Lisa Bomble (Åhlström): Curriculum Vitae

Personal data Date and place of birth: 1978-11-27, Järfälla, Citizenship: Swedish Home adress: Lövhultsvägen 90, 44896 Tollered, Sweden Phone: +46 761257060 E-mail: [email protected] Family: married, 1 child born in 2015 Languages: Swedish (mother tongue), fluency in English and French, comprehension of German, Spanish, Italian.

Education and Degrees Lic. of Architecture, August 2011, Design for Sustainable Development, School of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, on the thesis entitled: Områdesanalys som deltagandemetod – att tolka och förmedla berättelser till planeringsunderlag (English title: Area Analysis as Participatory Method – interpreting narratives to planning material); supervisor prof. Björn Malbert;

M.Sc. in Architecture, May 2004. School of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, on the thesis entitled: Dialog – att prata om arkitektur, inte bara arkiteter emellan (English title: Dialogue – talking of architecture, not just between architects); supervisor prof. Gunilla Linde Bjur.

Work positions 2008-12-01 - Ph.D. student at School of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, , Sweden

2004 – 2009 Own company: Inlevelse – projects in architecture/design and communication/teaching for youth and children together with the Culture Dpt of , Sweden

2005 – 2009 Employed by Röhsska Museum of Design and Applied Crafts, Gothenburg, Sweden, guide, workshop leader, teacher

Interruptions: Parental leave, 5,5 months 2015, working at 80% activity since September 2013, sick leave (fractured bone) November 2013, sick leave (end of pregnancy) December 2014.

Current activities - Research: Current research project is a collaboration between Municipality ( and Mistra Urban Futures (, where a case study was conducted in Lerum between 2011 and 2014, studying organizational measures for continuous participation in municipal planning processes through the establishments of local networks of stakeholders and municipal actors (co-production groups) with aims towards sustainable development. Results and conclusions are to be presented in a PhD thesis which will be defended during 2016.

- Teaching: All through the employment as a PhD student at the School of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, Lisa Bomble has been assisting in a master studio called Design and Planning for Sustainable Development in a Local Context: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 – assisting teacher to the studio as well as supervisor to in depth projects within the studio. 2013 – lecturer and invited critic reviewer to the studio 2014 – lecturer Lisa Bomble has been invited to lecture about communication outside the profession, participation, and about presentation and teaching techniques in other master studios at School of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden yearly since 2009.

Supervision of Master students Between 2009 and 2015 Lisa Bomble has been the main supervisor for five master theses at the School of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden During the same period Lisa Bomble has been invited as internal examination committee member for six other master theses. All of these have led to master degrees from the master program Design for Sustainable Development.

Publications Bomble, Lisa dissertation 2016 – on-going

The participatory mosaic – The co-production of Gråbo as an example of participation and social learning, Bomble, Lisa, 2015 article submitted

Rather Network – Local networks as a prerequisite for sustainable planning and development, Bomble, Lisa, 2015 article submitted

Lost in interpretation: how narratives are interpreted into data in participatory planning processes in a Swedish context, Bomble, Lisa, 2013 In Book of Abstracts of the International Conference on 'Changing Cities': Spatial, morphological, formal and socio-economic dimensions, A. Gospadini (ed.). Skiathos Island, Greece: The Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Conference paper – peer reviewed.

Hur går det? - februari 2013, Bomble, Lisa, 2013 Report – municipal / pop-sci

En förstudie kring medborgardialog Författare: Åhlström, Lisa, 2012 Report – municipal / pop-sci

Trygghetsvandring ur barns perspektiv - erfarenheter från fyra pilotprojekt - steg för steg-manual, Åhlström, Lisa; Teimouri, Mania; Svennberg, Mie; Björling, Stefan; Havström, Monica, 2011 Book – co-writer

Områdesanalys som deltagandemetod – att tolka och förmedla berättelser till planeringsunderlag, Åhlström, Lisa, 2011 Licentiate thesis

Områdesanalys - Dalaberg/Hovhult, Åhlström, Lisa, 2010 Report – municipal / pop-sci

Områdesanalys - Lane Ryr, Åhlström, Lisa, 2010 Report – municipal / pop-sci

Områdesanalys, Bokenäset, Åhlström, Lisa, 2010 Report – municipal / pop-sci Barns rätt till staden - om arkitekturpedagogik som demokratisk metod i Göteborg, Svennberg, Mie; Teimouri, Mania; (Åhlström, Lisa) 2010 Book, co-editor

Områdesanalys Ljungskile, Åhlström, Lisa, 2009 Publikationstyp: Rapport, populärvetenskaplig