ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED NEWSPAPER Home | 2 Business | 17 Sport | 28 Ashghal hands Doha Bank Qatar’s Ogunode over 22 schools, imports record shines in 100m 11 kindergartens volumes of gold heats at World to SEC. in seven months. Championships. SUNDAY 23 AUGUST 2015 • 8 Dhul-Qa’da 1436 • Volume 20 Number 6531
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[email protected] Editorial: 4455 7741 | Advertising: 4455 7837 / 4455 7780 Indian rupee Call to stop sale hits new low of Shafaf at against riyal DOHA: The Indian rupee hit a record low against the dollar- pegged Qatari riyal (QR) on petrol stations Friday, sliding to below Rs18 per riyal for the second time in two years. Foreign exchange operators, CMC concerned about public safety bankers and currency analysts in India feel the rupee may fur- DOHA: The Central Municipal The CMC panel also urged the ther weaken against the dollar. Council (CMC) has asked Woqod government not to demolish old There are others, though, who (Qatar Fuel) not to allow outlets petrol stations and build other believe that may not happen and within the premises of its petrol structures at their site. the rupee may stabilise as it had stations to store and sell cook- New petrol stations must be already tumbled enough. ing gas cylinders to ensure peo- built depending on the popula- Some say the currency may sta- ple’s safety. tion of an area, the CMC panel bilise at Rs65 to Rs65.50 per dol- Woqod, a listed entity, has a has said. lar by December-end, while others number of petrol filling and serv- For example, if one petrol sta- think it may tumble to Rs66.50 ice stations across the country tion has been planned for an area level by year-end.