1914 – 18 AND 1939 – 45 WE WILL REMEMBER THEM


The Parish of Berriew

Vicar: Revd Alexis Smith Assistant Priest: Revd Esther Yates 01686 625559 Lay Reader: Mr Peter Watkin 01686 640640 Warden: Mr Jim Maxwell 01686 640840 Warden: Mrs Iris Tombs 01686 640400

Services in St Beuno’s, Berriew

Sunday 4th November - Kingdom 1 10.00am All Age Communion

Sunday 11th November - Kingdom 2 10.00am Remembrance Service – see later information - no other service today

Sunday 18th November - Kingdom 3 10.00am All Age Family Service

Sunday 25th November - Christ the King 10.00am Sung Eucharist

St. John’s Mission Church - Fron Sunday 11th November Service of Remembrance Sunday 25th November 9.00am Family Communion

Pantyffridd Church Sunday 4th November 3.00pm Evening Prayer Sunday 18th November 3.00pm Holy Communion

Parish News

Sunday 11th November - Remembrance service in St Beuno’s.

Our service will begin at 10.00am in church and will conclude at the Lych gate War Memorial as near to 11.00am as we can for the observation of the two minutes silence and the laying of the wreaths. The bells will be rung to commemorate the 100 years since World War One before the service.

And now – week by week………..

Wednesdays at 10.30am We continue to hold our Morning Services in Old School. There will be coffee/tea and biscuits after the service on the first Wednesday of each month. On the third Wednesday we celebrate the Eucharist in church. On the last Wednesday of the month there is no morning service – you are invited to join with the MU at 2.00pm for worship. The 10.30 service is an opportunity to share in quiet thought and prayer week by week and enjoy fellowship together. All are welcome.

Choir Practices: Wednesdays at 6.00pm - in the Old School You don’t have to be able to sight read music - all ages welcome no-one too old! All welcome to join us.[ we have a cup of tea after the practice!!]

Bell Ringers: Wednesdays at 7.30pm in St Beuno’s The Bell ringers would love to welcome some new ringers - all welcome.

Mothers’ Union: meet on the last Wednesday of each month at 2.00pm in the Old School – all are welcome.

Thank you for continuing to donate food for the Food bank – which is taken regularly to .

Harvest Service Thanks. It was a joy to see so many folks in church on Thursday 11th for our Harvest Celebration ser- vice – Many thanks to those who decorated our windowsills – Berriew Primary School, the Bowling Club, the Brownies, the Football Club and the Young farmers. Thanks too for the gifts of food for the Welshpool Food bank at that service, and for the address from our visiting preacher – Rev Philip Harratt. We are all grateful too to Annette and her helpers who provided us with a supper treat - and for the fellowship we all enjoyed that night. Big thanks to you all!

Proposed Christmas dates will be confirmed in December Newsletter.

Sun. 9th December at 3.00pm – Carol Café in Old School Thurs. 20th December at 7.00pm – Carol service in St Beuno’s Mon. 24th December at 4.30pm – Crib service in St Beuno’s Tues. 25th December at 10.00am – Holy Communion in St Beuno’s

Berriew Parish Church Side Person Rota for November

10am. Service: Beryl Roberts and Richard Jerman.

Berriew Parish Church Cleaning Rota for November

Joyce Langford and Nita Langford.

St John’s Church. Fron

Harvest and Ven Peter and Debbie’s Farewell

Ven Peter officiated at our Harvest Festival Service on Friday 28th September when the large congregation enjoyed the singing of the harvest hymns, ably assisted by the Berriew Church choir whom we thank for joining us again this year. The reading was given by Claire and the offertory taken up by Louise and Millie-Grace. The church as usual was beautifully decorated by Sylvia and Heather Matthews, and Sandra and Lawrence Morris. After the service the congregation enjoyed a harvest supper provided by the ladies of the church. On this occasion the evening was one of mixed emotions. It was a joyous occasion thanking God for this wonderful world and the blessings of the harvest but also saying farewell to Ven Peter and Debbie whose last service it was with us at the Fron. During the evening Millie-Grace and James each beautifully played a cornet solo on the theme of ‘What a wonderful World’ and a presentation of cards and a photograph on canvas of the church was made to Peter and Debbie by all the young people led by Louise and they read a poem, written by Claire entitled :-

‘Goodbye from the Children at the Fron’

At Fron we have a Vicar that we like, His name is Archdeacon Peter Pike, On Sunday he is there Teaching us to love and care, He’s there through good times and the bad, He makes us happy when we’re sad. At St Asaph he joined in the celebration For Millie and Louise’s confirmation. It’s all now coming to an end, But we know he’ll remain our friend, He’s retiring for a rest, We still think he is the best, So it’s goodbye from Louise, Millie-Grace, James and Fin, Whenever you visit the Fron you’ll be welcome in!

120+ Club October 2018 Winners are:-

First prize £10.00 No 90 Ellie Phillips Second Prize £10.00 No 52 Catrin Smith Newtown Third Prize £5.00 No 65 Joyce Langford Berriew

Helen B

Refail Presbyterian Chapel

Minister Rev. Dr. D. Stirling Services every Sunday at 10am. unless otherwise stated.

Oct. 28th Miss. J. Turner Nov. 4th Joint Communion Bettws 10.30am. 11th Remembrance Service St. Beuno's Church 10.30am 18th Mr. N. Evans 25th Mr. N. James Dec. 2nd Joint Communion 10.30am.

Dates for your Diary Wednesdays The Bible Society course in Assembly room. Commencing with a light lunch at 1pm. and finish at 3pm. with tea and cake. Coffee is served in the assembly room after the service the 4th Sunday in the month. Bridge Club every Friday at 7.30pm. The assembly rooms are available for hire. Contact Mrs. Hall: 01686 668085 Pentre Llifior Wesleyan Methodist Chapel

Minister: Rev. Bob Thomas, NEWTOWN (01686 625690) Services: 2.30pm Sundays.

Nov. 4th All – Age Cell Group 11th Terry Jobling, Welshpool – REMEMBRANCE DAY Service 18th All – Age Cell Group 25th Rev. Bob Thomas, Newtown (HOLY COMMUNION Service)

ALL are welcome to visit and attend services at this fascinating 18th Cent. Methodist Heritage site. New displays in November will include information on the Rev. Cleland Kirkpatrick, an ex-Royal Naval seaman who lost an arm in an engagement with a ship commanded by John Paul Jones, the ‘father’ of the United States navy and Catharine Hollins of Berriew who, in 1799, married the Rev. James Gill, one of Pentre Llifior’s two founding itinerants. Visiting groups are most welcome and can be arranged with Andrew Mathieson (tel: 01938 555376). The chapel continues to be OPEN on the first Wednesday of the month (7th Nov. 2.00 – 4.30pm TEA SHOP STOP) and on the 2nd Saturday (10th Nov. 10.00 – 12.30 pm for ‘BACON BUDDIES’). Andrew Mathieson

The Young Folks of St Beuno’s [Contact no.s [01686] Angela: 624357: Esther: 625559]

We wish all our young folks a happy half-term holiday. Our last Little saints meeting was held on 20th October when we lit up our world as we remembered that we all have a light in our lives – if only we would switch it on – that’s the light that is in Jesus – our guide and our friend. He helps us to get through any ‘darkness’ that we meet. In our daily lives we thought about how we use light to help us - and to keep us safe. In our craft, we decorated lighthouses and prepared a calendar for Advent Our next meeting will be in December – Saturday 15th - look out for information in next month’s newsletter. We are always happy to welcome new members to Little saints [ Primary aged young folk] - Come and join us!

Berriew Primary School visits It has been a privilege and a pleasure for Rev Alexis, Rev Es- ther and Angela to visit the children in school and take some of our activities to them – Thanks to the staff who have welcomed us and the children for their enthusiasm.

Thank you

Peter and Deb wish to thank you all for the lovely farewell you gave us on Sunday 30th September.

It was a privilege for Peter to preside and preach at the Eucharist, and for Deb to play the organ, among so many friends. The lunch which followed in the Old School was also memorable, and we are very grateful to all who made this possible. Thank you too, for your prayers, gifts and cards on our move in retirement to Aberhafasp. We have loved our time in Berriew and will remember you with real affection.

With every blessing to you all as you continue in faith and welcome Alexis, Scott and Roger amongst you. As ever Peter and Deb. Berriew W.I. October Meeting

The meeting opened by welcoming Kathy, recently moved to Berriew, and hopefully a new member for the WI.

A card and small gift had been received from Deb Pike, who had now left the area, and her message recalled all the fun and friendship she had enjoyed at the WI over the previous six years.

It was announced that five gardens will most probably be open under the NGS next year and that the WI will be providing refreshments.

The curling and dominoes teams were now complete, and Beryl was taking names for darts.

A discussion took place about the WI stall at the Berriew Show and it was agreed to have been a success. The visual displays had been complimented and considerable interest shown in photographs featuring past members. It seemed to have been a worthwhile and profitable endeavour, showcasing WI activities and interests.

The meeting discussed the Christmas meal and it was suggested that it could be on the evening of our usual meeting in December, possibly at The Lion Hotel.

Unfortunately the planned demonstration of Halloween Cookery had to be cancelled and Ann Dixon brought forward her talk on Ladies of , originally planned for a later date. She focussed on Lady Winifred Herbert, born in the seventeenth century in , where she enjoyed a happy childhood. She led a fascinating and adventurous life, displaying courage and much determination, and successfully enabled her husband to escape from the Tower of . Winifred was supported through much of her life by her servant and companion Grace Evans, who later lived in the black and white cottage next to St Mary’s in Welshpool. Ann was thanked by the meeting for an enthralling account of such an inspiring woman from Powys.

Refreshments were served by Lisa and Shelley. Next meeting 7th November, AGM.


By Roger Foulkes

A JOURNEY THROUGH MYANMAR (BURMA) On Wednesday 7th November 7.30pm. At Welshpool Methodist Church Hall

£3 for Yemen Emergency Fund.

Berriew Football Club

PRESIDENT – Mr Delwyn Langford

CHAIRMAN – Mr David Jones – 01686 640953

SECRETARY – Mrs Alison Roberts – 07929 206956

TREASURER – Mrs Kelly Midmore – 07794 024894

First Team Fixtures

 Saturday 27th October – 2.30pm – v Berriew FAW TROPHY 3RD ROUND  Saturday 3rd November – 2.30pm Llansantffraid village v Berriew  Saturday 10th November – 2.30pm TBA or Welsh Cup 2nd round  Saturday 17th November – no game  Saturday 24th November – 2.30pm Berriew v Llansantffraid village or FAW Trophy 4th round  Saturday 1st December – 2.30pm Mid league cup 2nd round  Saturday 8th December – 2.30pm Llanfair United v Berriew or Welsh cup  Saturday 15th December – 2.30pm Tywyn Bryncrug v Berriew

200 club draw winners

1st Prize : £100 Lyn Philiips

2nd Prize: £60 Geoff Haycock

3rd Prize: £40 Tony Croft

Berriew F.C. Juniors

Training for girls and boys, teams of all ages.

For more information visit the Berriew Football Club Juniors website or please contact Paul Inns [email protected] / 07801 240097 or Andrew Wilde [email protected] / 07966 882704

Dates for your diary Sunday 4th November – Berriew F.C. Quiz night 8pm at the Talbot Hotel

Sunday 11th November 2018 – Berriew F.C. Sportsman’s Lunch

Saturday 26th January 2019 – Berriew FC Racenight at Berriew bowling club

Saturday 8th June 2019 – Berriew FC Ladies lunch.

Berriew Football Club 1ST Team Results.

Tuesday 25th September 2018 – MMP with Norman Lloyd Mid Wales League

Berriew 5-0 Churchstoke

Team: 1. Craig Pearce. 2. George Davies. 3. Luke Vickers. 4. Drew Cook. 5. Rhys Stephens. 6. George Mitten. 7. Steffan Rogers. 8. Calum Greatorex. 9. Richard Davies. 10. Ismail Ozdemir. 11. Charlie Humphreys. SUBS: 12. Marc Jones. 14. Harry Watkins. 15. Tomos Williamscorers: Charlie Humphreys (2), Tomos Williams (2), Steffan Rogers

Saturday 29th September 2018 – JD Welsh Cup 2nd Qualifying Round

Berriew 5-2 (after extra time)

Team: 1. Ryan Edkins. 2. Drew Cook. 3. Luke Vickers. 4. Craig Pearce. 5. Rhys Stephens. 6. George Mitten. 7. Steffan Rogers. 8. Dewi Hughes. 9. Tomos Williams. 10. Harry Watkins. 11. Charlie Humphreys. SUBS: 12. Marc Jones. 14. Calum Greatorex. 15. Ismail Ozdemir. 16. Joe Haycock Scorers: Tomos Williams (3), Charlie Humphreys, Harry Watkins

Wednesday 3rd October 2018 – MMP Mid Wales League Cup 1st Round

Berriew 4-0 Dyffryn Banw

Team: 1. Ryan Edkins. 2. George Davies. 3. Luke Vickers. 4. Craig Pearce. 5. Drew Cook. 6. Harry Watkins. 7. Steffan Rogers. 8. Calum Greatorex. 9. Tomos Williams. 10. Will Gittins. 11. Charlie Humphreys. SUBS: 12. Rhys Stephens. 14. Joe Haycock. 15. Richard Davies Scorers: Tomos Williams, Richard Davies (3)

Saturday 6th October 2018 – MMP Mid Wales League Division One

Berriew 0-3

Team: 1. Ryan Edkins. 2. George Davies. 3. Craig Pearce. 4. Rhys Stephens. 5. Marc Jones. 6. Harry Watkins. 7. Steffan Rogers. 8. Dewi Hughes. 9. Richard Davies. 10. Joe Haycock. 11. Charlie Humphreys. SUBS: 12. Luke Vickers. 14. Calum Greatorex. 15. Ismail Ozdemir

Wednesday 10th October 2018 – MMP Mid Wales League Division One

Berriew 7-0 Tywyn Bryncrug

Team: 1. Ryan Edkins. 2. George Davies. 3. Luke Vickers. 4. Craig Pearce. 5. Rhys Stephens. 6. Marc Jones. 7. Steffan Rogers. 8. Harry Watkins. 9. Richard Davies. 10. Joe Haycock. 11.Will Gittins. SUBS: 12. Xavier Matisse. 14. David Jones. Scorers: Richard Davies (2), Rhys Stephens (2), Joe Haycock (2), Own Goal

Following those results, the up to date league table is: MMP with Norman Lloyd Mid Wales League Division 1


Caersws 11 10 1 0 48 8 40 31

Radnor Valley 10 8 0 2 26 18 8 24

Llanidloes Town 10 7 1 2 25 11 14 22 Berriew FC 10 7 0 3 33 14 19 21

Llanfair United 8 5 1 2 16 9 7 16

Welshpool Town 11 5 1 5 25 21 4 16

Llandrindod Wells 8 4 0 4 17 15 2 12

Aberaeron 8 4 0 4 20 20 0 12

Kerry 9 4 0 5 20 32 -12 12

Carno 7 3 0 4 14 17 -3 9

Builth Wells 8 2 1 5 13 20 -7 7

Tywyn Bryncrug 8 2 0 6 9 25 -16 6

Bow Street 9 1 2 6 9 17 -8 5

Llansantffraid Village 9 1 2 6 13 24 -11 5

Churchstoke 10 0 1 9 8 45 -37 1

Berriew F.C. recently hosted a ladies charity afternoon tea and promise auction, proceeds from the day were made to both the club and the Lingen Davies Cancer appeal. Kelly Midmore, Treasurer, is seen presenting a cheque for £1500 to Doreen Owen, Lingen Davies representative. Also in the picture, Alison Roberts, secretary and Andrew Wilde, vice Treasurer.



PETE JACKSON – PUBLICITY OFFICER – 01686 640436 – [email protected]


After 22 years of excellence looking after the green and grounds of Berriew Bowling Club, Tony Croft has retired. His dedication and expertise will be a hard act to follow. The BBC is now looking for a suitable replacement for Tony for next season and beyond. Anyone who is interested or know of anyone who might be interested please let the club know.

Dave Richards 07732488886


What a challenging year 2018 has been for gardens – rain and snow in the early months followed by weeks of hot dry sunny days. Yet, true to form, garden owners welcomed hundreds of visitors from far and near to their wonderful gardens across the county. They and their helpers served thousands of slices of cake and cups of tea. It is too early to say how much we raised in 2018 but we do know that many gardens reported record number of visitors. All we can say is THANK YOU – thank you to the garden owners, thank you to their helpers, thank you to everyone spread the word about our gardens and thank you to you all for visiting our gardens. It takes all of you to make the National Garden Scheme work.

We are now looking forward to 2019. We have some wonderful new gardens registered to open next year as well as some old favourites returning. We are very excited about our “Village Opening” in Berriew when 5 very different will all open on the same afternoon in June with the ladies of the WI serving tea in the Old School.

There are also 18 gardens which will be opening by arrangement. Some of these welcome individuals as well as larger groups, so if you are planning a family get together and want to do something different why not visit a garden and enjoy afternoon tea there? It will be a little while before the NGS website is updated with the 2019 information so we have produced a preview list of the gardens which are open by arrangement to help you plan ahead. If you are arranging the programme for a club or society, you might like to know that we have a great presentation covering the history of the National Garden scheme as well as lots about gardens in Powys. If you would like to be sent the preview list, or want to know more about our presentation, please contact me, Helen Anthony (details below)

You can discover more about our gardens and the charities supported by the National Garden Scheme at . Keep up to date by following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @powysngs.

Helen Anthony, Publicity Officer, 01686 941795 [email protected]

The Belan

The Belan Community is having a Quiz Night on Friday 9th November at 7.30pm. at the Belan Old School Hall. Fish and chips can be ordered on the night. Please bring your own drinks. If you are interested, please let the Secretary, Margaret Pepper know on 01938 552306.




DON’T FORGET THAT WE ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR ARTICLES, NEWS AND PHOTOGRAPHS. Information concerning current and historical events, tourist Information including Berriew village and the surrounding area will all be welcome. If you want to contribute send your material to [email protected]

BERRIEW’S CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS If you represent one of Berriew’s clubs, associations or organisations etc… that hasn’t already come on board, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to tell you all about it.

ADVERTISING We want to encourage more businesses to advertise on and for only £25.00 for 12 months advertising, you can’t go wrong. Please contact Pete Jackson on 01686 640436 or e- mail [email protected] to discuss your requirements.

The Berriew Community Website has been created with the assistance of grant funding from Powys Connections and is supported by the Berriew Community Council.

Pete Jackson – 01686 640436 – [email protected] Hazel Wilson – 01686 668868 – [email protected] Andy Kirkwood – 01686 640710 – [email protected] Jan Lawrence – [email protected] Cheers, Pete Jackson, Chairman.

Note from the Treasurer

The committee are very grateful for all donations and we hope to use them efficiently and economically to keep up the news service to Berriew. We would like to thank an anonymous donor and Mrs. A. Jenkins for the donation from the sale of plums from their garden and Mrs. M. Phillips who has returned to live in Berriew for her donation. Mrs. P. Hall Treasurer.

The newsletter and Anita Jenkins would like to thank all the people who contributed to the £30 donation raised from the selling of the plums from her garden. Thank you all for your support. Val Wallis/Editor.



TUESDAY NOVEMBER 6th & 20th 2 – 3 pm.

All welcome

Morgan Photography 2018

Berriew Calendar on sale @ The Lion Hotel, Lychgate Cottage Tea Room, Berriew Stores and The Talbot Hotel.

On Sale soon @ Tea Room Berriew Christmas Cards

Christmas Tree Decorations

Check out our Facebook page for examples.

The Arts Society Mid Wales and Borders.

The November meeting of the Arts Society Mid Wales and Borders takes place on Thursday the 22nd. The speaker is Jacqueline Hyman, whose talk is titled ‘What did the Egyptians ever do for Bolton?’ The venue is the Royal Oak Hotel, Welshpool and the talk begins at 2.30pm. Visitors are very welcome to attend, though a donation of £6 per person is requested towards costs. For further details contact [email protected] 01938 555938 or Dennis Duggan [email protected] 01938 555574.

Berriew YFC Christmas Bingo

rd Monday 3 December 2018

Berriew Community Centre

7pm for Eyes Down at 7.30pm

£1 per book or £5 for 6 books

*Lots of Prizes to be Won* *Refreshments*

The Berriew Charity (Charity Number 216265)

The Berriew Charity is here to help support all ages of the community who reside within the parish. Whether you perhaps would like a little extra help for something, or are starting a new venture in your life then please contact one of the following Trustees for more information, Ven. Dr. P. Pike (Chair), Mrs. P.J. Hausman, Mrs. S.E. O'Brien, Mr. M. Creaven, Mr. P.R.M. Wilson, Mrs. S. Rees or Mrs. A. Bright. Applications are open to all age groups who live within the parish and should be sent to Mrs. Lynda Evans, Fir Grove, Berriew, SY21 8AQ (Correspondent) for the consideration of the Trustees.

Berriew Newsletter

Chairman/Editor: Val Wallis

Items for publication may be left in the Newsletter post box at Berriew Stores or e-mailed to the editor at: [email protected].

The Berriew Newsletter is published monthly on a voluntary basis as a service to the community. The editor is empowered absolutely to withhold a contribution without explanation and does not accept liability for any opinions expressed by contributors. Articles may be edited for publication. The Berriew Newsletter cannot vouch for the accuracy of offers, services or goods that appear in the Berriew Newsletter, nor can it be responsible for the outcome of any contract that may be entered into with an advisor.

Newsletter Christmas Competition for the Children

We will again be running a Christmas competition for the children, with a prize in each age group.

Up to 11 years old – a Christmas picture, drawn and coloured by yourself. 11 - 16 years – a Christmas story, composed by yourself of up to 500 words.

All entries to be placed in the Newsletter Post Box in Berriew Stores by December 7th.

Winners will be contacted with their prize the week before Christmas. Good Luck. NOVEMBER CROSSWORD





3.45pm – 4.45pm.

Free to join. Open to all ages. (All children must be accompanied by an adult/ carer)





PANTYFFRIDD 01686 641875

The Vet Who Surprised a Cow

In the course of his duties in August 1977, a Dutch veterinary surgeon was required to treat an ailing cow. To investigate its internal gases he inserted a tube into that end of the animal not capable of facial expression and struck a match. The jet of flame set fire first to some bales of hay and then to the whole farm causing damage estimated at £45,000. The vet was later fined £140 for starting a fire in a manner surprising to the magistrates. The cow escaped with shock.

Taken from: The Book of Heroic Failures.


We welcome you to come and join us on

Saturday 17th November Corn Exchange, Welshpool 10.00am -3.30pm.

Light refreshments and Raffle in aid of Ysgol Cedewain

Specialist cheeses, jams and chutneys, handmade socks, woven baskets, ceramic, glass and silver jewellery, cards and boxed framed pictures, crochet items, decorative signs, local artwork capturing scenes in and around Welshpool plus lots more.

Visit our facebook page: artisanfairspowys

Editor’s Postscript.

The closing date for the December Newsletter is Wednesday 21st November and the Newsletter will be published on Friday 30th November. PLEASE REMEMBER WE DO NOT PRINT A JANUARY NEWSLETTER – SO ITEMS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY NEED TO BE RECEIVED IN TIME FOR THE DECEMBER ISSUE.

My thanks to everyone who has given their time to help in the production and distribution of this Newsletter. Please note – all articles and correspondence left in the Newsletter Post Box must include a name and address and/or telephone number. Anonymous items will not be published.

Val Wallis/Editor 01686 641875. Email: [email protected].

Diary of Events.

Friday 26th October Kids Halloween Disco, Berriew Community Centre. Sunday 4th November Berriew F.C. Quiz night at The Talbot Hotel, 8pm start Wednesday 7th November Berriew W.I. AGM. Friday 9th November Belan Community Quiz night, 7.30pm at the Belan Old School. Saturday 10th November R.B.L. Poppy Appeal Coffee Morning at the Bowls Club. Sunday 11th November Berriew F.C. Sportsman’s Lunch. Saturday 17th November Artisan Fairs at the Corn Exchange, Welshpool. Sunday 18th November Berriew School PTA Promise Auction, The Checkers, Montgomery Wednesday 21st November Closing date for the December Newsletter Thursday 22nd November Berriew Community Council meeting 7.30pm. Every Friday Bridge Club at the Refail 7.30pm.


Are you affected by MS either as someone with MS, HPC Registered a carer, young carer or family member.

The branch of the MS Society UK has a trained Chiropodist volunteer support team who are able to offer help in visiting, telephone contact, advice and applications for grants. Bothersome bunions, The MS Society UK publishes information on the many aspects Crippling Corns? of MS, also with advice for carers, young carers, and family Banish those woes, members. This information is available free from the pamper your toes. Montgomeryshire team. Home visits by We are here to help - appointment Telephone Montgomeryshire support line: Tel: 01686 640683 01686 641843 Mob: 07763944321

MID-WALES SPORTS & PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC (Maes Eglwys, Pantyffridd, Berriew)

Jan Lawrence MSc MCSP

Chartered Physiotherapist

Specialist in Musculo-skeletal, Orthopaedic and Sports Injuries Acupuncture & Manipulative Therapy available Conditions treated: neck & back pain, arthritis, shoulder, hip, knee & joint problems 01686 650943 Email: [email protected] Daytime & evening appointments available

BERRIEW STORES Tel: 01686 640266 Alan Davies Email: berriewstores

Family Butcher Your local Independent Village Store

Local Meats Well stocked convenience store, stocking all your favourite brands including groceries, newspapers, wines and beers and local fresh Home Made Burgers produce. And sausages We also now offer an in-house floristry service. Suppliers to Paypoint Services and National Lottery. Lychgate Tearoom Post Office Hours And Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 10am-6.30pm. General public Wed 10am-12.45pm & 2.15pm-6.30pm. Sat. 8am-6.30pm and Sun. 10am-5.30pm. (These hours may change due to staff holidays or sickness) We Tel: 01686 640306 will be closed on 15th of each month for 2 hours to run month end. Evening: 01938 810743 Shop Open- Mon-Fri. 7am-7pm. Mob: 07971582347 Sat. 8am-7pm and Sun. 8am-6pm.

Call in at A. Hughes R.G. Peate ALLSORTS Plasdwpa

Funeral Services We Stock Cards for all Salop Road Septic Tanks Occasions Welshpool Emptied

150 Foot Reach Welsh Crafts, Gifts, Private Chapel Maximum Toys and Fancy Goods Funerals Personally Books for Children Conducted Licenced Stationary Tel: 01938 810657 Reasonable Rates Second Hand Books Or Te: 01686 640298 01938 559256 Tel: 01686 640615 Mob: 07971041429

Hair by Jane Cadwallader & Co. LLP Grahams Garage Chartered Accountants Complete Garage Service Ladies & Gents & Business Advisors Hairdressing Including: Mobile Hairdresser Agents for MOT*Servicing*Repairs Diagnostics Yorkshire Building Society Body work*Insurance Work Newtown, Welshpool Eagle House Air Conditioning*Tyres And surrounding villages 25 Severn Street Courtesy Car Available

Welshpool Fully qualified Technicians Tel: 07967 715764 Powys Best Quality Service Given 01686 640724 SY21 7AD. All Work Guaranteed Caerhowel Registered and Tel:01938 552625 Montgomery City and Guilds Qualified Email: Powys SY15 6HF Tel: 01686 668327 office

R.H. Bunner & Son Ltd. The Lychgate Cottage Tearoom & Deli is the village meeting place for morning coffee, Montgomery lunch with friends, or afternoon cream teas. SY15 6RA All cakes, scones, and savouries are home baked at the tearoom each day. Tel: 01686 668308 There is also a well stocked deli counter. All ingredients are sourced locally.

Hardware & Ironmongery. We offer a takeaway service, just pop in or telephone your order through on 01686 640750 Traditional cast iron cookers

& hearth stoves Sarah can also provide Celebration Cakes for Range of Gardening equipment any occasion Also a selection of buffets. And garden seeds If we can be of any further help please contact Main Dealers for Polaris Sarah 01686 640750 & Arctic Cat ATV's

GREGYNOG Conferences Residential/Day. Weddings. Celebrations. Events. Bed & Breakfast. Cafe. Garden & Tours. For more details ring 01686 650224 Gregynog, , Nr. Newtown, Powys.SY16 3PW

Mark Haycock FLOWERS Qualified By JAN PHILLIPS Electrician/Appliance CHRIS EVANS “Special Flowers for all Engineer Occasions” Building and roofing services *Wedding & Bridal Wiring Installations:- Consultations Domestic, Agricultural, All aspects of construction, *Funerals Commercial, Industrial internal and external *Celebrations brickwork, tiling, patios and *Bouquets – Delivery Repairs to:- ponds etc. Available Washing Machines, All Designed from home @ Tumble Dryers,Dishwashers, For informal advice and costing Rhydyware Cookers, Vacuum cleaners etc. for your project Tel: 01686 640597 or Montgomery Mob:07719 933884 07785221639 or email: Powys. SY15 6HQ Tel: 01686 640815 cebars Tel: 01686 668645 Documents: 0r 07791 870325 vaynorcottage

Lavender Blue Florist Alan Spencer Flowers for all Occasions Wedding and Event Flowers Interior Painting and Decorating Specialising in Domestic Work

Funeral Flowers Gift Bouquets and Plants Apprentice Trained Delivery available With over 35 years Experience At Berriew and Four Crosses 01686 640266 or 01691 839283 Tel: Daytime 07775751826 Evening 01938 554764

For all your domestic Yoga Classes in Castle appliance and electrical repairs Clive's Electrical Ltd. At the Village Community Hall Repairs to Washing machines, Thursdays – 6.30pm till 8.00pm. Tumble driers, Dishwashers,cookers, Cost £5.00/class or £45.00/10 sessions. Microwaves Vacuum cleaners, Storage heaters, Call Richard on 01938 850578 Lights & sockets, Or 07583079423 for information. Portable appliances, Testing etc. Suitable for beginners or Tel: 01938 850264 intermediate.

Mid Wales and Shropshire

Norman Jones Time for You Therapies Domestic Appliance Repairs

Same Day/Next Day Service

Clinical Hypnotherapy and Counselling Tel:07971 252069 01588 638677 New and used sales Individuals and Couples Spares/Repairs Cookers For More Information Visit Washers Driers Vacuums

Or call Kim on 07903806002

TREFALDWYN VETS M's R.C.V.S. Veterinary Surgeons

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Montgomery Mon-Fri 9.00am – 10.00am Mon-Fri 4.30pm – 6.00pm

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