Invade House of UD Juniors

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Invade House of UD Juniors News Mosaic Sports Community honors fallen What is it? Who are we? How Men's lacrosse beats hero Gary Summerville did we get here? Find out! Drexel13-4 See page A3 See special pullout section See page Cl An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • THE • Non-Profit Org. ~Review Online U. S. Postage Paid www. review. udel. edu Newark. DE REV IE Permit o. 26 Free 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Tuesday Volume 125, Number 51 May 4, 1999 Armed men Police suspect invade house student of UD juniors pnnp1ng• • BY GREGORY SHULAS Administrarint Ne n'S Editor , BY RYAN CORMIER the armed intruders. He was treated A university student is unde r _Editor in Chief and released from Chrisitiana . investigation for organizing an exotic Five arm~d men dressed in black Hospital. dancing show with strippers, along with with ski masks s10rmed imo the Old Junior Harry Fox, a resident of soliciting local women to perfom1 sexual Capiro! Trail home of three the house, said he and five friends acts fo r profit, Newark Police said. university students early Monday were watching the fi lm "The After executing a search warra nt. morning, leavi ng a houseguest Outsiders" when five men ki cked Officer Mark A. Farrall said Newark hospitalized afte r being pistol­ their door in. Police confiscated objects relating to the whipped. Newark Police said. The students' reaction? erotic event in the student's Christi ana The suspects, four black males "We were sitting there making West Tower residence hall Thursday and one white male, ran out of the fun of them bas ically," Fox said. night. house after one of the victims "They were scared. Farrall said the student is not under altempted to call 911 , said Newark "We have two pit bulls and one arrest ands added that charges ar Police Officer Mark A. Farrall. guys got attacked by the pit bulls." pending. - As the suspects left the house.. Fox said h e and hi s two "He was not taken int <' cu.,rq·l police arrived on the scene and one roomma tes, juniors Daniel Kedan police," Farrall . rud. " W.: d1d J.ot , ·-!.!• of the suspects shot a round, police and Thomas Leonarski, watched as him with anything.'" said. lt is unclear whether the the fo ur other gunmen cow ered He sai.d poli ce learned that a gunshot was directed toward the behind the man as the dogs were university student was representing officers. biting him. himself as a New York City-based adult A searc h of the a re a near the Fox said he was not too shaken entertainment performer. ho use on the 400 block of Old up by the break-in. Farrall said the student allegedly Capitol Trail by Delaware State "They were more ·scared than we, advertised his show was to be held on Police helicopters, a K-9 unit and were because we had the dogs," he THE REVIEW/ Bob Weill May I. The student, FarraU said, stated in Newark Police officers failed to said. "One pit bull was locked on the U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno speaks at a university-sponsored forum on women and his endorsements that 20 female locate the suspects. guy ' s arm a nd the othe r o ne was violence in Mitchell Hall Monday morning. performers from Delaware, New York Scott Tillson who w&s visrting · locked on the guys leg - they were City and Maryland were to perfonn. the stude nts who li ve at the house, basically shaking him down." After seizing -advertisement fl yers . sustained a broken arm and needed Newark Police gave the fo ll owing busi ness records and applications for seven stitches to c lose a wound to exotic d ancing positions from the his face after fig hti ng wi th one of .Reno visits First State student's room, he said, authorities also see GUNMEN page A8 confiscated more than $2,300 in cash. "As of now, the case is being BY ERIC J.S. TOWNSEND accompanied by Donna Shalala, of abuse; rape and neglect. reviewed by the attorney general's National/Stare NeH·s Editor . U .S . secretary of Health a nd During the discussion, Biden office," Farrall said. "It is not yet known Alcohol abuse is a precursor Human Services, participated in said alcohol is correlated when they are going to make the Flagg's fate to domestic ab use, and on ly a rou n d-table disc ussion on closely with violence in abuse decision to place charges on him ." education can change attitudes ending violence against women. cases. Before seizing the application form s, • • • contributing to violent behavior, The forum , mediated by "When you are drinking, you police said they learned that the student said U .S. Attorney Gen e ral University President David' P . are not in. the position to be able was soliciting local women to be a part Janet Reno and Sen. Joseph R . Rosell e, afforded opportunities to ta~e care of yourself or of his show. Biden , D - Del. , Monday in for approximately 250 students prevent your own acti ons," he In addition to having them dance goes to Jury Mitchell Hall. and c itizens to ask ques tions said. "Just because he' s drunk naked, Farrall said there was sufficient Biden a nd R e no , regarding efforts to help victims reason to believe the student also wanted insanity. see RENO page AJO them to participate in sexual acts for Trial testimony "We know [Flagg] went out that profit. day with some rope and a gun," he said. "It was clear from the complete in defe.ndant' s confession that he went out that day to kidnap and rape." cqpital murder Flagg is charged with 18 separate Fraternities·assert their rights counts , includin g first-degree murder, six counts of rape along trial; jurors' with a charge of second-degree camp u s have to follow the legislation. litigation ·or assault. Organizations on­ uni ve rsi t y ' s r u les, and if they coo peration with the college or Conner asked the jury to carefully d on ' t, they could be s uspe nded un iversity. job begins thi nk about the crime and the la.w and qff-campus from the university. " Sigma Nu has b e en very and to convict R agg based on these However, Brad Beecham, chief in v ol ved in le!!i s la ti o n whi c h BY APRIL CAPOCHlNO operating officer of Sigma Nu would pro hibit- an y college or Cit;. Nrh·s Editor counts. required to follow . " He acted intentional and he Fraternity Inc., said constitutional univers ity in the s tate o f Maine The capital murder trial of caused serious injuries ." Co nner ri g ht s given to all United State from pro hibi ting their students to Donald A. Flagg concluded Monday UD regulations, PARr I: said. "T he facts show the ·defendant citizens have been broken at some join an y o rganization th e y with clos ing arguments from both is guilty of a ll these charges." co ll eges and uni versi ties. c hoo e:· he said . CuLlURE OF ALcoHOL the prosecution and the defense after despite national THE He challenged the testimo ny of Be-echam said he does not know " A ll fra t e rnities a re keen ly three weeks of testimony. ,/FA,\>IILY l..nt Dr. Carol A . T avani , Flagg' s of any publ ic s c hools where al l aware o f these kind o f Flagg, a 41-year-o ld former chapter rules .! CAMPUS l..nt psychiatrist and the defense' s onl y Gree k organi zatio ns have been developmems and want to make a utoworker, has admitted to witness. banned, but said he is familiar wi th certain that we' re not going to be qreaking imo the home of Anthony BY SUSAN STOCK PART IT: " She completely ignores the fact several private schools where thi d e nied o ur bas ic fundamenta l and Debra Puglisi in Academy Hills Srudem Aff'airs Editor that thi s defendant, age 41 , never has happened. ,-ights under the Constitution of th e ALcoHOL ON CAMPUS last April. shooting and ki lling Alcohol c ulture and fraternities told anyone he hears voices," he '"S i gma Nu wo uld arg ue that United States ... Anthony and kidnapping his wife for go in g dry on coll ege campuse s .I WHAT UD HAS DoNE said, pointing to F lagg. private schools have as much of a n Junior Jeremy Takacs, president four days. · nationwide have put a potlight on .f lEssoNS lEARNED " But here he ·is, charged with obligati on as publi c in stitutions to o f the uni versity c hapter of Sigma Flagg' s lead attorney J . Brendan the legal rights of both fraternities murder , rape and k idnap, and he m a intain the rights of the Nu , said he is fa miliar with the .I NATIONAL 1\1VER.SnY DEB.~ll: O' Neill said in his closing statement and universities. wants everyone to think he is crazy." C o n s tituti o n ," B eech am s aid. diffe~en t debat es surro unding that Flagg is a p aranoid Dean of Students Timothy F. PARrill: Conner said finding Flagg guilty " Students do not g i ve up th e ir fraternities. schizophrenic who hears voices and Brooks said Greek or!!anizatio ns of insanity was like " try ing to ri ghts when they enroll at a coll ege "Two yea rs ago.

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