10.2.2009 Nro 3 994 Next issue stopdate and address for loggings and gossips: MONDAY, 22.2.2010 to: Jari Lehtinen, Saimaankatu 7 C 51, 15140 LAHTI web: http://clusive.sdxl.org email:
[email protected] Editor-in-Chief: Jari Lehtinen (JLN)........ …
[email protected] ……...….…….…. 03 - 7830 598 Euronews: Jarmo Patala (JP)................
[email protected] .......... 0400 – 610301 Afronews: Jari Korhonen (JJK)……… Asian-Oceanian News: Jari Savolainen (JSA)…….
[email protected] ………………….05 - 3631 791 North-American Newswatch: Tapio Kalmi (TAK).......…
[email protected] ................050 – 521 6027 Ultimas Noticias: Jari Lehtinen (JLN)………
[email protected] ………………….03 – 7830 598 Loggings & Hot News: Jari Lehtinen (JLN)........….
[email protected]...……….…....... 03 - 7830 598 Commando Solo broadcasting to Haiti on 1030 kHz AM The U.S. military has begun airborne broadcasts as part of the relief effort to help earthquake victims in Haiti. Broadcasts are conducted by "Commando Solo" aircraft of the Air Force Special Operations Command's 193rd Special Operations Wing, based in Pennsylvania. According to the U.S. Department of Defense, AM transmissions are aired on 1030 kHz AM, as well as on 92.4 and 104.1 MHz FM. In coordination with the government of Haiti, the U.S. Joint Task Force-Haiti (JTF-Haiti) is broadcasting news and information on public health, safety and aid distribution. CNN reports that also messages discouraging Haitians from trying to flee to the United States have been aired. CNN, citing U.S. authorities, says that broadcasts last five hours daily, but no schedule has been published. Commando Solo's frequency of 1030 kHz is the same as that of Radio Ginen in the Haitian capital Port- au-Prince.