Here to Eternity An Anthology of Poetry selected by ANDREW MOTION

ft faber andfaber Contents

Introduction xxi


Prayer Before Birth LOUIS MACNEICE 3 from Henry IV, Part 1 WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE 4 Infant Joy WILLIAM BLAKE 5 Infancy CARLOS DRUMMOND DE ANDRADE 6 North(west)ern PATIENCE AGBABI 6 Then I Saw What the Calling Was MURIEL RUKEYSER 7 Waiting To Go On HUGO WILLIAMS 8 OfPoOrB.B. BERTOLT BRECHT 8 One for the Footnotes CHRISTOPHER REID IO from The Prelude WILLIAM WORDSWORTH IO Phrase Book 12 Ode to Himself BEN JONSON 13 Napoleon WALTER DE LA MARE 14 historical process 15 The Form MERLE COLLINS 16 I am Man-made SUSAN WICKS 17 No DENISE RILEY 17 OnMyself ANNE FINCH, COUNTESS OF WINCHILSEA 18 I AmNotI JUAN RAMON JIMENEZ l8 from Song of Myself WALT WHITMAN 19 I See Boats Moving FERNANDO PESSOA 20 Bleep JACKIE KAY 21 'IAm' JOHN CLARE 21 The Ideal JAMES FENTON 22 Iandl BOB DYLAN 23 Autobiography PATRICIA BEER 24 Words for Muffin, a Guinea-Pig ROBERTLOWELL 25 Robinson WELDON KEES 25 I Lost My Identity Card YEHUDA AMICHAI 26

Vll Ariel 27 The Self-Unseeing THOMAS HARDY 28


The New House EDWARD THOMAS 31 The House MATTHEW SWEENEY 31 A New House BERTOLT BRECHT 32 Home ROBERT CRAWFORD 33 The Candle Indoors GERARD MANLEY HOPKINS 34 Orkney Interior IAN HAMILTON FINLAY 34 from Glanmore Revisited 35 from Meditations in Time of Civil War w. B.YEATS 36 Heigh-ho on a Winter Afternoon DONALDDAVIE 37 'My house, I say..." ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON 38 Frost at Midnight SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE 38 Hotels like Houses SOPHIEHANNAH 41 Sweat PETER REDGROVE 41 Silence MARIANNE MOORE 42 Home is so Sad PHILIP LARKIN 42 Rooms CHARLOTTE MEW 43 'Sweet—safe—Houses...' EMILY DICKINSON 43 The House ROBERT MINHINNICK 44 Interior PHILIPPE JACCOTTET 44 The Hill Wife ROBERT FROST 45 Love in a Life ROBERT BROWNING 48 from In Memoriam ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON 48 The Easiest Room in Hell PETER PORTER 49 A Refusal to Mourn DEREK MAHON 50 House on a Cliff LOUIS MACNEICE 52 Ruins of a Great House DEREK WALCOTT 53 At Home CHRISTINA ROSSETTI 54



Vlll CONTENTS Late Winter Morning on the Palisades AUGUSTKLEINZAHLER 60 In a Station of the Metro 60 Metropolitan JOHN FULLER 6I Story of aCity MONIZA ALVI 62 In Praise of Cities IHOMGUNN 63 On Roofs of Terry Street DOUGLASDUNN 64 Composed upon Westminster Bridge WILLIAM WORDSWORTH 65 Parliament Hill Fields JOHNBETJEMAN 65 The Park by the Railway SEAN O'BRIEN 66 RealEstate AMY CLAMPITT 67 A Northern Suburb JOHN DAVIDSON 68 from City ROY FISHER 69 from The Sydney Highrise Variations LES MURRAY 71 Brussels in Winter w. H. AUDEN 72 Preludes T. s. ELIOT 73 TheNightCity w. s. GRAHAM 75 Foreign 76 Street Song FLEUR ADCOCK 77 Di Great Insohreckshan LINTON KWESI JOHNSON 77 Leningrad OSIP MANDELSTAM 79 NakedTown 79 The City c. p. CAVAFY 80 Night City ELIZABETH BISHOP 81


from The Prelude WILLIAM WORDSWORTH 85 Landscape FAUSTIN CHARLES 86 Often I Am Permitted to Return to a Meadow ROBERT DUNCAN 87 Poem in October DYLAN THOMAS 88 Epic PATRICK KAVANAGH 90 Discoverers of Chile PABLONERUDA 91 FieldDay w. R. RODGERS 91

IX Popular Geography MIRIAM WADDINGTON 92 Summer Farm NORMAN MACCAIG 93 Anecdote of the Jar WALLACE STEVENS 93 from Landscapes T. S. ELIOT 94 Home-thoughts, from Abroad ROBERTBROWNING 95 from Aurora Leigh ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING 95 Cotswold Ways IVOR GURNEY 97 from In England 97 Landscape MICHAEL LONGLEY 98 from On a Raised Beach HUGH MACDIARMID 99 This Compost WALT WHITMAN 100 Digging EDWARD THOMAS IO2 /romTheMoors JOHN CLARE 103 Men against Trees CHRISTOPHER REID 105 The War against the Trees STANLEY KUNITZ 105 Overlooking the River Stour THOMAS HARDY 106 'Tell me not here...' A. E. HOUSMAN 107 Raleigh Was Right WILLIAM CARLOS WILLIAMS 108 Welsh Landscape R. s. THOMAS 109 from An Apology for the Revival of Church Architecture in England GEOFFREY HILL no Draft of a Landscape PAULCELAN no SheepinFog SYLVIA PLATH HI Swineheard EILEAN NI CHUILLEANAIN 112 The Stepping Stones w. s. GRAHAM 112 Late Fragment RAYMOND CARVER 113

WORK You will be hearing from us shortly U. A. FANTHORPE 117 Tools GEOFFREY LEHMANN Il8 Father ELAINE FEINSTEIN 119 A Suffolk Dairy Song ANONYMOUS 120 The Healer PATRICIA BEER 120

X CONTENTS Thoughts After Ruskin ELMA MITCHELL 121 Printing Jenny MATTHEW MITCHELL 122 The Great Palaces of Versailles RITA DOVE 123 The Solitary Reaper WILLIAM WORDSWORTH 124 Photograph of Haymaker, 1890 MOLLY HOLDEN 125 Hay-making GILLIAN CLARKE 126 Sampler Poem HANNAH HOCKEY 126 Waterpot GRACE NICHOLS 127 Muliebrity SUJATA BHATT 128 Men Working EDNA ST VINCENT MILLAY 128 Shearing at Castlereagh A. B. ('BANJO') PATERSON 130 The Bricklayer's Lunch Hour ALLENGINSBERG 131 Builders 132 Public-House Confidence NORMANCAMERON 132 On the Outskirts of Work TOMAS TRANSTROMER 133 Alloy MURIEL RUKEYSER I34 Dehorning 135 'Mother wept...' JOSEPH SKIPSEY 137 Demolisher ALAN GOULD 137 The Chimney Sweeper WILLIAM BLAKE 138 Working TONY HARRISON 139 Felix Randal GERARD MANLEY HOPKINS 140 Work Without Hope SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE 140 'I call upon the Creator...' ANONYMOUS 141 'I've worked here all my life ...' CHRISTOPHER LOGUE I4I On Chev'rill the Lawyer BEN JONSON 142 Wages D. H. LAWRENCE I42 Money c. H. SISSON 143 The Great American Bum ANONYMOUS 143 Toads PHILIP LARKIN 145 Jarrow CAROL RUMENS 147 Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea STEPHEN KNIGHT 147 Charlie Douglas KATRINA PORTEOUS 147 CV SIMON ARMITAGE I49

xi 'Moving through the silent crowd ...' STEPHEN SPENDER 150 IagoPrytherch R. s. THOMAS 151 The Peasant's Concern is with His Field BERTOLTBRECHT 152 What the Chairman told Tom BASIL BUNTING 152 It's Work BENJAMIN ZEPHANIAH 154 'My hand is weary with writing SAINT COLUMCILLE 154 Busy with Many Jobs TADEUSZ ROZEWICZ .155

LOVE Still-life ELIZABETH DARYUSH 159 'May with its light behaving ...' w. H. AUDEN 159 Piazza Piece JOHN CROWE RANSOM 160 To Mistress Margaret Hussey JOHNSKELTON 161 Passing By ANONYMOUS 162 The Uncertainty of the Poet WENDY COPE 162 To His Coy Mistress ANDREW MARVELL 163 Friendship's Mystery: To My Dearest Lucasia KATHERINE PHILIPS 164 Corona 165 '0 little one, this longing is the pits ...' MARILYN HACKER l66 fromTroilus and Criseyde GEOFFREY CHAUCER 167 from The Dream Songs JOHN BERRYMAN 169 The Foggy Dew ANONYMOUS 169 MakingLove SHARON OLDS 171 /rom The Eve of St Agnes JOHN KEATS 171 Intimacy EDGELL RICKWORD 174 Muse jo SHAPCOTT 174 from Hero and Leander CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE 175 The Fired Pot ANNA WICKHAM 176 Meeting Point LOUIS MACNEICE 177 Upon Julia's Clothes ROBERT HERRICK 178

Xll CONTENTS Meeting at Night ROBERT BROWNING 178 A Birthday CHRISTINA ROSSETTI 179 IRemember STEVIE SMITH 179 Aubade WILLIAM EMPSON 180 The Love of the Quartz Pebble VASKOPOPA 181 The Farmer's Bride CHARLOTTE MEW 182 'Proud Maisie ..." SIR WALTER SCOTT 183 Face to Face NINA CASSIAN 184 To My Dear and Loving Husband ANNE BRADSTREET 185 A Lyric Afterwards TOM PAULIN 185 The Shampoo ELIZABETH BISHOP 186 The Skunk SEAMUS HEANEY 186 The Confirmation EDWIN MUIR 187 Song EDWARD DORN l88 'Like as the waves ..." WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE 189 Song JOHN DONNE 189 Counting the Beats ROBERT GRAVES 191 from Modern Love GEORGE MEREDITH 191 MOZ DOM MORAES I92 Over! ANNE EVANS 193 Lily Pond VICKI FEAVER 193 NoSecondTroy w. B. YEATS 194 'To Speak of the Woe That is In Marriage' ROBERT LOWELL I95 Adultery CAROL ANN DUFFY 195 The Letter PATRICIA BEER 197 Badly-Chosen Lover ROSEMARYTONKS 197 Clio's MICK IMLAH I98 Against Coupling FLEUR ADCOCK 198 '0 waly, waly...' ANONYMOUS 199 'My life closed twice ...' EMILY DICKINSON 201 The River-Merchant's Wife EZRAPOUND 201 DonalOg ANONYMOUS 202 'They flee from me ...' SIR THOMAS WYATT 203 John Anderson ROBERT BURNS 204

xiii The Fisher Lad of Whitby ANONYMOUS 205 A Song of a Young Lady to Her Ancient Lover JOHN WILMOT, EARL OF ROCHESTER 206 Naive Song about the Wife MIKLOSRADNOTI 206 OneFlesh ELIZABETH JENNINGS 207 Getting Matches MARIN SORESCU 208 The Greatest Love ANNA SWIRSZCZYNSKA 208 'Methought I saw...' JOHN MILTON 209 The Wife a-Lost WILLIAM BARNES 209 The Kaleidoscope DOUGLASDUNN 210 Exequy upon His Wife HENRY KING 211 Two Epitaphs ANONYMOUS 214 The Unquiet Grave ANONYMOUS 215 Epitaph on the Monument of Sir William Dyer LADY CATHERINE DYER 2l6


The Road not Taken ROBERT FROST 219 The Legs ROBERT GRAVES 219 Questions of Travel ELIZABETH BISHOP 221 Wakeful in the Township ELIZABETH RIDDELL 223 A Passion for Travel ALLEN CURNOW 224 Stepping Westward WILLIAM WORDSWORTH 225 On the Move THOM GUNN 226 AtNorthFarm JOHN ASHBERY 227 Boat Poem BERNARD SPENCER 228 'My grief on the sea ..." BIDDY CUSSROOEE 230 The Last of England PETER PORTER 231 Pioneers KATHLEEN JAMIE 231 Settlers TOM PAULIN 232 Journey of the Magi T. S. ELIOT 232 Father in America GEORGE SZIRTES 234 The marshalling yard HELEN DUNMORE 235 Tom O'Bedlam's Song ANONYMOUS 236 The Pilgrimage GEORGE HERBERT 236

XiV CONTENTS Why Brownlee Left PAUL MULDOON 238 Emigrant's Lament BERTOLT BRECHT 238 Old Man in New Country JAMES BERRY 239 Day of Reckoning MICHAEL HOFMANN 240 Travelers c. K. WILLIAMS 240 Witness AMYCLAMPITT 241 Utah ANNE STEVENSON 24I Midnight on the Great Western THOMASHARDY 242 Limited CARL SANDBURG 243 14:50: Rosekinghall DON PATERSON 243 Adlestrop EDWARD THOMAS 244 Encounter CZESLAW MILOSZ 244 Orient Express GRETE TARTLER 245 Out Of Exile JOHN BURNSIDE 246 CreaganBeaga SOMHAIRLE MACGILL-EAIN (SORLEY MACLEAN) 246 from Childe Harold's Pilgrimage GEORGEGORDON, LORD BYRON 247 Curacao EARLE BIRNEY 248 from Amours de Voyage ARTHUR HUGH CLOUGH 248 You Hated Spain TED HUGHES 250 On the Border CHARLES CAUSLEY 252 The Furthest West GLYN MAXWELL 252 Arrival 1946 MONIZA ALVI- 253 Disembarking at Quebec 253 At the Frontier Post: Om ANTHONY THWAITE 254 Instructions for Crossing the Border DANPAGIS 255 Boundary ADRIENNE RICH 255 To Friends behind a Frontier TOMAS TRANSTROMER 256 A World Where News Travelled Slowly 256 Ulysses ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON 257 The Map of Places LAURA RIDING 259 Crossing the Water SYLVIA PLATH 260 For William Harrison, Mariner ANONYMOUS 260 xv WAR

Target Practice MURIEL RUKEYSER 263 Range-Finding ROBERT FROST 263 An Irish Airman Foresees His Death w. B. YEATS 264 As the teams's head brass EDWARD THOMAS 264 /rom Lessons of the War HENRY REED 266 In the Hold JAMIE MCKENDRICK 267 from Annus Mirabilis JOHN DRYDEN 268 from War Music CHRISTOPHER LOGUE 269 A Burnt Ship JOHN DONNE 270 Seaman, 1941 MOLLY HOLDEN 270 Rattler Morgan CHARLES CAUSLEY 271 The Fury of Aerial Bombardment RICHARD EBERHART 272 The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner RANDALLJARRELL 272 Five minutes after the air raid MIROSLAV HOLUB 273 from The Battle of Maldon ANONYMOUS 274 The War Horse EAVAN BOLAND 275 Break of Day in the Trenches ISAAC ROSENBERG 276 The Rear-Guard SIEGFRIED SASSOON 277 Truce PAUL MULDOON 278 from In Parenthesis DAVID JONES 279 Dulce EtDecorumEst WILFRED OWEN 281 from Epitaphs of the War RUDYARD KIPLING 282 Road 1940 SYLVIA TOWNSEND WARNER 283 Building the Barricade ANNA SWIRSZCZYNSKA 284 'More Light! More Light!' ANTHONY HECHT 285 Army CIARAN CARSON 286 To His Love IVOR GURNEY 287 Tywater RICHARD WILBUR 287 David Guest MARTIN BELL 288 Glittering Fragments TAMIKIHARA 289 Vergissmeinicht KEITH DOUGLAS 289 Fragment MIKLOS RADNOTI 290

XVI CONTENTS The Twa Corbies ANONYMOUS 291 from Funeral Music GEOFFREY HILL 292 Lament for Culloden ROBERT BURNS 292 from Poems to Czechoslovakia MARINA TSVETAYEVA 293 Falll.961 ROBERT LOWELL 294 It is Dangerous to Read Newspapers MARGARET ATWOOD 295 Wounds MICHAEL LONGLEY 296 In a Notebook JAMES FENTON 297 Punishment SEAMUS HEANEY 298 What Were They Like? DENISE LEVERTOV 300 On the Late Massacre in Piedmont JOHNMILTON 301 In Time of 'The Breaking of Nations' THOMAS HARDY 3OI Returned Soldier JAMES K. BAXTER 302 Soldier's Farm JUDITH WRIGHT 302 The War Degree MEDBH MCGUCKIAN 303 'My Triumph lasted ..." EMILY DICKINSON 304 from Othello WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE 304 Freedom RENE CHAR 306 The Survivor TADEUSZ ROZEWICZ 306


The Innumerable Christ HUGH MACDIARMID 311 Fetish EDWARD KAMAU BRATHWAITE 311 Answers ELIZABETH JENNINGS 313 A Disused Shed in Co. Wexford DEREKMAHON 313 /romMustapha FULKE GREVILLE 315 Kneeling R. S. THOMAS 316 Tenebrae PAUL CELAN 316 There is No God ARTHUR HUGH CLOUGH 317 'Batter my heart...' JOHN DONNE 318 from In Memoriam ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON 319 Homage to the British Museum WILLIAM EMPSON 320

xvii AMiracle 320 from The Fall of Hyperion JOHN KEATS 321 from Tales of the islands DEREK WALCOTT 322 Celtic cross NORMAN MACCAIG 323 Utopia WISLAWA SZYMBORSKA 324 Byzantium w. B. YEATS 325 The Fowlers of the Marshes SELIMAHILL 326 from Adonais PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY 327 In back of the real ALLENGINSBERG 328 Rainbow JOHNAGARD 329 IamtheSong CHARLES CAUSLEY 330 PostScript SEAMUS HEANEY 33O 'I Sing of a Maiden...' ANONYMOUS 331 At a Solemn Music JOHN MILTON 332 The Sparrow's Skull RUTH PITTER 333 The Collar GEORGE HERBERT 334 from Lachrimae GEOFFREY HILL 335 Aeschylus PETER READING 335 Carrion Comfort GERARD MANLEY HOPKINS 336 'The Soul selects...' EMILY DICKINSON 337 To God WILLIAM BLAKE 337 Lines Written During a Period of Insanity WILLIAM COWPER 338 Dover Beach MATTHEW ARNOLD 338 from Sonnets from the Portuguese ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING 34O Late Call 340 IntheTheatre DANNIE ABSE 341 South Pole RICHARD CHURCH 342 Scorpion STEVIE SMITH 343 Lights Out EDWARD THOMAS 343 from Measure for Measure WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE 344 A Clear Shell FRANCES BELLERBY 345 Dead man's song PAULINAOQ 346 Kingdom of Tiny Shoes PENELOPE SHUTTLE 348


Conspiracy of the Clouds ZULFIKAR GHOSE 353 The Kiss BLAKE MORRISON 354 Praise in Summer RICHARD WILBUR 354 Zoom! SIMON ARMITAGE 355 To Night JOSEPH BLANCO WHITE 356 The Ex-Queen among the Astronomers FLEURADCOCK 356 Oracle Mama Dot FRED D'AGUIAR 357 When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer WALT WHITMAN 358 Timmy Buckley Observes the Pleiades BERNARD O'DONOGHUE 358 'When I survey the bright...' WILLIAM HABINGTON 359 The Galaxy and the Snail OOKA MAKOTO 361 The Bonnie Broukit Bairn HUGH MACDIARMID 361 from Singing School SEAMUS HEANEY 362 'I am Like a Slip of Comet...' GERARDMANLEYHOPKINS 363 The Comet-Watcher's Perspective SHEENAGHPUGH 364 Halley's Comet MICHAEL LONGLEY 364 Work-in-progress MAHMOOD JAMAL 365 Lucifer in Starlight GEORGE MEREDITH 366 Star-Talk ROBERT GRAVES 367 Starlight FREDA DOWNIE 368 The Star GEORGE HERBERT 369 Hymn to Diana BEN JONSON 370 from The Merchant of Venice WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE 37I The Moon and the Yew Tree SYLVIA PLATH 371 Full Moon and Little Frieda TEDHUGHES 372 'With how sad steps ..." SIR PHILIP SIDNEY 373 Sad Steps PHILIP LARKIN 373

xix With How Mad Steps ALLEN CURNOW 374 from Strugnell Lunaire WENDY COPE 374 Familiars IAN HAMILTON 375 AGameofMoons FEDERICO GARCIA LORCA 375 For the First Dog in Space LAVINIA GREENLAW 376 MoonLanding w. H. AUDEN 377 Moon-Landings ROBERT LOWELL 378 from Zero Gravity GWYNETH LEWIS 379 The space-ship IAIN MAC A'GHOBHAINN (IAIN CHRICHTON SMITH) 380 The First Men on Mercury EDWIN MORGAN 380 The End of the World ARCHIBALD MACLEISH 382 A Martian Sends a Postcard Home CRAIGRAINE 382 The World HENRY VAUGHAN 383 Acknowledgements 387 Index of Poets 395