Famouskin.Com Relationship Chart of Susan Montfort Shellman (1808 - 1887) 21St Cousin of John Marshall 4Th Chief Justice of the U.S

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Famouskin.Com Relationship Chart of Susan Montfort Shellman (1808 - 1887) 21St Cousin of John Marshall 4Th Chief Justice of the U.S FamousKin.com Relationship Chart of Susan Montfort Shellman (1808 - 1887) 21st cousin of John Marshall 4th Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Baldwin V of Hainault Margaret of Flanders Isabella of Hainault Isabella of Hainault Philip II Auguste, King of France Philip II Auguste, King of France Louis VIII, King of France Louis VIII, King of France Blanche of Castile Blanche of Castile Robert I, Count of Artois Louis IX, King of France Matilda of Brabant Margaret Berenger Blanche of Artois Philip III, King of France Edmund Plantagenet Isabella of Aragon Henry Plantagenet King Philip IV of France Maud de Chaworth Joan of Navarre Joan of Lancaster Isabella of France John de Mowbray Edward II, King of England Eleanor Mowbray Edward III, King of England FamousKin.comRoger de la Warre Philippa of Hainault A B © 2010-2021 FamousKin.com Page 1 of 3 27 Sep 2021 FamousKin.com Relationship Chart of Susan Montfort Shellman to John Marshall A B Joan de la Warre John of Gaunt Sir Thomas West Katherine Roet Sir Reynold West Joan Beaufort Margaret Thorley Sir Ralph Neville Sir Richard West Sir Edward Neville Katherine Hungerford Katherine Howard Sir Thomas West Catherine Neville Eleanor Copley Robert Tanfield Barbara West William Tanfield Sir John Guilford Elizabeth Stavely Elizabeth Guilford Frances Tanfield William Cromer Bridget Cave Dorothy Cromer Anne Tanfield William Seyliard Clement Vincent Elizabeth Seyliard Elizabeth Vincent Cornelius Beresford Richard Lane Dorothy Beresford Dorothy Lane John Brodnax William Randolph Robert Brodnax Richard Randolph FamousKin.comAnne - - - - - - Elizabeth Ryland C D © 2010-2021 FamousKin.com Page 2 of 3 27 Sep 2021 FamousKin.com Relationship Chart of Susan Montfort Shellman to John Marshall C D William Brodnax Col. William Randolph Rebecca Champion Mary Isham Edward Brodnax Thomas Randolph Mary Brown - - - - - - Fleming Ann Brodnax Mary Isham Randolph Robert Munford Rev. James Keith Clarissa Montfort Mary Randolph Keith John Shellman Col. Thomas Marshall Susan Montfort Shellman John Marshall (1808 - 1887) U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice FamousKin.com © 2010-2021 FamousKin.com Page 3 of 3 27 Sep 2021 .
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