59.389, $12.00
Vb. D?CUMENT RESUME ED 236 671 CS 207 947 ft ,AUTHOR Christensen, Jane, Ed. TITLE Your Reading: A Booklist for Junior High and Middle f/ School,Students-Sixth Edition. -INSTITUTI,ON ,National Council of Teachers of English, Urbana,. Ill. REPORT NO ISBN-0-8141-5938-9 PUB DATE '83' NOTE 772p:; Prepared by,..,the Committee on the Junior High ,and Middle SChpol.Bopklist of the National Council of Teachers of Engl,ish. d. 'AVAILABLE:FROM National Council of Teachers 6f: English, 11110 Kenyon Rd., Urhana,.IL 61801'(StockNC). 59.389,$12.00 /now-member, $10.00 member). PUB TYPE Reference Materials BibliographieS( .131) Books (010) ' -' EDRS PRICE MF05/PC31 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS' *Adoielent Literature; Annotated BibliographieS-;, Element ry SecoRdary Education;, Juaipr High Schools; *Literature-Appreciation;. Middle Reading I,,nterests; *Reddilng Materials; St, Interests °°- ABSTRACT .1 , . , , With many annotations writtenoredited tystudents this booklist contains 3,,1(10 citations of fiction anld,nonfiction . pub'litations for adolescents. Most entries were published within The past few 'years, althOugh well-written older 'books are also included? The annotations, which include appropriate age ranges:lare 'categorized. as.folldws: Fiction,-(1) adyenture;. (.2) .family'. Situations; (3),friendship;(4) dating and love; (5Y racial,. ethnic, or religious groups; (6) sports; (7) 'physical \handicaps;(8) mental .and emotional problems; (9) deith'and dyirig;(10) mysteries; (11) historica,1 novels; (12) science fiction; ,(13) fantasy and folklore; (14) 'the supernatural; (15) humor and/satite; (16)'poeiry; (17) plays; and (18) short stoilir collections; Nonfiction--(19) animals; (20) biography; 21) fine arts; 422) mass, Illedia;.(231 personal improvement and health;, (24) histbry and gOvernme4; (25) hobbies and 7;:crafts;(26) occupations and' careers; (27) places and people of the.
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