Vol. 5, No. 3. Tishrei 5755; September 1994 ------RETURN TO TYKOCIN by Rabbi Irving Lehrman

Dr. Irving Lehnnan is the founding rabbi of Temple Emanu-El on Miami Beach. This article was submitted by Sol Char/off (4403 ,Pl.A-9a) who believes Rabbi Lehrman to be a descendant of the Charlaps. Certainly, Tykocin (Iiktin) was a beloved home to our ancestors. Rabbi Lehnnan 's link to the Ser-Charlap family is being investigated. ·

My wife, Belle, and I always return from our annual summer pilgrimage to Israel enriched and uplifted, this year being no exception. We found the country seething with excitement over the widening peace process. The atmosphere was charged with the passionate discussions taking place everywhere. But this year the highlight of our trip was a visit to the place where I was born, a little town in named • Tykocin (or Tiktin, as we called it). Here my parents were married; here I was raised and lived until we left the country when I was about seven. When I last visited Poland in 1947, immediately after ., I wanted desperately to go to Tiktin. The town of my memory was prosperous, bustling, happy. But in 1947 I was discouraged by everyone. I was told that the entire Jewish community had been destroyed by the Nazis, that the cemetery had been desecrated, that the beautiful synagogue that I attended with my family had been converted to a storehouse. I did not go. When Hitler wiped out the Jewish communities of Europe, he did not just destroy cities, towns, and villages. He destroyed great institutions of learning. Every community, large or small, housed a great academy where the Torah was studied and taught, where students of all ages poured day and night over sacred tomes. Such a community was Tiktin, home of 3,000 and widely acclaimed for its brilliant scholars and sages. Only by chance did I recently learn that the Tiktin synagogue had been restored by the Polish government, that it is now a museum, a tourist attraction. Determined to relive. my childhood, I boarded an El Al flight to . Through the years I often spoke of the huge statue in the city square that dominated my world. That is where I played with my friends and bloodied my bare feet on the cobblestones in the summer. I remembered the home in which we lived on the shore of the River. From there my grandfather, a lumber merchant, shipped logs to Germany. What a thrill it was to find it all still there and to retrace my steps from the statue of Marshall Zarnecki (a Polish military hero) to my home, a two-story building on the corner of Brovarna. Miraculously, it was among the few original buildings still standing. On the outside, it was as I remembered it. Inside, it had been remodeled into small apartments. When the guide explained to a resident who I was, she immediately remembered my grandfather's family name, Dinowitz. [ed. note:Dinowitz is most likely the same name as Danowitz, one branch of our family.] I visited the cemetery hoping to find some remnant of my grandfather's grave. Alas, it was desolate. Every (continued next page) 2

TYKOCIN (cont.) ALL I GOT WAS WORDS headstone had been removed to construct houses or pave roads. There was nothing to see or mourn. This poem, whose author remains anonymous, was submitted by Ben As I entered the synagogue, my heart beat faster. Kristal of St. Augustine, Florida. There were _the same great bronze chandeliers hanging When I was young and fancy free, from the high ceiling. There were the walls on which an My folks had no fine clothes for me. unknown artist bad lovingly inscribed Hebrew quotations All I got was words: from the psalms, the prophets, the Talmud. There was the ornate blue and gold trim that decorated the ark and Gott tzu danken columns. Gott vet geben For 300 years this has been admired as among 'ZIJln mir leben un zein gezunt the most beautiful synagogues in Poland. Today, with so many others destroyed, it is the country's largest. There When I was wont to travel far, I stood, in the empty sanctuary, looking back into the They didn't provide for me a car. past. It was as if I could see my father and my All I got was words: grandfather sitting in their customary seats. As recorded cantorial music filled the silence, I broke down and Geh gezunt wept. A glorious synagogue - without Jews. A Geh pamelech magnificent Torah ark - now empty, devoid of its scrolls Hub a glickiche raize of the Law. This was a community dating from the 14th century, steeped in Jewish living and rich in spiritual and I wanted to increase my knowledge, cultural values. Nothing but a deserted shell remained to But they wouldn't send me to college remind one of a glorious past. All I got was words: Then, quite suddenly, I remembered the miracle of rebirth in the Land of Israel. My tears became tears Hub saychel of joy as I thanked G_ d that there is a State of Israel z.ei nischt kein narr today and I thanked Him that there is a United States of Torah iz di beste schorah America. Hatred destroyed my Tiktin and so many other The years have flown, the world has turned. Tiktins in human history. If we are to learn anything Things I've gotten; things I've learned, constructive from the agony of the Holocaust, we must Yet I remember: always remember the terrible evil that hatred inflicts on all touched by it. 'ZIJg dem emes The prophet Malachi asked, "Have we not all Gib tzedoka,h one father? Hath not one G_d created us all? Why shall Hub rachmonas we deal treacherously one with another?" ili I pray that the day will come when the world a mensch! will heed this sacred plea and live by it. ********************************************* All I got was words. ******** HThe family is one of nature's masterpieces. " - George Santayana ***********~********************************* TOALL OUR DEAR THE SER-CHARLAP FAMILY NEWSLETTER is published quarterly. We encourage submittal of news RELATIVES & FRIENDS items, essays, poems, and historical articles. Correspondence should be directed to: h:ui~.n re,t1 nlte~I Arthur F. Menton, Editor P.O. Box 108 MAY OUR ENTIRE FAMILY Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. 11724 AND ALL ISRAEL Tel. and Fax.: (516)754-1742 FIND HEALTH, HAPPINESS, AND PEACE Copyright © 1994 IN THE YEAR 5755 All rights reserved Arthur & Nancy Menton 3 JAZZ AND THE PRECIOUS LEGACY by David L. Hurwitz (4062,Pl.A-3ab)

David Hurwitz has contributed sev~ral essays for publication in the Newsletter. This piece continues his role as our nculture critic".

Once again I enjoyed a great evening of music at New York's 92nd Street YM/YWHA, thanks to the talent, showmanship, and eminence of our own Dick Hyman (3716,Pl.A-3); Dick not only performs at the Y, he is Artistic Director-the "showman" who makes these concerts the memorable occasions they are. He coordinates with the producer, my friend Hadassah Binder Markson, long prominent in music and performing arts. Hadassah is the daughter of the late Abraham Binder, prolific composer of Jewish music, both liturgical and secular. Dick chose July 27th as 11 All In the Family" night, which is quick becoming an annual event. The program announced that "Tonight's talented performers offer an intergenerational family musicale." And it was mainly a celebration of our family. Dick made his first appearance on stage to warm applause, looking as youthful and fit as he did a year ago (jazz is evidently an elixir of youth). He explained the family theme of the evening and introduced his cousin Bill Charlap (3787 ,Pl. A-6a), pianist and rising star in the jazz world. Dick descends from Yehuda Leib Charlap (3148,Pl.A), as I do. Bill is in the line of Ze'ev Charlap (3146), Yehuda Leib's brother. Early in the show, Sandy Stewart (3783,Pl.A-6a) sang "My Heart Belongs To Daddy" and I was wondering whether she had in mind Ze'ev, or maybe even his father Abraham Charlap, progenitor of our entire family tree. Or she may have been thinking of her late husband, Morris "Moose" Charlap (3780), the Broadway composer whose life was sadly cut short at age 54. Our family's prodigious musical talent was also represented by Tommy Charlap (3785), Bill's half-brother, on bass fiddle. And when Dick's daughter Judy (3720) and her husband joined in with a blend of American country melodies fused with ragtime and jazz and played with violins, ukeleles, and banjoes - the audience was almost dancing in the aisles. After the concert I repaired with other friends and family members to a reception room adjoining the concert hall. Among others, I was happy to chat once again with Julia Gaines Hyman (3718), Dick's lovely wife. It was her contagious enthusiasm for Charlap family genealogy that first attracted me years ago to this absorbing involvement and in turn brought my immediate family to Arthur Menton's (58,Pl.3c) attention. Of course, Dick comes from an illustrious background. His father, mentioned several times in past issues of the Newsletter, was Joseph Charlap Hyman (3714), famed especially for his leadership roles in important organizations including the Jewish Agency For Palestine (starting 1929) and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. Joseph is given a prominent writeup, accompanied by a photograph, in Who's Who In American Jewry. My mother, Ruth Sapinsky Hurwitz (4041), used to express pride in her cousin Joe Hyman; her mother, Minnie Charlap (4019,Pl.A-3a) was the sister of Joe's father, Abraham Charlap-Hyman (3712). The latter was a noted author of Jewish affairs in Hebrew, , and English. During the intermission and after the concert, I could not help but recall a powerfully moving exhibit mounted at the Jewish Museum, here in New York, some ten years ago. Called "The Precious Legacy", the exhibit contained Judaic treasures of the destroyed civilization of the Jews of Czechoslovakia. A large book, published by the Smithsonian Institution, sponsor of the exhibit, gives the historic background, then describes and illustrates the exhibit. Photographs show large collections of Torah scrolls, finials, spice boxes, and other sacred objects pillaged from synagogues before they were burned; enormous stacks of books looted from Jewish homes before they were smashed and the families slaughtered; a crate of gold wedding rings wrenched off the fingers of loving Jewish couples before they were murdered at Terezin or Auschwitz. But for me, the most poignant pictures of all showed storerooms filled with grand pianos and myriads of violins, suspended from racks, row by row. One can imagine the essential, intimate role that music making played in countless Jewish homes throughout Europe. These instruments and the beautiful voices are now stilled. It is painful to picture ja~k-booted SS barbarians breaking into Jewish homes where the civilization of music brought some serenity and escape from the brutality around them to the doomed residents. They could not imagine what the future held in store. Everything was brought to a halt, the pianos and instruments dragged from the homes, leaving emptiness, stunned silence, and the certainty of immediate terrible catastrophe. We fortunate Jews in America, along with our brothers and sisters in Israel, are the heirs of the destroyed Jewish communities of Europe. This is the message that comes through powerfully in every issue of our Ser-Charlap Family Newsletter. We are indebted to these martyrs, many of whom were our actual cousins (as Arthur has painstakingly documented and is constantly researching), -but in a broader sense all are our mishpocha. Books, art study, music - joys of spirit, heart, and intellect - these were the hallmarks of the pre-war Jewish communities. We are privileged to live securely, with little danger, with pianos, violins, clarinets, music, concerts to our hearts' content. I, for one, cannot take (cont. next page) 4

JAZZ & THE PRECIOUS LEGACY (cont.) NEW ADDITIONS these blessings for granted. Here is the connection: Jacob Louis Charlip (8867,Pl.A-14a) was born on May Family music-making was centr~ in the lives of many 17th, the second child of David (7640) and Naomi European Jewish families and Dick Hyman in his July (7646). Grandparents are Barry (7625) and Marilyn 27th concert continued _in _that tradition, even though the (7631). Jacob is the great-great grandson of Eliyahu genre of music contrasted with the classical chamber (7567) and Zlote Niesvisky (7571) Charlap. music played in the Jewish homes and salons of , Frankfurt, and Berlin or with the ldezmer of the Polish Zachary Feinberg (8861) was born on January 9, 1994, shtetlach. The animating spirit pervading those now the first child of Adam (8488) and Alice (980). Zachary vanished homes, and so strongly felt in the Y's concert is the fifth grandchild of Rabbi Bernard (566) and hall today, was the same - the joy of intimate family Shirley (751) Zlotowitz. His great-grandparents are the music-making, the way this music can strengthen family late HaGaon Rabbi Aharon (565) and Frumke Pasternak ties, the bond this joy forges among both participants (564) Zlotowitz. Were they alive today, Aharon and and listeners. The creative genius and performing talent Frumke would have thirty-one great grandchildren. that have made Jewish names legion in all aspects of Zachary stems from the line of Baruch Pasternak (504) music, whether classical, jazz, or other styles, in and Kayla Kur (503). Before that the line blends in with Europe, Israel, and in America is also reflected in the the Sers and Charlaps. cultural abilities of our family. We lost many relatives in the dark days of World War II - a goodly number were Tyler Kopito (8860,Pl.27ba), born May 24th, is the first talented musicians. Certainly the family research child of Andrew (8818) and Ronda (8822) and the indicates that this is so. But our renaissance continues second grandchild of Allen (8583) and Sheila (8738) and this concert was a cause for celebration. Our life as Kopito. Tyler is the latest in the line of Kopitos who a family and a people goes on. Thank you Dick, for originated in Czyzewo. His great-grandfather Irving reminding us of these fundamentals, though so serious an (8572) emigrated to the United States in 1920 at the age object may have been far from your intentions. Please do of nine. this "All In the Family" type concert again. ********************************************* Edward Ian (Yisrael Baruch) Sahr (8541,Pl.3a), born A WEDDING DANCE on Dec. 18, 1993, is the second child of Seth (27) and Christina (892) and the second grandchild of Donald (24) A briefdescription ofa ritual dance traditionally done at and Naomi (23) Sahr. Edward is also the second great­ eastern European weddings. grandson of Dorothy (19) and the late Sydney (18) Sahr. His great-great-grandparents were Jacob Louis (Yankel Rivka Gittel, the groom's grandmother and Chaya, the Eliezer) (3) and Rivka (4) Sahr. Jacob, known grandmother of the bride had an argument. To apologize affectionately as Yankelflazer, was one of ten children of to each other they do an "angry dance." ... The Sender Ser (1,PI.l). The family lived in Nur and townspeople at the wedding grow more cheerful and sing Ciechanowiec. with the klezmer band, "Let's make up the world is like a dream, let's make up, let us be at peace." Each Tova Leah Schuster (8859,Pl.4ba) was born on April stretches her hands out to the other, the musicians let 28th. She is the second child of Edward (7244) and loose, "Make ~p, make up." The two pairs of hands lock Susan Ann (586) and the fourth grandchild of Rabbi together, one ·embraces the other and they kiss. The Bertram (584) and Gloria (578) Leff. Gloria's father was guests, unrestrained in their enthusiasm, sing and clap Benjamin Stein (546); his mother was Chaya Faiga hands. The fiddle of a musician from Tiktin blends in Pasternak (546), daughter of Baruch Pasternak (504) and with "Make up, Make up". Golda's son with the bass Kayla Kur (503). fiddle joins in. Chayale's husband's fiddle squeaks and Shimon keeps the beat. The women dance until the Danielle Lauren Wietschner (8887 ,Pl.2a), born on June wedding party arrives. The bridegroom places the veil 19th, is the second child of Chaim (529) and Elisa over his bride's face and both are serenaded by Sonia (4798). Grandparents are Rabbi Irving (477) and Miriam from Bialystock accompanied by the assembled (524) Wietschner. Danielle is the tenth great-grandchild musicians. of Anna (472) and the late Louis (476) Wietschner. - From Sefer Zembrove CZambrow Anna's father was Tifke Sier (470). Yizkor Book) as described by Yom-Tov Levinsky (cont. on page 6) 5 DER NISTER - THE HIDDEN SAINT by Avrohom Moshe Wrubel

One of the activities of the Ser-Charlap Family Association is the translation of Yzzkor books from the shtetlach of our ancestry. 1his piece was translated from the Ciechanowiec Yzzkor Book and was provided by Sid Goldstein, who is actually a Wrubel. Sid has been exceptional in helping with many activities of our family. 1he Wrubels are intertwined with the Ser-Charlaps and we are researching the exact connection.

My grandfather, whom I heard wonders about, but unfortunately did not have the honor of knowing, would sit in his study and learn Torah and its laws day and night. Torah s_tudy was his sole occupation. His righteous wife, my Bubbe, "Toby the fabric dyer" carried the financial burden. When I started learning with my "Talmud Rebbe" in Ciechanowiec, I was constantly reminded that I carried a very holy name which demanded a high level of behavior on my part. This responsibility made me shudder in awe of my saintly Zeide. Being the one crowned with his holy name, I was determined to find out the essence of my holy grandfather. More than once I confronted my sainted father, may he rest in peace, to reveal the root and core of my Zeide's saintliness. What brought him to such heights in G_ dliness? And, more than anything else, why the secrecy about him? But my father would tell me so little that it just piqued my curiosity even more! Determined to uncover and solve this mystery, I went to my uncle, Simcha thefarber (fabric dyer), and presented him with the same questions. His face would glow and a heavenly air would overtake him as he would tell me ... "Your grandfather reached heights in holiness that few mortals have ever reached. He would not budge from the Talmud, studying its verses and laws day and night. Not a word of slander ever crossed his lips and he overcame all the temptations that influence most human beings. His soul was so pure, the likes of which was not found in man other than maybe the Gaon of Wilna, Rabbi Eliyahu hen Shlomo Zalman." Yes, I knew that my sainted grandfather was more angelic than human, and by now I knew that he possessed a soul that was rare and precious. But the mystery still remained. I wanted to hear stories that I would relate to. The lucky moment came when I readied myself to move to Israel. When my father blessed me to have a safe trip - feeling that he would not see me again - he felt that the time had come to reveal my grandfather's secret to me. Due to my grandfather's modesty, no one in Ciechanowiec knew of his G_dliness. He had sworn his family to secrecy. My father told me that Zeide was a very weak person and was constantly ill. One winter Zeide became critically ill and the doctors ordered him to go to Chechochinek. a resort place where he could recuperate. His wife accompanied him and rented a room for the duration of his therapy. One day, a Jew whom they did not know stormed into the room crying bitterly, "Holy Rebbe, you must help me. G_d has poured His wrath upon me. He punished me by preventing me from raising my children in the Torah ways. We bad four children and they all died, one after the other. Holy Rebbe, bless me, please, that G_d should bless me with a child. Bless me that I should be able to raise my child in the path of the Torah." Zeide answered humbly, "Who am I that you come to me for a blessing? I am not a Rebbe, I am not a righteous man, I am not a tzaddik, and certainly not a miracle worker! Dear Jew, you are mistaken!" But the broken-hearted Jew insisted, "Rebbe, it was revealed to me from Heaven that you possess the power to bless me. I will not leave until you bestow your blessings upon me." Not having a choice, Zeide blessed the man and told him, "Go home and don't worry. G_d will help you and you will not know any more anguish." The Jew left my grandfather toµlly relieved and ecstatic. Zeide returned to Ciechanowiec and forgot the whole episode. He resumed study of the Talmud with full fervor. Five or six years later, on a Thursday night, a majestic wagon coming from Russia passed through the town. The traveler was very distinguished and richly dressed. He stopped a resident of the and asked him the whereabouts of the miracle worker of Ciechanowiec. The villager shrugged his shoulders. He knew no one in the town who was a miracle worker. The traveler looked in his notebook and asked for directions to Reb Avrohom Moshe's house. This he got and he found the way easily. Reaching the house, he found Zeide engrossed in a holy book. Not wanting to disturb him, the traveler waited until Zeide noticed him. When Zeide looked up, the visitor asked him, "Do you remember me? Do you remember when I came to you for a blessing that I should have a child? I would like you to know that five years ago my wife gave birth to a healthy boy, and we are thrilled beyond description! I am a wealthy man and I would like to help you financially in any way you see fit." (cont. on page 6) 6

NEW ADDITIONS (cont. from p. 4) __ Arroyos, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, died on August 30th, a month shy of her 59th birthday. She was ~lex Barrett (Aharon) Zimmerman (8909,Pl.32aa) was the wife of Daniel (159) and mother of Ariel (Yehoshua) born on July 20th. Alex is the second child of Cliff (187) and Miriam (188). Ariel lives in Argentina. (2122) and Stacy (5979) and the. second grandchild of Miriam is married to Yonah Biniashvili (7039), a Irwin (Murray) (2109) and Ann (2115) Zimmerman. Russian emigre to Israel. They live in a religious Murray is the grandson of Shmuel (2075) and Rivka community in Jerusalem. Miriam and Yonah have two (2077) Pakciarz. Shmuel was one of at least six children children of whom Lidia was very proud. Lidia was one of David Shlomo Pakciarz (2072). This line includes the · of nine "children of Yehoshua Ser (Jose Scher) (128) and following families: Ser, Kandel, Atlas, Yellen, and Taibel (Teresa) Bercovich (133). Yehoshua, son of Prystowsky. They were prominent in Wysokie Avraham (125) and Liebe (124) Ser, left Ciechanowiec Mazowieckie and Tykocin and also were represented in for Argentina early in this century. Lidia's sister Raquel Nur, Ciechanowiec and the surrounding countryside. Vinick (134), who with her husband Ted (135), has been *******************'11•11•11•11•11•11•11******************* a stalwart supporter of the family research, lives in MARRIAGES Schenectady, N. Y. ********************************************* Terri Jo Crane (7016,Pl.20b), daughter of I.J. (4812) DER NISTER (cont. from p. 5) and Sharon (4813) was married in July. We don't know her husband's name but he has been "awarded" the 7.eide clasped the man's hand and said heartfully, "I'm number of (8886). Terri Jo is the granddaughter of so pleased that you are happy. As for us, we have Manuel Crane (2674), son of Hyman Capito (ltche everything we need, thank you. One thing though, I Chaim Kopyto) (2623) and Etta (Etka) Smolarczyk would like to ask of you. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is (2617). Hyman emigrated from Nur and, like many in to know what transpired between us! I want to remain our family, settled in the Kansas City area. unknown!" They shook hands and the visitor stayed at 7.eide's house for Shabbos. He returned home on Gefen Shacor (2910,Pl.20fa) was wed to Shlomi Basel Sunday, mission accomplished. (8857) on August 9th in Kibbutz Erez, where Gefen was During the last years of 7.eide's life, when he raised. Her parents are Yehuda (2906) and Rachel was no longer able to walk, he refused to give up going (2905), who are characteristi~ of that generation of to shul on Shabbos, until his last Shabbos. 7.eide was so Israelis who forged the fledgling state into a strong revered by the Jews of Ciechanowiec that the few democratic Jewish nation. Rachel is a teacher and survivors who emigrated to America founded a Yehuda raises bees, producing the sweetest honey in landsmanschaft: Society Chevra Bnei Moshe in memory Israel. Gefen's grandparents are Gedaliah (2728) and of 7.eide. This organization exists to this day. May my Zahava Cohen (2735) Smoliar of Nes Ziona. Gedaliah's 7.eide's memory be a blessing for us all. father was Pesach Smolarczyk (2724,Pl.20). Zahava's ********************************************* family is also interconnected with the Smolarczyks, FAMILY FINDER especially the line which originates with Pesach' s brother, Leml (4615). The Ciechanowiec Yizkor Book lists Yitzhak Meir Mankuta, his wife Alte, and their children as martyred MAZEL TOV TO ALL ON TIIEIR SIMCHAS during the Holocaust. We do not know how they fit into ***********~********************************* our family. Can anyone help? OBITUARIES A sponsor ad appears in Lomza: Moments & Memories Ralph Greenberg (7618,Pl.A-14a) died on June 28th at (New York: United Lomzer Relief Committee, Jan. the age of 57. Ralph, a bachelor, was the son of Ben 1946). It is signed by Mr. & Mrs. Zeleck Quatik, USA (7610) and Sophie (7601) Greenberg and grandson of address: 448 Windsor Ave., Wilson, Connecticut, % Eliyahu (7567) and Zlote (7571) Charlip (Charlap). Samuel Bloom. Does anyone know how these names fit Ralph is interred in Adath Shalom Memorial Park, into the Kwiatik family? Livonia, Michigan. Does anyone have contact (addresses & telephone Nos.) Udia Plaskienos (152,Pl.3e), who lived in Tres with the descendants of Ephraim Tzi Charlap (cont. next column) (3228,Pl.A-2aaa) through his daughter Mindel Zussman (3250), in Perth, Australia? 7 EUNICE COOPER: A DEDICATION Eunice's grandfather, Meyer Kur (2718,Pl. llb) was TO B'NAI B'RITH born in Nur and emigrated to Kansas. He was the son of Moshe Mendel Kur (1533) and Freida Frume Bernstein Eunice Cooper (4278,Pl.27a) was recently (1534). Moshe Mendel's father, Sana (3024,Pl.la), was elected and installed as Chairperson of the Gateway born on May 25, 1828 in Nur. A shoemaker, at age Region of B'nai B'rith Women at the organization's eighteen he was wed in Zareby Koscielnie to seventeen biennial convention held in Orlando, Florida. Eunice year-old Sosia Faiga (Tzina) Tachno (3026). Sana's brings more than twenty-five years of leadership to the parents were Chuna Kur (3017) and Gittel Ser (3019) position, having served as President of B'nai B'rith daughter of Zebulon (2155,Pl.A-1) and granddaughter of Women of Greater Kansas City, the Star of David Abraham Charlap (2153). Chuna was the son of Yosef Chapter, and in almost every local leadership role. She (3014) and Basia (3015). Yosef was known sometimes as continues tobe active in the Kansas City branch, serving Kur and sometimes as Kuropatwa. The chart on page 8 as giftwrap chairperson, coordinating fundraising concentrates on showing some of the Kur ancestry of projects done for various holidays. Just prior to Eunice. A careful scan shows, as has been indicated, that assuming her new position, Eunice completed a two-year she is also directly descended from Gittel Ser. This chart term as Vice Chairperson of the ten state Gateway does not show the details of that line which emanates Region and participated in B'nai B'rith Women's 1991 directly from the Charlaps and Ibn Yachyas. Note that Training Institute, an in depth seminar conducted in Moshe Mendel's uncle, Chaim Hersch Kur (1359) Washington, D.C. for a small number of selected married his cousin Rachel Kuropatwa (1360,Pl.D-1). leaders. The training was designed to prepare Three of their children also married cousins. Kayla Kur participants to assess local community needs related to (503,Pl.4) married Baruch Pasternak (504); Chana Bella the emotional well-being of children and youths, and Kur (469,Pl.2) married Hershel Zvi Ser (468); and then convene a major impact project to address that Matys Leml Kur (672,Pl. 7) married Shayna Parczewski need. In her capacity as a BBW National Training (671,Pl.17). Baruch Pasternak's brother, Chaim Institute graduate, Eunice designed and chaired a 1992 (3033,Pl.E-1) married Rachel Leah (3027), who was a Kansas City Teen Awareness Seminar on Family and second cousin of Baruch's wife, Kayla. These are just a Peer Violence co-sponsored by the Central Agency for few of the interconnections between cousins of our Jewish Education, Jewish Family & Children Services, family tree. When we consider that there are now close most Kansas City area congregations and Jewish youth to 300 charts like the one shown on page 8, and many organizations. UTOPIA (Unified Teens Overcoming show further intra-family marriages, we begin to get a Problems Involving Abuse) grew out of the seminar. As feel for the complexity of these family relationships. Gateway Regional Chairperson, Eunice will also serve One further note: Sarah (3021), daughter of Chuna Kur on the National Executive Board of Directors and she and Gittel Ser, married Matys Haskel Golomb (3986). wil1 head the Gateway Regional Board. The latter One of their sons married Chaya Bella Kopyto provides support, training, and technical assistance to (3998,PI.J-1) who was a first cousin to Yisrael Aharon local chapters. Kopito (5591). Yisrael Aharon is in that Kopito family Eunice was born and raised in Kansas City. She which is the branch of Roger Cooper, Eunice's husband. was an English major at the University of Missouri and Thus, Eunice and Roger, through their marriage are in 1962, at age twenty-one, married Roger Cooper reaffirming ancient ties. The Golomb, or Golombowicz (4268). At the time they didn't realize that they were family was prominent throughout Lomza Guberniya and distant cousins. Cooper is an Americanized version of also has close ties with the Ser-Charlaps. Our revered Kopito and Roger belongs to that distinguished line of colleague Martin Glembourtt is in the Golombowicz line our family. Eunice is the daughtet of the late Jack Kur and has been actively pursuing research in this area. (4151,Pl.1 lbc) and Etta Levine (4154), as shown in the Martin also publishes a family newsletter and would be chart on page 8. Jack reassumed the ancestral name of pleased to hear from any mishpocha or quasi-mishpocha. Kur; his father and uncles had previously changed it to All correspondence will be forwarded to him. Cohen. Notice that two Winer sisters married two of the ********************************************* Cohen brothers. Another Winer sister was the first wife GENERATIONS of Sam Daniels (1558,Pl.1 la). Sam later married Esther Kur (1556). Still another sister, Chaya Yehudis Winer What was is no more. It is gone, changed (4846,Pl.25) married Bertche Pasternak (4840). The Beyond recognition. But it lives and thrives Winers originated in Nur and are closely associated with In the fecund soil of our remembrance. our family. We are continuing to research those links. - John Egerton - - ·- SOME ANTECEDENTS OF EUNICE KUR COOPER


3016 '¥11A 3017 3019 5068 5069


3025 .,,,.,... 3982 3983 3984 3986 3021 3987 3985 1359 1360 3024 3026 5070 5071 SEE PLATE 1aa ~ I I I I ~ CHAIM RACHEL BARUCH KAYLA CHU NA HERSHEL CHANA MATYS SHAYNA GUTMAN ASTERNAt LEAH FASTERNAK Z\11 BELLA LEML IARCZEWS I SER

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00 9 CANADIAN CHARLAPS THE EAST SIDE SHUL ,1, by Abraham Cahan A recent trip to Montreal enabled us to connect a group of Canadian Charlaps to our family tree. We Abraham Cahan was the editor and driving force behind met with Harvey Charlap (8899,Pl.A-2da), who lives in the Jewish Daily Forward, the largest selling foreign Hampstead, a suburb of Montreal. Harvey and his language newspaper in the United States. He was also a brother Monroe (8898) are the sons of Gregory (Zvi) noted writer. His novel The Rise of David Levinsky is a Charlap (8891) who was born in Grodno in 1907. classic in describing Jewish immigrant life on the Lower During the 1920s, Zvi left Russia/Poland for the west. East Side of New York. In this piece, taken from The He studied law at the University of Liege in Belgium Commercial Adveniser, he describes the centrality ofthe and then went to where he did graduate synagogue in Jewish life. study at Columbia University. In 1936 he married Edith Nobleman who was born in Odessa. They settled in Here there are hundreds of congregations, one in Montreal. -Zvi, now Gregory, had a brother who had almost every street, for the Jews come from many emigrated to Montreal. Hesse Charlap (8894) different cities and towns in the old country, and the manufactured handbag frames. Zvi also had a sister New York representatives of every little place in Russia Sonia (8889) in Canada. Her son, George (8896), is a must have their congregation here. Consequently, the mining engineer in Toronto. He assumed his mother's congregations are for the most part small, poor, and maiden name and is known as Charlap. unimportant. Few can pay the rabbi more than three or Harvey remembered that his grandmother Minna four dollars a week. Some get along without a rabbi at (8888) lived in Montreal but he did not know his all, hiring rabbis for special occasions. Yet ... grandf(lther Moshe Aron (3692). He did know that The Orthodox synagogue is not merely a house Moshe Aron lived in Grodno where he was a successful of prayer; it is an intellectual center, a mutual aid cigarette manufacturer. He also owned an inn or hotel. society, a fountain of self-denying altruism, and a With that information, we were able to make the literary club, no less than a house of worship. The study connection. Grodno, after all, was one center of our rooms of the hundreds of synagogues, where the old family. Sarah Fraidel Charlap (3180,Pl.A-2) had married people of the ghetto come to read and discuss "words of in to the Lapin rabbinic-Clan of Grodno. Her daughter law" as well as the events of the day, are crowded every Chaya Leah Lapin (3321) complicated our connections evening in the week with poor street peddlers, and with with Grodno rabbinic dynasties by marrying Dov Ber those gray-haired misunderstood sweatshop hands of (3327) of the honored Jaffe family. [See "The Charlap­ whom the public hears every time a tailor strike is Jaffe Connection," Newsletter, vol.4, no. 4, p. 8]. declared. So few are the joys which this world has to Moshe Aron was born circa 1865, the son of spare for those overworked, enfeebled victims of "the David Sholom (3176,PI .A-2d) and grandson of Abraham inferno of modern times," that their religion is to many Gershon Charlap (3167,Pl.A-2). Abraham Gershon was of them the only thing which makes life worth living. In a prominent rabbi in Suchavole, in northeast Poland, half the fervor of prayer or the abandon of religious study way between Bialystock and Suwalki. His father Ze'ev they forget the grinding poverty of their homes. Between (3146,Pl.A) was rabbi in Tykocin (Tiktin) and his the walls of the synagogue, on the top floor of some grandfather was Abraham Charlap (2153), progenitor of ramshackle tenement house, they sing beautiful our modern tree. melodies, some of them composed in the caves and Harvey mentioned that his father often spoke of forests of Spain, where the wandering people worshiped an Aunt Gittef who survived the Holocaust and came to the G_ d of their fathers at the risk of their lives; and Montreal after the war. He also remembered that there these and the sighs and sobs of the Days of Awe, the were cousins in the Boston area who went by the name thrill that passes through the heartbroken tallis-covered Sheron. He thought the name was originally congregation when the shofar blows, the mirth which Sereshevsky. These relatives could well be descendants fills the house of G_ d and the tenement homes upon the of the famous Shershaver Rebbe. Y ehuda Leib Char lap Rejoicing of the Law, the tearful greetings and humbled (3148,Pl.A) married his daughter. Another possibility is peacemakings on Atonement Eve, the mysterious light of that Harvey (or your editor) may have confused the the Chanukah candles, the gifts and charities of Purim, names Sheron and Beron. We have that Leah (3178), a the joys and kingly solemnities of - all these daughter of Abraham Gershon, married a Beron which pervade the atmosphere of the ghetto with a beauty and was also an assumed name. These possibilities are now a charm without which the life of its older residents being investigated. would often be one of unrelieved misery. 10 lt ~1 LEITER FROM ISRAEL t'i ••. We are, no doubt, cousins due to the saying Kol Yisrael Chaverim, however the Charlaps and Yerushalmis are indeed related. I too have researched my roots and from legends passed on from father to son, have learned that the prominent Yerushalmi tribe, large but unfortunately curtailed by the Nazis, are descendants of King David. Our name in Spain before 1492 was De Leon and from what I know our families derive from the same roots. Yet, I can not find my way through the vast labyrinth of time and generations. It would seem that archival research in Nowogrod and Mariampol is ·required and I am, unfortunately, unable to do that. I'm Simply involved in too many projects as a member of PEN and the many lectures which consume a great deal of tim~. Yet, I congratulate you on your endeavor, bravo! Reading the histQry of the yishuv we learn of those great Charlaps: Reh Yaacov Moshe, Reh Nehemiah, Reh Yitzhak Eliezer, the Rehovoth Charlaps, and· many more. They were, and are, a great and notable tribe. In times when too many of our people try to lose their identity, it is a pleasure to know that in the golden diaspora someone is working to· stitch the edges together. Today especially, in light of the so-called "peace process" we see a regression in the general consensus concerning RamatHaGolan, Judea and Samaria, and lately even Jerusalem. One of my neighbors had the temerity to tell me, "We did not defend our existence, we occupied foreign land." You hear the same in debates and newspapers. It is important, therefore, to recognize the danger confronting us and to draw a red line. Arafat has not changed and he means business: first Gaza and Jericho, then Judea and Samaria, then Jerusalem, and finally Jaffa, the Galilee, etc. Our very existence is threatened. I am not an extremist. I hate war. I am a child of war and have fought many times. Yet, I am united with the great majority of the citizens of Israel in our recognition that Jerusalem, the Golan, the Jordan Valley must remain under Israel's control. Your work in identifying with those Charlaps who have been instrumental in building our nation helps forge a unity of our people. This is important work and I will certainly welcome you on your next trip to Israel. Shalom, Aron Y erushalmi Bat Yam ·· Ed. Note: Aron Yerushalmi's letter indicates that the Deleon family of Spain and Ponugal is related to the lbn Ynhyas. Both families have the tradition of Davidic descendance and the Yerushalmis and Charlaps are related. W..:- originally learned of this connection at a fanction of the American Technion Society (ATS). Technion is, of course, the internationally respected university in Haifa. Aron's son, Joseph, is active in ATS and is an attorney with the Israeli/American law firm of Shiboleth, Yisraeli, Robens, Yerushalmi, and Zisman. ************************************************************************************************* 1he concept of Eretz Yisrael began with G_d's promise to Abraham, who traversed its length and breadth; it was confirmed to Isaac, who never separated himselffrom its soil; and it meant home for Jacob ... For the Israelites in bondage to Pharaoh, and for their children who were liberated, the conquest of the land was the ultimate step in their redemption. - Rabbi Emanuel Rackman ************************************************************************************************* THE SER-CHARLAP FAMILY ASSOCIATION P.O.BOX 108 COLD SPRING HARBOR, NY 11724