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The Guardian, October 11, 1984

Wright State University Student Body

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Daily Guardian "Twenty years serving the students of Wright Stato University Thursday, October 11, 1984 Number 20. Volume XXI Budget Board funding process explained to students

By KRISTEN HUFF Next, the representative must fill out the application, return it to Student Jim St. Peter, Budget Board Development and request a time to member, discussed funding for club's at yesterday's Inter-Club Council meet with Budget Board. At the meeting the representative is meeting. expected to explain in a brief statement St. Peter addressed departmental what the requested money is to be and professional clubs. "A major used for. The board will ask questions decision has been made to subsidize pertaining to the event in an attempt some of your club's functions." to help the club produce a worthwhile This additional funding is to be used for professional or academic effort. There is a better than 50 percent activities, such as bringing guest speakers to campus or for rooms and chance a grant will awarded for an event that is for the entire student admission at professional conferences. This money "can't be used for body. St. Peter said. St. Peter stressed that if the club parties..," St. Peter said, "especially does not put in a request to meet with not for alcohol." the board, no meeting will be held. 1 Budget Board has a reserve of The Budget Board does not favor $21,000 non-academic clubs can draw one club more than another. St. Peter on to subsidize their functions. St. said. Peter said. However, Budget Board stresses the event should be on campus and must Elsewhere Compiled from UPI be open to all students. The group holding the event must not America's first spacewalk by a woman is a discriminate when choosing members. 'go' for today, but Saturday's landing of the The procedures for obtaining this shuttle is still 'iffy'. money according to St. Peter follow: There had been some question about today's A club representative must go to the spacewalk to rehearse satellite refueling pro- cedures, but NASA said it intends to keep to Office of Student Development to pick the original schedule. up a pack of material explaining how Meanwhile, the agency is still closely .o present the request to Budget Board. monitoring hurricane Josephine, to determine Wars VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS hope to block victories by the teams arriving to play i This includes an application for the what affect it could hav on Saturday's this weekend's Wright State Invitational. More in tomorrow s Pally Guardian. loan or grant. scheduled landing. Hurricane forecasters say the storm's path is still unpredictable.

Volkswagon will be the first foreign passenger car-maker allowed into China under In Downtown Dayton terms of a 25-year joint vcture involving two plants near Shanghai. Citizens to rally against Reagan Friday By 1990 the plants will be turning out over 20,000 four-door cars for exclusive sale in China. "segregate" the crowd on Courthouse of Reagan's perspectives on the arms Some 100.000 four-cylinder engines will also Square. race. Smith cited data, reaching back be built. 80,000 earmarked for export back to A committee of local citizens is He claimed the Reagan advance as far as Reagan's opposition to West Germany. planning a downtown Dayton rally to team has stated the plaza will be cor- nuclear test-ban and proliferation Congress is reporting some progress in the voice opposition to President Reagan's doned off so as to create two separate treaties in the early sixties. efforts to pass a long-range funding bill to keep policies. audiences; registered Republicans (who A highlight of the press conference the government going through Fiscal Year The rally, slated to begin at 8 a.m. have already recieved their tickets in was the appearance of a masked 1985. on Friday at the Federal Building, 200 the mail), and the other citizens of Guatemalan political refugee, iden- The House refuses to allow a section that refers to U.S. aid to Nicaraguan rebels, a sec- West 2nd Street, is scheduled to Dayton. tified only as "Joaquin," who ad- tion backed by President Reagan. coincide with the president's "whistle- Republicans will be admitted to the dressed the issue of US relations with stop" send off at Courthouse Square. front of the crowd, Jacobs stated. AH nations in Central America, and The Spanish Ambassador to Lebanon is The group, which calls itsel an others will be "allowed" to fill up the pleaded for an end to military inter- reported to be in good condition following "Ad Hoc Committee to Rally Against rest of the Square behind the 'tree- vention there. yesterday's abduction by Beirut terrorists. The committee panel announced that Reagan," is organizing to protest lined' that runs down the center of the COLUMBUS-Henry Kissenger told a against foreign and domestic policies plaze, he said. local union leader Wesley Wells had Republican fund raiser in Columbus yesterday which, they assert, the president's Jacobs explained similar tactics were personally assured the committee the there cannot be peace in Central America un- administration had imbalanced. used by the Reagan campaign in cities AFL/CIO is in support of the Anit- til guerillas there arc apprised of the military such as Buffalo, Santa Fe and Cincin- Reagan Rally. consequences of actions that threaten the The committee called a press The committee is also urging voters United States. nati, as well as on the campus of Kissinger also spoke of peace in the Middle conference on Wednesday at which Bowling Green State University. to select the Mondale-Ferraro ticket on East, saying the Reagan administration is do- they assembled a panel composed of "It is the intention of the Reagan election day. ing more to secure that peace than any other area activists, teachers and social administration to treat the citizens of Christine Schroeder. spokesperson administration in recent history. service advocates. Dayton as second-class citizens," for the committee encouraged At that time, Ellis Jacobs, legal A Columbus woman, reportedly influenced Jacobs said, in reference to the interested individuals to attend the by Monday night's movie about an abused counsel for the committee, outlined preferential segregation of the crowd. rally and to bring sijms along. She woman, has been charged with shooting and legalities surrounding both the rally Other speakers at the press con- cautioned against bringing signs on critically wounding her boyfriend. and Reagan's appearance. He also ference included Reed Smith, pro- sticks, as they would certainly be Officials say Alondra Thompson has been spoke of "detailed plans" the Reagan fessor of political Science at Wright "confiscated by security as security charged with felonious assault in the shooting of Robert Kennedy. campaign will implement in order to State, who presented a brief overview threats." 2 The Daily Guardian October II, 1984 "Politics and Lobbying" kicks off lecture series

Hyman Bookbinder, Washington Congress, and foreign embassies. In 1977, Bookbinder received the and Education" Thursday, October representative of the American Jewish Also noted for his involvement in National Brotherhood Citation from 25. and Ronald Berman, former chair Committee, will be the first guest humanitarian causes. Bookbinder the Nationa Conference of Christians of the national F.ndowment for the speaker for Wright State's 20th works with the Leadership Conference and Jews for his ability to com- Humanities, speaking on "Politics and Anniversary Lecture Series on on Civil Rights and other groups municate the ideals of justice and Culture" Friday, November 2. Management of Public Policy. concerned with issues of human rights equality. According to Seiger. this lecture Bookbinder will speak on "Politics and equal opportunity. "He is absolutely outstanding," series was arranged especially so and Lobbying" Wednesday October Marvin Seiger, associate professor-of people could learn about some aspects 17, at 4 p.m. in the Medical Sciences He is a member of the US Holocaust Biological Sciences and coordinator of of politics, before they go to the polls Building auditorium. Memorial Council and serves as the the speaker series, said. November 6. His lecture, the first in a series of Washington chair of the Ad Hoc Future speakers in the series will be For more information on the three during the fail quarter 20th an- Committee on the Human Rights and John Brademus, president of New Bookbinder lecture contact the Office niversary celebration, is free and open Genocide Treaties, a coalition of more York University and former Indiana of University and Community Events to the public. than 60 major national organizations. Congressman, speaking on "Politics at 873-2911. Bookbinder, a nationally recog- nized lobbyist, served as the executive officer of the President's Task Force Student reliance on loans increasing on Poverty in 1964 and assistant direc- tor of the Office of .Economic W ASH I NGTON(SPS)-Who is getting The seminar, entitled "Who Ciets fell from 34 percent to 28 percent bet- Opportunity. financial aid? This was the topic of a Student Aid: A 1983-84 Snapshot," ween 1981-82 and 1983-84. As Washington representative of the policy seminar sponsored by the presented data from a nationwide Arnold Mitchem, director of the American Jewish Committee (AJC), American Council on Education survey of student aid recipients at National Council of Education Oppor- Bookbinder acts as a liason between (ACE) and the Association Council for public and independent colleges and tunity Associates, stressed that student the AJC and the , agen- Policy Analysis and Research universities. aid docs not give minorities enough of cies of the federal government. (ACPAR). The most striking conclusion the A final topic covered in the meeting research showed was thai student was the unique needs of proprietary reliance on loans is increasing. students. THOMAS AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE According to data presented at the William Clohan, counsel to the Where your business is appreciated. seminar, 59 percent of dependent Association of Independent Colleges undergraduate aid recipients secured and Schools, remarked thai pro- prietary students rely heavily on loans hour*: Guaranteed Student I.oans in 1983-84, 7-9 Weekdays phone: as compared to 23 percent four years and Pell grants because those are often 8-8 Sundays 4260070 ago. the onl> sources of aid available to 3970 Col. Glenn Hwy. them. Fairborn, Ohio 4292882 The problem of declining financial Automatic & Standard Transmission Service aid partcipation rates among A larger proportion of proprietary 25 Years Experience minorities was also disclissed. students are minority and from lower- General Repair - All Work Guaranteed The proportion of minority students income families than their college Emergency road service receiving federal aid at public schools counterparts.

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BEAVERCREEK PIAZZA 1320 N. FAIRFIELD ROAD Pizza • Giant Sandwiches "Pretz" Sandwiches • Salads Spaghetti • Fine Wines Party Accommodations Marlon's Piazza was voted "Home of the Best Pizza In the Dayton area" In recent surveys of Journal Herald and Dayton Dally News readers.

LET'S GET ACQUAINTED OFFER Qr)sby Stills & J^ash 25% OFF i N C O N C \. R I ALL MENU ITEMS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 • 8 PM Excluding Beverages with this Coupon WHEN EATEN IN OUR DINING ROOM U.D. ARENA Sorry, No Carry Outs! Good Only at... $13.50 • $12.50 BEAVERCREEK PIAZZA IflcvUtnti. Vt BLOCK SOUTH OF PIAZZA reserved DAYTON-XENIA ROAD Tickets available at all Ticketron Locations EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30, 1984 Also at Rike's (Dayton Mall and Downtown) U.D. Arena Box Office October II, 1984 The Daily Guardian 3 News from WOBC College fair, Student Senate elections held By TOOD TITTIE The College Fair '84 is an annual the year are: President, Diane Abeles; tinued on the purchase of a big-scrcen WOBC Correspondent event sponsored in part by the WOBC Vice-President, Susan King; Activities television. The senators are looking at The Annual College Fair at the administration. Director, Roger Fullenkamp. purchase prices and the renting or rent- Western Ohio Branch Campus It is a chance for high school seniors In the business meeting, the student to-own option. A video recorder will highlighted this week's activities. and juniors as well as transfering senators installed Linda Locktefeld be purchased at the same time. Approximately 40 colleges were in college students to take a first hand and Walter Wagor as advisors for the Two items of new business were attendance, ranging from the Armed look at what colleges can offer them fourteen-member organization. brought up in the Thursday afternoon Forces to technical schools from in their field of interest and study. Plans were discussed and finalized meeting. The first major item was around the state of Ohio and from for the Student Senate Party, held Oc- voting upon a motion to re-write the neighboring Indiana. Other happenings around campus tober 14 at the Lakefront Racquet and Student Senate Constitution; that issue included the Student Senate meeting, Health Club in Celina. passed, and the constitution is cur- held last Thursday. Cost for the evening is $2 advance rently in the process of being revised. Hoffman attacks Election of officers for the 1984-85 and S2.2S at the door. Advance tickets Another activity suggestion was year was held. The following officers can be purchased from any Student made to hold a Toy Stomper Truck Yippie-tumed- Yuppie were elected to their respective posi- senator. A WOBC student validation Pull in the future. SOUTH KINGSTON, Rl (UP!)» tions: Secretary, Theresa Zizelman; card is required for admission. If any organization is holding an Abbie Hoffman, who helped found Treasurer, Roger Luginbil; and second Beer will be available for 50 cents; event of interest at WOBC please send the Youth International Party in the activities director, Joe Backs. proper I.D. is required. that information to Dwyer Hall 1960's, has accused former fellow The other officers elected earlier in In old business, discussion con- mailbox number 265. Yippie-tumed stock broker Jerry Rubin of selling out to capitalism. Rubin defended his switch from protester to investor, saying he Parents' hopes can't match money represents America's future, not Hoffman. WASHINGTON (SPS)-There is a leges and Universities, most parents ex- out about financial aid early enough, The two former leaders of the 1960's great discrepancy between parents' pect to have to send their children to and this affects their college choices. anti-Vietnam war movement debated hopes and expectations of the college community colleges or local state Although parents are willing to pay each other Tuesday before a standing- where they would like to send their universities. Only 40 percent of those for their child's education, most have room audience at the University of children and where they feel they will parents who would like to send their not adequately planned for such an im- Rhode Island. be able to afford to send them. children to a private institution feel mense financial burden. Only half of The exchange was one of nine According to a survey conducted by that they will be able to afford to. the parents questioned had already debates the two are holding on college the Roper Organization for the Na- Nearly 75 percent of those parents started to save. campuses across the nation. tional Institute of Independent Col- who want to send their children to a Hoffman, who is still active in private college give finances as the In response to this situation, an politics and environmental issues, said Legion's aid guide reason lor not being able to do so. NIICU task force is planning a na- today's co'lege campuses are "hot beds Even families with incomes of $30,000 tional campaign to educate parents and of unrest." He told the URI students now available and up feel that independent education students on ways to save for higher they are part of a "Generation of is unaffordable education. students that fall asleep at the wheel." WASHINGTON(SPS)-The American One problem is that parents are One of the possible ways to increase He said dissent is still important to Legion's annual financial aid guide deciding they cannot afford a private parental savings .ould be to give help cure society's ills. Need A Lift? is now available to the college before investigating financial federal deductions or tax credits on Hoffman said Rubin, owner of a public. The publication is a complete aid options. educational savings accounts. There chain of business-networking salons listing of financial aid opportunities This illustrates one of the major have been several Congressional pro- and a Wall Street broker, is typical of for undergraduates and graduates. onccrns in the education community: posals along these lines, but so far what he called today's narrow-minded In addition to lisitng loans and parents and students are not finding none has passed. young urban professionals, known as scholarships. Need A Lift? provides "Yuppies." sources of information about careers Rubin, who wore a Viet-Cong flag and a guideline on what students Submarine House and called capitalism "another word should expect when they apply to col- Buy One Get One for stealing" during a visit to the leges. Although the guide is intended Rhode Island campus 13 years earlier, for use by all students, there is a special said he is proud of his new lifestyle. emphasis on loans for children of He said America's future lies in veterans. "risk-taking Yuppies who are working Copies of the guide can be obtained 429-3721 to actualize their dreams," and not in for $1 from the American Legion the "cynical and disillusioned America Buy Any Submarine (Whole or half) and get a half regular Submarine Education Program, Americanism and free, or buy any Submarine (whole or half) and take $1.79 off any promoted by what he called "Hoff- Children and Youth Division, In- other Submarine (whole or half). One Coupon per Customer. man's 60s nostalgic rhetoric." dianapolis, Ind. 46206.

COMING SOON ADD A LITTLE FLAVOR university TO YOUR PIZZA center JACKIE DALE REGGAE BAND board AMERICA9 S COfFEEMOUM/RATHSKEUER COMMITTEE PIZZA SHAKER 10-11 - MIDNIGHT COWBOY" 4 pm Rathskeller 10-16 - "TAMASHA" 7 pm Rathskeller THE FLAVOR ENHANCER" 10-23 - "JOHN ALDEN" folksinger 7 pm Rathskeller 10-25 - "THE GOOD. THE BAD. AND THE UGLY' IPG) 7 pm Rathskeller 10-26 - TOPAZ" 7 pm Rathskeller 4 The Daily Guardian October II, 1984 Views The Daily Guardian

Marjorie KIWI son. Editor Drew Dixon. Associate Editor Sean Canty. Managing Editor IT DOESN'f ADD UR GOLDSMITH OF NOW, I'VE &0T THE HEAD Of Mary Weaver News Editor Louise Fish Pholo Editor I've GOT lAWt KIRK/AMD AKD 5HANKER0F THE MIKE WORKERS,litE Scott Uael Sports Editor John C. Johnson. Ad Manager. 1 Kristen Huff Features Editor Robin Jo Rost .Production Mgr. Of" THE /\FL-ClO... 1t»E TEACH£RS. MACHINISTS AND EVEN Stephen Cook. Entertain. Editor Mary Neese Business Manager fflf NEWSPAPER Ed Henninger and Gerry Peirak Advisers Gone. Thr Daily Guardian, an independent newspaper. I> primed Tuesday through Friday during the regular school year, and biweekly during summet quarter The v ne* -paper is published by the student, of Wright State University. JMP Col- onel Glenn Highway. Dayton. Ohio 4543S: Business Office. 8TJ-2505; Newsroom. 873-250?. Thr Daily Gujrttian suhwiibes to United Press International. Student Press Service, and College Presv Sersioe. Thr Daily Guardian is a member of the United ' Student Press Service. Editorials reflect a majority opinion of the editorial board. Views espressed in columns and cartoons are those of the writers and anists. and do not necessarily reflect the consensus of the staff Mow RIGHT ife- Space hogs beware How MANY VOTES MS HMMMM.. Hey, you! Yeh, you with the new Camaro, or /v THAT" REPRESENT? whatever. Is it really necessary to take up three spaces with your car, just to keep it nice? J In case you haven't noticed, a lot of other peo- ple have to park on campus, too. We gripe a lot about the parking situation, but you're not help- ing any by parking diagonally when you're sup- posed to be headed straight in, or parking over the line so only a bicycle can fit in next to you. You may be within the law, taking up two spaces, but if we had our way. Campus Security would ticket and tow your vehicle. ~ - College is supposed to be a learning experience, so all you "space hogs" out there, how about learn- ing a little courtesy for yow fellow commuters, okay? Tax cut or no- Decide for yourself

By JAMES KOVERMAN At the moment, the government's willingness to defense spending over the same period. Servian}- spend far more than it takes in may be seen as the $235 billion deficit run-up in the coming yeai To have a tax cut or not have one...is thai tin- beneficial. Council of Economic Advisers Chairman will add nearly $20 billion to interest costs in the question? When pondering this question on voting Martin S. Feldstein says: "In the near term, the current year and $20 billion every year per- day, you might consider the many damages a large deficit is contribution to demand. Its net effect is petually. assuming thai the interest rates remain national deficit plays on our economy. expansionary." constant. While poliiicians fret about the chance thai But as growth proceeds and as the budget gap The national debt, in the long run, causes interest deficits will cause the economic recovery to abort fails to narrow substantially-and it won't unless rates to rise. Not only does this mean it is harder and shout at each other over how to reduce thosed legislative action is taken, $200 billion or so will be for you and I to borrow, but it puis a damper on ink, almost no one is paying attention to the long- added each year to federal indebtedness, which has American business investment. term damage of these unprecedented deficits. The already tripled over the past decade. If business does not have adequate funds to damage is doubly dangerous: first, to fhe nation's This piling on of debt is already severely invest or borrow, not only will there be a reces- ability to manage its fiscal affairs a^*|econtl. to hampering efforts to control federal spending. Since sionary pull, but as businesses can nol borrow many the economy's growth prospects fc#fW»st of the 1975 the governments net debt-service cost has of them will be forced to cut corners or shut down. century. grown 278%, nearly twice the growth rale of This means major losses of jobs. Also, potential jobs will not be realized and the economy will be MCTM0K5WP in peril. 1 AND HUWANWONTS' The question of who to vote for based on ihe tax issue, 'herelore, depends on your employment status and how much you care about your fellow American. If you are satisfied with the job you have now, the short range effects of a tax increase will simply mean a little more out of your paycheck right now. There is an unforeseen falacy with this type of thinking. Statistics show that most working people present an intensified desire to change jobs in their College Pret* 5tr*«ce mid thirties. With this in mind, while you think .llWU.U(M , WC.UTORSHIP SUSIC w about your job-dissatisfied or unemployed /AN&HUWW warns mmm AHD CIARK neighbor's long range benefits of decreasing the teuses! national deficit, you also should consider the MR benefits of a low rate of unemployment on yourself. The hinderance of our obscene national debt is an ailment to the employed, a disaster to the underemployed and unemployed and presents a crisis to the future of our economy. By joining togeiher to battle this monster of economic peril, we can provide a paradisiac economical world for ourselves and our children. I Entertainment October II. 1984 The Daily Guardian 5 Heartwarming story offered in "Places9f

By MEIANIE MCDONALD important, because the main movie of the same name, Edna is a fact is reflected in the quality of the Guardian Reviewer characters learn to rise above this stubborn, strong-willed woman that film. The visual effects were executed by It is so rare to find a movie which problem. refuses to admit to defeat. Her Brian Ferren. Again, the talent for possesses the capability to arouse one's The slory is extremely well-written, character is so powerful it affects all creating a realistic effect was incredi- deepest feelings about the essence of with many different angles to reveal the others around her in the film. Besides the excellent acting in the ble. and deserves special recognition. life. Places in the Heart starring Sally other struggles of the time. The racial movie, the storyline is great. Robert The tornado scene, in particular, was Field is a movie of that caliber. problem evident throughout the movie so realistic it was frightening. Set in the Depression of the 1930's, reveals a man-against-man conflict. Benton wrote and directed the film and For anyone who ever lived on a the movie reflects on the racial con- F.dna's fight for the survival of her did a fine job executing the intricate farm, Places in the Heart is an authen- flicts of the time, a time when severe farm reveals another struggle; that of details in this demanding script. tic portrayal of the country life style, racial and sexual prejudice plagued man-against -nature. The minor details are essential to the and the timelessness that characterizes society. The film remembers this time, Soon after her husband's death, completeness in the imagery of the this film. when a woman's place was in the F.dna is faced with problems support- film, and Benton's awareness of that home. ing her family. She knows nothing Field stars as Edna, a wgman whose about her finances but is forced to husband is accidently killed by a black learn when faced with a possible bank man. The townsmen decide to take forclosure on her house and land. The justice .into their own hands and kill rest of the movie involves F.dna's ef- the black man. forts to make enough money growing A scene in whi6h two separate cotton to keep her home and keep her funerals arc taking place on the same family together. day shows the sad irony of two groups Field's performance alone could of people, each with the same basic carry the movie. She does such a good belief about life and death, separated job with characters like this. Much like onlv by the color of their skin. This is Norntu Rac, Field's character in the This week's UCB movie makes a big Splash

of the refrigerator, you're shy?" he By MARJORIE KNUTSON Editor a.sks, with understandable confusion. Fventualh. of course, he accepts her Some movies try too hard to be excuse, as calmly as he accepts her funny-Bachelor Parly. Airplane II, method of eating lobster, and the fact Making the Grade, to name a few. she can shatter television sets just by Unlike them. Spash! underplays the saying her name. humorous aspect of its story, which is Every story like this has to have a why it works. bad guy, and this tale's (tail's ?) posi- The premise is outrageous. Allen tion is filled wonderfully by Eugene Bauer, portrayed by Torn Hanks Levy. Levy plays the role of a scien- (Bachelor Party) has been drawn to the tist who tries to splash water on sea since he was a young boy. So, it Madison, to show the world he is not is only natural when his girlfriend crazy for insisting there are, indeed, leaves him, he travels to Cape Cod to mermaids. TERRA NOVA. Wright Stale Theatre's first production of the season, opens tonight in recover. Unfortunately, (or fortunate- The best scenes, however, are those ihe Creative Arts Building. Michael Thomas (left) and Jude Prest portray t«o explorers ly, for the plot) Allen has a boating involving John Candy ("Second City tested during their search in the polar regions. accident, and is rescued by a mermaid TV") as Allen's older brother Freddie. (Daryl Hannah), who follows him Here again, the restraint from playing home to New York. for laughs results in more laughs. The Hannah underplays the role of a sea lines aren't funny because they were The winners of the Deily Guardian Raffle are: creature seeing New York City for the written to pull laughter, but because 0022070 2 Season Passes to Darby Downs first time, never trying to force the they're delivered honestly, letting the comical aspect of the situation. It is the audience decide what's worth laughing 0022100 $20 Renaissance Records matter-of-fact, normal interaction of at. 0022119 $15 Elsa's Hanks and Hannah that allows the Freddie calmly tells Allen to admit viewer to suspend disbelief and joy he's drunk because, "Normal people 0022089 $15 Elsa's the film for what it is—a delightful, if reach for the pretzels, Allen; they don't 0022060 $15 Elsa's slightly wacky, romance. put their face into them." The scene 0022084 $15 Elsa's In the bathroom scenc, shown works, because it's plausible. during previews and television com- Because Freddie has been the clown 0022087 $15 Terra Nova tickets mercials, where Madison (Hannah) since the beginning of the movie, it has 0022123 $10 La Casita relaxes her poor tired fins in Allen's much more impact when he is the one 0022061 $10 Concord City (Hanks) tub, the humor lies in whether to deliver the movie's only serious Allen will come in unexpectedly before speech, a comment on how hard it is 0022063 $10 Concord City the mermaid can blow dry her tail in- to find love (Freddie should know-he 0022055 $5 Joe's Pizza to legs again. was mamed three times, and even took 0022096 $5 Joe's Pizza Allen ends up breaking the door in, a date to one of his own weddings, and finding his houseguest lying on the we're told). 0022057 $5 Servomation floor. "Why did you have the door Splash! is a good movie to see Bring your tickets stubs to the Guardian locked?" he asks. With a shrug of her anytime you need a laugh, but shoulders and a downcast innocent especially around mid-terms. So take Office to redeem them for your Gift Certificate look she replies, "I'm shy." "After the a break from studying and go see this bedroom, the cab, the elevator and top weekend's UCB movie. 6 TIM Daily Guardian October 11 &n

Their spirited sense of humor carries JL he business of the music business ,fter years of underground popularity, raves from critics and import-only releases, over to their own songs: the backwoods continues: Warner Bros, raised their list country flavoured "White Train" is a hil- price for several new releases, including the dB's which yes, stands for decibels have a major label LP out "Like This" arious song about sinning; "Amplifier" is a "Stop Making Sense" the latest Talking nasty black comedy about suicide. The Heads LP (and the soundtrack to the movie (Warner/Bearsville). It radiates pop shivers and shakes (try to listen to "Love is For best thing about the dB's is that they reflect concert footage from their last tour)...Ted an eccentric, incorrigable American heart- Turner, in a valiant attempt to own every- Lovers" without singing along, or try to listen to "Spy in the House of Love" without beat - with real drums, real guitars, real thing, launches his newest baby, a 24 hour singing, (about real people) - and they music channel •• it's set to debut on cable in moving), it gives you the jitters ("Amplifier" and the tremulous "Lonely Is") and it's manage to be gritty and lighthearted at the the wintertime...The Cars spent more than same time. Get "Like This" and go like, $600,000 dollars to complete their long raucous ("Not Cool"). wild form video featuring six songs from "Heat- Leader sings about beat City": Andy Warhol's production of love on the losing side with a smartypants "Hello Again," Timothy Hutton's "Drive. " schoolboy sneer - and the melodies waver. the controversial (Wc Ocasek walks on Gene Holder's guitar sinuously rides the riffs, and drummer Will Rigby even uses a K.un-DM C are two teenage schoolmates water) "Magic" and MTV s award winning from Queens, NY who - between shooting "You Might Think" •• as well as older clips cowbell. Live, they have a scruffy charm: Holsapple's too long hair is all over the hoops on the basketball court - decided to from "Shake it CJp," and "Panorama"...Lets make rap records. Their first singles, "It's hope this settles those rumors about the place. Holder needs a shave, bassist Rick Wagner might be nursing a hangover, and Like That" and "Hard Times" were rap Cars band members unrest drummer David umentaries -• livin' in a mad, bad. world Robinson was heard muttering "Nobody Rigby looks saucy and sweaty. They play crazy covers: at Columbia University re- that sold thousands of copies. Their epony- recognizes me, no one even knows I'm in mous LP on the independent'label Profile is the band, even if I'm with Ric. I'd like to cently, they began their show with Doris Day's theme song, "Que Sera, Sera?" and a startling, hip hop, heel-tapping assortment make a career of this, maybe be in my own of tunes. "Rock Box" (with it's snappy lyrics band s video."...More marital probelms: John ended with a rousing, rebellious, Lionel Ritchie-less "All Night Long." "Calvin Klein is no friend of mine/Don't Doe and Exene of X are are said to be want his name on my behind") is causing a tearing up their wedding license •• what will furor: a mettalic, monsterous lead guitar happen to the band? Guitarist Billy Zoom riotously rips through the rap rhythms - a is said to be unhappy too -- last year he head to head face off between hard rock complained of an income of only $15,000 and hip hop. Everyone wins dollars. Thought punk rockers didn't care about things like paychecks...Double trouble is HMHMMC explosive singer WendyWarns gone solo with Kiss' Gene Simmons producing -- what outragious, unearthly sounds can we hope for? ...Another dynamic 1. Lou Reed duo, Keith Richards and Ron Wood of a New Sensations (RCA) group too famous to name, have recorded the theme song for the movie "Wild Life"...and 2. Rain Parade Exptoajns in the Glass Palace (Enigma) ex PIL guitarist Keith Levene has opted 3. Romeo Void for a more staid partnership trading Johnny Rotten/Lydon for a software development Instincts (415-Columbia) 4. Siouxsie & The Banshees deal with Activisioa Hyaena (Geffen) 5. Elvis Costello Goodbye Cruel World (CBS) 6. Public Image Ltd. This Is What You Want (Electra) 7. Echo & The Bunnymen © RocMtne Ltd Ocean Rain (Sire) 345 E. 93rd Si SttlOF MY.. N Y 10128 8. Hoodoo Gurus Editors: Leanrw Moore and J. Panebanco Stonage Romeos (A&M) Graphics. LeVon Eady 9. Special Aka In The Studio (Chrysalis) 10. Bangles All Over The Place (Comlubia)

ARMAPIU0 RECORDS WHERE BUYING RECORDS IS FUN AGAIN II large , Ctssettt, And 4S Sekction Stacks of Nat • 4.99 & 5.99 *• <•' //- ARMMO Ream 11 AM-11 PM 6 0ns 2612 WILMINGTON PIKE 12 AM -9 PM Sundays MtTON, OHIO RECORDS October II, 1984 The Daily Guardian 7 Comics Comics Comics The Wild Life slower


By Ales Eisen Guardian Reviewer The folks who broughl you Fast Times at Ridgemont High have made an attempt at the same kind of film with The Wild Life. Written and produced by Cameron Crowe, The Wild Life stars Christopher Penn (brother of Sean "YOU'RE n MM B€HW" 50 m CANPWTZ 7MY5AIP. "60 HfflE A FOR V.r. ARRIVES AT Penn from Fast Times), Eric Stolz, Jen- RALLY ON A COW* THE UNIVERSITY Of sum ny Wright, and Ian Mitches-Srnith. CAMPUS." THCf SAlP. 'TAP COUNTY KNOWING PARN THAT eOTtDMLeSS WELL weu, WHAT HC mi HML Crowe has tried to create a contem- Of YOUTHFUL porary American Graffiti.using that IDEALISM / film's same themes, but he fails in this attempt through a lack of well- developed characters, and a shallow story line. While the story was interesting and the actors competent, the movie sore- ly needed more depth. For example, jSiSiL Mitches-Smith's character has a friend, a Vietnam veteran, played by Randy Quaid. Though there are moments BOMBER/ BY m mm when their friendship is most obvious, MKE.MKtsmmiuw no IUTSOTWOfYOUWYSm HEY. in CAitfU. OH,GOD. IT'S GOTTA END! on the whole their scenes are far from TO STAY una CIMS IS I'M GETTIKman m sunt Br! satisfying. wmcmmmrm UP, OR PtoP TUB Penn, last seen as Kevin Bacon's pal mim.wmwiTTMt) CLASS! 90 YOUUEAf&ft in Footloose,is wasted in this movie. mwiuirwujwr FAILED fOU THRi£ TIMtS! It seems as though he was used simply because of his brother's role as the local druggie in Fast Times. Not only does he play the token stoner, he sports a bleached blond hairdo and has his own little catch phrase, "It's casual," as opposed to the former, "Awesome! Totally awesome!" The Wild Life also could have used more music. What music it had, writ- ten by Fddie Van Haleri and Donn I andee, was fantastic, but the film THERE ARE mo SIDES TO needed more. This type of slow-paced film needs a good sound track to keep BECOMING A NURSE IN THE ARMY. it moving, and also to link together And they're both repre- some of the more dis-jointed incidents. There is a lot of talent in The Wild sented by the insignia you wear Life, but it is wasted on a film with lit- as a member of the Army Nurse tle substance. There are some truly Corps. The caduceus on the left hilarious scenes such as the one when means you're part of a health care Penn's character Tom Drake tries to system in which educational and outdo himself partying, and general career advancement are the rule, grossness when he and his buddies in- not the exception. The gold bar vade a strip-tease, bar. on the right means you command respect as an Army officer. If you're The Wild Life is one of those films good for wasting a dull afternoon, if earning a BSN, write: Army Nurse Opportunities, P.O. Box 7713, ydu have a couple of dollars that you Clifton, NJ 07015. just have to spend. But if you're think- ing of an enjoyable evening, or paying full price to see it, think again. ARMY NURSE CORPS. BE ALL YOU CAN BE.

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By BILL BE6LEY under their belts. "He can play just about anywhere," role of a leader," Sakal said. "They Sports Writer "This is still practice," Sakal said, Sakal said. help with the coaching." In Detroit, 60,000 people cram into "but they take the games true to heart. Transfers are taking advantage of Sakal has seen glimmers of talent in Tiger Stadium to witness the spectacle "This is a do or die for some of the the fall season to make a name for the early practices and is optimistic for of the World Series, winding the freshmen and transfers." themselves, as well. Mark Franz from the upcoming season. major league season down to a close. Many of the incoming freshmen arc Northwestern and catcher Craig Boyer "We'd like to make another NCAA A few miles down the road and a doing, not dying. from Toledo are enjoying a good fall, appearance this season," he said. few thousand people in the stands, the Rick Albers, a freshman from and University of Hawaii transfer "There is a lot of talent on this team. Wright State baseball team faces Minster, has impressed Sakal at the Kevin Kaysing has shown a certain I don't see why we can't." another fall practice and the beginning plate. quality that has impressed Sakal. Meanwhile in Detroit, fireworks are of a new season. "He looks real aggressive with the going off, 60,000 people are waving in "We've been playing a lot of bat," Sakal said. "He's a scrappy kind of unison and television cameras are different ball players this fall," Freshmen pitchers Don Bosway of ballplayer," Sakal said. "He's a spark recording the activities for posterity. Assistant Baseball Coach Jeff Sakal Lake Catholic and outfielder Brian plug. The kind of player that gets But in Dayton, Ohio, Jeff Sakal said "It's been a mix of veteran ball Bailey of Urbana have also made an things going." watches a group of young men players and transfers and freshmen. impression on Sakal. The fall schedule is not just for working toward a less auspicious goal "Right now we're just trying to get "He (Bailey) is exceptional on going newcomers though. Returning let- in from of a considerably smaller the freshmen and transfers ac- back on the ball," Sakal said. termen are putting in their time too, crowd, sans the TV cameras, minus the customed to the program." Freshman Danny Bleh from Cincin- but in a different role. fireworks, and working toward a A new crop of Raider prospects are nati Elder has shown great versatility. "They (the veterans) are taking the season that has just begun. spending their fall running the sixty- yard dash and honing their skills for the upcoming season, but it's not all practice. The team has eight games Classifieds For Sale DIAL COLLEGE SWEATSHIRTS Harvard. Yale. Princeton. Dartmouth. N.Carolina. I'SC. Kentucky. UCLA. Stanford. None Dame, and others. $15.00 each postpaid.Many colon.. 10 day delivery guaranteed. Box 317. It 100khaven MS 39601. CODs call I-60I-S35-I08S. Russell s»eats.S.M,l.,Xl. DOMINO'S PIZZA 1969 Volvo sedan and 1971 VW bug. S700 each. Good 30 MINUTE DELIVERY, GUARANTEED. OR IT'S FREE! basic transportation, tvtn 2477 days or 767-1854 evenings. MAKE SURE you get your "Greek Week" T-Shirt. on sale in Allyn Hal! t.ounge all week. Hurry at S5.00 they're going fast. Wanted MUSICIANS WANTED . Guitarist and keyboard player looking for other musicians to form a band. Will play 0 Night Ranger-' Van Halcn type music. Call Tom at 435-1055 or Mark at 864-1328. FREE ROOM: and board in private home near campus in exchange for providing assistance to disabled Wright State student. Must haw own transportation. Contact Rob Bianco. 426-8263. EATING AWARENESS PROGRAM for bulmics/overeatets Begining l0/24/84;7:30-8:30p.m. S5:00/session. 20 wks., attend one or all. To register contact: Dr. Carlock. 256-0500. 0 PART-TIME- - Ambitious Student to promote new card game on campus and at local shopping malls. Must be availbalc weekends from October 20 to December 23. Reply to KNEXT, INC. P.O. Box 368. Fnglewood. Ohio 45322. OPERATO Services TO ALL STUDENTS Typing in my home. Call after 4:00 P.M. Will pick-up and deliver (IF NECESSARY) Tele. no. 322-3744 Springfield, Ohio. KEEP YOUR summer tan all year long. Packages from $49-79. Mention ad and receive S5 off. Call Cnacks accept-to 254-1402. LEISURE TAN. East own Central, Linden Ave. 0ff a 16 (0 00 YOU NEED a lawyer? Fuad Nasraiiah d National •