•• •• aCl lC Cl lzell Newsstand: 25¢ National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League (60 ~ Postpaid), ISSN:0030-8579 / WholeNo.2,357 / VoI.101 No. 12 941 E. 3rd St. #200, Los Angeles, CA 90013 (213) 626-69~6 Friday. September 20, 1985 California assemblyman's comments spark protests SACRAMENTO-During a Sep­ September 13, saying, " Your re­ ization, the Japanese community tember 12 debate over a bill that marks reveal a woeful ignorance included, is a proper expenditure would provide $750,000 in state of histOIY which I can only believe of public funds. " He added that he matching funds to the Japanese has led to an incredible lack of had also opposed a measure that American National Museum in sensitivity toward your fellow would fund a museum commemo­ Los Angeles, Assemblyman Gil Americans. " He demanded an rating the Holocaust F ergusoo (R-Newport Beach) apology. " I am sorry that anyone would sharply criticized the proposal, Matsui, along with Wakabaya­ attempt to use me or my remarks drawing approving chants of shi in a separate letter, cited the to forment public divisiveness," · Rambo" from some of his Re­ contributions of Japanese Ameri­ he said. "My votes and voice were publican colleagues. cans who fought in Europe and the . .. not in opposition to any partic­ " I remind you of WW2 ," said Pacific during WW2 . ular race, religion or group." Fergusoo, a retired Marine lieu­ In a statement issued in re­ Authored by Sen. Art Torres (0- tenant colonel. He added that Ma­ sponse to charges of racism, Fer­ S. Pasadena) and passed by a 27- rine WW2 veterans collected guson said, "They are either mis­ 10.1 vote in the state senate, the bill ' nickels and dimes" to build informed as to what I actually said will provide the funds if the city of themselves a monument. " If the or they have chosen to misinter­ Los Angeles commits $1 million in Alota courtesy Calif. Council lor the Humanities Japanese can't do that, they pret my remarks .. .I am a fiscal matching funds for the museum. Sankaijuku members, covered with white powder, perform on stage. sho~dn ' t have [a museum]," he conservative. I do not believe that Despite the outburst in the assem­ declared. voting rmney from the public trea­ bly, the measure passed by a 57-to- At that point, several Republi­ sury to any private group or organ- 20 vote. Sankaijuku member killed in accident can legislators reportedly grouped around Ferguson and chanted ~~ ~ News ~ ",· in Brief." ..mB'· BI SEATTLE- The remaining U.S. white powder , act out themes of Rambo, Rambo, Rambo," a ref­ tour of the Tokyo dance troupe birth and death while being low­ erence to the popular Sylvester L.A. Asians sign statement opposing Farrakhan Sankaijuku has been canceled fol­ ered slowly to the ground with Stallone film about a Vietnam vet LOS ANGELES-The 70 labor, civil rights, religious and political lead­ lowing the death of member Y 0 - ropes tied around their ankles. It who single-handedly battles the ers who signed a full-page ad in the September 13 L.A. Times denoWlc­ shiyuki Takac s. on September 10. had been perfonned worldwide Vietnamese while rescuing POWs. ing Natio~ of Islam leader Louis Farrakh.an included Harry Kajihara, During a 'hanging dance" per­ without incident until now. Assemblyman Richard Floyd (D-Hawthorne) called Ferguson's JACL Pacific Southwest district governor; City O>uncilman Mike Woo' formance in which four troupe The tour was to have been San­ Lily Chen, former mayor of Monterey Park; and Stewart Kwoh As~ members were suspended by rope kaijuku's second in the U.S. The statement ' nasty, low-living rac­ ist remarks." Pacific American Legal Center. Paid for by Jewish Federation COWlCil from the top of the Mutual Life first began last year at the Olym­ of Greater L.A. , the ad reads, in part: "Bigotry, whatever color or Building in P ioneer Square, Taka­ pic Arts Festival in Los Angeles. " You are a disgrace making those kinds of remarks on the form it takes, deserves the unequivocal condemnation of people of da fell six stories when his rope This year's schedule had includ­ good will. " PSW regional director John Saito was among the speakers snapped. He died soon afterward ed appearances Sept. 12-14 at floor," he said. In response to the incident, at a press conference held that day by American Jewish Committee. at Harborview Medical Center. He Meany Hall in Seattle, Sept. 20-21 The protests were in response to a local appearance by Farrakhan, was an eight-year veteran of the at UC Berkeley, and Sept. 27 at JACL called a press conference September 17 at its national head­ who has drawn criticism for, among other statements, speaking of the five-member group. Japan America Theater in Los " wickedness of the Jews" and calling Judaism a "gutter religion." Angeles. A spokesman for the quarters in San Francisco. Nation­ al director Ron Wakabayashi Sankaijuku performs in the group said there would be no per­ Women's commission protests 'Yearofthe Dragon' avant garde buto style of dance formances for one year. called on Gov. G€Orge Deukmeji­ theater. In the hanging dance, Refunds far the L.A. performance an to repudiate the behavior of LOS ANGELES-Members of the L.A. County Commission for WODlEJl troupe members, heads shaven, listed in last week's PC can be obtained Fergusoo and the chanting assem­ have voted 7-4, with one abstention, to send letters of protest to MGM-UA nearly naked and covered with by calling (213) 680-3700 . bly members and on Assembly and director Michael Cimino for the portrayal of an Asian American Speaker Willie Brown to censure woman reporter in the film "Year of the Dragon." The motion, request­ those involved. ed by Assn. of Asian Pacific American Artists and submitted by com­ Riclumnd city councilman Dav­ missioner Miya Iwataki, focused on a scene offorced sex between the Chinese American loses council race id MacDiarmid said the council hero, a white detective, and the reporter. The film's message, said would consider a resolution repu­ commissioner Sandra Klasky, is that "you can beat, batter and rape a NEW YORK-Despite the en­ Stuyvesant Town, the East Vil­ diating Ferguson's remarks and woman and she comes up loving it." O>mmissioner Maria Avila, woo dorsements of Mayor Ed Koch and lage, Little Italy, the Lower East the actions of the assemblymen. had seen the film, disagreed about the scene, saying, "I think she the New York Times, Virginia Kee Side, Soho and Tribeca as well as Also speaking at the press con­ enjoyed it. I don't think he really forced it. " . lost to incumbent Miriam Fried­ Chinatown. ference were attorney Steve Doi; lander in a bid to become the first She attacked the incumbent's 12- Chet Tanaka, 442nd RCT veteran Boston policeman found guilty of misconduct Asian American on the city coun­ year record, saying, " Everything and fOtmding member of Go For BOSTON-Detective Francis Kelly was found guilty September 6 of cil. we have we have done without Broke, Inc.; Shig Kihara, fonner­ falsifying police records and using excessive force in arresting Chinese The two vied for the Democratic Miriam." ly of the Army's Military Intelli­ immigrant Long Guang Huang and was sentenced to a one-year sus­ nomination in the September 10 Friedlander, an opponent of gence school; Ann Saito Howden, pension without pay, according to East West. Kelly had claimed that he primary for the 2nd District (Low­ Mayor Koch's policies, portrayed former internee and a member of was struck by Huang while arresting him for soliciting a prostitute, but er Manhattan) council seat. Fried­ Kee as the "candidate ofthe rich. " the S.F. Fire Commission; Carol witnesses said that Huang had simply been walking down the street lander was seeking a fourth term "The Mayor has made it better MacDiannid of Assemblyman when he was grabbed and hit by Kelly. Huang was acquitted of all on the council ; Kee had served for the rich in this community," Robert Campbell's office; and charges August 23. Cindy Mark, an observer at Kelly's police hearing, eight years on the Democratic said Friedlander. " She is his can­ Louise Renne, S.F . Board of Su­ quoted Kelly's attorney, Thomas Troy, as suggesting that Huang was a State O>mmittee--ironically, a didate. I want to make it better for pervisors. commtmist and saying, " I won't get too close to him because he might post she was elected to with the poor. That is why he wants to Rep. Robert Matsui (D-Calif.) , throw in a couple of karate punches." Michael Powers, Huang's attor­ Friedlander's support. get rid of me. " who represents the Sacramento ney, said Troy's statements were " racist remarks." Kee, a public school teacher for Kee accused Friedlander of be­ area, sent a letter to Ferguson on 20 years, had served on the China­ ing too rigid and opposing develop­ Episcopalians pass resolution supporting redress town Planning Council and Com­ ment. "We are not going to make because developers were required ANAHEIM, Calif.-The Episcopal Church, at its 68th aMual general munity Board #3 and was vice the whole city of New York into a to make amenities available to the convention, passed a resolution supporting redress bills HR 442 in the' chair of the New York delegation class struggle between the rich community. House and S1053 in the Senate on September 9. The resolution was to the 1000 Democratic convention.
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