Free Coinagp' of Silver in settler has tiled notice of bis inten- M. PIERCE, FAYETTE, OHIO, tion to make final proof in support of his until all arrearages are paid. has al- Mexico. olaim. and that said nroof will be made be tariff issue, an issue that fore the 1'robate Judge or Probate Clerk at Sola Agent for U. 8. and, Canada. Hiiisoorougu,M. m., on r aoruary istli, vm. 3. If subscribers, neglect or refuse ways been the bone and sinew Hillsboro, N. M., March 80th, 1896. Viz:' 4 Rakge: ' to take tbeir periodicals from tbe office prinoiplJ of republicanism, the back Editob Black PATRICK H. Mc AUG HAN who made Many questions are nskod me touching on Homestead application No. 1628 for tbe to which they are directed, they are THREE GREAT SWj' 1 CITIES iT.WESI republican party, and tbe conditions of Mexico caused by free 8WK Sec. and NX NW and bEX bona of the the NW See 12, Tp. 10, 8. K. 9 W. until they are! directed, they HICAGO?- coinage they like profligates traded away the of silver and the relative prosperity lie names the following witnesses ie prove are responsible until they have settled of that country to gold standard America bis continuous residence upon and cultiva- hap-pipe- tion ot, said land, viz: their bills discon- virtue of their party and the is To the many inquiries, I wish through your aud 'ordered them Thomas B. Whitley, ot Fairview, N. M. tinued. people for gold. Ye columns, to give what I hope will prove a Darwin Perkins, of Fairview, N. M. cf the clear and lucid statement ot the effects of Henry W. Hearn, of Fairview, N. M. 4. gods, what a spectacle! After the two standards and their effects on each Horace A. Kingsbury, of Grafton, N. M. If subscribers move to otber Any person who deHlres to protest against places without informing the publisher these cold facts will it country. the allowance of such proof, or knows of The silver dollar being the basis ot na any substantial rensoii, under tbe law and and tbe papers sent to the former the regulations ol the - be difficult to make the peo- currency in Mexico Interior Department, not tlonal and taken at its why such proof should not be allowed, will they are held responsible. ple believe that they must stay with bullion value $1000.00 in American gold be Klven an opportunity at the above men 6. The courts have decided that re- value currency will purchase aDout $1862.00, tioned time aud place to e the G. O.-- P. in order to secure witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evi- - fusing to take periodicals from tbe of the the (this exchange value being governed by the dence In rebuttnl of that submitted by flee or removing and leaving un- T.TVtriTTk rrrrm e Duuion on aay exciiangej them VAnlnillVD nv f,-e- coinage of silver? price oi tne oi claimant. consequently 1000.00 taken from the United JOHN D. BRYAN, Begister, called for, is prima facie evidence of First publication Jun. CHICAGO Stateg becomes nearly $2000.00 on its con evidence of intentional fraud. & ALTON R. R, Ibp Sierra county republican wet version to Mexican money. Mexican labor ' 6. subscribers pay in they and products are of relative value to the If advace OITYAIT.lOUifc nurses to Hie republican John Bull or AHI 5LA33 Mexican ourrency. One dollar y buys are bound to give notice at the end of 4IAI Newspaper Laws. flaxwasa ) LOUIS OHI0A80. golden calf presidential boom should Just as much labor or natural products as. it they do not wish to con- n. k the time, if wills' J?e.Pot,n E8T 8T. IOUI8. STi awarded a medal for their lack did when silver waa at par with gold, while Dr. Tuckerman, editor, of the Work- tinue taking it; otherwise the publish- LOUIS, KANSAS CITT and CHICAGO. be nearly purchasing power gold has twice the man, Cleveland, hi.a some is which is equally .bar-dice-d taken pains er authorized to send it, and the sub of manhood that it bad. The result la that Investments PALACE , to collect and comta tbt of scriber will be responsible until ex DININC CARS by cowardice and treach- (n Mexico of capital from gold standard decisions in 'A or from KANSAS CITY. Meals eanal their those served in any flnt-Cl- only countries has a premium equal to the rate of the United States court on this subject press notice, with payment of 'all ar: The flnoal. Botal, 75csn ery the people the 7 to of banner exchange which at the present time' la over and gives to the ..Washington Post, as tearages, Is sent to the publisher. PALACE DCCLIMilin ruAiori silver producing' county of New 85 per cent. If this capital is engaged in the result of his investigations, the for The latest postal laws aro such that mining and It takes five men one day to pro- KKB O KXTBA lowing, which may be upon CBAttUK. kexioo.,' ,; duce twenty ounces of silvertwenty oun- failed as newspaper publishers can wriest any correct; PULLMAN PALACE SLEEP1NQ GARS 7 ces of allver at 66 6 Is equal to $13.61 gold. one for fraud whp takes a paper and " finest, beat rn .... . i Jr . . : 1. 1 r but exchanged into Mexican currency at refuses to puy for it. Unde this law tha anil tnft ..nhm 1. Subscribers who do not give ex Alt tUe Tlcltet Agent for and Me that yo jr tickets, $1.85 it then becomes $25.23 with as full debt tbe man who allows bis sulicnption to delegates reach, St. Louis they will paying power as the $13.64 haa la tbe United press notice to the contrary are con- rue aloe for some timeunpaid and .i For Mp,Tlnv Tables, and all tntocmatlan.addru be met at the 'golden gate by Steve States. Take the labor' of five Mexican sidered wishing to renew their sub- - j e " then orders miners at seventy-fiv- cents a Vay labor la ' it disoontiniwd, or orders , charge crlption. , Westra,Tr-ellniAwnt- Elklns who will take of the $3.75, while the Americans working at $2.50 the postmaster to mark it "refused" COL. herd and trade, them off, like sheep each per day require $13.50 for alior. Thug I. If the subscriber orders tbe dis and have a postal card sent notifying O. II. CHAPPELL, General Uanager. not only does the differapee ln' iabor count continuance of their periodical the . w. MCKHUkLlltf t. to highest gold-bu- g thepuolisher, leaves hymself liable to ' cn market, the against American Investments He favor ol publisher may continue to send them JAES CHARLTON, arrest ilne, the saifce as for theft " ' GenmiSasaaerai4IlaMtAwtt I j: ( ? ' -- .is ejneral c cor! of Angln- - Webb of the New id John Jacob Astor, Magazine's -- i temopolitan s.iPt& Jf Judgeso decide the merits of the Horseless Cartages which will lo-- yj entered In Ilf-- .IW trials, for which . Th Cosmopolitr1 cffer 300 ,n returned to prizes. ThiscomP'tteeis undoubted ly the most disting'ilshed that nasever p cts to take eonsented to act npoT.- - tn occasion W m&r m X of the trial of a new anJ ueful inven- Chloride) Post-Offi- c. 'V- which the gentle- ttiid fi n;'r movd tion. The interest faiarrives 1:11 Departe,5;lA.. men haye hown In aecePtlnK P'ace .i March iih. MA .IK 0. TH0MP80H, P. If. on the committee is lndleS8 0' th lay reader, held ser- - is, importance of the sublect. D tD Sunday, LOCAL; NEWS; iingston last the oontest itself will be watted TW. Parker left Tuesday for Las marled interest on both sLTp VTthe Lead, $3.12.. Cruces, El Paso and Silver City. Atlantic. V The cold .snap plncned peach Work is progressing on the Survey ,, Frank Stockston's new story, "Mrs, blossoms. ing and prospecting for the Hydraulic 7" Cliffs Yacht," John Saucier has returned from bis company. which :be$ns in the trip to the Rio Grandjj. Cosmopolitlan, promises to be Dr. Given and son Paul went the most interesting ever writ Witl? this Issue The Black Range rason on ana on luesday returned ten by that fascinating story-telle- r. begins ila year. Thursday. tyteenth Readers of The Adventures of Cap- H. A. Kjngsbury was down from Mrs. Kilpatrlck concluded not to con- tain Horn" will find in "Mrs. Clip's Camp Eingvbury last Sunday. tinue her private school, after a half Yacht" something that they have been Dr.BIinniaod Lew Kjuse went to day's trial. waiting for. r BR0J Magdalena 'his (reek to attend to some News comes from important mining business, family that be is not There will be special Easter exercises a few days ago, diffllV ' E. TEAFORD, in Chloride Union Sunday School next Mrs. R. B. Eilpatrick pfUdched an Sabbatb. Everybody inylted. teresting and instructive sermon in e W. B. Dawsonhas applied for a sa- Union church on Sunday last. loon license.: the time for the "The Box of Cigarettes" as placed Eos Livery, Feed Stable and Corral. .school boafd to act and save the school by local talent in the court bouse ca ..district frdm going out of existence. Saturday last, was witnessed by au ap Jas. Dalglish came up from Hills-bor- o preciative audience. The actors did Saturday themselves credit in the way theW per last to attend a special nERMOSA. N. M meeting of the Diamond Creek Land formed their parts, I & Cattle company. .lie left for borne ( . -- E. E. BURLINGAME'S on Sunday. ; San Simon, Arizona, April V Set tlers In this part of are Mr. Reynolds, accompanied the territy ASSAY OFFICE saSSS?- wrought up to a high pitch of excite by Mr. W. E. Newbury of Colorado Kitsbllshecl in Colorado, IBM. Bunplet T mill oi ment over the by Appcbes.of xpret will racclr prompt and carefiVattenUou. Springs, apd Mr.' E. R. Buttolph of Alfred Hands. Hand's had was AND SILVERf Atpen, Colorado, arrived here lasjL Fri dOLD PILLION crushed in bv rocks, hianlido.Cn cut Roflntd, MotUd d Atnytd WVj day. Mr. Newbury and Mr. Bufjtobph yjMud. open, ana gunshot woU;' WB1.TSn kiinu, UM tnd Hit iSVt WVEK, well-known Uimo cota thorough and mining i ire several part )f the body, Ije trai experu, and in company with Mr. Rey- ' showed that Indians bad ootcnYn- - nolds are a careful examin- wANTED-A- maiipg the crime. They had evidently sL N liver ation of As mines of the Black Range. vim w pMini r rrowiciIDEA.k.our Ideas ; they may prised the unfortunate settler when - 2!tsyS:lnprobably devote time 4: fev,!11?- W.ri JOHN WEDDER-RV- w sinne was busy outside his bouse, and find Washington, sent kin of 'country. At nresent ffiv.tOT2.e" to rtn thn ing him physically disabled, stoned Hrse? Let. Stable Accomrpodatio are doing they Grafton. to death and perhaps him mutilated -- a TERMS REASONABLE Cow-boys- 4 On another page will be found an him when still alive. ! and a0 V interesting letter on the free coinage detachment of cavalry under com 7 Good Corral In Connection With Stable' .of silver In Mexico by C. II. Laidlaw. mand of Lieut. Rice, are in purauvc of I v Mr.-ak)la- w has recently returned the Indians, bat owing to a good (tart fronfwu extended sojourn io that free there is little bopa that they will be c T. N. silver' country where all branches of '. ' STEEp PROPRI overtaken. . s industry are animate and the people Jdl A are prosperous and happy, and his ex- Cholride planation of the financial question of Free Silyer jd Protection. plain the nse of gold and silver is so The recent iieeting between thei that "a fool may and understand & fixd manufacturers of rennsjlvania &na f sri PROSPECTUS. 1893.94. as he runs." is t good subject for II it It the silver L'nir.ed States senators.' ( O a I f bo shows the beoeflcial resnV.s of a y.oie A cause 'of silver. Tiie mem- I edlnthe in the senato by the sil senates of 1 the F.filsboro republicairftJd-bu- g i to. bers of tjhjejHit fur the iuteresilrf-'di- e west. NEW YORK DISPAje some- - league raight possibly learn M d Sensill'jian have eaended for many W thing (o JJiwir advantage if they would It venrs that. would-ift- f ose to a I' ; , cirfcfuly 3tudy the article. xiMrt ' aid, wiftht'ut a a other sections reci'TL " lid FSTABLISnED 1845, f :.A ae GPAFTON. recognized. So long as silver'"sJaJ o 2 c ! will give the east all the legislation re '"' o w John Wood house is working on his v Ht! Br The largest and most Interesting weekly newspaper published in the United States, d quired for tariff and other purpose?, H CO property fcouth of the Ivanhoe, and is co g votedito Fascinating Stories, Sketches, and Adventure, News, Gossip, and department maw the east will be satisfied, but when x making a good showing. tern Misting 10 Masonic, uranu Army, auu 11a uiduuuiuui. f. they block eastern legislation the east TheJNow York Dispatch, In addition bears a popular weekly stoiy and family newspaper, pure It look as 11 uraltoa is going to will inquire the reason why, and on in- claims to be the most aggreslve in Its political advocacy of and unadulterated Ameri. nan MAna n nn OHWkDttuor uuu uuau m now um oon, come to he front with new strikes quiry they will find that the west is tiM. inn I in. nniv luikt.iki wi j ststently and fearlessly advocated of ore ev y day that pans 'veil m right that there can be no real pro- gold. tection while silver-standar- d countries E I , i AND UNLIMITED COINAGE OF SILVER. 100 per advantage FREE John Petlie is going to sink a have cent, of the ex- United States in the difference of .J St shaft on to I Last Chance at the bottom change. The east will have remained o of which fee will cross-cu- t the ledge U great blmetalllo mass meeting held in New York, thecfiah-ma- n ot commlttesj ignorant of these facts for all time il After the prove its value. Two men are now at of arrangements sent the following letter to the Dispatch : f hmnd no opposition ! 1881. work sinking, and work will be pushed (bat section had Free Coinage of Silver New York,,August 25, west legislation for the Dispasoh: "t right along till the contemplated de- from the to Editor New York east. If the silver states had combined A Opportunity. DEAR SIR The comnittee of arrangements who had charged of the mass meet velopment is finished. Rare ve,nlg; to their appreciation ten years ago and demanded free and ingo bimetallists. held at Cooper Union last desire eWess to the cause ot, bimetallism by the Sew York Dlepafch Cow-boy- s is showing up THE SILVER KNIGHT! of tne valuable services rendered The Pride coinage New - unlimited of silver as and embraces this opportunity to thank you fof- your and generous efforts to promote the well.) Cook and Mose Gibson are Dollars cash will secure TH( Black John England demands protection, our mints Three public well being by advocating the cause of the. money ot the Constitution, which always Eauob and the Silver Knight (or one year. satisfied that they have a good proper- would have been opened. New Eng- has and always must be the money of the peoplti. Or, $1.85 cash will secure Tan Black Eanob on I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, yours, JOHN GI BOYD, Uhkirman, ty. The more work executed the land, for nearly a century, has made (or six months and the Silver Knight for one 1 t .' '' dyke) mines the greater promise that protection paramount, and would con- year. ' t Yearly subscription...... 2.60 ? Slxmontbs IM ' ; the dyke mines are going to be the big cede nothing to unless rOnly new gnbsorabers will receive the other sections i .8 Tbenellt oi the above offer. Three months" f f , mines of this district. she got protection. The result was she Sample copies free The Silver Knight is published at Washing i Send nostai card for sample oopy and premium list. palled was prorected. The west is now pow- 183 xm Rumor has it that the ore found in ton, D. 0., and is edited by Hon. wm. u. chame. Address. NEW YORK DISPATCH. Nassau strset.wew particularly the new mines in this district carries erful in numbers, in the 8tewart. The Silver Knight ls-- palladium or platinum, in the mean- United States senate, and Teller, Car- weekly and is devoted exclusively to the ter and others have broken the ice. subject of monetary reform, and an earnest time test wl" be made to see if rumor remone-tlzatio- n Let the west stand by them and all advocate of the neceslty of the is correctUf jll the editor please give of silver and it) equal mintage right likewise, The vote the commercial value of platinum and others will do with gold at a ratio of 16 to 1. palladium'. against the emergency tariff was the Send in your subscriptions and secure this Knlgnt is 8512.00 beginning of better days for the west. grand offer. Circulate the Silver . Note Palladium worth eapeoiaUy Wol-asto- your sliver friends, and pound, and was discovered by n All hail to the silver senators who vot- among among your goldite acquaintances, in 1803. Gold is worth $240 00 ed in the interests ot their constituents per pound, troy ; platinum $130.00 per emergency i ' I . , 1 and against Reed's spurious WORLD, ''ftt - pound Ed. jj, THE NEW YORK J ' bill a bill for the agitation of the ... a,,.uT&iJ- 7.'.' M-i- A good many cattlemen have sold tariff question, without the slightest 158 Pages a Tear put, and more sales are being made expectation or desire to obtain tariff 18 Vages. Week. very day. Tom HenJfrvo has bought legislation. Silver Knight - National Talnnrnrthnn anv weeklv or semi-weekl- paper publUhed arid la the only important the R A T and A T tti of Robin- Watchman. HQ.f.,.rt "Weeklv" Dubllxhed in New York Yaple. H. M. Porter bought City. Three times aa large as the leading son and RepubHoan weekly of New York City. It and rang be advantage to you during the pres-lded- tal w the HAM cattle jtnd will be of every 'iti Pure Blood is a safeguard of health. oampaitfn, aa it is puliliolied :rw'urV- - . .- - r. now has a range from the Datlls to other day, except Sunday, and has all the Keep pure, rich and full of . the Gila river and expects to tun his your blood freshness and timeliness of a daily It com TONE.TOUCH yitall by taking Hood's Sarsajarilla, bines all the news with a long list oi inter' herd opto one hundred thousand bead, eating aeparxineuws, unique hmuim, you will need to fear, the at graphio iUustrations , the latter jND when he has reached that number he and not toons and FINISH' t R L being a specialty. I n.x-. -- . "0 - ays he will consider bimseu a cow tacks of disease. ., Airthnan imorovements have been made J r without any increase in cost, which remains man. Cattle are la One condition and Hood's Pills cure liver ills, (Jon Ink lipudifhe hil- - We offer this unequaled newspaper ani good ices this spring. flivollnn 4innrli 1 jrjn$ pi avt auvivait 'uu j.v- - tt r I The Black Range together for one Year fof mumu, ou c '' ' " .' Sew?! ousness ft.tu; six montus, ;iw, turee itce, letwem liwnto-an- trachyte, argeutif 'ere also, occur t; . dlinifl, the ores being sal- es and frouie iron, KiugHtun, Tercha, Hills-M- t V:iej ere? are tcb. Bee. 'it' - eal) the ,. is t!;e count j Kington, ' Lake lleriuoiw. 'mrview, -- till . p i- .- - . . . r. J -- - i ;i Ijilla, and Mi" t hree are In tl of the country, - ostly sapport- S r I mil rp'vm Se youngest VlminrBTion CL ifiTV'TRHr.Uf?' t prosprr- - at . tock-.n'0-iw". til boiie-- J and the The Only Flexible WlndfMU PATSHI-CHM- SE BRAKS Vl MANUFACTURED an jtraduatelthe peed. ol w at low a. FISH BR2S TSfXGSH G3 18 stroVes per mluute in Mu. wtudi. We nse only 19 different plee. In the en-- 1 . . - - thp lrm work.- lilt) U II O V1 v i bar mill cannot t8 equaled frir slnivHdtT. powe 1 We Manufacture . i T4KK8, PCMPS and WIND MIi.tT ol every desertpvion. unoccupied territory, !., VERY BERING wanted In .... a Addreas STEAUK!i & CO., irLTinN. r. B. II mmteal I , Ruahvllle, lnda,t. hewAim 8end for Catalogue. nl ImiUtlon traie nark and labels about

A 4 Ml 17 a . P" , JBjl M W 4 . . i'a ' mere than othcrpactagesoeversponi' 4 r-f- i-ftf 5., ft purest toft woM 111 flour umversauyaatnowH fa 1 a.favEUVJ poccrs CTeryifherc. 4 fVivJ 1 Kaaft oaly hy CHURCH I Sew York, Soli lj Si 1 lrWM ' ; ta r.rx ..'", - - tTTffr - iir for it,

jtuii Then MB3 i. the THE pastern i of r .. t Lur' e" .... water c : le ouuun-,- that Is no tubular Wil. there ! exists, Advertise 8 tt proof H.t water station, APPLICATION, ,ad well, at Uphm PRICES QUOTED ON be men-A- . Marti a )! way Toneka& Santa ClNCIHRftTI, OHlH length EH1ESS & GO., . runs throush the entire PEORGE country, skirting it pare of the 1 aro'iad Us southern liruiand at Nutt sUtion, .M connection, DiseovERYV , A MARVMS J,fto!' 13 miles. country across ' o i:i hours. Are 1, aes connect the splint curb starting, from Egle u removing Bone Spavin, Ringbone,, ikto liande. mimimnew discovery for dissaving SurReon, Ne?ro. Chloride Tfhii Veterinary 111 to Ouchillo was t , lat--- - W,, south Splint or Curb, Govern-nent- durirg tl.e - ton. in the - crAf ot IV. 'Guy Checini while the "P pro rim nt A.- niUsborough. the in t a I from to. War, and hrouga d ex- - " l" f Citv and hmo. owner (who heard of it while 'J?U"' anything equal Ktoibecha the right to sell the same in tha com ..w aiso.cau ,l!e reached trom pense, wbirhla ti. su'SVuyou. It quickly apparent after or the Pioneer county Is y lm ;ofont SpavinJ Ringbone, Split wostern part of ttje rolvea and removes the any of those liquid ' without or tl.ei ' ,..)t.ruri hv creeks and streams. Curb pun , !nd the torture of that or : 'Paper of Ir, the northwest coiner, eifiht e5eK on the cr.eks empty into the Gila,

i 'COUNTY rhfGSthe entire veterinary world. . lEftRA I Basil siuo snnn HEWARO for fai ure to removo the bunch. Alamosa creek, having asouth Banse, Mont - .tarl course, with Alamosa . the principaKtown. . - eello vronrn. ita miner-- course H10 UUCIUHU..ttn Utl'v, ..i rr- or and Bear, Miner Subscribe la formed by Poverty, Pine, T, rhlnride creeks aiid boun ' the ! Torkt There are, in the Range,; ! Advertisj? in it, lloviing towns: Grafton, Fview, ADVERTISE Ne-- ADVERTISE Chloride and. Heonoia. CuchUlo groislnthelowervit..By. Rio Ani- Youl Rio Palcmas, Rio Seco and It Will Pay origin and mas creeks are of the same . the same ?,enf?yil course. v waieiB,. If ySMr Rid Percna Hi" heads(,Percha City, Kingston aM f borough. '" Best the : It is. One of the. ThflQOAVtyis well divided into IVi em- - ARLI N' SAFETY I..,, anri mmintfan land M considerable, .ection of the bracing a Trapl land, Advertising Z . ..uiioir whRie aericulture Teport brv tntriesKConteflS 'ff Medics ts followed; wherever oeninjpi ini hodiffnrHnt affluents afrord ....n.iiV HI U" J O VI V " " ; agricultural pm. r.oom enough to do so. p,iidrillnsiraBiei.U1iilJ Intheuthfet : juits are followed. . , V fefiidaMiiig t 'Bnjt well watered, the pasturage SOLID ( an the stock U,nds are fullv available, i T-- 'iiterestsare in good con4ition. P'' Cj The mala inteiasis or oien ' i MCfcFTTI FB'S ff are ceatercd in the mines. T''EJECTING. T are: price only 25c. (postagartamgQ !Pf mining districts 6uJDEt24pp. principal 44-4- 0 ', 1 The Using S2-2- 0, 38-4- 0 an Cartrid3es. Advertising Rates Made is Range, Cucbilh .Negro, . ... lUflcs. Apache. Black aescnpiiTe - r . .llilta- Sena Klncston, Hertnosa. Aniwws, wf iw Vpon Application, ' , , HAVEN, r; borough, MARLIiJ F!KE! CO., MEW CMJSLll rercnaaaiiauc - wjw "Win B. 'g. mining ,dis- aii mn The center' of APhe. a3 d W eWr i t in UWonoe guicu 4 Vwt Chloride:, PAT. fJFLE ' creek, LYNN'S SOTS Minernl creek, Bear MHCT, trT creek. it. U. and i..I Vslt.f Are uneauanea doih ior nuiumy , . . t Caveats, anu m.J. J " ( , .... f silvcf Hrihr copr or?s, iiaufina r. Tanst CKnnltrui. n4 others, lnt'ViininessconducteUfor MODEHATC Faiflss, shot Cuns. 100 Fcr Pistols borjateB, oecur,5;i'hith are rich. Ii You Nave a Good Business,. ''ACAD TC.1R SHU'lS i luuro, 5 c (mm YVflirnnpton. i pertuuor ueKrip-St4- . AMD work their model, drawing v plioto, with SAii Niunti. to who own and J Send of .--rt turns those Wa advise, if pateniable or not, ,iee S .FREE, ILlUSTWaTKO M Advertise art! Keep It.. lgrteous -- I- in a regulated manner, JS - CATALOGUE tt mines "How to Obtain Patent, with V o are f requeut; on the contact lines i BMUMttT feass . . ,IcoHTiNina VALuaai.1 intrijction 10" blglita c IX r Cati'lofrne A, Rowing ina rir-vi- rouH own mhuhitioii. formations, . I how .betweeathem and other sea treu.. j...., Bide.ote3tde81Bn.AddreBa l ,,., ' Jtleore? occur. Adre rtit; wet X " i.ifwmmitfi'-i'JBJ!- por-- . Tet.Tjifiiiif f"--a- r J " WbUe Llie ores alcnst the main on, UttHT W.2t. WAaMINflTOFIi V, iitorsfi imAf tna Black RD2e, most occur, V. i .1 i