Annex 5 Report of the Working Group on Fish

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Annex 5 Report of the Working Group on Fish ANNEX 5 REPORT OF THE WORKING GROUP ON FISH STOCK ASSESSMENT (Hobart, Australia, 8 to 19 October 2007) CONTENTS Page OPENING OF THE MEETING .............................................................. 259 ORGANISATION OF THE MEETING AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA ....... 259 REVIEW OF AVAILABLE INFORMATION ............................................. 259 Data requirements specified in 2006 ...................................................... 259 Development of the CCAMLR database .............................................. 259 Data processing.......................................................................... 260 Fishery Plans ............................................................................ 260 Fisheries information....................................................................... 261 Catch, effort, length and age data reported to CCAMLR ............................ 261 Estimates of catch and effort from IUU fishing ...................................... 262 Catch and effort data for toothfish fisheries in waters adjacent to the Convention Area ..................................................... 262 Scientific observer information ........................................................ 263 Inputs for stock assessment ................................................................ 263 Catch-at-length/age from fisheries..................................................... 263 Research surveys ........................................................................ 264 Tagging studies.......................................................................... 265 Management advice ................................................................. 268 Biological parameters................................................................... 269 Stock structure and management areas ................................................ 269 Depredation .............................................................................. 270 PREPARATION FOR ASSESSMENTS AND ASSESSMENT TIMETABLE ......... 271 Report of SG-ASAM ....................................................................... 271 Report of WG-SAM ........................................................................ 271 Review of preliminary stock assessment papers ......................................... 274 Preliminary assessments for C. gunnari............................................... 278 Assessments to be carried out and assessment timetable................................ 279 ASSESSMENTS AND MANAGEMENT ADVICE ....................................... 280 New and exploratory fisheries in 2006/07 and notifications for 2007/08 .............. 280 Progress towards assessments of new and exploratory fisheries ....................... 280 Data requirements and research protocols using commercial vessels .................. 281 Role of SSRUs to ensure stock assessments and sustainability are achieved.......... 283 Notifications to conduct research surveys using commercial fishing vessels under Conservation Measure 24-01 ..................................................... 284 General comments relative to Conservation Measure 24-01............................ 286 General management advice for new and exploratory fisheries ........................ 287 Dissostichus spp. Subarea 48.6 ............................................................ 288 Management advice for Subarea 48.6 ................................................. 288 Dissostichus spp. Subarea 58.4 ............................................................ 289 Dissostichus spp. Division 58.4.1...................................................... 289 Dissostichus spp. Division 58.4.2...................................................... 289 253 Dissostichus spp. Division 58.4.3a .................................................... 289 Dissostichus spp. Division 58.4.3b .................................................... 290 Management advice for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 58.4.......................... 290 Dissostichus spp. Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 ................................................ 291 Management advice for Dissostichus spp. in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 .............. 293 Dissostichus eleginoides South Georgia (Subarea 48.3) ................................ 293 Management advice ..................................................................... 295 Dissostichus eleginoides Kerguelen Islands (Division 58.5.1) ......................... 295 Management advice ..................................................................... 295 Dissostichus eleginoides Heard Island (Division 58.5.2) ............................... 296 Management advice ..................................................................... 297 Dissostichus eleginoides Crozet Islands (Subarea 58.6) ................................ 297 Management advice ..................................................................... 298 Dissostichus eleginoides Prince Edward and Marion Islands (Subareas 58.6 and 58.7) ................................................................. 298 Management advice for D. eleginoides at Prince Edward and Marion Islands (Subareas 58.6 and 58.7) inside the EEZ ..................... 299 Management advice for D. eleginoides at Prince Edward Islands (Subareas 58.6 and 58.7 and Division 58.4.4) outside the EEZ.................... 299 Champsocephalus gunnari South Georgia (Subarea 48.3).............................. 299 Management advice ..................................................................... 300 Champsocephalus gunnari Heard Island (Division 58.5.2) ............................. 300 Management advice ..................................................................... 301 Assessment and management advice for other fisheries ................................ 301 Antarctic Peninsula (Subarea 48.1) and South Orkney Islands (Subarea 48.2) .... 301 Management advice ................................................................. 301 South Sandwich Islands (Subarea 48.4) ............................................... 301 Management advice ................................................................. 302 Stone crabs (Paralomis spp.) (Subarea 48.3) ......................................... 302 Management advice ................................................................. 302 Squid (Martialia hyadesi) (Subarea 48.3)............................................. 302 Management advice ................................................................. 302 FISH AND INVERTEBRATE BY-CATCH ................................................ 303 Estimation of by-catch in longline fisheries .............................................. 303 Rajids..................................................................................... 303 Macrourids............................................................................... 304 Other species ............................................................................ 305 Estimation of by-catch in trawl fisheries ................................................. 306 Assessments................................................................................. 306 Benthic by-catch ............................................................................ 307 Proposed ‘Year of the Skate’ .............................................................. 307 Mitigation of macrourid by-catch ......................................................... 309 Review of Conservation Measure 33-03.................................................. 309 Management advice ..................................................................... 310 INCIDENTAL MORTALITY OF MAMMALS AND SEABIRDS ARISING FROM FISHING .................................................................. 311 Management advice ........................................................................ 312 254 EVALUATION OF THREATS ARISING FROM IUU ACTIVITIES ................... 312 Development of approaches for estimating total removals of toothfish................ 312 Review of historical trends in IUU fishing activity...................................... 313 BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY AND DEMOGRAPHY OF TARGET AND BY-CATCH SPECIES ................................................................. 313 Review of information to the meeting .................................................... 313 Species profiles ............................................................................. 315 Otolith network ............................................................................. 316 CONSIDERATION OF ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT ................................ 316 Report of the Workshop on the Fisheries and Ecosystem Models in the Antarctic (FEMA) ................................................................. 316 Management advice ..................................................................... 317 Depredation ................................................................................. 317 Review of the CCAMLR Scientific Observers Manual ................................. 318 SCHEME OF INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC OBSERVATION ...................... 319 Advice to the Scientific Committee ....................................................... 320 FUTURE ASSESSMENTS ................................................................... 322 Subarea 48.3 – D. eleginoides ............................................................. 324 Division 58.5.2 – D. eleginoides .......................................................... 324 Subareas 58.6, 58.7, South African EEZ – D. eleginoides .............................
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