Name: ______Date: ______Pd. ______EES - ____1. A has a steeper slope than ____4. In the two diagrams below, the length of stream B. However, the average water the arrows represents the relative velocities velocity of stream B is greater than that of of stream flow at various places in a stream. stream A. Which is the most reasonable Diagram I shows the different water explanation for this? velocities across the surface. Diagram II (1) Stream B has a higher average shows the different water velocities at temperature. various depths. (2) Stream B has more friction to overcome along its banks. (3) Stream B has a greater volume of water. (4) Stream B has a curved streambed.

____2. The diagram below represents a cross section of sedimentary deposits. Where would this type of most likely occur? At which location in the stream is the water velocity greatest? (1) at the sides along the bottom (2) at the sides near the surface (3) at the center along the bottom (4) at the center near the surface

____5. The map below represents a view of a flowing stream. The letters identify locations (1) in a fed by a stream in the stream near the interface between (2) beneath a large glacier land and water. At which two locations is (3) at the in a stream due to flowing water likely to be (4) at the base of a shifting sand greatest?

____3. Stream velocity and stream were recorded continuously at the same location in a stream . Which graph best shows the relationship between stream velocity and stream discharge at this location?

(1) (3)

(1) A and B (3) A and D (2) B and D (4) B and C

____6. Which rock particles will remain suspended in water for the longest time? (2) (4) (1) clay (3) sand (2) pebbles (4) silt

Ms. Lee ____7. How are dissolved materials carried in a ____10. The map below shows the sizes of ? deposited in different locations (1) in suspension within a stream and lake. A sample of (2) by precipitation sediments taken from one location consists (3) by bouncing and rolling mostly of particles that are approximately (4) in solution 0.4 centimeter in diameter. From which location was the sample most ____8. A sample of rounded quartz sediments of likely collected? different particle sizes is dropped into a container of water. Which graph best shows the settling time for these particles?

(1) (3) From which location was the sample most likely collected? (1) A (3) C (2) B (4) D

____11. The four particles shown in the table below are of equal volume and are dropped into a column filled with water.

(2) (4)

____9. A stream entering a lake deposits sediments on the lake bottom in the pattern shown on the map below.

Which particle would usually settle most rapidly? (1) A (3) C (2) B (4) D

Which corner of the map is nearest to the point where the stream flows into the lake? (1) northeast (NE) (3) southwest (SW) (2) northwest (NW) (4) southeast (SE)

Ms. Lee ____12. Four quartz samples of equal size and ____15. The diagram below shows a portion of a shape were placed in a stream. Which of the stream. four quartz samples below has most likely been transported farthest in the stream?

(1) (3)

(2) (4)

____13. A sedimentary particle is dropped into a The sand bars formed as a direct result of cylinder of water. The particle will take the (1) deposition due to an increase in stream longest time to settle if the particle has velocity (1) low density, small size, and flattened (2) deposition due to a decrease in stream shape velocity (2) low density, small size, and spherical (3) erosion due to an increase in stream shape velocity (3) high density, large size, and spherical (4) erosion due to a decrease in stream shape velocity (4) high density, large size, and flattened shape ____16. The map below shows the top view of a meandering stream as it enters a lake. ____14. The map below represents a river as it enters a lake.

At which points along the stream are erosion and deposition dominant? (1) Erosion is dominant at B and D, and At which locations is the amount of deposition is dominant at A and C. deposition greater than the amount of (2) Erosion is dominant at A and C, and erosion? deposition is dominant at B and D. (1) A, C, and E (3) B, C, and F (3) Erosion is dominant at A and D, and (2) A, D, and E (4) B, D, and F deposition is dominant at B and C. (4) Erosion is dominant at B and C, and deposition is dominant at A and D.

Ms. Lee ____17. The map below shows a stream flowing ____19. The diagrams below show the stages, A into a lake. Locations A, B, and C are at the through D, in the formation of an oxbow lake water's edge, and location D is on the lake over a period of time. [The arrows indicate bottom. the direction of streamflow.]

Which statement best describes erosion and deposition in this stream area (1) Erosion is dominant at B and D; deposition is dominant at A and C. (2) Erosion is dominant at B and C; deposition is dominant at A and D. (3) Erosion is dominant at A and D; deposition is dominant at B and C. (4) Erosion is dominant at A and C; deposition is dominant at B and D.

____18. The map below shows a meandering stream. Points A, B, C, and D represent locations along the stream bottom.

Oxbow are generally formed by (1) deposition, resulting in a sudden increase in the stream's gradient (2) deposition along the outside banks of the curve in a meandering stream (3) erosion, resulting in a sudden increase in the stream's gradient (4) erosion along the outside banks of the curve in a meandering stream

At which location is the greatest amount of most likely being deposited? (1) C (3) D (2) A (4) B

Ms. Lee Ms. Lee ____20. The map below shows a river emptying into an ocean, producing a delta.

Which graph best represents the relationship between the distance from the into the ocean and the average size of sediments deposited on the ocean floor? (1)




Ms. Lee Answer Key [New Exam]

1. 3

2. 1

3. 1

4. 4

5. 3

6. 1

7. 4

8. 3

9. 3

10. 1

11. 4

12. 1

13. 1

14. 3

15. 2

16. 4

17. 4

18. 1

19. 4

20. 1

Ms. Lee