1 Teaching Cognates First Edition - October 2014 Copyright 2006-2014
[email protected] Cover Image: Black Dots Visual Illusion Author Unknown 2 Teaching Cognates is a compilation of excerpts from Cognate Linguistics , the full letter A section from The Dictionary of Cognates , and the full letter -N section from The Reverse Dictionary of Cognates . This is a free e-book. The use of this book and its content, for any research or non-commercial purpose, is completely unrestricted. If you make use of or redistribute this material, I would appreciate acknowledgement of its origin. For more information, please visit www.cognates.org 3 Table of Contents Page Preface 5 Introduction 6 Cognate Linguistics Cognate Lexis 9 Classification of Cognates 12 Cognate Syntax 13 Cognates by nature 18 The Four Skills: Visual and Auditory Word Recognition 22 Corpus-based Cognates 26 The Most Frequent English Cognates List - MFCogn English 28 The Most Frequent English Cognates List - MFCogn Spanish 29 The Most Frequent Business Cognates List - MFCogn Business 29 The Dictionary of Cognates Instructions 33 Letter A 37 Expanded Spanish Conjugation 120 The Reverse Dictionary of Cognates Instructions 133 Letter -N 135 Author 167 4 Preface The original name of this compilation eBook was 'Raising Cognate Awareness and Encouraging Cognate Use'. I loved it. It perfectly explained its content and purpose. However, thanks to peer advice, I came to realize, once again, that books should be addressed to readers. So, yes; if I had to use common educational jargon, I would say I would definitely like teachers to teach cognates and learners to learn them.