Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88876-9 - Central Cambridge: a Guide to the University and Colleges: Second Edition Kevin Taylor Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88876-9 - Central Cambridge: A Guide to the University and Colleges: Second Edition Kevin Taylor Index More information Index Ackroyd, Peter 21 Botanic Garden 3, 65, 105-6 Adams, John Couch 98, 100 Bragg, William 33 A.D.C. Theatre 82 Bridge of Sighs (Sidney Sussex) 79 Addenbrooke’s Hospital, New 6, 61, 92, 105 Bridge of Sighs (St John’s) 39 Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Old 61-2 British Antarctic Survey 97 Albert, Prince Consort 8-9, 65 Brogan, Dennis 59 Alcock, John 80 Bronowski, Jacob 81 All Saints Church 82 Brooke, Rupert 18 All Saints Church (former) 40, 82 Brown, Ford Madox 81 American Cemetery 98, 99 Buckingham College (former) 83 Amis, Kingsley 59 Burgess, Guy 33 Anderson, Clive 45 Burghley, Lord (16th-century) 8, 39 Anglia Ruskin University 9, 106 Burghley, Lord (20th-century) 34 Anglo-Saxon England 45-6, 47, 48 Burne-Jones, Edward 81, 82 Anne, Queen 88 Burrough, James 18, 26, 58 Apostles, the Cambridge 33 Butler, R. A. 34, 42 Archaeology and Anthropology, Museum of, Butterfi eld, Herbert 59 see Museums of the University Byatt, A. S. 88 Arts Theatre 45 Byron, Lord 33, 35 Ascension Parish Burial Ground 100 Caius College, see Gonville and Caius College atom, splitting of 65 Caius, John 30-1 Attenborough, David 21 Cam, River 2, 5-6, 14, 20, 22, 39, 40, 53, 54, 79, 83, Audley, Lord 83 101-2, 108, 116 Australia, Cambridge connections with 27, 29 Cambridge Airport 81 Babbage, Charles 66, 96 Cambridge Assessment 8, 11 Backs, the 5-6, 7, 18, 19, 23, 36, 53, 109 Cambridge Castle 2, 18, 86 Bacon, Francis 32, 34 Cambridge, Massachusetts 72 Baddiel, David 45 Cambridge University, see University of Cambridge Balfour, A.
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