Of Japan from More of America
•• •• aCl lC Cl lzell Newsstand: 25¢ National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League (60 ~ Postpaid), ISSN:0030-8579 / WholeNo.2,357 / VoI.101 No. 12 941 E. 3rd St. #200, Los Angeles, CA 90013 (213) 626-69~6 Friday. September 20, 1985 California assemblyman's comments spark protests SACRAMENTO-During a Sep September 13, saying, " Your re ization, the Japanese community tember 12 debate over a bill that marks reveal a woeful ignorance included, is a proper expenditure would provide $750,000 in state of histOIY which I can only believe of public funds. " He added that he matching funds to the Japanese has led to an incredible lack of had also opposed a measure that American National Museum in sensitivity toward your fellow would fund a museum commemo Los Angeles, Assemblyman Gil Americans. " He demanded an rating the Holocaust F ergusoo (R-Newport Beach) apology. " I am sorry that anyone would sharply criticized the proposal, Matsui, along with Wakabaya attempt to use me or my remarks drawing approving chants of shi in a separate letter, cited the to forment public divisiveness," · Rambo" from some of his Re contributions of Japanese Ameri he said. "My votes and voice were publican colleagues. cans who fought in Europe and the . .. not in opposition to any partic " I remind you of WW2 ," said Pacific during WW2 . ular race, religion or group." Fergusoo, a retired Marine lieu In a statement issued in re Authored by Sen. Art Torres (0- tenant colonel. He added that Ma sponse to charges of racism, Fer S. Pasadena) and passed by a 27- rine WW2 veterans collected guson said, "They are either mis 10.1 vote in the state senate, the bill ' nickels and dimes" to build informed as to what I actually said will provide the funds if the city of themselves a monument.
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