DIRECTORY.] .. . 749 tion, archdeaconry 01 and diocese of Peterborough. IPierrepont Hon. Evelyn H. Higham grange, The Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch canal passes about a mile to the west. Richards Col. S. Smith Crosland, Burbage ho. near Hinckley The town 18 lighted with gas by a Company,formed in 1874-5. Scott Charles Norman Lindsay ToUemache esq. Bosworth The water 8upply is obtained from springs and wells. The park, Hinckley church of St. Peter is a building of stone, in the late Gothic Stephen Oscar Leslie esq. Stuart ho. Cadogan sq. sw style of the 17th century, consisting of spacious chancel, Titley Rev. Richard M.A. Rectory, , Hinckley nave, aisles, south porch and an embattled tower, with lofty Watson Rev. Canon Henry Lacon M.A. Sharnford rectory, spire, containing a clock and 5 bells: the church was re- Hinckley paired and restored in 1859, and contains a fine font: there Wollaston Frederick Eustace Arbuthnott esq. D.L. are two monuments to Sir Willoughby Wolstan Dixie bart. d. hall, N uueaton 1827, and his son, Sir W. W. Dixie bart. d. 23 June 1850 and Worsley-Worswick Col. Richard, Normanton hall, Hinckley Lady Olive Dixie, and to the Rev. John Dixie, a former Clerk to the Magistrates, S. Pilgrim, Castle st. Hinckley rector, erected in 1719: there is a stained window in the Special & Petty Sessional Courts are held every alternate south aisle, inserted in 1855, and the west window as well thursday at the Police court, Hinckley, 11 a.m. & every as eight smaller windows in the clerestory are also stained: alternate wednesday at the Dixie Arms inn, Market Bos- the communion plate dates from the 18th century: the worth, 12 noon church affords 400 sittings. The register dates from the The Petty Sessionsl Division of Market Bosworth comprises year 1569 and has lately (1890) been restored. The living is Aston Flamville, Atterton, Bagworth, Barlestone,llarton- a rectory, with the chapelries of Barleston and Shenton in-the-Beans, Barwell, Bilstone, Botchestone & Newtown annexed, average tithe rent-charge £460, joint gross yearly Unthank, Burbage, Cadeby, Carlton, Congerston, value £825, with residence and 270 acres of glebe, in the , , , Elmesthorpe, Fenny gift of James Bowers esq. and held since 1886 by the Rev. Drayton, Gopsall, Higham-on-the-Hill & Lindley, Percy Harris Bowers M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. Hinckley & Wykin, Ibstock, Kirkby Mallory, Knoll & Here is a Congregational chapel with 200 sittings and a Bassett House, Market Bosworth & Coton, Merevale, Baptist chapel, seating 100 persons. The chief business of Nailstone, Naneby, , Norton - juxta- the town arises from its position as the centre of an agri- , Odstone, Orton-on-the-Hill, Osbaston, Peckle- cultural district: bricks are made here. The market is held ton, Potters Marston, Ratcliffe Culey, Sapcote, Shacker- every Wednesday, mostly for corn; the fairs for cattle are stone, Sharnford, Magna, Sheepy Parva, Sbenton, held on the 8th of May and loth of July. There is also a Sib son, Stanton-under-Bardon, Stapleton, Stoke GoIding, fortnightly sale, conducted by Mr. Marson, for fat and other Stoney Stanton, , Thornton, Thurlaston, stock which is increasing in importance and very largely Twycross, Upton, Wellsborough & Temple Hall & Witherly attended. Wagstaffe's charity of £2 2S. and Dodson's of MARKET BOSWOHTH UNION. £10 16s. yearly are ~or distri~ution. The Gas .Cou:pany Board day, wednesday fortnightly, at the Union ho. at I p.m was formed 1874-5. With a capital of 1;'2,~oo, raIsed ~n £5 The Union compries the following parishes & townships ;_ shares. At Battlefield, on ~edmoor plam, m the parish of Bagworth,, Barton-in-the-Beans, Bilstone, Sutton Cheuey, about 3 mIles south of Market Bosworth, Cadeby, Carlton, Congerstoll, Dadlington, Desford, Gop- and near th~ canal, was fou~ht (21 Aug. 1485) the Battle of saIl, Ibstock, Kirkby Mallory, Market Bosworth, Mark- B?sworth Field, between Richard HI. a~d Henry, Earl of field, Nailstone, Newbold Verdon, Norton-jllxta-Twycross, Rlc.hmond, afterwards Henry,vII.. : a sprmg of water, f:om Odstone, Orton-on-the-Hill, Osbaston, , Ratby, whIch the defeated ~onarch IS said to have drunk prevIOus , Shenton, Sibston, Stanton-under-Bardon, ~? ~he en~ageme~,t, IS ?arefully protec~d, and known as Stapleton, Sutton Cheney, Thornton, Twycross & Up ton. RIChard s Well, ThiS town was the bIrthplace (20 Aug. The popUlation in 1881 was 146II' rateable value in 1710) of Thomas SiI?pson F.R.S. the mathematician, who 1890, £93,676. ' , was educated at the Grammar school. Dr. Johnson was for Clerk to Guardians & Assessment Committee Thomas B. a short period thi;d master of th~ Gram~ar schoo~ here. Fitch, Twycross ' Bosworth Park, IS the seat of Charles Norman Lmdsay Treasurer James Lawlord Leicestershire BankinO' Co Tollemache Scott esq. J.P.; the mansion is of red brick Relieving & Inquiry Office;, No. 1&2 district, W.bC. Mears, with stone dressings. in the Queen Anne s~yl~ an~ was Congerston thoroughly restored III 1887, ar;d the ~lectrlC lIght mtro- Vaccination Officer, W. S. Meal'S, Congerstone; S. Chit- duced. The grounds are well laId out WIth avenues, shrubs ham Ibstock and terraces, and the park, which extends over about 400 Medica'l Officers & Public Vaccinators Barlestone district acres and contains several sheets of water, is well stocked David Pestell Thomas Market Bosw~rth' Bosworth dis~ with deer and game. In this park Richard lII. raised his trict Frederic James Odord Market Bos~orth· Desford standard prior to the and a clump dist;ict, T. W. Gordon Keliy M.D. Desford; I]{~tock dis- of trees called" I?ick's Clump," marks the spot. H~ndsome trict, Richard Henry Thomas, Ibstock; Markfield