Marathon Championship
CLUB KIWIFRUIT FUND RAISING PICK As reported in Ramblings newsletter, 6th June, 1992. The annual Shallcross kiwifruit pick was once again offered to Tauranga Ramblers to give our funds a much needed boost so that we can subsidise club days, Bar-B-Q’s, Pinto, buses, newsletters and travel to major events. All in all club members receive more than their subscriptions cover, therefore we need full support from all participants for our fund-raising efforts. The club is very appreciative of the chances to earn this money and a special thanks go to Bill and Marge Shallcross for this fruit picking opportunity. It certainly beats selling raffle tickets and gives us the chance to do something other than one’s usual job or studies. It is quite an education especially the way different people see the hairy berries – their shapes and sizes I’ll leave to your imagination. Colin Clifton commented that it was a change from working alone. Teresa Coston was certainly the noisiest and Kristin McLoughlin one of the quietest, but it was good to see everyone turn out. Some brought their spouses, or sons and daughters. Robyn Bint did a great job removing all the kiwifruit stalks. Marge did a great job of keeping the team fed, while Nigel Hines had done an absolutely fantastic job chasing along all members he could find. Over the two days we picked 162 bins compared to 166 last year. Unfortunately we couldn’t quite finish but Ramblers received $1400.00 for the two day’s work. Once again special thanks to Bill, Marge, Debbie, Russell, Rob Shallcross and his in-laws and to Nigel and Sheryl Hines for their organisation.
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