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Black Range, 1882-1897 (Socorro County) New Mexico Historical Newspapers

9-4-1896 The lB ack Range, 09-04-1896 Black Range Print Co.

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VOL. XV. CHLORIDE, lackSIERRA COUNTY, N. M., SEPTEMBER 4, 1896- - NO- - 22. Tho SuttvrKi4 Tenth. ANIMAL ODDITIES. The Scenic Line of America COURT DATES. Gen. Booth cWw a marvelous meas- CHANGING OUR MIND is sM4 the progeny of two ure of success, fot hje Darkest England Be enBC'ed by the legislative It thot Y it rabbits will arponnt in two years to 70,. scheme of colonial industries) (to 4 assembly of New s hard work compared with of the territory, metropolitan shelters, upon which ha Mexico: Tdb Wood of dogs fatigued by long has expended about 185,000. lie has, THE. changing the appearance of your i?ec. 1. The tprnis of the district racing, when Injected into other dogs, he says, helped to feed 6,000,000 of stove with court hei eai.ter to bt. held iu the coun makes thera exhibit all symptoms of fa hungry people, furnished a million ties ot Santa Fe, San Juan, lUu Ar- tignc with warm shelter, found work for over ten thousand unemployed, re- 1'aosi, eaiil A broken two black riba and shall be held in Fbescii boy has placed cats He peta in claimed and in situations 134 Denver and Rio Grandf eouiities at the tiuies here to harness. drives his criminals, gatheied R8. Seven single as well as double harness op and from the street inafter fixed and continuing until aJ- - and sent to situations 1,917 down the street every day. friendleM journed by the order of the court, to girls, found and restored to Squirrels are bothering their Tea wn: the farmers friends 1,295 lost people, and, generally Stove in Oregon and destroying their ciops. speaking, wrought an immense amount railway, In the county of San Juan, on the Many com- acres of grain have been of benefit, to say nothing of 3d Mondays iu and destroyed various of the April October. pletely in parts the miraculous reformations effected, JJoi M am state. In the county ot liio Arriba, ou the has spent 65,000 more than he toll us the ret lirst Mondays in May and Xovainher. Africax travelers that ceived, and is therefore that much in, Lasts Seven times longer In the county of Taos, on the third white rhinoceros frequently dies from debt, and he asks to have it made up eating poisonous plants which have no Mondays in May and Looks Seven times better Than November, effect on the black one, probably be- Raving the Aurochs. Colorado, About Seven times cleaner Stov In the county of Santa Fe, on the cause the fine scent of the latter tells As the American buffalo has nearly second Mondays in June Decem is About Two times cheaper Polish aud him it dangerous. disappeared from this, its native land, ber. If all reports are true Greenwood, the European representative of tha About Two times handier See. 2. The sprint! 18D3 terrp in the Me., is the sportsman's paradise. Hears same genus, the aurochs, is no longer county of Lincoln shall be?held begin- roam around the edges of the village found .anywhere but in the forests of ning on the second Monday in April in- in the daytime, and at night the wolves Bialystock, in western Russia, For. Navy MexQ3 If your grocer doesn't keep it, stead of the second Monday m March, keep up such a howling that people are merly this most powerful of all the ln as now Qxed. unable to sleep. digenous animals of Europe was hunted send us his name with ioc and down in Bialystock as everywhere else. In the county of Chavez, beginning One of the curious institutions of get a large box and a valuable Paris is a dog market, where dogs are But since the Russian government as- on the fourth Monday in March instead and Utah family household book free. sold every Sunday. The extent of the sumed the management of the forests, of the thudjMonday in February, business transacted is evidenced by the the aurochs is no longer allowed to bo In the county of Eddy, beginning on persecuted but is protected by fores- DonncJIan & fact that the rnnrketmen pay to the Co., Agts., the second Monday in March instead of eity every year a tax amounting to five ters appointed by the government, Although the animal seems tobegradu 519 . MONTGOMERY the iirst Monday in February. hundred dollars. ST.. 8. P.. CA-i- ally dying out, there is hope that i The nay cnle route to In the county of Dona Ana, begin- The reindeer hasibeen introduced into cH Alaska by the government agent of edu- be kept flourishing yet for many gener- ' ning on the third Monday in March r iss; iloweb ens omi cation there, Dr. Sheldon Jackson. It ations to come. the third Monday in September, IN UTAH, MONTANA, is believed that as this useful animal SCIENTIFIC FIELDS. In the county of Sierra, beginning on FLOWER SEEDS flourishes so well in Siberia it will soon The revelations of the microscope ara the fouith Monday of Apnl and the become acclimated in Alaska, where the And the far more important to humanity thai; fourth Monday in October. conditions of vegetation, temperature, telescopic discoveries. Inventive Age, AFREEl In the county of Grant, beginning on etc., are much the same. Nautilus shells are being picked up and ttell-b- the third Monday iu May and the A OF on the coast at Portland, Victoria, PACIFIC COAST PiiMlnhlnc Uoniol BUNDLE MIRTH. 1 LA DIM' W UBLD U a laXM Str Child Monday in November. They live in the Bhallow Pacific seas paga, UlmtraUa Maja "What are you playing now?" asked about coral reefs tint for UdUa and th (unllv circle. Sec. 3. After the spring 189.1 term, It U davoted to ftorlia, pocma. Hie' one actor of another. "We are not The size of an adult Englishman's fancy work, svlbtlc needlework, all terms of court for the counties ot fill be opened by the completion of the bom decoration, honwkptnf, playing at all. Wre are working 'Uncle head is said to average No. 7, Tho faahiona, hntena, JuYentle nadlng, Lincoln, Chavez, Eddy, aw. To tbla Dona and Cabin."' Boston Post. heads of Portuguese average from 6 Trunk Line early ,Jn the spring. etiquette, Introduce Tom's chwmlnc ladle paper Into 100.000 Grant, shall remain as lixed by 7; where 11 la do! already taken, wt now the law New Time Measurement. Count A, to those of Spaniards are a little tht following eefotaa. qftr: Upm r- - of 189. long do you intend to remain larger; and those of Japanese exceed Jyw ijfoh IB Cent t nttir or atomi. m r ii ttnd in &.aoieor nana or inree In the county of Colfax, on the 4th In Monaco?" Count B. "A period of the English average. - Germans havo ft Ami Month Md to fl aabacriber we will af Fro and paripa.d, Jarp wf Col- - Monday about 80,000 marks." Fliegendo Blat round heads, Malays small ones. leotloe. of Cnoloo Flower (seed, h- - 4wdrdauf..van..., in March and the 2d Monday Cbrju&Uumuml, Phlox Although the thickness of hclidiuf Panitee, Verbena, AiUn, in October. ter. the fiber of PraBunoDdlL UeJJua, Cypren. Vtoe, Stocks, DtgiUlli, Doabl ball- Einal,fttiika,ta.lto. KMBwnMt, tw.W.c.nU riy. lof A Russian Joke. At a country - the finer furs has never been properly l.Cholc.uiv In county thn Booth, wd Ifci. uitn BfolftetDt CoutcUofi of the of San Miguel, on the "My dear sir, you have just stepped oa gaged, it will be a source of some satis Flowor BMd. put ip of BifHUM DW hooh nu wimwMa second Monday - , IM HI NLUB10 in April and my partner's foot. I demand satisfac faction to know that- "the diameter of MotCoaa.T-wJ3.1p.- laaity. Wo OTtrf toliwilM duj ubm um tuu. f moa.r Mali Ud wtll fOIBaq you w uuo yon . pnm tion." "Oh! certainly; yonder sits my the human hair varies from the 250th W both m. Huudn. HpiwM Mtatl. Oon to u Id utd nitobU pablloblog boom, wdotMd tT .U Iho iMdtag aow wife go and step on her foot." Peterr to the 600th part of an inch, while the BAotm W. ur, Mcnfod bandroai Mnnoniui rrom pittMa fiber of the coarsest wool is about ubiilliTiu Ihoput In ootni " rf totnT, from burgskaya Gazeta. the llfl Collector "I have called six times 500th, and the finest about the 1,600th for the amount that is due from you, part of an inch." I omul (to MbfM ttevta. Rnofalm. N. T. Mn. Hour Word M (ft lagolw and have never been able to get it." Dr. Caul Eioenmann has been col mbwribofj, and Orua Oiwwood,' OFFICIAL REGISTER. - lecting in San Diego some arriatMl HI OMlU OUl OMMft. UO BOI OOO- X. "Dear me! dear me! How sorry I fish for years. ioundtbliolNrwMh ih.oUohpotuiy Hirau. so, In making up a collection recently fop I UKnnmloM poHono. Writt taUf am that you should have been put to lool pt k off I Bli mbHrlDtlont ftld 111 Now, I'll you the British Museum he found a new ft0d fcdlWllOM BOl (Of 0 OBI. much trouble! tell what Opening to the ranchman over a million I'll do. When I feel like paying the specimen of herring that has pocket SPECIAL OFFER! Sierra County Officers. membranes for slipping acres of tortll land, to ti;e stockijrowor tot attova lid patw in amount I'll call on you." Funny in the dorsal, Sirt!iimnl' W WLU MM Tt4, vast ranges yet uuolalmpd , and to the pectoral and ventai fins. The scales fcddltkm toil u bcT, onoptukotof tht aeU Nicholas Uallea, Councilman lor the coun Folks. uilne regions fiol) 1 J the nbractp are large, the eyes have a glassy covers Ud, L ties of Sierra and Socorro. "Mr. Topfloob," said the landlady, , ing and most of the is precious metas. tUkford, ToUnlix, tfc. Onftn PrtMftJ9w v W. E. Martin and Joee y wish that you would1 pay me some- head transparent, Applo Bloaon, Mh Swool(),PoH wua moat poftkiC,! Annijo Vigil re "I and fuhloiubU flowon now nltlvod. ftnd ,irJ presentatives I money for tho counties of Socorro thing on your board. need for Pale-Fac- e. tho Ickfotd VvttltH wDkk w nc,ftn Uo . Just Like flaatt and moat ealiaratad koown. They grow to auA and Sion-tt- my rent." "You what?" asked Tor THE fcbm. .0111100011. Olney (Pa.) h.lghl of C lnl,u.'i boo lor monln. pro Geo. It. Tiaucus, An incident occurred at fuiloo of of wij Dwrt bfUiUDt ooionnr. chairman, i floor, sharply. "I need money to pay - August. Methodist church, some time ago UpM loorlpt of Thirty- ItttiiiKardt Co. Comm'ers. my with." "You do; and you ex- flv Oonui (oor romlitf Jose M. Apodaca ) rent which served to call a halt on long nbooripUo. prlo wo will load TH LftOloW World lor pect me to help pay your rent? By Ver, tontho will v mognliorot OolUoUr, W I. u flowor Francisco Apodaca Trobute Judse. winded sermons. The housekeeper of good, ftbor. dooorlbrd, Bktwloo ono pookot 0 IU rtoraTlr ftdrw- madam, this is Thos. 0. Hall ,. .Probate Clerk. heavens, blackmail." parsonage is an woman, Rio blurl went. Buff alo Express. the Indian Penver and Grande MaxL. Kahlor Sbeiilf. P. The who was secured through the Carlisle Aloys Preisser. Assessor. THE QUEER SIDE OF LIFE. training school, and who has ever been WHIM. Robins.. v. . Treasurer. one of most prompt attendants at all It tm t1a.f STet-o-ox- Houtl fci Henry piiandlur Supt. of Schools There is a wind and storm insurance the church services. The pulpit waa Bios Cljavez Coronor. filled one Sunday evening during tha summer months by an old tima PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT FOREIGN ARMY NOTES. warm 7 clergyman, whose prqsy doctrinal ser FEDERAL. The British canteen system has been mon of a "full yard wide," set many in, adirpted in the barracks of Germany, the audience a napping long before tha between allthe most Important cities and x. j. v.mron Doiceato to congress with a view to keeping the soldiers "fifthly and finally" section of the dis- - and minlnir camps U Colorado. Over 150 W.T. Thornton Governor away from the liquor shops. course had been reached. The Indian miles of standard and narrow gauge, to iplendldlrequlpped and carefully Lorion Miller Secretary The army of the pope for 1891 is made housekeeper, unaccustomed such an Tti. managed Thos. Smith Chief Justce up as follows: Two generals, two innovation, and being regular in her Wm.JiPe, colonels, a major, two captains and four hours of retiring, after several vigor- - ' ous yawns stood up in place in tha SIMPLE IN K. P. Seed's. f Assooiates lieutenants and sixty men. This num her G. U. Kiuitz. J ber includes the famous Swiss legion. "meetin' house," and raising up her-righ- CONSTRUCTION Charing r Kssley ., Surveyor Mn'riii The Canadian militia department hand exclaimed in broken Eng O. M. ; LIGHT RUNNING .Shannon... IJ. s ChIIi-c- r has decided to increase the capacity of lish: "Home! me sleepy." The ffecV J. H. Hemlnewuy....U. was a AND DURABLE S. UiKtiict Af'orm-- the cartridge factory at Quebec, so that was electrical; wie eeriwon E- L- U S. congregation soon dis Mrhal tho Martini-IIenr- v ammunition for short and the W. 11. Loouiis w. missed, and short sermons are said to Denver & Exprses Vtrslml Canadian use can be manufactured there. The Rio Grade V. S. ('mil Mine day at Olney. tor Dp. charged be in order since that James H.Wnlker.Siintn Fe, Corput, who had been Itei?. Land Ofllce Belgian government to examine GUARDIANS OF THE NATIONS. Pedro Pelfrado.Snnfn Ko....!:oc. I.find Ollico by the E.K. Siuder, Las the sanitary institutions of Uermany, operated in therailvray Circes. .. .Kei'.Lnnd Oflice During the coming year France will connection with wet. ma in report annual a: m lvaa J. P. Aacnrato, I.nn (Jniees. Poc.I.and Olllee states his that the spend $1,900,000 for arms and ammunii And guarantees prompt efficient GIVES is in Germany, 3.97; in and Kicherd Yoiinfr.lioswel !,.(,. jjlm( 0ffl(, army death rate tion for the cavalry alone. , service treasonabl.erates. Belgium, 4.07; in France, 6, and in PERFECT W. II. CosRicve niW(01....1ife. L.uid Olllee The last soldiers in France to wear , DODtiE, F. C.NIMS Austria-Hungar- 6.94 per cent. SATISFACTION W. W. oylo, ('nlsom R,.K. i,Hm, om,.0 defensive armor were the pike men, Gen'l Manager. Gon'l Pass Agt. II. C. Mcules, are very poor marks- Folsom nec. ittM(J 0Jflee Turkish soldiers whose organization was abolished in Deaver, Colorado. contests in the men. Recent target 1075. Turkish army demonstrated the fact CO of one family In New AMERICAN B.RM SEWING KACBiHE TERRITORIAL. not one soldier in twenty could hit Four members that York Cochran hold positions as, twenty paces. A target abowt named PRINCIPAL OFFICE FACTORY a man at majors in the national guard of that, E.T,. nsrtlett ?Hr1!nr Ooneral four feet in diameter, placed thirty rods S.W.CPR.20ST. & WASHINGTON ZJt. J- state. If- - away, was on an average only once r" Dist. Attorney hit WniTE horses are not to be employed WORK FOR US PHILADELPHIA, FA. f. B. T iiH('ri;(.es.. out of thirty shot, In the German army hereafter. Aq HOUSES L. 0. Fot, l.iis .is receive few day, aud you will be startled at the unex- WHOLESALE BRBSCH ErERV French soldier will a (j. B. KoMweil smokeless powder is likely to be used in pected nuoceM tbat will reward your efforts. We CHICAGO, ILL o CINCINNATI ., ' shortly from the ministry of war a agent warfare the white horses could he seen poiltlvely have the beat buiineas to offer an I -- F. Pino - fm BALt BY 1 Librarian package containing antiseptic cotton, t.'iat can be found on tha face of this earth. H. S. Clansey Clerk Supmreme at a great distanco and made the tar- 4145.00 profit ou of business Is Court bandages and two safety needles. He aia.80 worth B gets of the enemy. "faoluar eaally and honorably made by and paid to E. H. rKlimaun, Supt. 1'euitontiary will carry the package with him into bumlreds of men, women, boys, and girls in our Ueo. AY. KiiHobel Adjutant Genera You at work for i mi aitea two battle, so that if wounded the materials GREEK THEATERS. i otnploy. can make ijioney faater mo by you have any The busineas Is so trade in all parti, R. J. Palun Treasurer oi than idea of. uine our nicuinn; for dressing his injuries will be at hand eaiv to (earn, and instructions so simple and plain, ffooda whara lha paoclt Demetrlo I'ercf Auditor The seats of the Greek theater were who take Oiera, wa will for the field surgeon. that all suooeed from the' sUrt. Thoae atnd I re loon A in udo Chavez Supt. Public Instruction reap advantage that In aach weantjtM vorf arranged as at present, but the parquet hold of the business the MPS' tm reduced standing one of the H aavr1namacbiaa mada M. 8. Hurt..... Coal Oil Inspector Uruguay has her was given up to the from the sound reputation of tha world, artw ail tarn attafbmama. chorus. to one-fourt- h its former strength. .ildeat, moat luccessful, and largest publishing Wo will aia aaw free a oMapIat army The Greek theaters had no scenery I'ouses in America. Secure for yourself the profits Una of oar caatly and valuable ait Before New Year's the Uruguayan t th at the business so readily and handsomely yields. iMmplM. In retani wa oak that yo the stage walls being painted to re--i REM 'show wha wa aand. to the who troops consisted of two infantry regi All beginners more than Court of Land Claims. suooeed eranrilv. and rail at vonr aunie.ajtd after Private semblo the locality intended. realise their greatest consolations. Tbqte who ritVJ Lweoma J own of one thousand each and one ar- mottaa til w ments of try It And exsotly as we teU them. There is plenty irty. TIM craoa ntacnina m Joseph It. Heed, of Iowa, Cliicf Justice. regiment of one The curtain the Greek theater was, room for a few more workers, and we luge aftar Iba ttinser patanta. tillery and one cavalry ol oar.: raised through the floor instead of be thci" to begin at onoe. If yon are already em- fetor run bforapaiiu Assomnie justices: Wilbur f. stone, o thousand each. The artillery and cav- and wish iontim.idforllU, with tho Colorado. ing lowered from the ceiling. ployed, but bare a few spare moments, QtuokiaiMM, aud aow 3Ua far alry have been abolished, and each of to usa niem to aavantsge, tnen write us t uaw U. UOil, .Pw)npr,e-- i, nvws w Thomas 0. 0 Fuller, of North Carolina. There are some roomy theaters inj Xfor thin is your grand opportunity), and receive .china In tha warfd. All U tho infantry regiments has been cut reticulars b Address, 'IBB FREEs! No outtal requirad. AVilliaui M. Mnrray, of Tennessee. this country, but none that come up to full return mail. Tnoaa who wrila to rn at onao oa aa down to five hundred men. TH.Ii K tt CO., fio Ko. M, AsieM, He. trtof DOtrwitioa ftaa. Henry C. Sii,of Kansas. the old theater Emilius Seavrius. at tV atu,wii UtloApx. nattnow Keynolds, ot Miasourt, P. S. Rome, which comfortably Reuted Rn,(V?., ANCraey. pernor;. l.V, V.v'J ViiU 1 vc urn ag-- Gov't Report Highest of an ia Leavening Power.-- Utet U.S. THE BLACK RANGE, . ALASKA'S PURCHASE. orhan's Wnj the Amerieaa Government Boofb , Territory 9allib.i Kvery Friday t Chloride, N. M the from RuMla. By W. 0. THOMPSOX. Prof. George P. Wilcox, of Chicago, w ork Teals in the CongrtoalionaiM a well-ke- Is never done, and it it especially wearing secret of the late war. He says that th and wearisome to those whose blood Is purchase of Alaska from Russia by th Ratored at Seooni Class matter at the lsG7 impure and onflt properly aus-tal- n, Government in wa Offlce. to tone, fMai tlorldePot not more and renew the wasting of nerre, really for the acquisition of terr muscle and tissue. It is more because of tory, but was for the purpose of paying this condition of the blood that women 4ebt of the war which President Llncol SUBSCRIPTION : arc run down, and Secretary Seward contracted. At th' ABSOLUTELY PURE Ana year...... , 30 time, during the war, when it looked sn Tired, Weak, Nervous, though England and France were going U 175 Sandoval will be banned Six months Than because of the work itself. Every take hold and help the Confederacy in earn- Dionicio Old Bank Motas Redsemad. t hree month! , 100 physician says so, and that the only rem est, President Lincoln secured from Russia at Albuquerque on Sept. 24. Sando- After the death of an old woman, long a. (Ingle coplos lOcknU edy is in buflding: np by taking a good fleet of war vessels to help defend our val kiliel one Vlctoriano Tenorio servant in South bridge, Mass., there were block- among her possessions three hundred nerve tonic, blood purifier and vitalizer ports and assist in maintaining the on the 2tli of July, 18P5. found ade of Southern ports. The presence of and ninety-eigh- t dollars in old New England like Hood's Sarsaparllla. For the troubles Russian off some of our was Htate Lank bills. Tbcy were issued by nine- Friday, Sept. 4, 1896. Peculiar to Women at season, vessels harbors change of a mystery at the time, and they departed as teen Massachusetts, eight Rhode Island,' climate or life, or resulting from hard may coutinue to send them ' mysteriously as they came. Their departure publisher six Connecticut banks and one Maine bank. work, nervousness, and impure blood, arrearages are paid. thousands have found relief and cure in was due to the fact that the apprehended until all Although some of the bills were forty years Protection for American danger from England and France did not 8. If subscribers, neglect or refuse old, and the banks were bound to pay none materialize, and then the question arose to take their periodicals from the cilice of them, the administrator in charge ot tho Industries. how Russia could be compensated. Presi- to which they aredireeted, they are re estate had little difficulty in securing their dent Lincoln had used his war power freely redemption and Congress had backed him up, and here syonsible until they are directed, they was a bill for millions, and he feared that are responsible until thev have settled he would be criticised for incurring it, al- their bills aud ordered them discon though was a thing to do when M0TICELL0 Sarsaparilla it wise he tinued. did iV While the President was hesitating The One True Blood Purifier, $1 per bottle. bow to get at it the war closed and the 4. If subscribers move to other Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. President was assassinated, and Mr, places without ini'orraiiijrtlie publisher ! Seward was left to solve the problem. Rus sent FLOUR MILLS re t11" only to and the papers to the former ad I pills take aia wanted the money, but she had appre- S IS with doess, they are held responsible. Brand, Barley, Wheat Klour, Graham Hon llOOa Pll Uood's Sarsaparilla. ciated the situation and waited patiently. Finally the project of getting Congress to 5. The courts have decided that re Chopped corn contantlvon hand. authorize purchase of Alaska was hit fusing to take periodicals from the of is Mr. Geo. E. Robin, of Hills- the & upon, and the $7,300,000 that we paid Russia lice or removinf" and leaving them un TAFOA VALLEJOS, boro, County. for Alaska was really payment tho Sierra Mr. Robin was in of is floet bill and Alaska was thrown in. Tho called for, priuia facie evidence of also as Proprietors, named central committee- secret was so well kept that General W. T. evidence of intentional fraud. man of this county. Sherman heard of it for the first time in 8. subscribers pay in advRce they MOXTICELLO, N.M. Russia, and he kept the story to himself If until a recent army reunion. Secretary are bound to giye notice at the end of Free and Unlimited Coin- A few days ago the telegraph dis Seward must have shared with some of tho the time, if they do not wish to con- Congressmen his secret of real reason patches informed public a the tinue takinj; it; otherwise the publish- Soientlflo American age of Silver at the Ratio of the that why he wanted Alaska bought at a time man who claimed to be original when the United States Government needed er is authorized to send it. and the sub to money more than territory, if be did scriber will be responsible until an ex ?6 i. Capt. Jack Crawford, "poet scout," but they guarded well bis confident- - - press notice, with payment of all had been killed while "piping" in a is sent to the publisher. For President, gold mine in the state of Washing- The latest postal laws are such that WILLIAM J. BRYAN, LEGAL NOTICES. ton. This was a mistake. While newspaper publishers can any of Nebraska. it arrest CAVEATS. is true that the true and original Notice for Publication. one for fraud who takes a paper and Mj&'T$r TRADE MARKS, For refuses to pay for it. Under this law ftJV.i DESIGN PATENTS. Capt. Jack Crawford, the "poet Land Office at Las Graces, N. M., COPYRIGHTS, eto.1 ARTHUR SEWALL, May 18th, ) the man who allows his subscription to Tor information ana free Haniinuok write to im. MUNN 861 scout," wag "piping" for gold about following-name- d ft CO., Broidwat, New Yokic. of Maine. Notice is hereby given that the run along for some time unpaid and Oldest bnnsu or securlnc patent In America. time, he was doing "piping" settler hits tiled notice of his inten- T.very potent taken out by us la liroupht before that bis tion to make final proof in support of his then orders it discontinued, or orders (lie public by a notice given free otcliaiyo Ut taa for & McJfinley'a gold syn claim, and that said proof will be made be- the postmaster to "refused" The Cleveland gold democrats and Ilanna fore the I'robate Judge or Probate Clerk at mark it 18116, fMttftffa dicate the state of Pennsylvania, Socorro, New Mexico, on July 6th, viz: and have a postal card sent notifying JlTOiXJW Mclvlnloy gold monometallists in THOMAS W. HENUEBSON, who made the Hometiteod Entry No, 9521 for LotH 5, 6 7 thepublisher, leaves himself liable to Lrirert circulation of anr wlentlflo paper in the aDd not in a gold mine the state world. Splendidly illustrated. No Intelligent one purpose only in Sec. 6, and Lot 1 Sec. 7 Twp. 10 8. K. 12 W. are working for prove arrest and fine, the same as for theft. man should be without It, Weekly, 3,00 a of Washington. He numcs the following witnesses to year; $1.80 six month Address, MONN & OO,, to defeat silver and honest legisla- his continuous residence upon and cultiva- roaLUHias, 861 Broudwuy, jjew York City. tion ot, said land, viz: tion. William Keene, of Grafton, N. M., Nelson Straw, of Grafton. N. M., John 11. Petrio, of Tax Equalization. Silver in - Mexico. Grafton, N. M., Charles Le J3awn, of Graf- An 18 Mrn, a. m. The jeweled gold-bu- g of t). territorial board of equalization The Catron henchmen The republicans are not getting much JOHH D. BRYAN, Eegister. Ht'ni Wind, First publication May22-9tt- . at its annual meeting established Ijevnr Set, Sierra county are working tooth and yaluable campaign plunder by their ()u'b Train duEBER. $4.50. the assessed valuation of property for Straight line pail to capture the coming conven- raid into Mexico. Most of the facts 1890, as Ksoapoment, follows: lmp'd Back ((dial; This Is a cannlna they find there are strong arguments ' tion to be held at Hillsboro for Notice For Publication. Each quarter section or fractional Hatchet, in a Anicriran - Maria in favor of the free coinage of silver by Dl KIIKR Watch Si every out notorious chieftain. part thereof of land with permanent KII.VKK- - Fully their the United States, Land OGloe at Las Cruceg, H. M., f Warranted. June 2nd, 18S6. i water thereon, suitable for grazing pur- nut This Is no imitation just Walter Steyens is one of the most in Notice is hereby given that the following-paine- d poses got up ior soio. nuc a only, shall be assessed at $1.25 genuine The meeting between Fonderous telligent, accurate cor- guttler has filed notice of his inten- Iran and trustworthy support of per acre. ian, we reel tion to make final proof in his In war-- and Hung Chang, will be be- Bale Cleveland Li respondents in the United States. The claim, and that said proof made All lands pur- JudKe or Prolmto at Hills-boro.- suitable for grazing rantlne fact he represents Mexieo! fore Probate Clerk thiswatcn China's SjOO.000,000 statesman, was that in a M., on July 20th, ltfJts, viz: poses only, and without permanent aa a heavy newspaper that yearns to discredit the SkLSO CUELLOR who made Homestead strong'. most pathetic. As Li takes his cof- Entry No. 2411 for the NWK NEK, SEJf water thereon, shall be assessed at 25 coinage and currency system of that KW!i and l,ot 1, Sec. 30 l'p, 11 S. R. 3 VV. and acre. food whereyer he goes, is 11 . cents per fin with him it country only gives the NEK NEK. Beo. 2ft. Tp. K. 4 W. Ii Wc. Is the more convinc- He names the following witnesses to prove Allother lands and property, not sent with not unlikely that our plutooratic ing force to old his continuous residence upon and cultiva- the order the facts which be re herein specified, shall be assessed at will follow Li's example. ports. tion of, said land, viz: (or statesmen J. Robert Robinson, Joso Perfecto Gon- their actual cash value, which value express The truth about the silver dollar of zales, Nefeta'i Sanchez and J. W. Mitchell, charges, all of Paraio, New Mexico. shall be construed to mean the price and it Flower, temporary Mexico is that It buys, to-da- as much JOHN D. BRYAN, Register. Ion nd June5-96- . such land or property would bring at perfectly chairman of the democratic gold domestic commodities as it did ten forced sale, 'satisfactory years ago, when and exactly standard conyentiou at Indianapolis, Its bullion value was It is further ordered and decreed that asrepresen at par with American gold coin. War FORFEITURE NOTICE. L, you can the following personal property shall miv paid of .Bryan: "lie la ambitious, Jas. Dalglish, their the bat. ges remain steady at the figures of ten To E. D. Daviason and be ance, other executors, administrators, guardians, assessed and valued for the purpose wise yon do not 'unsteady and unsafe man, and a years ago and the cost of living has heirs and assigns: pay one cent. you are hereby notified of taxation as follows: All stock demagogue and a word juggler with not increased to plain people who are and each of Inside the msenf each of thee watches the followlne YOU the undersigned has expended horses $5 per head ; cow ponies $10 per card will be found: "The Hiikheb Watoh Cask M'ra not buyers of cost foreign goods. The One Hundred Dollars in lalior and Improve- Co. This watch (sue made liv us and stamped with our a revolutionary mob behind him," ments upon the KXCELMOK mining claim head; Americans horses at 30 per United States regiifcsred Trade Mark Ir the only gonuin aritGcial and temporary disparity of situated in the 1'alomas Mining District, head; Bilvenno Watch Case mmlo. Will keep iu color and Mr. Flower's "august" remarks were County, Territory of New Mexico, in American mules $40 per head; srer.r a lifetime. We rautinn tmvers to lieware of imita silver to gold has enhanced the prices Sierra tions sold under various similar "misleading order to hold said mining claim under the Mexican mules $10 per head; burros names. J loudly applauded by the goldite imported provisions of Section 2324 of the Revised Johh C. Ddkbkb, l'res't." of wares, but of domestic ,?3 per head; stock. We ran um postage stamps. Applications for out Statutes of the United States, being tlie cattle, south of the Buyers' (iuide (seventeen plutocrats. products, including ar- requir- hundred illustrations), manufactured amount of labor and improvements 35th parallel, $7 per head ; hints on the care of watches, aim interesting mattefvA to hold said claim for the stock cattle Diamonds, ticles, the "fifty-cent- " dollar of Mexico ed to be made, Kibi'H, KmeriiidN, (Sapphire, year ending December Slat, 1M96; and if with- north of said parallel, S3 per head; all Pearls, and other Precious Stoneg, their leading characteristics, Republican Goldbug League buys as much as it ever did. in ninety days after the publication of this cuiupusitiun, etc, will be sent OD rveuial If the notice you fail or refuso to contribute your improved sheep at $1 per head ; all mi of 6 eta. stamps. in railroad "fifty-cent- " of Sierra County, with headquarters Even freights this proportionate share of mich expenditure as improved sheep at 75 cents per head; W. G. MORRIS, dollar pays as muob as it did ten your interest in said mining Wholfiaale Watches, Jewelry, Cutlery, Ety Hillsboro, carry out their repudi- claim will become the property of the un- all Angora goats, that produce a lleece jit years ago as much in Mexico as the dersigned as provided in said sec- 90 Fifth Ave., CHICAGO, IXL. Is clipped ; tion 2324 of said statutes. that for market, 2 per head References: -F- elsenthal. Gross ft Miller, Bankers, lot ation plana to the full extent, they pays in States. La Salle St., Chicago; Mr. Grow, gold dollar the United G. W. WOLFOUD. all common goats that produce no clip Treasurer A Blsbee, March 18'jG. Illinois; Chapman Bros., Publishers, 128 Van Borsn St, will have nothing to save them Tho Mexican National road has a , 20th, Chicago: F.H.St.)nc,EBq.,with First publication, March 27th, 18!K. or fleece 50 cents per head ; all improv- U.S. KxpreeaUanCsicasa from Laredo 160 Always mention this pamper. from preditlon. It matters not branch in ed cattle, that are suitable for dairy 0" miles to Corpus Christ! on the gulf, whether they do, or whether they NOTICE. purposes, shall be assessed at 25 per The distance by the same road to Mont-re- y FORFEITURE 'em. head. THREE GREAT don't; the people are onto in Mexico is 168 miles. From La- To John A. Kennedy, CharloB A. Robinson, CITIES tMEST HonryA. Robinson. Thomas C. Hall and -- cricmov redo to Corpus Christi the freight Oscar C. Scott, their executors, administra- The Albuquerque Citizen is much 80 per 100 pounds tors, guardians, heirs and assigns: charge is cents and each of you are hereby notified pleased with what it torms "the in gold, From Laredo to Montrey the YOU the undersigned has expended One Hundred Dollars in labor and improve- a. a g 86 cents per 100 pounds in m success" of the administration gold-bu- charge is ments upon the You mining claim Mexican silver, situated in the J'alomas Mining District, democratic faction of New Mex- fciorra County, Territory of New Mexico, in Mr. Stevens got these figures from order to hold said milling claim under the ico. In every county in the terri- provisions of Section 2324 of the Revised the books of the company at Laredo, Statutes of the United States, being the C3 tory the McKluley republicans and The rates were fixed ten years ago and amount of labor or improvements required to be made, to hold said claim for the year J o (he Cleveland democrats will work the schedule is still in effect. The ending December 81st, ' 8t6; and if within ninety days alter the publication of this no- Mexican rates muBt be satisfactory to e hand to defeat silver. tice you fail or refuso to contribute yonrpro-portlonat- hand in I TlVirvn rat'u". .... the company or they would have been share of such expenditure as PC ID your interest in said mining claim bio it o raised long ago. will become the property of the undersigned CHICAGO & "There are a number of worthless as in 2324 ot a ALTON R. R, The silver dollar of Mexico is a bet- provided said Section o Willcox whose sole object in said statutes. m o cursia ter thing for the Mexicans than the ANDREW J. MAXFIELD. u a life Beems to be to bark at the moon Hormosa, New Mexico, January 17, 1S9G. a single standard gold dollar has proved First publication Jan. 17, ltt'Jti. ) at night and bite children in the day s between $T. 10UIS A CHICAGO. I for us. Instead of shrinkage and hard Union PepoU In o Sx FAST ST. LOUIS, Sl Willcox (Arizona) News, M VOVIB, time." times, Mexico has solvency and ex- 99 KANSAS CITY and CHICAGO. Newspaper Laws, W if NO JJy reading the Mclvinley "protec- OTHER MSB KINS pansion of trade. o d o T3 PALACE DINING CARS misleading gold- of by the Dr. Tuckerrnan, editor of the Work- c S tion" editorials and The remonetization sliver tp or from KANSAS CITY. Meali equal tfl some ,ny lr,tK;iM Hote1' is cer- United States might not be a good man, Cleveland, has taken pains The SnSt f '' " oen" ite doctriue in the News, it 0) - Mexeico. By raising the to collect and compile the decisions of o i PALACE gold-bug- s thing for o RECLINING CHAIRCAR9 tain that there are also in 3 ? ft the world are run In market price of silver it might start a the United States court on thia subject p 3 (5i all Through Trains, day an moon. c&A'auit. g0' ui 08 KXB Willcox that bark at the decline in prices and wages among the and gives to the Washington Tost, as 'BB CO Mexicans. the result of his investigations, the for PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPINQ OARS r I The administration democrats held would be a good thing for lowing, which may be relied upon as o ts a That it W Al the Ticket Agent fbr and see that tickets, Albu- United correct H jua their gold bug convention in business and industry in the BOAD." ATO 1, Subscribers who do uot give ex- 0! querque last Saturday, where it was States is proved both by the experience Z O m is ilspsjlme Tahiti, and all infornwtton.addrea and by the disasters that press notice to the contrary are con- fx F. C. HICH, resolved "that we heartily indorse of Mexico have overtaken business and iadustry sidered wishing to renew their n. pyery of administration of a, 1 2 act the here as a direct result of every attack C. H. CHAPPELL, Ososrsi Msqager. President Cleveland." Among the upon currency, Louis J. C. McMULLIN.Tlcs-Prssidsn-k our sllyer St, 2. If the subscriber orders the dis- JAMES CHARLTON, fjjlegatos elected, to J.udlanapolia Republic, continuance of their periodical the tieoetl envww ind lWprt fop 9 THE BLACK RANGE. than at any other time sinoe "89. Feed thk Nerves upon pure, rich LIVE MEN WHO ADVERTISE. Gall Miller came in from the GUa blood and yon will cot be nervous. Pure blood comes by taking Hood's Chlorite, SUtrra and made this place a short Tiait this Published Kwy Friday at Sanaparilla which Is thus the greatest Connty, Mexico. wets. -- Xv and bsst nerve tonic. For Fifty Cents a Year A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Friday, Sept. 4, 1S6. Ed. Johnson, ot Portland. Ore, (for Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head- merly of the Range) on the 27th Inst ache, indigestion, biliousness. All THE KANSAS CITY druggists. 25c. SPECIAL OFFER. Dan Uquhart shot the first ducks of the season near town this week, and be Three Dollars, Cash, vlU Secure thk Black proposes to furnish the borne market DON'T STOP TOBACCO. WEEKLY JOURNAL and AGRICULTUIST Knight-Nationa- tunas and the bllver l with delicacy as long as the ducks Watchman (or one year; or, 2.00 will secure that HOW TO CURE YOUSELF WHILE C8IXG IT. The tobacco grows Thc Black Bahgb for alx montjis and the wilt permit him. habit on a man nntU his nervous system la seriously affected. Im- SUrer Ja" night National Watchman for one Rattle-snake- s have not been much In paling health, comfort happiness. To (FORMER PRICE 61.00) Or, any delinquent subscribers that and Tear. evidence around here this summer, but quit suddenly la too sever shock will pay tn full their delinquent subscrip. a to the a few evenings ago one suddenly sprang system, as tobacco to an Inveterate user be- tions amounting to $3 or more, we will send Will be Sent to You One comes a stimulant that his system eont innal-l- y for Year For Fifty Cents. them the Silver Knight-Nation- IVatchnian up in the path of one of our fair daugh- craves. "Baco-Curo- " Is a scientiflo care for one year. ters to free who tried to stone it death, but for the tobacco habit, in aU Its forms, care- Knight National-Watchma- n Is a The Silver did not succeed in hitting it even once. fully compounded after formula ot an paper edited by IIou. Wni. M. the One of sterner sex fortunately ap- eminent Berlin physician who has used It in THE JOURNAL IS A HOME and U doing more good and efficient the PAPER 8twart, bis private practice since 1X72, without a the free coinage of silver than any peared on the scene at this critical work tot failure. It Is purely vegetable and guaran .other paper In the country. time, and with his buggy whip soon put otillauy, toed perfectly harmless. You can use all the instructive Items . Is the only republican M! Thc Black Bahoi an end to the reptile. tobacco you want while taking "Baco-Curo- ." Mew Heiioo has bad the cour- iaper in that It will notify yon when to stop. We give a by people by opposing and age to stand the HERMOSA. written guarantee to cure permanently anv Send Your Subscription to the treachery of the gold-bu- g tac- JOURNAL, Kansas City, Mo. exposing the case with three boxes, or refund the money tion ot the republicaa party, territorial and J. B. Newman is expected back from with 10 per cent. Interest. "Baco-Cur- o" national. . is not a substitute, bnt a scientiflo cure, that cures without the aid of will power and with Slater and Eceberger have made a NEWS. no lncovenleuce. It leaves the system as LOCAL strike of some very rich ore on the pure and tree from nicotine as the day you BROWNE & MANZANARES CO., For letter heads and writiDg paper, Humming Bird mine owned by Mar- took your first chew or smoke. shall. Curtd By Baco-Cu- ro and Gained Thirty call at this office. Pounds. Miss Addis Bunker came In from Miss Maude Anderson and Miss Fan- From hundreds of testimonials, the oriel nals of are on file open inspec- Ban Marcial on Wednesday's coach. nie Whitmer have been gathering wild which and to Las Vegas and Socrro, N. M., Trinidad, Colo. grapes about Newman's ranch. They tion, the foUowlng is presented: L. J. Otto returned Wednesday from Clayton, Nevada Co., Ark., Jan. 28, 1896. report lots of fine grass aDd multitudes over the range where he surveyed Eureka Chemical 4 Mfg. Co. La Crosse, of grass-hoppe- In the country. Wis. Gentlemen: For forty years I have several ranches. , s. Juan Rocha has gone into partner- nsed tobacco in all its forms. For twenty- - G-rocex- C. M. Woodhouse Is now prepared to five years of that time I was a great sufferer Wholesale ship with Morris and Doran in their repair watches, clocks and jewelry. from general debility and heart disease. Give him a trial. lease on the Chief. They are taking For fifteen years I tried to quit, but couldn't. DEALERS IN out a great deal of rioh ore. They are I took remedies, among "No- - John Mack and Philip Hirsch ar- various others Agricultural Sunday. Mr. Hirsch is a timbering at present. "The Indian Tobacoo Antidote." Implements, Ranch,MiningSupplies&NativeProducts rived here "Double Chloride ot Gold," etc., etc.," but mechanical engineer and is in the em- We have lately learned what the ter- none of them did me the least bit of good. ploy of the Cliff Mining & Smelting rors of New Mexico are to easterners. Finally, however, I purchased a box of your The Best Market For company. They are Indians, thunder, lightning "Baco-Cur- and it has entirely cured me of the habit in all its forms, and I have increas- of Chlo- and cow-boy- s. A meeting of the citizens ed thirty pounds in weight and am relieved ride will get together even- Will Tell. from all the numerous aches and pains of Wool, Sides, Felts. Etc. ing for the purpose of organizing a body and mind. I could write a quire of pa- Will at all Times Compete With upon my Eastern Frices. Bryan silver club. The ladies are tf The Silver Fund. per changed feelings and condition. Yours Respectfully. P. H. Maeburv, to be present. ullinvited Last Saturday and Sunday, W. M. Pastor 0. P. Church, Clayton, Ark. well-know- Sold by druggists SI per box; Kean St. Charles, n in this Armour, of this place, circulated all at three boxes (thirty days' treatment), $2.50 with community, now editor of the King- among the people of Chloride and iron-cla- written guarantee, or sent direct man (Arizona) Miner, was married Fairview soliciting funds for the silver upon receipt of price. Write for booklet LIVERY AND FEED STABLE! last month to Miss Lizzie Orain. The cause, and considering the stringency and proofs. Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co., Black Range extends congratu- of the times, as well as the limited La Crosse, Wis., and Boston, Mass. lations. number of people now residing in this Hrses to Let. Stable Accommodations the Best. Range is authorized to once prosperous region, but now cover- The Black E. BURLINGAME'S TERMS REASONABLE say that the Cliff Mining & Smelting ed with dry rot the prodution of Cleve- t. .company, with place of business at land and Carlisle gold-bu- g rule and Assay laboratory by office Qood Corral In Connection With Stable. Chloride, has been organized with a sustained John Sherman and Wm. Established in Colorado, IMS. Samples by mail oi receive prompt ana wwu nmiuvii. capital of $2,500,000 paid up McKuiley republicanism, the amount txprus will stcck. The officers of the com- subscribed and paid in is very satis- GOLD AND SILVER BULLION Aweyed or Pereheted. pany are, Daniel Braymer, presi- factory. Following is the list of sub- Reined, Melted ssd T. N. STEEL PROPRIETOR. I7M arrears St., DENVER, COLO. dent; Chas. F. Smith, scribers up to date: AtUnts, I7M ut a. D. Felt, treasurer; Jno. Creighton, We, the undersigned, do hereby contribute fol- Cholride New Mexico, secretary; J. St. Clare Mack, manager each the amount opposite his name the lowing sums to be used by the Denver Cham- JAMES DALGLISH. old The company has purchased the ber of Commerce for the promotion of the will be refitted lixiyiatiou plant which Silver Cause In the pending presidential MEAT PROSPECTUS 1893.94. for a smelter. The smeiter will be of campaign: MARKET, CULORIDK. 100-to- capacity, with blowing power ma- 1.00 In the Old Fostofflce Building. for four additional stacks. The W M. Armour 1.00 chinery in detail for the plant has been E. I). Davlsson 1.00 Choice Beef, purchased from the Pueblo Iron Works, Frank Reynolds 1.00 NEW YORK DISPATCH. JesneD.Bone , l.N and aocording to contract, was to be on Mutton, Wednesday. The II. E. Patrick 1.00 board of cars last Westy Petersen , 1.00 of putting the old mill building Chris Olson 1.00 Tork, work ESTABLISHED 1845. in shape will commence immediatley W.B.Dawson 1.00 Butter, upon the arrival of President Bray- Jas. Wing LOO E.F.Holmes ,., 1.00 and Sausage. mer who is now due here. At present The largest and most interesting weekly newspaper published in the United States, da Ed. James , 1.00 voted Fascinating Stories, Sketches, and Adventure, News, Gossip, department not prepared to go into details, ' to and mat we are C. Kngaegger , 1.00 Fish and Vegetables in Season. Masonlo, assur ters relating to Grand Army, and Fire Organizations. farther than to announce the W. O. Thompson 1.00 The New York Dispatch, in addition bears a popular weekly stoiy and family newspaper, ance that we will soon have a smelter Chas. Bishop .' 1.00 HILLSBOItO, - - - N. M claims to be the most aggreslve in its political advocacy of pure and unadulterated Ameri- business. Success to the en- E. P. Blinn 1.00 can ideas in politics, and is the only newspaper published in New York City that has con ready for Louis ..... 1.00 expression Kruse sistently and fearlessly advocated terprise, Is the unanimous J. 8. Mack 1.00 of the people. M. O. Thompson 60 E. TEAFORD, Carlos Lewis 60 FREE AND UNLIMITED COINAGE OF The best indication of the political SILVER. Joseph Oliyer 60 is by letters situation obtained private Uop Kee 60 received from people in the various E. Payne 30 Livery, Feed Stable and Corral. After the great blmetallio mass meeting held New of Llowe.late of Grafton, in York, the chairman committee 6tates. Robert S 19.80 of arrangements sent the following letter to the Dispatch : the writes from Emporia, Kansas, that FAIRVIRW. New York, August SB, 11)93. rage and l.oJ ''silver craze" is all the there Omer Franks .... IIERMOSA, N. M Editor New York Dispascb: that the outlook throughout the state is Chas. RusseU 1.00 DEAR SIR The comnittee of arrangements who had charged of the mass meet, 1.00 ingo bimotslllsts, at Cooper Union to express appreciation gfod. Jesse Bone, this week, re- Thos. Scales held last evenig, desire their Reilly .... 100 of tne valuable to cause of by New York DispnU.ll his father at In- WillD. services rendered the bimetallism the ceived a letter from Miss Pauline Mayer 25 and embraces this opportunity to thank you for your and generous efforts to promote th dianapolis saying that the silver wave public well being by advocating the cause of money of the Constitution, which always 14.26 01 the is rolling high and Indiana will give has and always must bo the money of the people. Bryan and Sewall a magnificent ma- Total $ M I have the honor to be, sir, vory respectfully, yours, JOHN G. BOYD, Chairman, sum forwarded if? jority. Jimmy Tavior recently receiv- The above has been Yearly subscription , , . . , fJ.50 Six " 1.25 letter from his brother who is a to the Denver Chamber of Commerce months ed a Three months " 65 state of Washington, to aud the money will be expended in the lawyerin the postal sample copy tree', people generally in distribution of silver literature in the Send card for and preminm list. Sample copies nailed the effect that the charge. Addrosg, NEW YORK 132 an enormous de- DISPATCH, Nassau Street, New York that state are hard up, but that they east where there is The is working for Bryan and silver; Jimmy mand for such literature. list open office where contri- also received a letter from Minnesota still at this who wherein the writer stated that that butions will be received, and those to contribute to the patriotic state is sure to go for silver and Bryan. wish may do so; all moneys sent in Joe Oliver is just in receipt of a letter cause will be promptly forwarded to head- from Mm brother, who Is a rarmer anu hot-be- d quarters in Denver. It is a common lives In a ied-ho- t republican cause, a cause in behalf of the plain in the state of Michigan, saying mat and re- - people of this country who are being the old "moss-back- " democrats morally and liuancially ruined by the nnhiinana have buried the war ciuu a money who seek to .u. t ti unji l..utriinfcivA hnnlr tells in and "protection," have grasping changers ""Jr." lha 4,,n1 nf T.ihr. "free trade" most iiuuiinuu. " 'j " White are now whooping overthrow the already fast decaying tv took Grover Cleveland from the joined hands and House in the ueaa oi min. aim "",'""" silver, happiness and prosperity of the com ragged, and hugry, in Oklahoma City, to up for Bryan and free 'i .. Rtlfl tflbula- - it II - UUIIIDi . . . w . ' Mll...... - people, and we sincerely hope that Li tt P lmar - nion tions as a tramp are most ludloronsly relat- FAIRVIEW. there is not a man in this section of ea, anu nis converwaiiuuu the silver question are LARGEST country who, if he has it to spare, will very insSive? KVERY BODY SHOULD from . i . -- n n....V iKivs.Lr. Supt. Chandler has returned neglect to contribute his mite, ONSURPASSI lnTfUCIN6K not not 40 full-pag- e illustrations of m. oounty-sea- t. ing matter, and a.eno. the five cents up. Every person that Cleveland as a tramp. Price, 25 cents. PtANO from . mm Factories informed that wild grapes country, no Kenu a cents lor u mm i v. We are dwells in the Black Range KNIGHT-- ATCHMAN, H20 Naw York Av., IToneJouch we plentiful on Bear creek, matter of what occupation, depends Washington, D. O. Johnny Dines, of the Double S ranch, directly upon the production of our is spending a few days at home. mines for his living or income, and WANTED-A- N IDltto&fmVu is every man ' - Lafayette, a brother of Mose Gibson, therefore it but just that that. able, should donate to the cause is a late arrival from Arizona. ib n self interest, at least, D, C, tor Ural; tl,m prize oiler ' Last Friday the creek waa higher Sierra County, on contact lime, between limestone Ttw i.iliwii vm .mmmmm mta t Uiwiiuk,. wwmi and porphry and trachyte, argon titer: B(Takep From tails tic Compiled by tbs ous copper pre s also occqr betwtec STEARNS WIND MILL Jar 9! Immlgrsiloa). porphyry and lime.tbe ores being sul Sierra county it situated in south phides, oxides and soma iron. antral ey Mexico, bpjng founded on Ilermosa, Kingston, Percha, Hills- he portb and east by fcocorro county borough and Lake Valley ores are rich put of which it was mainly taken); and easy to reduce. RACINE,WIS. jpn Pk south by Dun a Ana county and Hillsborough is the county seat; the pa the weatby rant and Socorro coun- principal towns are Kingston, Lake of New Q ties, The principal meridian Valley. Chloride, Fairview, Ilermosa, i.tlJ.KUJ.: ..... TfI boundary for l Mexico forms its eastern rafton, PalomH, Cuchillo, and Mo-ticell- WAS . V .v- - 43 miles. The summit of the Black a V XI V A. X. The three are -- 'Ts-sir- x latter iu the JUL i Range is the western limit, If not agricultural sections of the country, fifty-fou- r mm srery large in extent, averaging whereas the former are mostly support- ISImj mi)es from north to south, and ed by the mining industry. same from east to west, and about the Sierra, althoueh one of the youngest 2,378 square miles, the county has a di- counties in New Mexico, is a prosper- Lob,LumberVard versified topography. In the extreme ous and progressive one. Magnificent ft GitY Trucks system of ast are large plains; then a chances for investment are offered mountain ranges, running from north there,;the capitalist, the stock grower, NT po south, along the east bank of the the miner, the farmer and, the PAT Eio Grande (Sierra Fa Cristobal and The Only Flexible Wind Mil jCaballo) and at their western base that

one-thir- MANUFACTURED. river, leaving about d of the county on the eastern prea pf the Can praduato the speed of wheel as low as ;sjde plains, inter- frank. On the west 1& strokes per minute In strong winds. FISH BR9S WAGSH G9 rupted here and there by prominences We use only 19 different pieces in the en- extend to the foot hills of the Black tire construction of the iron work. RAC1NE.WIS. range for from twenty to thjrty miles Our mill cannot he equaled for simplicity, powe and principles. while finally that range occupies the westernmost portion. Sloping, not .only from north to south, but also We Manufacture fet I I 1 sS I nertbeast to southwest, the to rami TANKS, I'l'MI'S nii'l WINOMll.I. srrri.iEs from the agents is well defined. With the ex HEBEST 4lN.5AFETYEVERMA5f ol every ileeription. Heliahle drainage wanted in unoccupied territory. peption of a few creeks, in the utter- corner, which (low AGENTS WANTED Address most northwest CATALOGUE DESCRIBING OUR FULL LINE streams F. n. STEAUN8 & CO., westward into the Rio Gila.all ur it nLLLd oliii unnrruuuiuii' - flow southeast, into the Rio Gratuie. Itushvllle. Indiana. beds of these streams, approach The fend for Catalogue. BEWARE is the'whoIc"5tC8y Jng their mouths, are worn deep into ef Imitation trade mark and labela. about f, he plains. Elevations! n the northern part of the county, vary from 1,484 (Feat's Ferry) po 6,177 Alamosa, 6,540 Canada Ala- mimn SIDPA mosa, to 8,045 Nell's Pass, from the M W pio Grande, to the western boundary WW part from 4,000 Rio rCosts 00 moretnhorpMkag6Sod-Mwspo- ?.n the northern 111 nrfmCrPC lU Grande, above Rincon, to 4,089 above IU 7UVIUVS. flour univtrsally acknowledged purest lathe world. station, 5,221 llillsborouKbl, 7,-4- Nutt Hade only by CHURCH It C0 Rew to 7,574 Llen-rick- 's Tork. Sold rrrxers ereryvheK. Berrenda spring, . j Peak. On the east side of the for it uuamer oofac or Miambio Frrf,pr TJLCC J Jiio Grande, the' plains gradually des- tialr station, JS3TK ; 5t ir cend from 4,720 below Lava Insist oiv po 4.342 feet above Grama, in a distance raViic it. AMA . ESTABLISHED, ' springs 182 pf forty-eigh- t miles. There are fSK scattered oyer this eastern part of the gountry, and that water can be obtain- ittf)" is no WyM THE ed by sinking tubular wells, there doubt. As a proof that water exists, fully Ju&rwtc. A11 balflrj V station, ! the railroad well, at Upbam PRICEiUOTErjrTAPr Advertise formerly Martin's well may be men- tioned. The Atchisou, Topeka & Santa Jfe road runs through the entire length GEORGE ENGETiTceToWTI, OHIO pt this part of the country, skirting it also around it3 southern limits, and

piaking . connection, at Nutt station, with Lake Valley, by a northerly branch of 13 mi!c3. A Marvelous Discovery! Stage lines connect the country across POSITIVELY REMOVES Engle Jhe Rio Grande, starting from ELECTRIC BONE SPAVIfi, RINGBONE, SPLINT OR CURB IN 48 HOURS. Negro, Chloride, P' Station, to Cuchillo This new discovery for dissolving and removing Bone Spavin, Ringbone, Fairview and Grafton, or in the south Splint or Curb, was discovered by the celebrated French Veterinary Surgeon, from Lake Valley to. Hillsborough, Dr. Guy Checini, while iat the employ of the French Government, during the late Kinirston. Pearcha City and ilermosa Franco-Germa- n War, and through the influence of a prominent American horse-own- (who heard of it while sojourning in France), we secured a very large ex- also, can be reached from at which latter, pense, the right to sell the same in this country. There never was anything equal Ensrle. via Cuchillo Negro. to it. Is is perfectly harmless and any person can apply' it. The improvement The western part of the county is apparent after a single application will surprise and delight you. It quickly dis- wBll watered bv creeks aud streams. solve and remcves the worst forms of Bone Spavin, Ringbone, Splint or Is the Pioneer corner, eight or nine Curb without pain or the use of the kniff", the firing iron or any of those liquid Jn the northwest caustics so often made use of, to the shame of the farrier and the torture of that creeks empty into the Gila, on the noble animal, the horse, to no useful purpose. One bottle completely removes the veBtside of the Black Range. On the most aggravated bunch. It has never failed. IT CANNOT FAIL. This is Paper of east side are, heading in the Black the Greatest Wonder of the Nineteenth Century, astonishing as it does, the entire veterinary world. Range, Alamosa creek, having a south t with Alamosa Monti-pell- o $500 REWARD for failure to remove the bunch. SIERRA COUNTY I easterly course, Circulars and Sworn l'roofs sent Free, on receipt of Sc. stamn. the principal town. NSCKCL.S JVTF'G CO., 378 Canal Street, New York. RioCuchillo Negro; its upper course s formed by Poverty, Pine, Bear, Miner al, Dry and Chloride creeks and South Subscribe for and Fork. There are, iu the Range, the following towns: Grafton, Fairview, ! I Chloride and Ilermosa. Cuchillo Ne- ADVERTISE ADVERTISE Advertise in it, gro is in the lower vallev. Rio Palomas, Rio Seco and Rio Ani- mas creeks are of the same origin and be same general course. It Will Pay Youl Rio Percha waters, with several beads, Percha City, Kingston and Hills borough. NEW REPEATING RIFLE The county is well divided into the valley, mesa and mountain land em- ARLIIM It is One of the Best bracing a considerable section of the Rio rande valley, where agricultures the is followed ; wherever openings in ScrlriwcSiprTcWnsltes, S:cfl'o3, 1869. '"""rp.'P, Advertising Mediums yalleys of the different affluents afford IHOBEL pom enough to do so, agricultural pur rr puits are followed. Mm In Being well watered, the pasturage the Southwest. iands are fullv available, and the stock SOLID nterests are in good condition. The main interests of Sierra county TOP. mines. SIDE rre centered in the JTverya HUetihoutfUravaOPP'SSETTLER'S mining are: The principal districts 24 rp.j price only 25& (postage tan$s EJECTING. Apache. Black Range, Cuchillo Negro, Using 32-2- 0, 33-4- 0 44-4- 0 Cartridges. Ilermosa, Animas, Hills- and Kingston, Send for free descriptive price-li- st of Repenting Ilillos, Advertising Rates Made Know! borough, Percha and Lake Valley. Uoublo-Actlo- n Bevolvers. etc., to the The center of Apache mining dis- MARLIN FIRE ARSIS CO., NEW HAVEN, CT., U. S. A. Upon Application, trict is. Chloride; in Chloride gulch Pry creek, Mineral creek, Bear creek, LYMAN'S PAT. RIFLE SIGHTS silver-bearin- g copper ores, Trade-A- "IDEAL" EELOADIHG TOOLS and others, Caveats, and f arks obtained and ail Pat--J Are Unequalled both for Hunting and Somites, oecur, wliiili are rich, 100 ent business conducted tor Modcratc Ftr. Target Shouting. Our Orrici it Opposite U.S. Pm.NTOrnctJ For ESflas, Pistols Shot Guns. per ton or more, and secure large re- and wc can ucrure patent ia Um time Luaa tiioac S Washington. 2 MinM from RELOAD YOUR SHELLS, 1 you turns to those who own and work their Scad model, drawing a photo., with descrip-- j Have a Good Businpfu, mines in a regulated manner. Igneous tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free ofJ AND SAVE MOREY. charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured, i FREE, ILLUSTRATED " with ock are frequent; on the contact lines A Pamphlet, How to Obtain Patents," CATALOGUE Advertise I cost of lame in the U. S. and foreign and Keep t. and other formations, " CONTAININQ VALUABLE INSTRUCTIONS ON batwfenthem sent tree. Auaress, i Bend fbr Catalogue A, showing Sight and -- theores occur. Eiiles of latest design. Address : HOW TO PREPARE YOUR OWN AMMUNITION. If NO- T- While the ores along the main e, C.A.SNOW&CO. 0W1M. LYM, Middle. lold, CI. IDEAL MFG. CO., Box G, Hew Kaven, Ct. Opp. PrtNT Orr.zt. Washington, D C. BlfcH Ijioge, most occur Adverfiseapd Get It,