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tioned above I Remember and Demand Volume #77 Number 120 / English 16 Issue (21,361) JUNE 8 - JUNE 14, 2015 Armenian Centenary of the NEWS FROM , Journalists, and Gays Are President Sarksian Attends Consecration of Churches in Sevan ‘Representatives of Sedition,’ Erdogan Says Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has continued his salvoes against a number of minorities, including and Ardashad Armenians and members of the LGBT community ahead of the June 7general elections, accusing them of sup- porting the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP). “Their biggest ally is Dogan Media. The Armenian lobby, homo- Armenian Presi- sexuals and those who believe in ‘Alevism dent Serj Sarksian on without Ali’ – all these representatives of Sunday attended the sedition are [the HDP’s] benefactors,” Erdo- consecration of Surb gan said during an address to citizens in the Hreshtakapetats (Holy Archangels) eastern province of Bingöl on June 3. Church in Sevan and Speculation over whether the HDP, which Surb Hovhannes (St. focuses on the Kurdish issue, will be able to John the Evangelist) pass the 10 percent national election thresh- Church in Artashat. old is the key question that will determine The ceremonies were how many seats the ruling Justice and conducted by Catholi- Development Party (AKP) wins in parlia- cos of All Armenians ment. Karekin II, the Presi- On June 3, the Turkish president also dent’s press office repeated his ever-toughening rhetoric against reports. international media. “They also received the Surb Hovhannes support of some foreign media outlets, Church was built on which see Turkey as their colony,” he said. the initiative and with the sponsorship of Without mentioning the name of the AKP, which he co-founded, Erdogan said that “everyone should go and Armenian Prime Min- vote for the party he or she likes.” ister Hovik Apra- In recent days for different reasons, Erdogan has slammed several media institutions including the daily Hur- hamian. It was riyet, which is owned by the Dogan Media Group, daily Cumhuriyet, the New York Times, CNN International designed by Honored and the BBC. Architect of the Erdogan has made slights against Armenians on several occasions in the past, including last year, when he Republic of Armenia raged against opposition politicians for calling him an Armenian. “They called me a Georgian. Pardon me for Artak Ghulian. saying this, but they said even uglier things: They called me an Armenian!” Erdogan said in an interview on Surb Hreshtakapetats Church was built through the efforts of France-based national TV in August 2014. benefactor of the Mother See Sarkis Petoian, and by the design of Artak Ghulian. NEWS FROM THE WORLD Diplomatic Missions to be Opened His Holiness Aram I Meets with the Prime in Armenia and Belgrade Minister of Canada Stephen Harper Armenia and Serbia intensifies the high level political dialogue. The works are already carried out His Holiness Aram I met with the Right to establish diplomatic missions in and Belgrade. As Armenpress reports, the Minister of Honourable Mr. Stephen Harper, Prime Min- Foreign Affairs of the Republic of ister of Canada, on 03 June 2015, in Ottawa- Armenia Edward Nalbandian stated Canada. this during a joint press conference On the occasion of the hundredth anniver- with the OSCE Chairperson in sary of the Armenian Genocide, the Pontiff Office and Serbia’s Foreign Minister expressed his gratitude to the Prime Minister Ivica Dačić. – for Canada’s recognition of the Armenian “Armenia and Serbia, Serbs and Genocide. He also shared with the Prime Armenians are brotherly countries Minister his concerns and perspectives and peoples. There are many regarding the actual situation in the Middle episodes in the history, when the East in general and the Syrian crisis in partic- Armenian and Serb, extended their ular. hand to each other with manifesta- At the end of the meeting, His Holiness tion of the mutual solidarity in the difficult moments. We attach importance to the bilateral centuries Aram I decorated the Prime Minister Harper old friendship linking Armenia and Serbia”, - Nalbandian noted and highlighted the participation of with the Catholicosate’s insignia Prince of the President of Serbia Tomislav Nikolić in the commemoration ceremony of the 100th anniversary Cilicia. of the Armenian Genocide held on 24 April in the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial. According to Armenia’s Foreign Minister, during the meeting, a memorandum on the cooperation between the foreign ministries of two countries was signed, with which it is considered to hold regu- Aram I meets Canadian National Defense lar political consultations. Minister in Ottawa Turkey to Impose Sanctions on 3 Countries His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Armenian due to Stance on Armenian Genocide Church of the Catholicosate of Cilicia, met with the Hon- Following some countries’ acknowledgment of the 1915 events as genocide, Ankara’s reaction is orable Mr. Jason Kenney, becoming clearer, as armeniangenocide100.org reports, according to Turkish newspaperSabah‘s Minister of National Defense diplomatic sources. of Canada, on June 3, 2015, Harshly refusing accu- Armenpress reports, citing the sations of Genocide official website of the Armen- regarding the 1915 ian Church of the Catholi- incidents, Ankara will cosate of the Great House of apply economic sanc- Cilicia. tions to Austria and His Holiness and Minister Luxembourg, which Kenney reflected on their recognize the incidents meeting in Antelias, Lebanon as genocide [April and back in July 2014, during the May, 2015 respective- Minister’s special mission to ly]. assess the political situation and to discuss the problems of Christian communities in the region. Turkey recalled its The Catholicos of the Armenian Church of the Catholicosate of Cilicia and the Minister of Nation- ambassadors in the al Defense of Canada discussed a wide range of issues related to the current situation in the Middle Vatican, Austria and East and the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. His Holiness Aram I decorated the Honorable Mr. Luxembourg due to Jason Kenney with Knight of Cilicia, an insignia of the Catholicosate, bestowing the Minister of their stance on the Defense and Multiculturalism for his courage, dedication and continued support of the Armenian 1915 incidents and Community and the Armenian cause. sources have said the Prior His meeting with Minister Kenney, His Holiness was invited to a special luncheon on Parlia- ambassadors are ment as the guest of the Honorable Dr. Harold Albrecht, Member of Parliament for the Conservative expected to stay in Turkey until September. Ankara will also not renew its bilateral agreements with Party and the Chair of the Canada¬Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group. the countries that label the incidents Genocide. Earlier Aram I met with the Prime Minister of Canada. 2/E JUNE 8 - JUNE 14, 2015

EU Armenia Friendship Group Armenian Officials Visit UNESCO HQ in the European Parliament and in The UNESCO General Headquarters in Paris, France on Wednesday hosted Armenian officials conducting a visit EAFJD Hold a Panel Discussion to the country. The official delegation includ- ed Chief of the Presidential Staff on Nagorno-Karabakh Vigen Sargsyan, Minister of Cul- ture Hasmik Poghosyan, Minister On the Initiative of the EU Armenia Friendship Group in the European Parliament of Education and Science Armen Ashotyan and Armenian Ambas- and the European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD) a panel sador to France Vigen Chitechian. discussion entitled “Conflicts and the right to self-determination” took place in the Greeting the guests, the orga- nization’s incumbent director, Irina Bokova hailed their visit to theoffice, praising Armenia’s active participation in the UNESCO projects. For his part, the chief of the presidential staff said the country highly appreciates the UNESCO mission and activities. Highlighting UNESCO’s achievements in the preservation of cultural heritage and implementation of educational projects, Mr Sargsyan said that the organization managed, at times of international tension and escalation of conflicts, to effectively fulfill its mission especially in unrecognized states and conflict zones. He particularly highlighted the UN specialized agencies’ main function of being politically netural and professional. Thanking the UNESCO offi- European Parliament on Wednesday, June 3. The panel discussion focused on cial for the projects implemented Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, its structure, historic and legal aspects with a special in Armenia, Minister Poghosyan, emphasis on the right to self-determination. in her turn, stressed the impor- EAFJD President Kaspar Karampetian opened the panel discussion hostinga num- tance of active collaboration ber of politicians and distinguished guests from academia. He thanked Eleni among experts and civil soci- Theocharous, MEP, President of EU- Armenia Friendship Group in the European Par- etyrepresentatives during the liament for making this panel discussion possible, he expressed his satisfaction over preparation of national reports. the high profile speakers and the number of guests from various countries; he In 2013-2014, Armenia sub- stressed, that such discussions are an important step for Nagorno-Karabakh’s interna- mitted four of the envisaged five tional recognition. reports reflecting international obligations. Minister Ashotyan emphasized the importance of respecting the right to education in unrecognized states, refer- HE Tatoul Markarian, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the ring particularly to the Yerevan Declaration adopted at the recent Bologna Ministerial Conference. Republic of Armenia to the Kingdom of Belgium, Head of Mission of Armenia to the Also on Wednesday, the Headquarters’ hall for plenary sessions hosted the concluding concert of the series European Union was represented by Mnatsakan Safaryan – counselor of the Mission “Youth for Peace”. The cultural event was organized by the Republic of Armenia in celebration of the organization’s of the Republic of Armenia to the European Union. On behalf of the Ambassador he 70th anniversary. said the following: ‘The activities of the European Parliament in this matter, hearings like this, visits to the region and discussions, help to further increase the awareness within the European Parliament and European institutions and keep the Nagorno Reflections of a Sixth Grader’s Trip Karabakh issue in the limelight of the international community thus signaling to Azerbaijan to stop its warmongering and focus on the peaceful settlement’. By Zepyur Kasparian MEP Dr. Eleni Theocharous was the key-note speaker of the panel discussion. to Armenia on April 24 Prof. Dr. Andrzej Zieba from the Jagellonian University of Krakow Poland, Dr. My name is Zepyur Kasparian and I am a sixth grader at K.Z.V. Armenian School in San Francisco, . I Ohannes Geukjian from the American University of Beirut Lebanon, Dr. Yiannos have visited Armenia on numerous occasions. But on this visit, I saw it in a different way. Charalambides from Cyprus, Xavier Follebouckt from Louvainla Neuve University, On our way to our capital city, Yerevan, we had a layover in Vienna, Austria and decided to tourthe city. While Belgium were the participants of the panel. The discussion was moderated by Giro touring the city, I ran into a young Armenian woman from Artsakh who was studying in Vienna. She was so excited Manoyan, Director of the International Secretariat ARF Dashnaktsutyun, Armenia. to run into me that she took a picture of me with my luggage to show to her friends that many Armenians from all MEP Dr. Eleni Theocharous drew parallels between the conflict in Cyprus and around the world are going to Armenia for the Nagorno-Karabakh: “Currently, we are experiencing and living a similar struggle Centennial. When we were hungry, my aunt through the Armenian people of Nagorno-Karabakh who are fighting to exercise their Lucy and I purchased pizza from a man who right to self-determination in order to achieve their freedom and thereby, define their was playing Greek music, so we assumed he own future and their destiny.” “The right to self-determination is enshrined within was Greek. Afterwards, we asked him to con- Article 1, Paragraph 2 of the UN Charter, it is the cornerstone for freedom and the vert our change into paper money. The pizza man told us that he did not have the right symbol by which people all over the world, are inspired and encouraged to take their amount of money and instead asked us to try lives into their own hands,” said Dr. Theocharous. the shopkeeper across from his cafe’. We start- Prof. Dr. Andrzej Zieba’s contribution focused on the historic aspects of the con- ed to walk towards the shop when I turned flict:“The necessity to deal with the crisis of political setting was the main reason for back to pick up the purse I dropped. That’s conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. Caucasus was a conflict-trigger itself, but so was the when I noticed the pizza man signaling the case for any other region in the world. The presence and simultaneous unsteadiness of shopkeeper to deny us service. The shopkeep- outside powers in South Caucasus impaired the effect of historical state-building er did not exchange our money, but noticing processes and did not allow consolidation of the local hierarchy of political struc- my Armenian Genocide Centennial t-shirt, he tures. It was the historical aspect which renews the military rivalry for territory until swore at us in Turkish and called my aunt and this day,” said Dr. Zieba. me a “gyavour.” Exactly a hundred years later, the Turks continue to do the same thing. When I arrived in Yerevan, I was greeted by my loving friends and family members. A few days later, I was given the fantastic opportunity to go to Javakhk. I visited only one village out of the six: Akhalkalak. I visited the home- museum of Vahan Terian. An elderly local woman was giving us the tour and I felt bad for all the villagers because they didn’t have proper clothing. The elderly tour guide was walking in the six-inch snow in her “papooj”s or “slip- pers”. I was complaining about being in the snow in my converses but decided to be grateful when I saw the situa- tion the villagers there were in. At school, we were given piggy banks to fill up. The coins that were in those piggy banks would go to Javakhk. With that money, the A.R.S. would purchase warm clothing for the villagers in the win- tertime, school supplies, shoes, gifts to give to the children during Christmas, and other items that our fellow broth- ers and sisters of Javakhk need. I saw with my own eyes that the money we were collecting as a school was going towards a good cause. The spare change in our piggy banks would keep a child warm for the winter, give an intelli- gent student the opportunity to learn by reading a book, and would make a little child happy during Christmastime. On April 23rd, I also attended the System Of A Down concert. Although I’m not much for heavy metal, I was jumping and stepping on everyone’s feet. While I was there, I ran into non-Armenian people from Brazil, Russia, Italy, , Argentina, France, and other countries who had come specifically for the System Of A Down concert. In Armenia, those people learned about the Armenian culture and the Genocide. There, as I always am, was proud to Dr. Yiannos Charalambides , political analyst from Cyprus, elaborated on the be an Armenian. My father wasn’t very thrilled about the pouring rain and wanted to go back home, but I convinced structure of the conflict and the right to self-determination. He stressed the necessity him that this was a once-in-a-life-time opportunity and that we couldn’t miss it. So, we stayed! to find out the causes triggering a conflict, in order to resolve it. He further raised the During my stay in Yerevan, I went to visit Dzidzernagapert, the Armenian Genocide Memorial, three times. The question if the right to self-determination is a source of conflict or a fundamental first time I went to Dzizernagapert, I went right after the commemoration with the delegates from around the world. legal and political basis for a solution. Dr. Yiannos Charalambides further stated: The memorial had remained just the same but I learned a new thing about it this time. The place that holds the fire “The people of Nagorno-Karabakh meet all the relevant criteria set out by the interna- resembles the twelve regions we lost to the turks after the Genocide. And the long triangular wall with crack-like line in the middle means Armenia divided. tional law. The Armenians living there constitute an indigenous population carrying My second time to Dzidzernagapert was the march with the torches. I walked from the Republic Square in Yere- on their backs a vast civilization, while at the same time they had not settled in the van to Dzizernagapert. The march consisted of elderly, adults, mothers with strollers, and teenagers who were chant- region as conquerors of other nations. In accordance with the international law, Art- ing Patriotic chants and singing Patriotic songs like “Arazi Apin” and “Tzayn Me Hnchetz Erzeroumi”. Whoever sakh is their ancestral land. Certainly ethical reasons and the clauses of the interna- was unable to participate in the march, lit a candle as a symbol of saying “We’re with you!” tional law are not, on their own, adequate factors for a solution to a problem. The art Some of those who were unable to participate smiled and whistled at us from their windows, congratulating us, of diplomacy is the skill of coupling legal rights and clauses with national strength.” and encouraged us to continue forward. And my third time to Dzidzernagapert was to visit the Genocide Museum. Analyzing the current state of affairs Xavier Follebouckt from the Louvainla There was nothing in the museum that I didn’t know about, but what had an impact on me were the images. The Neuve University, Belgium said: “It will be hard to achieve peace. But peace will images were very frightening and I do not wish to see them again. The truth can be so horrible sometimes. I thought always be worth the effort, worth the unavoidable compromises. Because peace will I was prepared to see the images in the Museum, but I guess I was wrong because I left the Genocide Museum with not only put an end to the violence and the instability on the ground; it will allow tears in my eyes. societies on both sides of the frontline to reach across this divide, to look towards the future and start building their nations on solid foundations, rather than on historical While I was in the Genocide Museum, I took a picture in front of the flag with the red cross on it; this was the grievances. “ flag that Musa Daghtzis used to gain help from the French. For this picture, I smiled because I was proud for I am Elaborating on the legal aspects of the conflict Dr. Ohannes Geukjian from the fifty percent Musa Daghtzi and fifty percent Vanetsi. American University of Beirut, Lebanon concluded: “My argument maintains that if On April 24, Austria had recognized the Armenian Genocide. So, I was happy to be flying with the Austrian Air- Nagorno-Karabakh can perform the requisite political functions, the existing state has lines on my way to Armenia, and back. Overall, this trip to Armenia was unforgettable. I will always remember it. I have made a pact to myself that in the future, when I have children, I will take them to Armenia on the occasion of no justification for its nonconsensual coercion. In other words, when a nation is suffi- another Anniversary of the Genocide, to experience what I experienced while on this visit. ciently large, economically sustainable, politically organized and territorially contigu- Zepyur Kasparian is a sixth grade student at San Francisco’s Krouzian-Zekarian Vasbouragan Armenian School ous (like Nagorno-Karabakh), it can secede and thereby enhance its national self- determination without jeopardizing political stability.” Yerakouyn.com JUNE 8 - JUNE 14, 2015 3/E

DIASPORA NEWS Las Vegas Centennial Events and Glen Cove, NY Gathering Marks Centennial of Genocide Monument Groundbreaking Armenian Genocide

More than 1,200 people gathered for the groundbreaking ceremony of the Armenian Nearly 200 people, some of them descendants of families that survived the Armenian Genocide, gathered on Genocide Memorial Monument at Sunset Park which is the largest area park and centrally May 29, at the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County in Glen Cove, New York, armeni- located in Las Vegas. angenocide100.org reports. As reports “Armenpress” Armenian-American Cultural Society of Las Vegas(AACS) is Armenia’s United Nations ambassador, leading this project with the support of all Las Vegas Armenian churches and organiza- Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, told those gathered tions. The project was initiated in 2006. Since then, AACS Board Members had several yesterday that the efforts will continue. “The meetings with Las Vegas city authorities and Sunset Park was selected as the future loca- Armenian Genocide is not a tragedy for just tion for the Armenian Genocide Memorial Monument. one nation. It is a universal tragedy,” he said. Clark County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the monument proposal Memorial center chairman Steven on January 5, 2015. The monument is a gift from AACS and the Nevada Armenian-Amer- Markowitz said the commemoration should ican community and Clark County Board of Commissioners accepted the monument to be also serve as a reminder for people to confront placed at Sunset Park. intolerance in their own communities. The project is estimated to cost $200,000 which will cover the design and construction “It’s discouraging that we spend so much of the monument in addition to a maintenance agreement reached with Clark County time teaching people about the Holocaust and Parks and Recreation Department. people are becoming more aware about the The $200,000 is Armenian Genocide, but, nevertheless, these anticipated to cover all kinds of situations continue to exist,” he said. groundbreaking, inaugu- Ashod Spendjian, 56, of Glen Cove, whose ration, maintenance grandmother survived by fleeing to Egypt, expenses as well as said he has held strong to Armenian traditions and culture. funds to publish a book “They tried to wipe out the whole nation,” he said. “By holding on to this, we, in essence, have won. We have regarding the Las Vegas survived.” Armenian-American community history lead- ing to the construction of the monument. The Haigazian University Armenian Diaspora book will be authored by UNLV History Research Center: International Conference Department Professor Michelle Tusan. on “The Armenians of ” By Mira Yardemian - PR Director Mistress of Cere- monies Lenna Hov- Beirut, 4/6//2015 – Organized by the Armenian anessian invited the guests to stand for the flags presentation by Las Vegas Homenetmen Diaspora Research Center at Haigazian University Artsakh chapter scouts followed by both the Armenian and USA national anthems sang by (founded through a generous donation of Mr. Yercho Maral Saccoyan. After the emcee’s introduction, the newly appointed Honorary Consul of Samuelian), the international conference entitled “The Republic of Armenia in Las Vegas, Adroushan Andy Armenian delivered the keynote Armenians of Syria”, took place over the course of speech. Armenian provided a brief history of the Las Vegas Armenian community going four days, from May 24 to May 27, 2015, with the back to 1911, when the first Armenian family settled in the area. Armenian also referred to support of the Armenian Communities Department of the State of Nevada saving the lives of tens of thousands of Armenian orphans by donating the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, and Mr. and in 1919 over $100,000 to the Near East Relief Fund as part of fundraising efforts that was Mrs. David and Tina Segel. taking place across USA during that period. The auspicious opening, which was attended by the Armenian concluded his remarks by thanking America and thanking the State of President of the Union of Armenian Evangelical Nevada for providing the Armenian-American community an opportunity for new begin- Churches in the Near East, Rev. Megrdich Karageoz- nings in fabulous Las Vegas. The monument at Sunset Park will be a gift from the Armen- ian, the Armenian Ambassador to Lebanon, Mr. Ashot ian-American community in Las Vegas to the people of Southern Nevada so that new gen- Kocharian, the prelates of the Armenian Orthodox of Prelacy of (20th Century)”, Dr. Hayganush erations remember the tragic history in order not to repeat such terrible deeds in the future. Aleppo and , Archbishop Shahan Sarkissian Mesrobian on “The Vocabulary of Catholicos Karekin Armen Anooshian provided the latest update regarding the monument fundraising and Bishop Armash Nalbandian respectively, and the Kesabtsi as an Enriching Source for the Armenian progress stating that all building department approvals are in place and that $122,000 in Head of the Armenian Evangelical Community in Lexicon”, Dr. Hagop Cholakian on “The Syrian donations have already been raised. We estimate construction to start in July with comple- Syria, Rev. Haroutioun Selimian,, University President Armenian Education Effort: The School Network in tion by end of September 2015. Anooshian shared the podium with AACS veteran Board Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, in addition to academicians, Pre-independent Syria”, and “The Settlement of the members Hriyr Dadaian, Arpiar Babikian and Garry Deratzou who all emotionally featured guest speaker, prominent scholar and histori- Survivors of the Genocide in Syria, their New Habitat expressed their appreciation of this landmark event. an, Prof. Simon Payaslian from Boston University, on and Conditions (1915-1960s)”, Sylvi Apelian on Hovanessian invited official guests who took the podium and expressed their support the topic of “the Armenian Community of Syria and its “Kesab in the Armenian Literature”, Marush Yeramian for the construction of the Armenian Genocide Memorial Monument at Sunset Park while Legacy”. on “ Aleppo Armenian Poetry of the Last Decade”, and condemning the Armenian Genocide and urging President Obama to acknowledge the “Syrian-Armenian Literature: Reflecting the Crisis”, Armenian Genocide. Among the speakers who presented proclamations were US Senator Khachig Mouradian on “Concentration Camps During Dean Heller, US Congresswoman Dina Titus, US Congressman Cresent Hardy, Clark the Armenian Genocide: Power, Collaboration, and County Commission Chairman Steve Sisolak, Clark County Commissioner Mary Beth Resistance”, and “Genocide and Humanitarian Resist- Scow, City of Las Vegas Councilwoman Lois Tarkanian and Councilman Stavros Antho- ance in Der Zor, 1915-1916”, Mihran Minassian on ny. Also Present was Nevada GOP Chair Michael McDonald and representatives of “The Soul-Searching Process Throughout Syria for Nevada Lieutenant Governor Mark Hutchison, Senator Harry Reid and Congressman Joe those Lost During the Armenian Genocide”, Dr. Heck. Antranik Dakessian on “The AGBU Aleppo Refuge As a guest speaker, Deputy Consul General, Valery Mkrtumian from the Consulate and Crafts Home (January 1920-1927)”, Ani Voskani- General of Republic of Armenia in , on behalf of the Republic of Armenia anon “Ottoman Army Armenian Physicians in post- greeted the official guests and members of the Las Vegas Armenian-American community. Genocide Aleppo”, Dr. Vahe Tachjian on “Syrian Jazi- Mkrtumian expressed his appreciation for State of Nevada’s official recognition of the ra and the Armenians in the 1920s: A Colonialist Armenian Genocide as well as Nevada Legislators who on April 14, 2015 adopted procla- The conference also witnessed parallel events: the Episode during the French Mandate”, Dr. Shoghi- mations at the State capitol, Carson City, in both the State Assembly and State Senate. launching of Shoghagat Apartian-Selimian’s musical gAshekian on “From Displacement to Repatriation: After the official remarks community members gathered at the future monument site CD “The Story Goes On”, dedicated to Aleppo, a Collective Memory and Personal Experience. The for the groundbreaking service lead by the clergy. Archpriest Fr. Nareg Matarian, Arch- round table on “the Syrian Crisis and the Syrian Arme- Case of Kesab”, Sose Pilavdjian on “The Syrian- priest Fr. Avedis Torossian, Fr. Arsen Kassabian, Pastor Sam Agulian, Pastor Nerses nians”, with the participation of the prelates of the Armenian Cultural Loss”, Hagop Mikayelian on Armenian Orthodox of Aleppo and Damascus, and the Kopalyan, Father Nadim Abou Zeid from the Lebanese Maronite St. Sharbel church as Head of the Armenian Evangelical Community in well Pastors from the Ethiopian and Assyrian churches participated in ground blessing Syria, a book signing ceremony of Mr. Garo Kouy- prayer service. oumjian four books, and an exhibition featuring Syri- The ceremonial first turning of the earth took place with the participation of Senator an-Armenian publications, Armenian copper crafts- Dean Heller, Congressman Cresent Hardy, Clark County Commission Chairman Steve manship, and Vartan Derounian’s photos of the Sisolak, Clark County Commissioner Mary Bath Scow, City of Las Vegas Councilwoman Armenian Refugee Camp of Aleppo. Lois Tarkanian, City of Las Vegas Councilman Stavros Anthony, Honorary Consul of The conference convened eight sessions on three Republic of Armenia in Las Vegas Andy Armenian and AACS President Levon Gul- consecutive days, covering thirty three topics, present- benkian. ed by twenty six scholars coming from the United Reverend Fathers, followed by representatives of all local Armenian-American organi- States, France, Germany, Japan, Armenia, Syria and zations, major donors and past and present AACS Board members took their turn for cere- Lebanon. monial turning of the earth. Panelists were Prof. Jon Armajani on “Syria’s Con- A cultural program followed where dancers from Armenian Dance Academy of Las stitutions and their Relationships to Minorities”, Dr. “Translations into Arabic: the Syrian Armenian Vegas performed several dances followed by recitation, songs and dances performed by Nora Arissian in absentia on “Armenian MPs of the Effort”, Khoren Krikorian on “Genocide Memory and ARS Shoushi Chapter Saturday School students. Syrian Parliament” and “The Armenians of Damas- the Syrian Armenians:Return to the Fatherland (Mem- At the conclusion of the program, Emcee Lenna Hovanessian thanked the Centennial cus”, Maria Kaprielian on “The Cultural Revival of the ory Anthropology)”,Dr. Tehminé Mardoyan on “The Commemoration Organizing Committee members and recognized the efforts of the com- Aleppo Prelacy: 1995 – 2015”, Prof. Talin Der Syrian Armenians in the Republic of Armenia and the mittee chairman Abe Kassamanian for his hard work. Hovanessian also thanked Clark Minassian on “Comintern Promoters: The Trajectory Republic of Mountainous Karabagh: Current Issues County Parks & Recreation Department management, staff and the park police for their of the Communist Armenians in Mandatory Syria”, Dr. and Likely Options of Resolutions”, Armenak Tok- valuable support. Arman Yeghiazarianon in absentia on “Syrian-Armeni- madjian on “Possible Plans of Reconstructing Alep- A large number of community members then headed to Las Vegas Boulevard where a ans and the Committee of Cultural Relations with the po”,Kevork Hagopian on “The Syrian Armenian Com- caravan of “Billboard Trucks” drove along the Strip all night long raising awareness about Diaspora”, Dr. Arthur Israelian on “State Relations of munity and the Post-Conflict Syrian State”. the Armenian Genocide Centennial to tens of thousands of tourists on Las Vegas Boule- Armenia and Syria (1992-2008)”, Firdus Zakarianon vard. in absentia on “The Diaspora Ministry and the Syrian Presentations and sessions were moderated by Dr. AACS is the first Armenian-American organization established in Nevada, founded in Armenians”, Varty Keshishian on “Aleppo as the Seat Arda Ekmekji, Dr. Zaven Messerlian, Dr. Anahid Don- 1978 and incorporated in 1981 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. AACS actively sup- of the Cilician Catholicosate (17th-18th C.)”,Dr. abedian, Dr. Armen Urneshlian, Dr. Baruyr Aghbashi- ports issues and concerns of the Armenian-American community in Nevada with a mis- Hidemitsu Kuroki on “Armenians in 19th Century an, Mrs. Vera Yacoubian, Dr. Antranig Dakessian and sion of preserving the history, culture and traditions of the Armenian people. Aleppo”, Prof. Simon Payaslian on “The Armenian Dr. Arshalouyse Topalian. 4/E JUNE 8 - JUNE 14, 2015

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 5 Armenian artists to know now Mexico City Philharmonic Art Radar handpicks five exciting Armenian artists you should Orchestra Presented Song know. Called “Armenia 1915” With the Armenian Pavilion winning the Golden Lion at the 56th Venice Biennale, and Armenia’s artists exhibiting On May 30 and 31, the Mexico City Philharmonic Orchestra internationally, we add the country’s artists to our radar. performed the song “Armenia 1915” under the direction of Jose Arian at the National Center for the Arts, writes Armenia is an ancient country in the Caucasus region and was and aesthetic principles. Sharafyan’s individual style includes both Entretenimiento.terra.com, reports armeniangenocide100.org. the first in the world to adopt Christianity as its official religion. It contemporary and traditional Armenian elements. Throughout his is therefore not entirely surprising that Armenian art has religious career, he has tried out various techniques such as collage, canvas, roots, such as its famous illu- acrylic paints, pastels and oils. He is represented by Armenia’s minated manuscripts (fifth- Gala Art Gallery. fourteenth centuries), Sharafyan teaches painting at the Yerevan State Fine Art Col- medieval decorated cross- lege, in addition to being an artist. He feels that he is helping to stones called khachkar and promote a civil democratic society by teaching his students not beautiful buildings such as only how to paint, but also how to become free thinkers. In the Cathedral of the Holy Sharafyan’s view, it is an artist’s job to comment on society and to Cross on Lake Van (tenth make people think about the world they live in. He attempted to do century), the walls of which so by creating images depicting the tragedy of the Armenian peo- are adorned with biblical ple during the Armenian Genocide. themes. While some modern In honour of the 100th Centennial of the Armenian Genocide, artists have been influenced the artist created a series entitled “Closed Doors” to symbolise the by modern techniques from personal tragedy of people who had to leave their own houses, other countries, others are their homeland and their personal story, which started beyond heavily influenced by tradi- those doors but ended up nowhere. The song is dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Geno- tions. Hrair Sarkissian, ‘Unexposed’, 2012, cide and is composed by Mexican musician Juan Arturo Brenan. Art Radar introduces you archival inkjet print, 137.5 x 110 cm. The audience especially liked the part of the song that was per- to five Armenian artists who Image courtesy the artist and Kalfayan formed by a dudukist. are making a mark on the Galleries, Athens-Thessaloniki. international stage. “For me, that in-depth sound symbolizes the voice of Diaspora Armenians living in distant countries in all four corners of the 1. Hrair Sarkissian globe,” the composer said. He also informed that the song Hrair Sarkissian trained in Syria, France and Holland. He is pre- “Armenia 1915” was “the response to the ongoing denial of the senting photos from his series “Unexposed” at the ongoing 56th annihilation of the Armenians, the intention to conceal it, as well Venice Biennale, where different facets of issues such as migra- as a small manifestation of memory in the year marking the cen- tion, persecution and displacement are deeply explored. The series tennial.” Armenia’s Ambassador to Mexico Grigor Hovhannisyan focuses on Armenians who are based in Turkey, on the sidelines of was also attending the concert. society due to their conversion to Christianity, but also not fully accepted in Armenia. The main themes in Sarkissian’s work are memory and identity, which are represented in photographs of urban settings. The pho- Moko Khachatryan, ‘Trees before sleep’, 2015, oil on canvas, 75 x 140 cm. Atom Egoyan Receives tographer attempts to evaluate historical, religious and social nar- Image courtesy Gala Art Gallery and the artist. ratives both on a collective and individual level. Sarkissian opens Canada’s Most Prestigious up a view into his own and his family’s experiences, linking the seen and unseen stories of the present and the past. 4. Moko Khachatryan Moko Khachatryan is most influenced by nature, which, she Award in Arts feels, has a lot of depth and energy. She used to create her works Some of Canada’s most renowned artists received lifetime with acrylic paint but has recently moved to oils, as she felt that achievement awards this year’s Governor General’s Performing the former is unable to depict the energy of nature in its full Arts Awards Gala, the country’s most prestigious award given for vibrancy. Her ideal project would be to start on a canvas that never artistic accomplishments. ends: she tells Art Radar that this would be her favourite piece. Khachatryan uses art to depict the tragedy of being: fear, hope, pain, loneliness and self-protective illusions. The light from which life began is the main feature in her creations. Her father was a famous painter as well, whose life has been a positive example and inspiration for the artist. Khachatryan is represented by Gala Art Gallery.

Hripsime Margaryan, ‘’Impression’’ series, 2012, mixed media on paper, 30 x 40 cm. Image courtesy the artist.

2. Hripsime Margaryan This Yerevan-born artist exhibits most of her work at the Val- Oscar-nominated Armenian Canadian filmmaker Atom Egoy- mar Art Gallery in Armenia. Margaryan was first introduced to art an, known for works such as “The Sweet Hereafter” and “The through her parents, who took her to see many art exhibitions. Her Captive,” was among the laureates at the award ceremony held father, Valmer, who also exhibits at the Valmar Art Gallery, has Saturday at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa. always advised and supported her. Other award winners included songwriter Sarah McLachlan, Margaryan has exhibited in Armenia at over 42 galleries. In her actress and director Diana Leblanc, composer and conductor Wal- art, she creates a dynamic and emotional world which reflects her ter Boudreau, and actor R. H. Thomson. worries, moods and feelings. Her pieces are highly abstract. Inspired by music and nature, she creates lighthearted composi- tions by combining lines and colours. Her aim is to show the view- OurOur er a coherent series of images, where every painting is a window into a beautiful, kind and positive world. She e-maile-mail addressesaddresses are:are: draws on her own gen- uine nature and her inner [email protected] world when creating both . Armenak Karapetjan, ‘The Musicians, Pomegranate and Mount Ararat’, abstract and realistic [email protected] 2015, oil on canvas. Image courtesy the artist and Hamlet Mejloumian. pieces. Her favourite painters are Gustav website: 5. Armenak Karapetjan Klimt (“the most emo- Karapetjan has exhibited in the Czech Republic, Russia, Ger- www. zartonkdaily.com tional painter she many and Belgium. The main theme of his paintings is the rela- knows”), Renoir (“the tionship between family members – the experience of people as gentle painter”), Picasso children and parents. His images are gentle in colour and shape, (“the brave painter”) and ZARTONK receives material from elegantly describing the love between family members as the life Dali (“the smartest around the world and in many languages. force at the centre of every person’s life. painter”). Our Liberal principles advocate ‘Freedom His work The Musicians, Pomegranate and Mount Ararat was of speech’ as a mainstay of our beliefs; consequently the subjects 3. Arthur Sharafyan part of a special project dedicated to the 100th Centennial of the and ideas presented will not necessarily reflect our point of view. Sharafyan has been Armenian Genocide, for which fifteen modern Armenian artists All published material is reviewed, however, we rely on the kind influenced by El Greco, Arthur Sharafyan, “Closed Doors” series, were chosen to create oil paintings from moments of Hamlet understanding of our audience when grammatical and spelling mis- takes are missed. And in some rare cases, correction of submitted having always felt 2015, oil on canvas, 120 x 100 cm. Image Mejoumian’s life in the nineteen months before 24 April 2015 – courtesy Gala Art Gallery the date of the 100th Centennial. material is purposely not addressed, if it changes the implied context Greco’s style in himself of the author. in terms of expressive and the artist. artradarjournal.com

Editor in Chief Sevag Hagopian Website: zartonkdaily.com P.O.Box: 11-617 & 175-348 Beirut-Lebanon Director in Charge Elie Hajj e-mail: [email protected] Tel./Fax: +961 1 444225