DJ Shai (Ali Boksh)

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DJ Shai (Ali Boksh) livingpublicvalueayearayear ofof actionaction his is the BBC’s corporate social we need to invest in the digital future. This Children in Need is responsibility update. Last year, we process has inevitably put pressure on e v e r y o n e changing. published a comprehensive account of who works here. But what this review highlights is Celebrities like T Liberty X and activities and performance in line with our own the undiminished commitment of our staff to this year’s definition of what CSR means for a publicly funded, deliver on the BBC’s aspiration to enrich the lives fund-raising wristbands public service media organisation (see page 13). of communities in the UK and around the world. were the fresh Here we are bringing you, in review format, fresh This CSR review for 2005 reflects what is already face of the 2005 appeal, stories and insights into how the BBC is living its being done. Our challenge is to use the but it’s a commitment to corporate citizenship and to opportunities of new technologies and a more makeover that’s only just delivering public value through its services to creative, open BBC to build on this work over the begun. a u d i e n c e s . years ahead. See page 10 We are in the midst of making complex changes to the way the BBC operates to help deliver savings Mark Thompson, director general CorporatesocialresponsibilityattheBBC L E A R N I NG 2 C I T I Z E N S H I P 3 D I S A B I L I T Y 3 C O M M U N I T Y 5 V O L U N T E E R S 6 E N V I R O N M E N T 8 G I V I N G 1 0 I N T E R N AT I O N A L 1 2 W E B S I T E S 1 4 ▼▼▼ LEARNING W W 2 r emember e d f o r g e n e r a t i o n s Figureitout… STATISTICS TELL JUST SOME OF THE STORY ■ Tota l num b e r of sto ri e s c o nt rib u te d 33,589 ■ Total number of photographs 3229 ■ Total number of contributions e ma i l s , pos ts to fo r ums etc 101,986 ■ More than 1700 volunteers recruited andtrained by BBC and CSV in England and Northern Ireland and 200 volunteers recruited and trained in Scotland (BBC) and Wales (BBC and WDVA) ■ 2500 associate centres, providing IT access and support for those who wish to add their story Sharing knowledge: Lillian Bader was one of thousands of veterans who retold their wartime experience online he stories of ordinary people who led nations and regions to showcase content community partners. In 2005, greater extraordinary lives during the second already contributed and encourage more people collaboration with BBC nations & regions Tworld war have been archived for the to take part. Community Service Vo l u n t e e r s helped raise the project’s profile for a key local nation through BBC Learning’s ambitiousonline helped recruit volunteer story gatherers, trained radio audience and resulted in a significant and community project WW2 People’s Wa r. to work across the UK. Schools have also been amount of related content in local output. Launched on Remembrance Day 2003, the encouraged to take part and the 60th Meanwhile, hundreds of events organised initiative has captured thousands of authentic anniversaries to commemorate the end of WW2 by the BBC’s partners, ranged from exhibitions stories and photographs of people who provided a key focus for the work. of wartime food to the MOD’s WW2 experienced life on the home front and the The outreach scheme is now in its final celebration at St James’s Park in London, front lines, before it’s too late. phase, aiming to ensure that everyone wanting to which attracted 90,000 people and added many Phase One of the project helped contributors contribute a story to the site can do so, and that more stories to the BBC collection. to submit their stories to the People’s Wa r the BBC’s partners have the support they need. The People’s War archive will remain website at by establishing a In 2004 an interim feedback report on the accessible to the public for years to come, both network of associate centres, where mostly project (Hugh Hope Stone Associates) on the BBC website and partner sites. elderly people without access to IT equipment identified many positive outcomes, including The British Library and Arts Histories could get help in using the internet. enabling older people to leave a legacy, raising D a tabase Service are currently considering Phase two was launched in April this year self esteem, building relationships between proposals for long-term co-hosting of the with broadcast journalists working across BBC generations and between the BBC and its material. CHOOSE YOUR PARTNER The BBC developed a partnership code during the year, in consultation with RaWpassions around 700 organisations from the public, private and voluntary sectors. to ry l in es in soaps like Eas t E n d ers ,a O n l in e se l f - a s s e s s m e n t , ce l eb ri t y The code, along with information and sp e c ial Te st th e Nati o n on language , re co m m e n d ed rea ding, sp e c ial outp ut support for organisations wanting to S p u b q ui z z e s o n li n e a n d t h o u s a n d s a c ross the ra dio net wo rks and fre e develop formal partnerships with the of co m m un it y pa rtn ers h el ped l a un ch t h e p er s o na l i sed te l ephone coa ch ing are all BBC, can be found at BBC’s biggest ever l itera cy ca m pa ign in pa rt of the Ra W pa ckage. O ctob er, ta rgeting the es timated 12 million In the first t wo we eks of the £2m To help programme makers understand a d u lts who struggle w ith everyd ay rea ding ca m pa ign, 500,000 people vi sited the Ra W the potential benefits and risks and w riting. w e b s i te at b bc. co . u k / ra w a n d 5 , 2 4 0 Ra W involved in partnering outside With its empha sis on info rmal lea rn ing , ce nt res – in c l u ding 88 perce nt of UK organisations, the BBC has developed the t h re e - yea r Ra W ( Read and Write ) l ib ra ri es , co m m un it y ce nt res , pu b s a n d c l ub s a new intranet guide to establishing, ca m pa ign aims to tap into people’s – have sign ed up to deliver Ra W a ctiviti es managing and developing interests and pa s sions – in c l u ding aro un d l i ke qui z zes, online ses sions and printed partnerships, as well as ending them. World Cup 2006 – to in sp ire them to ta ke Ra W r e s o u rc e s . W or l d B oo k Day i n M a r ch w i l l For more information go to the first steps towa rds im p roved litera cy. be the next key p rogramme focus. ▼▼▼ 2 CITIZENSHIP R4letsthejurydecide ver four weeks this autumn, weekly on air and followed in depth on the Radio 4’s Today programme Radio 4 website. Its conclusions were put Omounted an experiment to find to the leader of Reading Borough Council out if citizens can solve the problems that David Sutton and Home Office minister politicians can’t. Hazel Blears, both of whom agreed to meet Working with the University of Newcastle, the jurors to discuss their the programme recruited 24 randomly recommendations, which included changes selected residents of Reading to sit as a to ASBO regulation, better mentoring of citizens’ jury, deliberate on the broad issue teenagers in schools and more resources to of respect – ahead of the expected White house Reading’s homeless. Paper on that agenda – and come up with Today’s political reporter Polly Billington, recommendations for local and national who led the experiment, admits the jury is governments. still out on whether the Reading They met for two and a half hours twice experiment was effective in influencing a week, defined what concerns mattered to political outcomes. For their part, many of them, took evidence from experts whom the jurors intend to carry on researching they cross-examined, and voted on which their findings and pressing for change. recommendations to send forward. An Today will follow their progress and return oversight panel monitored selection of to individual jury members when issues jurors and the fairness of the process they raised are addressed in mainstream The Reading panel weigh the evidence throughout.
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