Glossary of Resources to Support Distance Learning in Music Compiled by Wendy Barden, PhD, Music Education Specialist Professional Development and Resource Programs Last updated April 17, 2020 Check back through the Spring— New ideas, information, activities will be added weekly! Questions? Email Wendy at
[email protected] Compiled tips for implementing distance learning • Number one! Focus on maintaining the relationships you’ve already developed with your students. • Start small and take baby steps down this new path. • Bring in an element of fun or something out of the ordinary:) • Expect this to be [mostly] asynchronous learning—let students set their own pace. • Slow down, do less, and expect everything to take a little longer than you planned. • Prepare this independent work at a level that is a little easier than the work you would have planned for classroom, face-to-face instruction. • Consider focusing on one strand or process per week. • This might be a great opportunity for students to work in the Create, Respond, and Connect processes (rather than Perform). • Use “I can…” statements so students understand what they will know or be able to do by the end of the lesson. • Give students choice, if possible. • As hard as you are working, recognize everything will not be perfect… Glossary of ready-to-use activities for distance learning posted at development/state-arts-education-specialists/ Resources named in bold (right column) identify a page that can be distributed to students Grade Strand* “I can…” Resource I can sing a song I A Song A Day! K-5 Perform know in many This can be a fun, family activity completed over several days.