Supplement iSo. g to Cfje Palestine m^tttt Bo. 791 of %m 3|mte, 1938.


GEORGE THE SIXTH, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India, to all whom these Presents shall come, Greeting!

WHEREAS HIS LATE MAJESTY KING GEORGE THE FIFTH by Warrant under His Royal Sign Manual dated the twenty-third day of September, one thousand nine hundred and thirty, was pleased to make, ordain and establish rules and ordinances for the governance of the Medal for Long Service and Good Conduct (Military), re• serving to Himself, His Heirs and Successors full power of annulling, altering, abrogating, augmenting, interpreting or dispensing with those rules and ordinances, or any part thereof, by a notification under Royal Sign Manual:

AND WHEREAS by the Eighth Clause of the aforesaid Warrant, as amended by the Warrant of His FORMER MAJESTY KING EDWARD THE EIGHTH dated the thirty- first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six, it is ordained that the said Medal shall not be awarded to natives in respect of service in corps for which special Medals for long service and good conduct are already or may sub• sequently be granted :

AND WHEREAS it is now Our desire to grant a special Medal for long service and good conduct to native members of permanent military forces in Our Colonies, Protectorates and Mandated Territories under rules and ordinances similar, so far as circumstances permit, to the rules and ordinances governing the award of the said Medal for Long Service and Good Conduct (Military) :

Now, THEREFORE, WE do by these Presents for Us, Our Heirs and Successors institute, constitute and create a special Medal to reward the long service and

— 687 — — 688 — good conduct of native members of permanent military forces in Our Colonies, Protectorates and Mandated Territories; and WE are graciously pleased to make, ordain and establish the following rules and ordinances for the governance of the same which shall henceforth be inviolably observed and kept :— Tt is ordained that the Medal shall be of silver and shall bear in relief on the obverse the Royal and Imperial Effigy and on the reverse the inscription "For Long Service and Good Conduct" and the name of the Force in which the recipient qualified for the award. It is further ordained that the Medal shall be awarded under such regulations as to grant, forfeiture, restoration and other matters in amplification of these Our rules and ordinances as may, with Our approval signified through one of Our Principal Secretaries of State, be issued from time to time, by the Governors, High Commissioners or Officers administering the Government, as the case may be, in regard to the Permanent Forces of Our respective Colonies, Protectorates or Mandated Territories. WE reserve to Ourself, Our Heirs and Successors, full power of annulling, altering, abrogating, augmenting, interpreting, or dispensing with these rules and ordinances, or any. part thereof, by a notification under Our Sign Manual.

GIVEN at Our Court of Saint James's this Twentieth day of May in the second year of Our reign and in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight.

By His Majesty's Command,




IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by the Royal Warrant dated the 20th day of May, 1938, and with the approval of the Secretary of State, the High Com­ missioner has made the following regulations :—

Citation. 1. These regulations may be cited as the Trans-Jordan Frontier Force (Long Service and Good Conduct Medal) Regulations, 1938.

—׳ Interpretation. 2. In these regulations ' 'Force'' means the Trans-Jordan Frontier Force; "medal" means the medal for "Long Service and Good Conduct" instituted for the Force under these regulations; — 689 —

"non commissioned officer" and "soldier" have the same meanings as in the Trans-Jordan Frontier Force Ordinance, 1936.

3—(1) A silver medal for "Long Service and Good Conduct" institution of a similar pattern to that for the British Army, but having the ° me a • words "Trans-Jordan Frontier Force" on the reverse and worn with a ribbon having a crimson ground with a narrow central stripe of green, may be awarded by the High Commissioner to a soldier (including a non-commissioned officer) of not less than sixteen years' service who is recommended by the officer command• ing the Force and certified by him to be of exemplary character as defined in King's Regulations.

(2) For the purpose of this regulation service in the Palestine Gendarmerie or the Arab Legion of Trans-Jordan shall be counted as service qualifying for the award of the medal if the soldier was transferred without break from the Palestine Gedarmerie or the Arab Legion of Trans-Jordan to the Force.

4. Recommendations for the award of the medal shall be sub• Kecommendation mitted by the officer commanding the Force to the High Commis• for award of medal. sioner together with a medal roll in triplicate and certified copies of— (a) the conduct sheet for the whole of the soldier's service; and (b) the record of service of the soldier. 5. A soldier to whom the medal has been awarded shall, on Gratuity. discharge, receive a gratuity of five pounds, and in the event of his death while still serving the gratuity shall be added to the amount of his effects. 6. When the High Commissioner has approved of the grant Engraving of of a medal, or medals, for long service and good conduct he will medals. sign the medal roll referred to in regulation 4 of these regulations and transmit it in duplicate to the Secretary of State with a covering despatch requesting that the medal, or medals, may be engraved, and transmitted to him for presentation.

7. Notification of all awards of the medal will be published in Notification of the Gazette and in general and regimental orders. The medal grant and pre• will, whenever possible, be presented to a soldier at a review sentation of medal. order regimental parade.

8. —(1) Every soldier who is convicted by court martial of — Forfeiture and restoration of desertion, or medal and fraudulent enlistment, or gratuity. — 690 —

mutiny, or cowardice, or fraud when in charge of money or goods, or disgraceful conduct, as defined in the laws for the time being in force for the Force; or who is sentenced to penal servitude.or to be discharged with ignominy; or who is discharged as incorrigible and worthless, expressly on account of misconduct, or in consequence of a con• viction by a civil court; or who is liable to trial on confession of desertion or fraudulent enlistment, but whose trial has been dispensed with; will forfeit the medal together with the gratuity appertaining thereto. (2) A court martial may, in accordance with the provisions of the laws for the time being in force for the Force, in addition to or without any other punishment, in respect of any offence, sentence an offender to forfeiture of the medal together with the gratuity appertaining thereto. (3) When the conduct of a soldier who has earned the medal has, after the award of the medal and gratuity, been such as to disqualify him from wearing the medal, the High Commissioner may, on the recommendation of the officer commanding the Force, deprive the soldier of the medal and gratuity. The High Commissioner may, on the like recommendation, re• store to a soldier the medal and gratuity forfeited by such soldier under these regulations.

Loss and re• 9.—(1) When a soldier is unable to produce his medal the fact placement of shall be reported with a view to inquiry by a board of officers as medals. to the cause thereof. When no evidence regarding the loss of the medal except that of the soldier can be obtained, the board will take evidence regarding his character from an officer acquainted therewith. The board will record, in addition to the evidence, its opinion as to whether the medal was lost — (a) when the soldier was on duty and from causes entirely beyond his control; or (b) by accident; or (c) wilfully. (2) In any case falling under paragraph (a) or (b) of the pre• ceding sub-regulation the officer commanding the Force shall sub• mit to the High Commissioner the application for the replacement of the lost medal together with a copy of the proceedings of the board. Replacement of a lost medal at the public expense will — 691 — not be entertained unless the loss is proved to fall under para• graph (a) of tliat sub-regulation. In any case falling under paragraph (c) of the said sub-regulation, where the soldier is convicted of making away with his medal, such soldier's service for three years must be clear of entries on the regimental conduct sheet before he can be recommended for the grant, on payment, of a new medal. (3) An application from an ex-soldier for a new medal to replace that which he has lost will not be entertained unless the applicant is still in Government employ and is shown to have in• curred the loss on Government service from causes beyond his own control. (4) A new medal will not be issued until a period of six months has elapsed from the date of the loss. 10. When a medal is forfeited it shall be transmitted to the Disposal of High Commissioner for disposal. The same course shall be fol• medals. lowed in the case of a medal awarded to a soldier who subsequently dies in the service and of a medal which may be recovered after a soldier has been convicted of making away with it. 11. Letters containing medals, when forwarded through the Begistration of post, shall be registered. letters. 12. These regulations shall not apply to British personnel Application. serving with the Force.

By His Excellency's Command,

W. D. BATTERSHILL 15th June, 1938. Chief Secretary. (T/459/32)



IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by the Defence Regulations, I hereby direct that as from the first day of August, 1938, every omnibus operating a Pas• senger Road Service shall be painted a dove gray colour in accordance with the specification in the Inspector-General's Office. I do further direct that as from that date every such omnibus shall keep all its interior lights extinguished when the vehicle is in motion, and while it is standing outside a municipal area. — 692 —

The Public Notice signed by me on the 16th day of May, 1938, and published in Supplement No. 2 to the Palestine Gazette No. 785 of 26th May, 1938, is here• by cancelled.

A. SAUNDERS 13th June, 1938. Inspector-General. (0/46/88)


IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by regulation 10 of the Emergency Regula• tions, 1936, I, ROWAN REEVES, Assistant District Commissioner, Galilee and Acre District, hereby order that as from the 15th June, 1938, and until further notice, all the land bounded as follows :— on the west: by the and Samaria District boundary from south• wards; on the south : by the Haifa and Samaria District boundary (the River Kishon); on the east: by the Affula— Road; on the north : by the Tel Adashim — Nahalal boundary shall constitute a special curfew area, and I hereby give notice that any person who is or who remains out of doors between the hours of 8 p.m. and 3 a.m. within this area will render himself liable to prosecution for an offence under the Emergency Regulations, 1936, provided that this order shall not apply to any village or settle• ment within the said area.

R. REEVES Assistant District Commissioner, 15th June, 1938. Galilee and Acre District.


IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by regulation 10 of the Emergency Regula• tions, 1936, I, B. C. GIBBS, Assistant District Commissioner, Safad Division, here• by order that as from today and until further notice, every person within the vil• lage lands and built-up area of Mi'liya village, Acre Sub-District, shall remain within doors and no person shall enter this area between the hours of 7 p.m. and 4 a.m.

B. C. GIBBS Assistant District Commissioner, 15th June, 1938. Safad Division. — 693 —


IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by regulation 10 of the Emergency Regulations, 1936, I, B. C. GIBBS, Assistant District Commissioner, Safad Division, hereby order that as from today and until further notice, every person within the village lands and built-up areas of Sa'sa' and Kafr Birim villages, Safad Sub- District, shall remain within doors and no person shall enter this area between the hours of 7 p.m. and 4 a.m.

B. C. GIBBS Assistant District Commissioner, 17th June, 1938. Safad Division.



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by section 42 (b) of the Government Railways Ordinance, 1936, I hereby issue the fol• No. 29 of 1936. lowing special tariff to be in force as from the first day of July, 1938, until further notice :— Minimum Commodity From To Rate per ton load Mils Phosphates Rusaifa Haifa Quay 260 10 tons per 15 (in bulk) (Trans-Jordan) ton wagon 15 tons per 20 or 25 ton wagon Plus (a) 25 mils per consignment for registration ; (b) the charges due to the Chemins de Fer du Hedjaz in respect of the section between Nassib and Samakh. The above rates do not include loading and unloading fees which will be charged additionally when these services are performed by the Railway Administration.

C. R. WEBB 19th April, 1938. General Manager. Approved.

By His Excellency's Command, W. D. BATTERSHILL 20th June, 1938. Chief Secretary. (E/30/37) — 694 —



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by section 42 (b) of the No. 29 of 1936. Government Railways Ordinance, 1936, I hereby issue the fol• lowing special tariff to be in force as from the first day of July, 1938, until further notice :— Minimum Commodity From To Rate per ton load Mils Phosphates Rusaifa Acre 285 10 tons per 15 (in bulk) (Trans-Jordan) ton wagon 15 tons per 20 or 25 ton wagon

Plus (a) 25 mils per consignment for registration; (b) the charges due to the Chemins de Eer du Hedjaz in respect of the section between Nassib and Samakh. The above rates do not include loading and unloading fees which will be charged additionally when these services are performed by the Railway Administration.

C. R. WEBB 19th April, 1938. General Manager.


By His Excellency's Command,

W. D. BATTERSHILL 20th June, 1938. Chief Secretary. (E/30/37)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 2 (2) of the Cap. 154. Workmen's Compensation Ordinance, the High Commissioner has directed that the following employments shall be added to the First Schedule to the Ordinance, and that the Schedule shall hereafter be read as though such employments have been included therein from the 22nd September, 1938. "9. Transport by sea in vessels registered in Palestine, including any seaman and apprentice and any other person emplo}^ed on board any such vessel for the purposes of the vessel or of any passengers or cargo or mails carried by the vessel, if he is otherwise a workman within the meaning of this Ordinance. 10. Sea fishing in vessels registered in Palestine, but excluding such members of the crew of a fishing vessel, not being members of a registered cooperative society to whom the first proviso of section 2 (2) of this Ordinance applies, as are remunerated wholly or mainly by shares in the profits or gross earning of the working of such vessels."

By His Excellency's Command,

W. D. BATTERSHILL 20th June, 1938. Chief Secretary. (1/447/36)



IN EXERCISE of the powers deputed to me by the High Commissioner by notice under section 22 of the Interpretation Ordinance, published in Supplement No. 2 to Palestine Gazette No. 436 of the 26th April, 1934, I hereby appoint Acting British Inspector W. E. CONOLLY to exercise the powers of a superior officer speci­ fied in section 17 of the Police Ordinance.

A. SAUNDERS Inspector-General.



IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that the revaluation of properties and the -־ preparation of a new valuation list under section 19(6) of the Urban CAP147 Property Tax Ordinance, will commence in Jerusalem on the first day of July, 1938. The actual dates in respect of each assessment block will be notified at the time by notice published within the block. — 696 —

2. Reputed owners and tenants are required by law to give the Assessment Committee all information which they may require and to produce any documents regarding the cost of construction of buildings, rents and ownership of property, etc. 3. Objections to the net annual value in the new valuation list should be submitted on the prescribed form within 30 days from the date of the publication of the list in the Palestine Gazette. 4. Appeals should be submitted on the printed form to the Dis• trict Officer with a copy to the Local Inspector of Valuations, within 14 days from the date of notification of the decision on the objection. 5. Forms of objections or appeals can be obtained free of charge at the District Offices. 6. Attention is invited to section 28 of the Ordinance in ac• cordance with which persons who refuse to admit members of Committees or Inspectors to enter any premises or who refuse to give the information required or who give false information are liable to prosecution. 7. The particular attention of the public is also drawn to sub• section 8(3) of the Ordinance in regard to the exemption of newly constructed house property.

E. D. BADCOCK Acting District Commissioner, 15th June, 1938. Jerusalem District.



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by section 4 of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, the Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission have made the following by-laws :—

Citation. 1. These by-laws may be cited as the Town Planning Permits (Haifa and Samaria District) By-laws, 1938.

Amendment of 2. The fees prescribed in the Schedule to the Town Planning Schedule of (Permits) Rules, payable within the Northern District by virtue permit fees, of by-law 14 of the Town Planning Permits (Northern District) for application within Haifa By-laws, 1937, subject as therein provided, shall be payable in and Samaria like manner within the Haifa and Samaria District, subject to the District. following amendment to paragraph 2 thereof, namely the substitu- — 697 — tion of the following item for the item appearing under the heading "Class 3" :— Fee per "CLASS 3. cubic metre Mils Industrial buildings, warehouses and factories, including oil-storage tanks 10 Provided that in the case of oil-storage tanks the fee shall not exceed ;£P.50 per tank."

MORRIS BAILEY Chairman, Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission.


By His Excellency's Command,

W. D. BATTERSHILL 21st June, 1938. Chief Secretary. (Z/136/36)



WHEREAS a scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme No. 508 — Modification in the Zoning of Beit Town Planning Scheme, was provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 757 dated the 10th February, 1938;

AND WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme and the Jeru• salem District Building and Town Planning Commission have applied to the High Commissioner for authority to put the scheme into force;

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed have been produced to the High Commissioner and signed by him; Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 18(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the High Commissioner has approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that — 698 — the scheme and the plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.

J. TUKAN 19th May, 1938. for Chief Secretary. (Z/16/38)



WHEREAS a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Haifa, known as Scheme No. 298 — Baharav Land, was provisionally approved by the Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Haifa, was published in the Pales• tine Gazette No. 753 dated the 27th January, 1938;

AND WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme;

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed have been produced to the Chairman, Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission, and signed by him on behalf of the said Commission; Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Haifa.

MORRIS BAILEY Chairman, Haifa and Samaria District Building 18th June, 1938. and Town Planning Commission. (Z/5/38)



WHEREAS a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Haifa, known as Scheme No. 506 — Keren Kayemeth Leisrael Workshops, was provisionally approved by the Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Com- — 699 — mission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Haifa, was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 753 dated the 27th January, 1938;

AND WHEREAS the objections lodged against the scheme have been considered by the Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission;

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed have been produced to the Chairman, Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission, and signed by him on behalf of the said Commission; Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Haifa.

MORRIS BAILEY Chairman, Haifa and Samaria District Building 18th June, 1938. and Town Planning Commission. (Z/7/38)



WHEREAS a parcellation scheme within the Town Planning Area of Haifa, known as Scheme No. 519 — George V Avenue (Section : Khamra Square — Carmel Avenue), was provisionally approved by the Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Haifa, was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 753 dated the 27th January, 1938;

AND WHEREAS the objections lodged against the scheme have been considered by the Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission;

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed have been produced to the Chairman, Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission, and signed by him on behalf of the said Commission; Now, THEREFORE, it is hereb}7 notified in accordance with section 20(6) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission have approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the — 700 —

Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Haifa.

MORRIS BAILEY Chairman, Haifa and Samaria District Building 18th June, 1938. and Town Planning Commission. (Z/9/38)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the schedules of rights to land in the village and settlement area scheduled hereunder, and for the registration block mentioned, have been posted at the offices of the Area Settlement Officer concerned and at the District Offices of the Sub-District in which the village is situated, in accordance with section 33(2) of the Ordinance : Settlement Settlement Officer of the No. of Village Sub-District Area Area; Registration (Office at) Block

.Ramie Ramie Jaffa 5028 ־Rishon-le Tsiyon

J. N. STUBBS 10th June, 1938. Acting Commissioner for Lands and Surveys.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the schedules of rights to land in the village and settlement area scheduled hereunder, and for the registration block mentioned, have been posted at the offices of the Area Settlement Officer concerned and at the District Offices of the Sub-District in which the village is situated, in accordance with section 33(2) of the Ordinance : Settlement Settlement Officer of the No. of Village Sub-District Area Area Registration (Office at\ Block

Gaza (Judeida Gaza Gaza Gaza 814. Quarter)

J. N. STUBBS 13th June, 1938. Acting Commissioner for Lands and Surveys.