SER. B VOL. 32 Orwegian Journal of Entomology

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SER. B VOL. 32 Orwegian Journal of Entomology o. 198 SER. B VOL. 32 orwegian Journal of Entomology PUBLISHED BY ORSK ZOOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFfSE RAL OSW Fauna norvegica Ser. B Norwegian Journal of Entomology Norsk Entomologisk Forenings tidsskrift Appears with one volume (two issues) annually 75, -. Disse innbetalinger sendes til NZT, Zoologisk Utkommer med to hefter pr. ar Museum, Sarsgt. 1, Oslo 5. Editor-in-Chief (Ansvarlig redaktor) Postgiro 2 34 83 65. John O. Solem. University of Trondheim, The Mu­ seum, Erl. Skakkes gt. 47, N-7000 Trondheim. FAUNA NORVEGICA B publishes original new in­ formation generally relevant to Norwegian entomo­ Editorial Committee (Redaksjonskomite) logy. The journal emphasizes papers which are main­ Arne Nilssen, ZooligicaJ Dept., Troms0 Museum, ly faunistical or zoogeographical in scope or con­ N-9000 Troms0, Ole A. S<ether, Museum of Zoo­ tent, including checklists, faunal lists, type catalogues logy, Museplass 3, 5000 Bergen, Albert Lilleham­ and regional keys. Submissions must not have been mer, Zoological Museum, Sars gt. I, 0562 Oslo 5. previously published or copyrighted and must not be published subsequently except in abstract form or by Subscription written consent of the Editor-in-Chief. Members of Norw.Ent.Soc. will receive the journal J free. Membership fee 80,- should be paid to the NORSK ENTOMOWGISK FORENING Treasurer of NEF: Lise Hofsvang, Brattvollveien ser sin oppgave i a fremme det entomologiske stu­ 107, Oslo 11. Postgiro 5 44 09 20. Questions about dium i Norge, og danne et bindeledd mellom de in­ membership should be directed to the Secretary of teresserte. Medlemskontingenten er for tiden kr. 90,­ NEF. Trond Hofsvang, P.O. Box 70, N-1432 As ­ pr. M. Henvendelse om medlemskap i NEF sendes NLH. Members of NOF receive the journal by sekret<eren: Trond Hofsvang, Postboks 70. 1432 As­ paying 55,-, non-members by 75,- to: NLH. Medlemmer rar tidsskriftet fritt tilsendt og kan NZT, Zoological Museum, Sarsgt. I, N-Oslo 5. Post­ abonnere til redusert pris pa FAUNA NORVEGICA giro 2 34 R3 65. Outside Fennoscandia: Additional serie A (generell zoologi, 1 hefte pr. ar) for kr. 25,- og postage Nkr. 10, - per year (surface mail). pa serie C (ornitologi. 2 hefter pr. ad for kr. 50,-. Disse innbetalinger sendes til NZT.Zoologisk mu­ Abonnement seum, Sarsgt. I. Oslo 5. Medlemmer av Norsk Entomologisk Forening far Postgiro 2 34 83 65. tidsskriftet fritt tilsendt. Medlemskontingent kr.80,­ innbetales til kassereren i NEF: Lise Hofsvang, Bratt­ vollveien 107, Oslo 11. Postgiro 5 44 09 20. Medlem­ mer av Norsk Ornitologisk Forening mottar tids­ Trykket med bidrag fra Norges almenvitenskapelige skriftet ved a betale kr. 55, -. Andre ma betale kr. forskningsract. Opplag 800 Norsk zoologisk tidsskriftsentral (NZT) er et felles Managing Editor (Administrerende redaktor) publiseringsorgan for NEF og NOF i samarbeid med Edvard K. Barth, Zoologisk museum, Sars gt. 1, de zoologiske avdelingene ved universitetsmuseene i 0562 Oslo 5. Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim og Troms0. Adresse: Zoologisk museum, Sars gt. 1, 0562 Oslo 5. Editorial Board (RedaksjonsrAd) Postgiro 2 34 83 65. Wim Vader, Troms0, Svein Haftorn, Trondheim, Rolf Vik, Oslo. Kristiansen & W0ien, Oslo. ISSN 0332-7698 Fauna (Norsk Zoologisk Forening) har gatt ut av Norsk Zoologisk Tidsskriftsentral. Avtalen om gjensidig reduserte abonnementpriser pA foreningens tidsskrifter vii for fremtiden derfor bare gjelde mellom Norsk Entomologisk Forening og :'Ilorsk Ornitologisk Forening. New records of Norwegian Coleoptera 11: Species new to the fauna and notes on some little known species TORSTEIN KVAMME Kvamme, T. 1985. New records of Norwegian Coleoptera II: Species new to the fauna and notes on some little known species. Fauna norv. Ser. B, 32,49-51. Melanotus erythropus (Gmelin, 1790), Apion sanguineum (Degeer, 1775) and Neosirocalus pyrrhorhynchus (Marsham, 1802) are reported new to the Norwegian fauna. Trogoxylon impressum (Comolli, 1837) is reported intercepted to Norway and registrated to oak-wood in a house. New faunal divisions are presented for Stenolophus mixtus (Herbst, 1784) and Coly­ dium elongatum (Fabricius, 1787). The occurrence of Hylastes angustatus <Herbst. 1793) is discussed. Additional finds of Agapanthia villosoviridescens (Degeer, 1775) and a new host­ plant is presented. Torstein Kvamme, Norwegian Forest Research Institute, p.a. Box 61, N-1432 As-NLH, Norway. Below are presented species, which not previo­ usly have been reported from Norway. In addi­ tion informations on some rare or little known species are discussed. The faunal codes are in ag­ reement with 0kland (1981), and the EIS-grid numbers are added in parenthesis. The nomenc­ lature follows Silfverberg (I979). SPECIES NEWTOTHE FAUNA Elateridae Melanotus erythropus (Gmelin, 1790) (rujipes Herbst, 1784). One male and three female were sampled from an about 4 m. tall Ulmus glabra Huds. at VE:Stavern (EIS: 19), 23. June 1981. M. erythropus is very similar to M. castanipes (Paykull, 1800), and was treated as one species by Lindroth (I960) and others. Lohse (I 976) concluded that they are two different species. Palm (1978) has studied the species in Sweden and found that M. erythropus is rare and probably restric­ ted to the southern and central parts of Sweden, while M. castanipes is widely distributed and com­ mon. Fig. I shows the distribution of M. castanipes in Norway. The Norwegian material of Melanotus needs an examination to check whether specimens of M. erythropus and M. castanipes have been mixed. Lyctidae Trogoxylon impressurn (Comolli, 1837). This south-palaearetic species was caught in great numbers at AK:Frogn, S0ndre Hallangen (EIS:28), 6. June 1983. The beetles swarmed in a summer cot­ tage, and appeared to have hatched from stems ofoak Fig. I. The distribution of Melanotus castanipes (Pay­ (Quercus robur L.) used ornamentally. kul1) depicted on EIS-grid map. Fauna norv. SeT. B, 32,49-51. Oslo 1985. 49 The history of introductIon is "classical»: The ow­ atum was first reported from AAY:Ris0r (EIS: 11) ner of the cottage spent his vaccation in Northern (Pasche & Zachariassen 1976). In June 1981 more Italy 6-7 years ago. He brought back some nice than 25 specimens were caught in pipe-traps and wood-pieces of grapevine as a souvenir. When speci­ window-traps at VE:Brunlanes, Solbergstua mens of T. impressum from the grapevine hatched, (EIS: 18). The traps were placed at a sun-exposed they established in oakstems. The cottage is not artifi­ clearcut. The clearcut was surrounded by stands of cial heated in long periods of the year, but still the be­ Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) KarsU and mixed etles survived. forest. The spruce stands were heavily attacked by T. impressum is known to live in wood of grape­ [ps typographus (Linnaeus, 1758). Two specimens of vine, fruit trees and poplar (Freude et al. 1969). Ear­ C. elongatum were also sampled from a window-trap lier, T. impressum has been introduced to Denmark at B0:Hurum, Filtvedt (EIS:28) (Leg. F. Midtgaard) (Silfverberg 1979). in the period I. July to I. September 1983. C. elonga­ tum is living under the bark of both conifer and deci­ dious trees attacked by bark beetles (Palm 1959, Han­ Apionidae sen 1964). The heavy attacks by I. typographus has Apion sanguineum (Degeer. 1775) (miniatum Ger­ probably made temporary optimal conditions for C. mar, 1833). elongalUm. A revision of the subgenus Erythrapion showed that former reports of A. sanguineum from Norway were based on misidentifications (Kvamme 1981). One Cerambycidae specimen of this species was found in a pit-fall trap Agapanthia villosoviridescens (Degeer, 1775). on the little island Skurvene in AAY:His0Y (EIS:6l, 4. This longhorn beetle is usually regarded to be rare, August- 23. September 1981 (Leg. Torstein Solh0Y). and is found only sporadically in South-Eastern Nor­ A. sanguineum is living in the rootcollar and the lo­ way. The larva is observed in different plants: Eupa­ wer parts of the bigger species in the genus Rumex t6rium canndbinum L., Circium olel)llceum (L.), and (Dieckmann 1977). Arclium IOmenlOsum Mill. (Palm 1953). Horion (1974) mention also Anthriscus, Angelica, Carduus, Chaerophyllum, Heracleum, Senecio, Urlica and Curculionidae especially Circium arvense (L.) Scop. and C. palustre Neosirocalus pyrrhorhynchus (Marsham, 1802). (L.) Scop. as hostplants. At HES:Ringsaker, Mengs­ One specimen was found by sweep-netting Sisymb­ hot (EIS:45) were eleven specimens sampled from. rium sp. in AK:Oslo (EIS: 28), 4. June 1982. This is an the lower parts of the stalk of Aconitum septentrio­ expected species, while N. pyrrhorhynchus is known nale Koelle, 23. May 1981 (Leg. L. Aarvik). One spe­ from several faunal divisions in South-Sweden (Lin­ cimen was also sampled under the same condition at droth 1960). HES:Stange, Rotlia (EIS:46), 3. June 1981 (Leg. L. Aarvik). The beetles were found as pupae or newly hatched imago, and these finds represent a new NOTES ON LITTLE KNOWN SPECIES faunal division besides a new host. Carabidae Stenolophus mixtus (Herbst, 1784) has expanded Scolytidae northwards in this century, and was first recorded in Hylastes angustatus (Herbst, 1793). Norway in 1977 (Kvamme 1978). Two new localities The opinion on the occurrence of H. angustallls in have been found: Five specimens were sampled at Norway has been divided. Lekander et al. (J 977) VE:Hedrum, Roppestad (EIS: 19), 5. June 1979. One have deleted this species from the Norwegian list in specimen was also recorded at AK: Vestby, Tjenn their revision of the Scandinavian Scolytidae. They (EIS:28), 19. June 1979. Both records were made have included the finds of H. angustatus in H. allenu­ close to the water-line among dead plants on muddy allls Erichson, 1836. Strand (see Lindroth 1960) soil. mention H. angustatus from 0, AK, TEy, AAy and Ry. Fjellberg (1966) has published a find from YE. Colydiidae I have seen two specimens of H. angustatus from Colydium elongatum (Fabricius, 1787) and C.
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