Deliverable D8.1 Current Specifications and Technical Problems with Platform Train Interface

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Deliverable D8.1 Current Specifications and Technical Problems with Platform Train Interface Deliverable D8.1 Current specifications and technical problems with Platform Train Interface Project acronym: IN2STEMPO Starting date: 01/09/2017 Duration (in months): 60 Call (part) identifier: H2020-S2R-CFM-IP3-2017-01 Grant agreement no: 777515 Due date of deliverable: Month 28 Actual submission date: 31/03/2020 Responsible/Author: Przemysław Brona – PKP/IK Dissemination level: PU Status: Final Reviewed: Yes This deliverable is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 777515. G A 7 7 7 5 1 5 P a g e 1 | 87 Document history Revision Date Description 1 05/11/2019 First issue 2 11/12/2019 Second issue 3 23/12/2019 Third issue after internal revision 4 22/01/2020 Fourth issue after external revision by TL and TDL 5 23/03/2020 Final version Report contributors Beneficiary Name Details of contribution Short Name Przemysław Brona PKP / IK Deliverable coordinator Janusz Poliński PKP / IK Contributor for technical sections Iwona Wróbel PKP / IK Contributor for technical sections Adam Dąbrowski PKP / IK Contributor for technical sections Garry Bosworth NR Contributor for technical sections Arja Aalto FTIA Contributor for technical sections Merja Saarela FTIA / HAMK Contributor for technical sections Esa Suoyrjö FTIA Contributor for technical sections Leonor Azevedo Mendes IP Contributor for technical sections Nuno Fragoso da Silva IP / IPP Contributor for technical sections G A 7 7 7 5 1 5 P a g e 2 | 87 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................. 6 2. Abbreviations and Acronyms ................................................................................................................... 7 3. Background .............................................................................................................................................. 8 4. Objective/Aim .......................................................................................................................................... 9 5. Analysis of specifications regarding the PTI defined in various existing standards ............................... 10 5.1 EU legislation ................................................................................................................................. 10 5.2 National legislation, normative standards and internal regulations of railway infrastructure managers and station operators ............................................................................................................... 14 5.3 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................... 16 6. Identification of existing infrastructure problems with access to trains from platforms...................... 18 6.1 Evaluate, assess and catalogue existing state context for PTI issues in existing stations ............. 18 6.2 Technical parameters of passenger infrastructure and rolling stock ........................................... 18 6.2.1 Platforms ................................................................................................................................... 18 6.2.2 Structure gauge ......................................................................................................................... 26 6.2.3 Rolling stock .............................................................................................................................. 34 6.3 Existing problems with access to trains from platforms ............................................................... 54 6.4 Examples of solutions to facilitate access from a platform to a train (in partners’ countries) ..... 58 6.5 Passenger needs and expectations regarding accessibility in accordance with the survey ......... 64 6.5.1 The Survey concerning problems with PTI ................................................................................ 64 6.5.2 Questionnaire Findings ............................................................................................................. 65 6.5.3 Survey Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 66 7. Conclusions on existing technical problems concerning the Platform Train Interface ......................... 67 8. References ............................................................................................................................................. 68 9. Appendices ............................................................................................................................................. 69 9.1 Appendix 1 – Survey template ...................................................................................................... 69 9.2 Appendix 2 – Survey findings in Poland ........................................................................................ 73 9.3 Appendix 3 – Survey findings in the UK ........................................................................................ 76 9.4 Appendix 4 – Survey findings in Finland ....................................................................................... 80 9.5 Appendix 5 – Survey findings in Portugal ...................................................................................... 84 G A 7 7 7 5 1 5 P a g e 3 | 87 Table of figures Figure 1: Description of TD3.11 Future stations ............................................................................................. 8 Figure 2. The gap between the platform edge and the vehicle .................................................................... 10 Figure 3. Platform location on curved track .................................................................................................. 11 Figure 4. Distribution of platform heights on Polish railway network .......................................................... 19 Figure 5. “Ground level” platform on the local railway line ......................................................................... 20 Figure 6. Platforms located on the curve ...................................................................................................... 20 Figure 7. Platform types in southern part of Finland .................................................................................... 21 Figure 8. Diagram for tolerance on platform height (not to scale) ............................................................... 23 Figure 9. Most common average platform offset and platform height in the UK ........................................ 23 Figure 10. Example of platform surface in Portugal ..................................................................................... 25 Figure 11. Geometry of platform edge ......................................................................................................... 25 Figure 12. Some technical details about the platform edge ......................................................................... 26 Figure 13. Structure gauge GPL-1 used on Polish railway network .............................................................. 27 Figure 14. Minimum width of single-track platforms without obstacles. ..................................................... 28 Figure 15. Minimum width of island platforms without obstacles ............................................................... 28 Figure 16. Minimum width and clear height of an island platform and distance between platform shelter and track, when the platform includes an obstacle over 10 000 mm in length ........................................... 29 Figure 17. Principal dimensions of the structure gauge in Finland (source Finnish Railway Network Statement, Appendix 3E) .............................................................................................................................. 30 Figure 18. Example of lower sector infrastructure gauge applied to a standard platform adjacent to canted track (not to scale) ........................................................................................................................................ 32 Figure 19. Principal dimensions of the reference profile for kinematic gauge PTb+ on Portuguese rail network ......................................................................................................................................................... 33 Figure 20. Single-track and island platform location on the railway line in Portugal ................................... 33 Figure 21. Distribution of rolling stock used by railway passenger operators in Poland .............................. 34 Figure 22. New multiple units (ED160 and ED161) for long distance services in Poland ............................. 34 Figure 23. Old type of multiple unit for regional service in Poland .............................................................. 35 Figure 24. Electric multiple unit (45WE “Impuls”) for regional service with adjusted level floor to platform height ............................................................................................................................................................ 35 Figure 25. Pendolino train in Finland ............................................................................................................ 37 Figure 26. Allegro train between Helsinki (Finland) and St. Petersburg (Russia) ........................................
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