BIBLIOTHEEK Nitrate Leaching from Non-Grazed Grassland Osimiy*Äspbouw Experimental Data for Testing of Simulation Models
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BIBLIOTHEEK Nitrate leaching from non-grazed grassland oSIMiy*ÄSpBOUW experimental data for testing of simulation models A Dutch contribution toth e EC project 'Nitrate insoils ' EJ . Jansen 0000 0521 5658 c * KB. ®93 DLO Winand Staring Centre, Wageningen (The Netherlands), 1991 rV I u ',-/J » ABSTRACT E.J. Jansen, 1991.Nitrate leachingfrom non-grazedgrassland on a sandysoil: experimental data for testing of simulationmodels; a Dutch contributionto the ECproject 'Nitrate in soils'. Wageningen (The Netherlands), the DLO Winand Staring Centre. Report 26. 67 p.; 16 figs.; 15 tables; 22 ref. Within the EC-project 'Nitrate in soils' research groups in six different countries carried out studies on nitrogen transport and transformation processes in soil and groundwater. One of the main purposes of the project was the evaluation of available nitrogen simulation models,usin g experimental datao f field studies, mainly focussed onnitrat e leaching. One of thedataset s used ispresente d in thisrepor t andconsist s of data from a field study of a non-grazed grassland system with application of both cattle slurry and mineral fertilizer. Thedatase tcomprise s timeindependen tbackgroun ddat aa swel l as timeserie s of datao nphysica l parameters andnitroge n fluxes. Keywords: cattle slurry, field study, grassland, hydrology, manure injection, mineral fertilizer, nitrate leaching, nitrogen, sandy soil. ISSN 0927-4537 ©1991 The DLO Winand Staring Centre for Integrated Land, Soil andWate r Research, Postbus 125, 6700 AC Wageningen (The Netherlands); phone: +31837074200; fax: +31837024812; telex: 75230 VISI-NL The DLO Winand Staring Centre is continuing the research of: Institute for Land andWate r Management Research (ICW), Institute for Pesticide Research, Environment Division (IOB), Dorschkamp Research Institute for Forestry and Landscape Planning, Division of Landscape Planning (LB), and Soil Survey Institute (STIBOKA). No parto f this publication mayb e reproduced orpublishe d in anyfor m orb y anymeans , orstore di n adat a base or retrieval system, without the written permission of the DLOWinan d Staring Centre. Project 155.11 [JEJ] CONTENTS Page PREFACE 9 SUMMARY 11 1 INTRODUCTION 13 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERIMENT 15 2.1 Objectives of the experiment 15 2.2 Lay-out of the experiment 15 3 SITE INFORMATION 19 3.1 Location of the experimental field 19 3.2 Geohydrology of the area 22 3.3 Land use 22 3.4 Soil profile 23 3.5 Water retention characteristics 23 3.6 Hydraulic conductivity 24 3.7 Soil chemical data and particle size distribution 25 4 MONITORING OF PHYSICAL PARAMETERS 27 4.1 Meteorology 27 4.2 Evapotranspiration 29 4.3 Soil moisture contents 29 4.4 Soil temperature 31 4.5 Groundwater table 31 5 MONITORING OF NITROGEN FLUXES 33 5.1 Fertilizer management 33 5.2 Nitrogen in the crop 36 5.3 Mineral nitrogen in the soil 37 5.4 Nitrate leaching 39 5.5 Nitrogen concentrations in the deeper groundwater 40 5.6 Atmospheric deposition 40 REFERENCES 41 ANNEX 1 File with the general background data 43 2 Example of a file with water retention characteristics 45 3 File with hydraulic conductivity data 47 4 File with soil chemical data and particle size distribution 49 5 File with meteorological data 51 6 File with évapotranspiration data 53 7 Example of a file with soil moisture content data 55 8 File with soil temperature data 57 9 Example of a file with groundwater level data 59 10 Example of a file with management data 61 11 Example of a file with crop data 63 12 Example of a file with soil mineral nitrogen data 65 13 Example of a file with nitrate concentration data 67 FIGURES 1 Design of the experimentalfield nea r Ruurlo 16 2 Cross-section of part of the equipment for injection of slurry into the soil 17 3 Map of The Netherlands 19 4 Topographic map of the area south of Ruurlo, indicating the location of the experimental field 20 5 Plan of the experimental field near Ruurlo with the location of the different plots and the location and depths of the ditches 21 6 Simplified geological profile of East Gelderland 22 7 Water retention curves of four layers at the experimental field near Ruurlo 23 8 Hydraulic conductivity curves for the two functional layers occurring at the Ruurlo experimental site 25 9 Mean air temperatures in the years 1980-1985a t the Meteorological Station Almen 27 10 Precipitation at the experimental field nearRuurl o in the years 1980, 1981 and 1984 28 11 Penman open water evaporation in the years 1980-1985 at the Meteorological Station Winterswijk 29 12 Moisture contents in the rootzone and in the layer 0-100 cm-soil surface at field3 7 atth e Ruurlo experimental site as measured in the years 1980-1982 30 13 Soil temperature at three different depths at the Ruurlo experimental site as measured in the years 1980-1983 30 14 Groundwater level during the experimental period (1980-1985) at the Ruurlo experimentalfield, plo t number 37 31 15 Time series of mineral nitrogen content in the top 100c m of the soil at plot numbers 30 and 37 at the Ruurlo experimental field 38 16 Installation of four ceramic cups at adept h of approximately 1 meter to sample the percolating soil water 39 TABLES 1 Planned application rates of cattle slurry atth e experimentalfield nea r Ruurlo 15 2 Planned application rates of mineral-N fertilizer and the distribution overth e individual grass cuts during the growing season for the different N-levels at the experimental field near Ruurlo 16 3 Numbers of plots, indicating the combinations of mineral-N fertilizer level and cattle slurry application, on which nitrate leaching has been studied at the experimental field near Ruurlo 17 4 Some physical properties of the soil at the Ruurlo experimental site,use d for classification of functional layers 24 5 Some chemical soil properties of different layers at the Ruurlo experimental site 26 6 Groundwater level at each experimental plot relative to the groundwater level at plot number 56 and distances of all plots to the ditches 32 7 Dates of application of mineral-N fertilizer at the experimental field at Ruurlo prior to each grass cut 33 8 Amount of mineral-N fertilizer applied prior to each grass cut for each N-level at the Ruurlo experimental field 33 9 Dates of application and amounts of phosphate, potassium and magnesium applied with mineral fertilizer at the Ruurlo experimental field 34 10 Dates and technique of application of cattle slurry and actual amounts applied on the different treatments at the Ruurlo experimental field 35 11 Average content of dry matter, organic matter, total-N, ammonium-N, phosphate, and potassium of the applied cattle slurry 35 12 Harvest dates of grass cuts at the Ruurlo experimental site for each year 36 13 Annual N-uptake by the grass (harvested part only) for each year of the plots where leaching has been studied at the Ruurlo experimental site 37 14 Initial mineral-N content of different layers for each groupo f plots atth e Ruurlo experimental field, sampled on 12-3-1980 at the start of the experiment 38 15 Annual N-leaching of the studied plots for each year 40 PREFACE In the EC-project 'Nitrate in soils', carried out during the years 1988-1990, several datasets of field studies were used for the evaluation of available nitrogen simulation models. One of these datasets consists of data of an experiment near Ruurlo in the Netherlands, and was made available by the DLO Winand Staring Centre. The draft version ofthi sdatase tha sbee ndistribute d amongth eparticipant so f theprojec t 'Nitrate in soils' in 1989, whilst additional information on the site was supplied in 1990. Therefore, already since that time,th e datahav e been used in simulation studies. Sinceonl y abrie f summary of theuse d datai sinclude di nth efina l report ofth e project (CEC, 1991),a separate report isno w issued containingth efina l version of the dataset. Compared to the draft version, this definitive version of thedatase t has been extended with datao f additionalplots . Besidesth eDL OWinan d StaringCentre ,th edat acompile d inthi srepor twer ecollecte d by several other intitutes: - Institute for Soil Fertility, Haren,(IB) ; - the Dutch Fertilizer Institute (NMI); - Centre for Agrobiological Research, Wageningen, (CABO) ; - Research Station for Cattle, Sheep and Horse Husbandry, Lelystad (PR). Their contribution to this dataset is greatly acknowledged. For a clear understanding of the description of the dataset in this report and the accompanying datafiles, it is recommended also to consult the report on the standardization of datafiles by Kragt &Janse n (1991). If not enclosed in this report, the data can be obtained on a diskette by contacting the following adress: The DLOWinan d Staring Centre for Integrated Land, Soil and Water Research, Department of Environmental Protection P.O. Box 125 6700A C Wageningen The Netherlands Phone: +31837074200 Fax: +31837024812 Telex: 75230VISI-N L SUMMARY The EC-project 'Nitrate in soils' included research on field measurements and on simulation of nitrogen transport and transformation processes in soil and groundwater. One of the main purposes of the project was the evaluation of different nitrogen simulation models, covering arang e of different modelling approaches. The evaluation of the models was mainly focussed on nitrate leaching. Data of several field studies,includin ga rang eo fdifferen t soils,hydrologica lcondition s andagricultura l practices, have been used for this evaluation. One of these datasets, presented here, consists of experimental datafro m afiel d study of a non-grazed grassland system on a sandy soil near Ruurlo,Th e Netherlands.