The Use of Stone and Hunting of Reindeer

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The Use of Stone and Hunting of Reindeer ARCHAEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 12 THE USE OF STONE AND HUNTING OF REINDEER By Lena Holm O m University of Umeå ° Ai. ^ Department of Archaeology ARCHAEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 12 Distribution: Department of Archaeology, University of Umeå S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden Lena Holm THE USE OF STONE AND HUNTING OF REINDEER A Study of Stone Tool Manufacture and Hunting of Large Mammals in the Central Scandes c. 6 000 - 1 BC. Akademisk avhandling, som för avläggande av filosofie doktors­ examen vid universitetet i Umeå kommer att offentligt för­ svaras i hörsal F, Humanisthuset, Umeå universitet, fredagen den 31 januari 1992 klockan 10.00. Abstract The thesis raises questions concerning prehistoric conditions in a high mountain region in central Scandinavia; it focuses on the human use of stone and on hunting principally of reindeer. An analysis of how the stone material was utilized and an approach to how large mammals were hunt­ ed result in a synthesis describing one interpretation of how the vast landscape of a region in the central Scandinavian high mountains was used. With this major aim as a base questions were posed concerning the human use of stone resources and possible changes in this use. Preconditions for the occurrence of large mammals as game animals and for hunting are also highlighted. A general perspective is the long time period over which possible changes in the use of stone and hunting of big game, encompassing the Late Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age and to a certain extent the Early Iron Age. Considering the manufacture of flaked stone tools, debitage in the form of flakes from a dwelling, constitute the base where procurement and technology are essential. The occupation of the dwelling covers a period from the Late Mesolithic to the Bronze Age. Possible changes in lithic use are discussed based on an analysis of debitage which includes testing variables reflecting various steps in the process of flaked stone tool manufacture. Also, the results are discussed from a methodological aspect; the classificatory aspect of analyzing large flake assemblages is implied. The result of the flake analysis indicates differences in the use of stone from the Late Mesolithic to the Bronze Age/Early Iron Age. These differences are interpreted in a three-part chronological division and as theoretically proceeding in a manufacturing process of five steps including acquisi­ tion, reduction through three steps and use of completed tools. A pattern, dividing the Bronze Age use of stone from that of the Neolithic and Late Mesolithic is discerned and discussed in terms of changes in procurement strategies and technology. Also, social organization is touched upon. When approaching the issue of hunting the character of data differ; archaeological and palaeo- environmental data together comprise the base for a discussion of possible changes. This is based on a theoretical model applied in a hypothetical research design. Archaeological categories of remains relevant in hunting contexts together with ethnographic and traditional hunting techniques are discussed. They constitute the base and illustrate possible variables in the testing of the hypo­ thetical model. Changes in the Holocene climate are clear, just as changes in the archaeological record are observable. Together these circumstances indicate changes in the hunting process. The structural changes in economy and society that occur in central and north Scandinavia during stone-using periods are discernible in the region studied here. Key words: High mountains, hunter-gatherers, use of resources, stone tool manufacture, reindeer hunting, landscape use, seasonality. Lena Holm, Department of Archaeology, University of Umeå, S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden. Umeå 1991 ISBN 91-7174-634-X ISSN 0281-5877 viii+141 pp. ARCHAEOLOGY and ENVIRONMENT 12 A dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy University of Umeå 1992 Department of Archaeology S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden Lena Holm THE USE OF STONE AND HUNTING OF REINDEER A Study of Stone Tool Manufacture and Hunting of Large Mammals in the Central Scandes A. c. 6 000 -1 BC. Abstract The thesis raises questions concerning prehistoric conditions in a high mountain region in central Scandinavia; it focuses on the human use of stone and on hunting principally of reindeer. An analysis of how the stone material was utilized and an approach to how large mammals were hunted result in a synthesis describing one interpretation of how the vast landscape of a region in the central Scandinavian high mountains was used. With this major aim as a base questions were posed concerning the human use of stone resources and possible changes in this use. Preconditions for the occurrence of large mammals as game animals and for hunting are also highlighted. A general perspective is the long time period over which possible changes in the use of stone and hunting of big game are examined, encompassing the Late Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age and to a certain extent the Early Iron Age. Considering the manufacture of flaked stone tools, debitage in the form of flakes from a dwelling, constitute the base where procurement and technology are essential. The occupation of the dwelling covers a period from the Late Mesolithic to the Bronze Age. Possible changes in lithic use are discussed based on an analysis of debitage which includes testing variables reflecting various steps in the process of flaked stone tool manu­ facture. Also, the results are discussed from a methodological aspect; the classificatory aspect of analyzing large flake assemblages is implied. The result of the flake analysis indicates differences in the use of stone from the Late Mesolithic to the Bronze Age/Early Iron Age. These differences are interpreted in a three-part chronological division and as theoretically proceeding in a manufacturing process of five steps including acquisition, reduction through three steps and use of completed tools. A pattern, dividing the Bronze Age use of stone from that of the Neolithic and Late Mesolithic is discerned and discussed in terms of changes in procurement strategies and technology. Also, social organization is touched upon. When approaching the issue of hunting the character of data differ; archaeological and paleoenvironmental data together comprise the base for a discussion of possible changes. This is based on a theoretical model applied in a hypothetical research design. Archaeol­ ogical categories of remains relevant in hunting contexts together with ethnographic and traditional hunting techniques are discussed. They constitute the base and illustrate poss­ ible variables in the testing of the hypothetical model. Changes in the Holocene climate are clear, just as changes in the archaeological record are observable. Together these cir­ cumstances indicate changes in the hunting process. The structural changes in economy and society that occur in central and north Scandin­ avia during stone-using periods are discernible in the region studied here. Key words: High mountains, hunter-gatherers, use of resources, stone tool manufacture, reindeer hunting, landscape use, seasonality. Lena Holm, Department of Archaeology, University of Umeå, S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden. Umeå 1991 ISBN 91-7174-634-X ISSN 0281-5877 viii+141 pp. ARCHAEOLOGY and ENVIRONMENT 12 THE USE OF STONE AND HUNTING OF REINDEER A Study of Stone Tool Manufacture and Hunting of Large Mammals in the Central Scandes c. 6 000-1 BC By Lena Holm University of Umeå Department of Archaeology Illustrations by the author. ISBN 91-7174-634-X ISSN 0281-5877 © Lena Holm Tryckeri CITY AB, Umeå Umeå, 1991 v PREFACE At my first "Stone Age excavation" in the interior of Also, I am thankful for the rapid work Rolf Lie did on the county of Västerbotten I remember being fasci­ the osteological analysis and for his patience with all nated by quartzite flakes. But little did I imagine then my telephone calls. The Rana-Tärna mountains con­ that flakes were going to occupy me for several years. tinue to be well investigated in several fields. Leif Although I do not consider stones or rocks as dead Kullman and Roger Engelmark with their palaeo- material, certainly a set of people can breath "life" into environmental investigations are acknowledged for them, when they transform them into usable items. having contributed with discussions and personal Hunting was one of the bases in the Stone Age econ­ information of great value. omy of the interior of North Sweden and still is for The Flint Alternatives Workshop has been impor­ those living there. When you do several years of field- tant for me. There I have been able to present papers work in such an environment, working together with and have my study critically examined. Special thanks hunters, your dormant interest in this field is naturally to Caroline, Eva, Jackie, Kjel and Tuija. woken. Fortunately, it is possible to study both aspects, The years of fieldwork in the high mountains was manufacture and hunting, without having to practise partly conducted under the auspices of the Västerbot­ them oneself. Right from the very beginning, from my ten County Museum, where I also spent several hours first course in archaeology, the hunter-gatherer socie­ doing reports and research. The staff of the museum ties have been my main interest and there has never and colleagues in the field made much of the work been any uncertainty about the direction of the thesis. easier, and Lasse Spång, always ready for discussions, Against this background the outline of this thesis be­ has always given a helping hand. The excavated mate­ comes understandable. rial from the Rana area is deposited in the Kungliga My doctoral studies started some years ago. All the Norska Videnskapers Selskab Museum in Trondheim. time my supervisor, professor Evert Baudou has guid­ I have spent many late hours in the basement, and my ed me with his wide experience and given me good stays always turned out to be pleasant thanks to col­ advice.
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