Privatization Processes and the Current State of the Regional Securities Market of Namangan Region
ISSN (Online): 2455-3662 EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal Volume: 6 | Issue: 8 | August 2020 || Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor: 7.032 ||ISI Value: 1.188 PRIVATIZATION PROCESSES AND THE CURRENT STATE OF THE REGIONAL SECURITIES MARKET OF NAMANGAN REGION Ph.D., Assoc. Kadirova H.T. Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute, Uzbekistan. ABSTRACT The article highlights the stages of privatization in the Republic of Uzbekistan, in particular its current stage - the sale of government shares in large enterprises. The current state of the regional securities market of the Namangan region is analyzed, the existing problems of the further development of the stock market are identified and proposals for their elimination are given. KEYWORDS: privatization, financial market, securities market, jointstock companies, capital market, investment intermediaries and consultants. 1. INTRODUCTION regional joint-stock companies (Uchurgon Yoғ JSC, The phased privatization in Uzbekistan can be Namangan Tola Textile LLC, Namangan Wine JSC, defined as: the stage of small privatization (1992- Namanganagromash LLC) were put up for sale. 1993), during which the targeted orientation of Of these, state shares of 3 enterprises were sold in privatization was shown - this is the process of the amount of 46.7 billion soums. (Uchurgon Yoғ housing privatization. The possibility of redemption JSC state share - 51.7 percent, 22.6 billion soums, by members of labor collectives of the repurchase of Namangan Tola Textile LLC state share - 51.0 the shares of their enterprises on preferential terms, percent, 17.6 billion soums, Namanganagromash as well as the preferential procedure for privatizing LLC state share - 91.5 percent, 6.6 billion soums.).
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