Witherley Parish Council Serving the communities of Witherley, Fenny Drayton, Ratcliffe Culey and Atterton Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 14th September 2017, 7.30 p.m. At St Michael and All Angels’ Church, Fenny Drayton. PRESENT: Councillors: B Conway (Chairman), M Simpson, M Cook, C Harding, R Reading, R Trivett, A Wright, A Brittain, A Cartwright, A Forsyth (Clerk). Borough Councillor K Morrell, County Councillor Ivan Ould. APOLOGIES: Councillors: A Hampshire, G Robinson. The meeting began at 7.32 p.m. ACTION 1336: WELCOME AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies had been tendered from Cllrs Robinson and Hampshire, their apologies were accepted. 1337: DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: There were none. 1338: PUBLIC QUESTION TIME: There were no members of the public present. 1339: APPROVAL AND SIGNING OF MINUTES: The minutes of the council meeting held on 13th July were agreed and signed as correct. 1340: COUNTY COUNCILLOR REPORT: Cllr Ould reported: • Victim First is a free, independent, and confidential service provided by the Police and Crime Commissioner and delivered by Catch22. Anyone affected by crime or anti-social behaviour can take advantage of: · Emotional support to cope and recover from crime · Information and advice · Access to (and co-ordination of) wider specialist support · Advice on crime prevention · Practical support such as a personal alarm or window/door alarm · On-site Mental Health nurse · Restorative justice The Freephone No is 0800 953 9595 E Mail by self-referral www.victimfirst.org or using the Secure mailbox
[email protected] • Leicestershire Safer Communities Board is a partnership organisation made up the Borough and District Community Safety Partnerships, the Police, the Fire Service, the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Clinical Commissioning Groups, and the County Council; it has authorised for the Police 101 system to be revised, with staff currently being trained to present the Service in a more effective way.